Xiao Yan took a few deep breaths before suppressing the anger in her heart, "I really should let Lao Tian come and see, he has been hurting something terrible for so long." They haven't treated Tian Jiaojiao badly, even Tian Jiao. Jiao’s current job is all about Lao Tian looking for a friend to help, otherwise it would be idiotic to dream of being a reporter with Tian Jiaojiao’s academic qualifications.

Tian Chunqin patted Xiao Yan on the back and looked directly at Tian Jiaojiao with an angry look, "Tian Jiaojiao, don't you feel guilty at all?" Her father was so kind to Tian Jiaojiao, sometimes even better than Her biological daughter is even better.

"Why should I be guilty? Did I do nothing wrong?" Tian Jiaojiao said indifferently. Anyway, after Uncle transferred away, she won't see them anymore. What is she going to please them for?

"You!" Xiao Yan was trembling with anger. She thought that Tian Jiaojiao would be somewhat repentant, but she didn't expect her to have an attitude of nothing to do with herself.

Tian Chunqin was also very angry. He looked around and saw that Tian Cuifang had a broom in his hand. He stepped forward to grab the broom and hit Tian Jiaojiao. If she didn't beat Tian Jiaojiao today, she couldn't swallow her breath.

Tian Cuifang almost didn't laugh when she saw Tian Chunqin grab her broomstick to beat Tian Jiaojiao. She just saw that Xiao Yan's mother and daughter were also at Xiao Su's house, so she decided to go back and get a broom. In case she got into trouble, the other party was three people. She had a broom, and Xiao Su could resist it. Unexpectedly, she hadn't done it yet, they had done it first since the family.

"What are you doing? Are you crazy?" Tian Jiaojiao was beaten and ran around holding her head.

"I won't kill you today, I'll give your last name." Tian Chunqin chased Tian Jiaojiao, and the broom in his hand slammed Tian Jiaojiao mercilessly. She was already confused and forgot that she and Tian Jiaojiao were the same surnames.

The movement here quickly attracted a lot of onlookers from the army's wife.

"Oh, what's the matter? Why are you still doing it?"

"Isn't that the daughter of Brigadier Tian's house? I didn't expect it to be so sturdy."

"It's not Brigadier Tian now, haven't you heard about Tian Wuguang being punished?"

"What's the matter?" Everyone looked at the talking military wife curiously.

"I don't know the specifics. I just listened to my old Song. Anyway, it was a violation of the law and discipline. This time, in addition to being downgraded, he will be transferred."

"So serious?"

Tian Jiaojiao's face was ashamed of being beaten, but Tian Chunqin was chasing her behind her. She couldn't avoid it, and her foot injury was not completely healed. "Tian Chunqin, don't blame me if you don't stop. "She must find a way to fight back, and can't stay in this situation of being beaten.

Thinking of this, Tian Jiaojiao turned around and received Tian Chunqin's broom abruptly. At the same time, she grabbed the broom in Tian Chunqin's hand and grabbed it with Tian Chunqin.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Yan hurriedly stepped forward to help.

The two sides entered a tug of war.

How could Tian Jiaojiao's strength be more than that of the two, Xiao Yan's mother and daughter snatched the broom, and the whole person fell back because of inertia.

A sharp pain came from Tian Jiaojiao's back. She only breathed in the pain, and her complexion changed in an instant.

"Tian Jiaojiao, get up for me, don't lie on the ground and pretend to be dead." Tian Chunqin and Xiao Yan stepped forward and saw Tian Jiaojiao look pained. I also began to worry a little bit in my heart.

"My waist seems to be broken... You quickly send me to the hospital..." Tian Jiaojiao said in pain. She can't move a single movement now, and her whole back hurts even when she speaks. She is really afraid that she will be disabled by this fall.

Tian Chunqin was a little skeptical, but Tian Jiaojiao's expression didn't look fake, "Really broken?"

"Hmm..." Tian Jiaojiao nodded hard.

Xiao Yan looked at Tian Chunqin anxiously, "Then let's take her

Take it to the hospital. "If something happens, they can't bear the responsibility.

Tian Chunqin looked at Su Jinyue, "Sister Zhan, can you help her see it?" She heard that Su Jinyue is a very good doctor.

"The spine behind her was broken. Don't move her. Call the military hospital now and ask them to send a doctor." Su Jinyue said. Of course she couldn't help Tian Jiaojiao for treatment. It is her duty to save people, but she will not do anything to people she doesn't like. Besides, she is not the only doctor in this world.

Tian Chunqin turned pale, and asked anxiously: "Is it so serious? Will she be paralyzed?" If Tian Jiaojiao is really paralyzed, she won't feel at ease for the rest of her life.

"This can only be known after examination. Under normal circumstances, the spine compression is less than 13, and the spinal canal is not significantly compressed. You can rest on a flat bed for 3 months and gradually strengthen the muscles of the lower back. If the compression exceeds 13, and the spine Compression will lead to numbness of the lower limbs and incontinence of urine and feces, and timely surgical treatment is required. If it is the latter, there is a risk of paralysis." Su Jinyue said. Tian Jiaojiao's injury this time is not minor. It is estimated that after surgery, she would have to lie in bed for several years.

Tian Jiaojiao's heart fell to the bottom when she heard Su Jinyue's words. Not only did she have a pain in her entire back, but her legs were also numb without any feeling. Does she have to spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair? She don't want to be like this, she still has a great youth, she hasn't fallen in love or married yet.

"Sister-in-law Zhan, do you have a way to save her? I heard that your medical skills are very good, and even foreign authorities are not your defeaters." Tian Chunqin looked at Su Jinyue expectantly, hoping she could help Tian Jiaojiao treatment.

Xiao Yan also stared at Su Jinyue for an instant. Hope she has a way.

"I can't help with this, but I can call the emergency call for you." Su Jinyue took out her eldest brother and called out.

"Su Jinyue...you help me...I know you can heal me...I promise I won't pester the battle leader again...please save me..." Tian Jiaojiao looked at Su Jinyue pleadingly.

It's okay for Tian Jiaojiao not to say it, as soon as she said this, it immediately aroused the anger of the army's wife onlookers.

"Sister-in-law Zhan, don't save her, this kind of person can't save her."

"She knows that the battle captain is already married, and she has to pester the battle captain. She is shameless. She deserves to lie in bed for the rest of her life."

"Yes, you can't be soft-hearted."

"What I hate the most is this kind of shameless woman. Sister-in-law Zhan didn't beat her, so she was considered good, and she asked Sister-in-law to save her. What kind of green onion she thought she was."

Su Jinyue put down the emergency call and said to Tian Chunqin and Xiao Yan: "The ambulance will be here soon."

"Sister-in-law Zhan, please help her, if she is paralyzed, then she will be over for the rest of her life." Xiao Yan looked at Su Jinyue pleadingly. No matter how she hates Tian Jiaojiao, she will always be her husband's niece, and she is responsible for this matter.

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