Jiang Pei looked at Su Jinyue. She always felt that Su Jinyue gave her a familiar feeling, as if she had seen it somewhere.

Qin Ye settled the account and walked to Jiang Pei's side with his clothes, "Mom, what are you looking at?"

Jiang Pei retracted his gaze and shook his head, "Let's go." The clothes here are pretty good-looking, but there are not many that suit her.

Walking out of the counter, Jiang Pei stopped, turned his head and looked at Su Jinyue again, thought for a while, and continued to walk forward.

"Mom, do you know that girl?" Qin Ye also saw Jiang Pei and looked at Su Jinyue.

"Some are familiar, but I can't remember where I have seen it for a while." Jiang Pei said.

"Then don't think about it, Mom, do you think the clothes in that counter over there look good?" Qin Ye asked, pointing to a counter not far away.

Jiang Pei looked in the direction of Qin Ye's fingers and nodded, "Let's go and see." The clothes at that counter are mainly silk, which suits her taste very well.

The two walked into the counter, Qin Ye walked to the hanger, reached out and picked up a black cheongsam with flowers, and handed it to Jiang Pei, "Mom, do you think this cheongsam looks good?" She thinks this cheongsam is very suitable. mother.

Jiang Pei took the cheongsam, walked to the mirror and compared it, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Then you go try it." Qin Ye smiled and pushed Jiang Pei into the fitting room.

A man in a floral shirt and jeans walked into the counter. He looked around and walked to a waiter who was greeting Qin Ye, "Xiao Hua."

Zhang Xuehua looked at each other, with a hint of impatient expression in her eyes, "Why are you here?" She had already told him very clearly, and the two will no longer be objects.

"Hua, let's make up, I can't live without you." The man stretched out and took Zhang Xuehua's hand and looked at her pleadingly. He didn't think it was when he was together before, but he didn't know how much he liked Xiaohua until they were separated.

Zhang Xuehua withdrew his hand and looked at Cheng Sheng displeasedly, "You don't want to influence me to work here, we have broken up, you don't want to come to me again in the future."

She glanced at Qin Ye apologetically, "Sorry!" She thought Cheng Sheng would not come to her again, but she didn't expect that he would find her unit.

Cheng Sheng stretched out his hand again and grabbed Zhang Xuehua's hand, "Xiaohua, give me a chance, I really can't live without you."

"If you don't leave, I will call the security guard." Zhang Xuehua said impatiently. Now that he broke up, is it interesting for him to pester her like this?

Cheng Sheng's face immediately became gloomy when he heard the words, "Do you have to be so unfeeling?"

Zhang Xuehua snorted coldly, "Are you going?"

A trace of hostility flashed across Cheng Sheng's face. He reached out his hand and took out a fruit knife from his pocket, and stabled at Zhang Xuehua, "Since you are so unfeeling, then go to death!"

Zhang Xuehua quickly avoided the dagger that Cheng Sheng stabbed. When she was with Cheng Sheng, Cheng Sheng had a violent tendency, so she was always on guard against him. Unexpectedly, he took out the knife this time.

Zhang Xuehua escaped, but Qin Ye, who hadn't reacted to the side, was unfortunately stabbed in the abdomen by the fruit knife stabbed by Cheng Sheng, and blood immediately gushed out from the wound.

"Killed!" Everyone present was shocked by this scene and screamed.

Jiang Pei heard the movement walking out of the fitting room, and saw Qin Ye sitting on the ground with a pained expression, with a fruit knife stuck in her abdomen, her face turned pale, and she ran towards Qin Ye quickly, "Ye'er !"

Cheng Sheng reacted and hurriedly turned around and ran.

Wang Ruini and Su Jinyue walked out of the counter carrying the clothes they bought. They heard screams not far away. Wang Ruini turned her head curiously and looked around, "Sister Su, let's go see what happened."

Su Jinyue nodded. She saw Qin Ye long ago

At the time, I knew she would be in danger today.

Cheng Sheng ran away in a panic. Suddenly he felt his ankle numb, and he knelt to the ground with a staggering footsteps, and was controlled by the two security guards who followed him to the ground.

Su Jinyue retracted her gaze and went to the counter where Qin Ye was with Wang Ruini, and saw that the door of the counter was surrounded by many people watching the show.

"The girl was stabbed. I don't know if it will be life-threatening."

"What the **** is going on? Why would anyone kill in the mall."

"It's terrible! I still have soft legs."

"Did someone call the doctor?"

Wang Ruini squeezed to the front and saw Jiang Pei holding Qin Ye anxiously in the counter, sitting on the ground, "You call the doctor and save my daughter, please! Ye'er, bear with me, the doctor immediately Here it comes."

"It's the elder sister just now, Sister Su, save her quickly." Wang Ruini looked at Su Jinyue anxiously. With sister Su's medical skills, that sister can definitely be saved.

Su Jinyue nodded, took out a pill and a bottle of powder and handed it to Wang Ruini, "You go in and feed the medicine to her. After she takes the medicine, you pull out the knife in her abdomen and sprinkle this powder on it. Now." Wang Ruini is destined to be entangled with Qin Yi in this life, and the Qin family owes her her life. In the future, if Wang Ruini marries Qin Yi, she will not be bullied in the Qin family.

"I can't." Wang Ruini said. If it is a minor injury, she can help bandaging it, but it is directly into the belly.

"Just do as I said, and go quickly if there's nothing wrong, otherwise it's too late." Su Jinyue pushed Wang Ruini a bit.

Wang Ruini hesitated for a moment, then gritted her teeth and walked towards Jiang Pei and Qin Ye. There is Sister Su, if she can't, I believe Sister Su will definitely help.

"Auntie, don't worry, I have medicine here. I will feed it to my sister first." Walking to Jiang Pei and Qin Ye, Wang Ruini handed the medicine to Qin Ye's mouth and stuffed it in.

Then, she looked at the fruit knife on Qin Ye's stomach, took a deep breath, closed her eyes hard, and reached out to hold the fruit knife.

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