Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan didn't do anything on this day, they just snuggled up and talked.

As night fell, the two people reluctantly walked out of the house, driving the flying sword towards the direction of the teleportation array. This time they chose the teleportation array in the pool under the cliff.

This teleportation array is a non-directional teleportation array. Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan are both eighth-level array mages. Although they cannot arrange a teleportation array, there is no problem in changing the teleportation array into a directional teleportation array.

Falling on the cliff, I saw Su Yanxi, Su Yanqi, Qu Yingli and Qin Youyou already waiting.

"Little sister, Zhan Yihan." Su Yanxi, Su Yanqi, Qu Yingli and Qin Youyou were happy to greet them when they saw Su Jinyue coming over.

"Second brother, third brother, Yingli, Yoyo." Su Jinyue smiled and hugged the four of them one by one.

"Little girl, let's go down now." Su Yanqi couldn't wait to say. He has been looking forward to this day, hoping to visit Tianyue Continent a little earlier.

"Third brother, wait a while, Yi Han and I will go down first. We will change the teleportation direction of the teleportation array." Su Jinyue said.

"Change the direction of transmission?" Su Yanqi and all the others were a little surprised. Before the younger sister told them that when they were going to the Tianyue Continent from this teleportation formation, they were also surprised. It turned out that the younger sister had this plan.

"The teleportation array under the water pool is a non-directional teleportation array. Yi Han and I want to change it to a directional teleportation array, so that we don't have to go to Fenglan Country and Xueqiu Country again in the future." Su Jinyue said. . The main reason is that she and Yi Han can meet at any time.

"Is it difficult to change the teleportation array?" Su Yanxi asked. It is naturally best to be able to directly transmit it to Sun Yao Country. People in Medical Valley will not have to travel so many routes to the Tianyue Continent in the future.

"I definitely can't do it alone." Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan looked at each other and smiled, "I and Yihan go down first, you are here waiting for us."

"Good." Everyone nodded.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan Yujian flew down the cliff, and in a short while they came to the pool.

Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue fought a water avoidance technique and jumped into the pool.

The two slowly descended, came to the bottom of the pool to wait, and the teleportation array appeared in front of them after a short while.

The two raised their hands and quickly waved the formation flag, imprisoning the teleportation formation in place, and then entered the teleportation formation without hesitation and began to arrange the formation flag in the teleportation formation. Last time they repaired the teleportation formation in the Azure Secret Realm, so they also gained a lot of experience in repairing the teleportation formation.

With the seamless cooperation of the two, the transfer direction of the teleportation array was quickly changed.

Through the teleportation array, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan landed on a piece of sand.

Su Jinyue glanced, and a happy smile appeared on her face, "The first time I came to Tianyue Continent, I was teleported to this place. Yihan, we succeeded, great!"

Zhan Yihan stretched out his hand to wrap Su Jinyue's waist and hugged her tightly in his arms, "I can come to see you on vacation in the future." That's great! In this way, he can see Jin Yue often, otherwise he will really be tortured crazy by the miss.

Su Jinyue nodded happily, "I can also go back to see you." In this way, as long as she meets Yihan, she can go back anytime.

The four of Su Yanxi sat on the edge of the cliff and waited. It was not until dawn that they saw Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan flying up from the cliff.

"How is it? Are you ready?" Su Yanqi looked at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan expectantly.

"Well, we can now directly teleport to Sun Yaoguo." Su Jinyue announced happily.

"Great! Then let's go down." Su Yanqi couldn't wait to say.

Su Jinyue nodded, turned around and looked at Zhan Yihan reluctantly, "Yihan, I'm leaving."

Zhan Yihan is a little bit colder

He turned his head, but wrapped her hand around Su Jinyue's waist, and hugged her tightly in her arms, as if to rub him into her body, "Be careful when you go there." The Tianyue Continent is no better than the earth. , The strong there are like clouds, although Jin Yue's strength is not weak, but his heart is still full of worries.

"I'll be careful, don't worry." Su Jinyue looked at Zhan Yihan's eyes full of reluctance.

Su Yanxi glanced at each other, "Let's go down and wait for you."

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan hugged each other, and no one wanted to let go of their hands first.

"I'm leaving." Su Jinyue said. She really didn't want to go, but she had to go.

Zhan Yihan nodded, bowed his head and kissed Su Jinyue's lips, "Go." He knew that he had to let go if he couldn't bear it.

Su Jinyue took a deep look at Zhan Yihan, then turned and flew down the cliff.

Zhan Yihan stood on the cliff, staring down at the cliff, until he saw Su Jinyue entering the teleportation formation, he turned and left reluctantly.

"Is this the Tianyue Continent? Aura is so strong!" Su Yanxi excitedly looked at the endless desert in front of him. He had been looking forward to it for a long time and finally came here.

"Sister, where are we going now?" Su Yanxi asked. He had been to Tianyue Continent once, although he was also very happy in his heart, but he didn't have the same emotion as when he first came here.

Su Jinyue sacrificed the animal car and said, "Let's go to Dancheng." Sun Yaoguo has air bans, and only sects, families, or spacecraft with flying permits can fly in the sky. So she must establish the sect as soon as possible, so that she can control the spacecraft to this teleportation formation.

"Okay." Everyone happily got on the animal cart.

The yellow sand is endless, if you are not familiar with the road, you will definitely lose your way in this desert.

"Little girl, are you familiar with this place?" Su Yanqi asked with his spiritual knowledge back. He explored the surroundings with his spiritual sense, except for the desert, it was a desert.

Su Jinyue nodded, "It will take us about ten days to get to Dan City from here." If there is a spacecraft, it can be up to one day.

"Pan City is so far away, I thought it was near the teleportation array." Su Yanqi said in surprise. He came to Tianyue Continent for the first time and was full of curiosity and yearning for it. Although Yoyo told him a lot about the Tianyue Continent, it was completely different to come in person.

"The Tianyue Continent is different from the Earth. The Sun Yaoguo alone is twice the size of the Earth." Qin Youyou said. She is also not familiar with Sun Yaoguo. She used to know that there is Sun Yaoguo, and this is the first time she has come.

Su Yanqi opened her mouth wide in shock, and it took a long time to come back to her senses, "Isn't the Moon Continent the size of eight earths that day?"

"More than that, although Sun Yaoguo is full of aura, it is not the largest country on the Tianyue Continent. The largest country on the Tianyue Continent is the Fenglan Country. There are at least four earths the size there." Qin Youyou said.

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