Su Jinyue was cultivating in the Golden Leaf Realm, and felt that the formation she had set outside the door was touched by someone, and she withdrew from her cultivation state.

He got up and walked out of the Golden Leaf Realm, and looked up, only to see a pair of mother and daughter outside the door. She judged this way because the two of them looked very similar.

Going out of the house, opened the courtyard door.

"Who are you looking for?" Su Jinyue looked at Xiao Yan and Tian Chunqin and asked.

"Sister-in-law Zhan, we are here to find you. I am Tian Wuguang's wife, Xiao Yan, and she is my daughter Tian Chunqin." Xiao Yan introduced herself to the two. When she saw Su Jinyue, she was also taken aback, but she didn't expect Su Jinyue to be so young and beautiful. When the rice dumplings were being played that day, she happened to go home to visit relatives, so she didn't participate in the competition and missed the chance to meet Su Jinyue.

Su Jinyue nodded clearly, "Come in." She had heard about Tian Wuguang's punishment, and they must have come to help them.

Leading the two into the room, Su Jinyue asked them to sit down on the sofa and asked, "You drink tea, or soft drinks?"

Xiao Yan and Tian Chunqin shook their heads quickly, "We don't drink, don't be busy." They are here to beg this time, so how can they bother each other.

Su Jinyue smiled, walked into the kitchen and took out three bottles of soda, handed the soda to Xiao Yan and Tian Chunqin respectively, and sat down opposite them, waiting for them to speak.

Tian Chunqin and Xiao Yan glanced at each other, then looked at Su Jinyue and said: "Sister-in-law Zhan, we are here to see you this time, mainly because we want to ask you for help."

Su Jinyue raised her eyebrows and did not speak.

Seeing Su Jinyue not answering, Tian Chunqin continued: "Sister-in-law Zhan, you should have met Tian Jiaojiao? She is my cousin, because she has been pestering the battle leader yesterday and angered the battle leader, so The commander of the battle group called his superiors and reported Tian Jiaojiao's private intrusion into a military powerhouse to his superiors. My dad was punished for this. Sister-in-law Zhan, my dad is really innocent. He really didn't know Tian Jiao. Jiaohui intrudes into the military powerhouse, please help us explain to the battle group commander, we beg you."

"I can't help you, please come back." Su Jinyue refused quietly. Even if Tian Wuguang didn't know it, he was also responsible. Tian Jiaojiao entered the military area under his name. He didn't clearly tell Tian Jiaojiao which area of ​​the military area is absolutely inaccessible. The area where Yihan is located is a secret base of the military region. Even soldiers must get permission to enter.

"Sister-in-law Zhan, we beg you, as long as you ask the commander of the battle team to help my dad plead, ask him to call his superiors, and don’t transfer my dad to Jiangcheng. My parents are old, go to one They really can't adapt to a strange place." Tian Chunqin looked at Su Jinyue pleadingly.

"Sorry, I really can't help, and the superior's order is not a joke, it won't be changed because of my old war, please come back, please." Su Jinyue ordered the guest. Even if Yihan could do it, she wouldn't let Yihan make this call.

"Sister-in-law Zhan, try it, maybe it will work, we beg you." Tian Chunqin begged again and again. Now Su Jinyue is their only chance.

Su Jinyue shook her head lightly, "I can't do anything about this."

Seeing Su Jinyue's resolute attitude, Tian Chunqin and Xiao Yan sighed in their hearts, and were about to get up to leave when they heard a knock on the door outside.

Su Jinyue turned her eyes and frowned. The person here is Tian Jiaojiao.

Seeing that no one came forward to open the door, Tian Jiaojiao patted the door vigorously again. She often comes to the military hospital, so the little soldier at the door knows that she is Tian Wuguang's niece, and she can enter by simply registering. After thinking about it, she decided to come to Su Jinyue. She wanted to return the tape that she had burned. Only when she is going back will she no longer be threatened.

Tian Cuifang heard the knock on the door, walked out of the house, opened the courtyard door, saw Tian Jiaojiao knocking on Su Jinyue’s door, frowned, "Why are you here again?" She came to Xiao Su that day ,

Harmful Xiao Su quarreled with Xiao Zhan. Although Nini told her yesterday that Xiao Su's quarrel with Xiao Zhan was a joke, but she still hated Tian Jiaojiao very much. She knew Xiao Zhan had a wife, and she shamelessly came to the door, which was really shameless.

"You have to take care of it." Tian Jiaojiao glared at Tian Cuifang. She didn't fall asleep last night, and had a quarrel with her parents early in the morning, and now nothing is pleasing to her eyes.

Tian Cuifang stepped forward and gave Tian Jiaojiao a fierce look, "I tell you, if you dare to bully Xiao Su, I won't be the first one." If Tian Jiaojiao dared to trouble Xiao Su, she would look for it. The broom drove her out, and she cared whose relative she was.

"Who do you think you are? You are really full." Tian Jiaojiao saw Su Jinyue opening the courtyard door, and quickly stepped forward, walking to Su Jinyue's face, and extending her hand: "Take out the videotape. ."

Su Jinyue glanced at Tian Jiaojiao lightly, "What can you do if I don't take it out?"

Tian Cuifang walked up to Su Jinyue and looked at Tian Jiaojiao warily.

Su Jinyue looked at Tian Cuifang, "Aunt Wang, I won't be bullied, don't worry." She wouldn't pay attention to a character like Tian Jiaojiao at all.

"This woman is bad and ruthless, don't underestimate it, I'll go back and get a broom." Tian Cuifang said that he was going to go back to his house to get a broom.

When Tian Chunqin and Xiao Yan heard the movement outside, they knew that Tian Jiaojiao was here, and they quickly walked out. They absolutely can't let Tian Jiaojiao mess things up.

"What are you doing?!" Tian Chunqin glared at Tian Jiaojiao. If it hadn't been for her, things wouldn't have turned out to be like this, she would still not repent.

"I'll ask her for something, and I will leave when it arrives." Tian Jiaojiao pointed to Su Jinyue. When the uncle was transferred away, she could no longer enter the subordinate courtyard.

"Tian Jiaojiao, please go back to me, stop making trouble, and don't show up in front of us in the future. We don't welcome you." Xiao Yan said angrily. Su Jinyue refused to help, she was suffocated in her heart, Tian Jiaojiao even came to touch this mold. If it were not for her as the culprit, how could things turn out to be like this?

Tian Jiaojiao snorted disdainfully, "I'm not rare! Su Jinyue, give me the videotape." She only cares about the videotape now. As for their home, they won't have any more contact when the uncle is transferred away. Moreover, his uncle was transferred away, and he couldn't help her.

"You ungrateful thing!" Xiao Yan flushed with anger. They really loved her for nothing all these years.

Tian Chunqin stretched out his hand and patted Xiao Yan, "Mom, it's not worth getting angry with this kind of person."

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