Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 870: Revisit the old place

Su Yanqi shook his head in disbelief, "The spiritual energy here is so strong, there must be a lot of high-level monks here?" It seems that it will take a long time for him to adapt here.

"There are many high-ranking monks in Fenglan Nation, and there are Mahayana monks in many schools, and even monks crossing the robbery." Su Jinyue said. The city lord of Pill City is a middle Mahayana monk, and there are countless experts in the Alchemist Association.

"Fortunately, you are familiar with the people in Dancheng, otherwise there will be real crises here." Su Yanqi shook his head and exclaimed. In this world where strength is respected, strength is the most important thing. He must make himself stronger as soon as possible, and absolutely cannot let himself become an ant that everyone can deceive.

The animal cart was running day and night, and Su Jinyue took turns driving the animal cart. Su Jinyue had already shown the map to everyone, and they also knew the route to Pill City.

"Someone in front blocked our way." Su Yanxi stopped the animal cart and watched vigilantly as a dozen monks stopped them. With his current strength, he couldn't understand the opponent's cultivation base at all. He is now in the early stage of the Golden Core, which means that these people are at least the monks above the middle stage of the Golden Core.

Su Jinyue lifted the driving curtain and came out of the beast car, her eyes swept over the people who stopped them, "Why are we blocking our way?" Among the twelve cultivators on the other side, seven were cultivators in the middle and late stages of the Golden Core. The rest are cultivators in the Yuan Ying stage, and one person's cultivation base is the same as her cultivation at the peak of the Yuan Ying stage. If she wants to fight, unless she uses the formation, it will be very difficult to fight.

"Don’t get me wrong, we are the disciples of the Falling Moon Sect. This time we went to Pill City, but we accidentally lost our way in the desert, so I want to ask you if you know the way to Pill City. "The head monk at the peak of Yuanying's late stage turned towards Su Jinyue and arched his hands. He originally thought that the opponents were all low-strength casual cultivators, but he didn't expect that there was a monk with the same strength as him.

Su Jinyue took out the map, copied a copy, and threw it to the leader of Yuan Ying's late peak repair, "This is the map." Although they also went to Pill City, she didn't want to go with them.

"Thank you!" Yuan Ying's late peak repair gratefully arched his hand to Su Jinyue, and led the crowd quickly toward Pill City. They are here to participate in the sect exchange meeting. It is still early, and they plan to go to Pill City to buy some medicine pills. Although the martial art also prepared pills for them when they came out, only Pill City could purchase Shenning Pill.

Seeing the group of people going away, Su Yanqi and his group let out a long sigh of relief. Although they couldn't see through the strength of those people, the aura on them made them breathless.

"Little girl, what is the cultivation level of those people just now?" Su Yanxi asked.

"Seven of them are cultivators in the middle and late stages of the Golden Core, and the rest are cultivators in the Yuan Ying period, and one person's cultivation is the peak of the Yuan Ying period." Su Jinyue said.

The four of Su Yanqi couldn't help taking a breath. Fortunately, the little girl came together. If they came alone, they might not even be left behind when they met those people. Strength! What they desire most now is to strengthen their own strength.

After running all the way, everyone finally came to Pill City.

"It's so magnificent here! Sister, can we go for a walk?" Su Yanqi asked expectantly. These days they are all in the desert, and the only thing that catches the eye is yellow sand or yellow sand. Now that they have finally seen such a prosperous city, they naturally have to get off the car to experience it in person.

"Of course." Su Jinyue nodded with a smile. The third brother had never been to the Tianyue Continent, so naturally he felt very new to everything here.

A few people got out of the car, Su Jinyue put the animal cart in the storage ring, and walked around the street with a few people.

"Sister, do you think this bracelet is the same as the one we bought?" Su Yanxi picked up a string of bracelets from the stall and handed it to Su Jinyue. When they went to the hidden door exchange meeting, they had bought a few bracelets from a man in blue. This bracelet was exactly the same as the original bracelet.

Su Jin

Yue took the bracelet and looked at it carefully, "I made it by myself." The breath on the bracelet is the same.

"Then can we see that person again?" Su Yanqi asked.

Su Jinyue looked at the stall owner, "Who made this bracelet?" She also wanted to see the man in blue.

"This is a bracelet from Xuanwu Pavilion. It was sold to me by a woman," the stall owner said.

"Where is Xuanwu Pavilion?" Su Jinyue asked. She had never heard of Xuanwu Pavilion.

"Xuanwu Pavilion is in Qicheng. It is the largest magical artifact building in Qicheng. The magical artifacts that come out of it are the best in the entire Tianyue Continent. Just like the Danyue Tower in Pill City, the medicines sold are also the best. "The stall owner said proudly. As a person in Dancheng, he feels very proud.

"Thank you!" Su Jinyue put the bracelet back on the booth, and went on shopping with Su Yanxi.

Until it was dark, the crowd stopped, and they came to a restaurant and walked in.

The guy in the restaurant saw Su Jinyue and his party enthusiastically greeted him, "How many guest officials are eating? Or are they staying in a restaurant?"

"Eat first, then stay in the store." Su Jinyue said.

"Then I will arrange the positions for a few guest officers first." The guy led Su Jinyue and his party to a position by the window and handed the menu to Su Jinyue, "Guest officer, you order first, and I will arrange it for you. The room, now the upper room of our restaurant has been booked, can you look at the medium room?"

"Yes, arrange three medium-sized rooms for us." Su Yanxi said.

"Okay." The guy agreed, turned and walked towards the counter.

"Second brother, have you eaten in this restaurant before?" Su Yanqi asked. Come to this restaurant for dinner, it was the second brother's suggestion.

"I've been here once. That time, Ying Li and I came to Dan City to look for Jinyue, and that was this restaurant for dinner." Su Yanxi said. At that time, they didn't have many spirit stones on them, so they only ordered a bun when they came here. It's just that those two buns also spent all the spirit stones on him and Ying Li. It's not that they don't want to find a cheap place to eat, mainly because there is no cheap place in Dancheng.

"At that time, we were poor, so we bought two steamed buns, but we were very happy to eat." Qu Yingli smiled. The time when she came to Tianyue Continent was the hardest time she and Yanxi had, and also the happiest time. It was also during that time that they knew each other and fell in love.

Su Yanxi stretched out her hand to hold Qu Yingli's hand, and smiled at her. Those days are their best memory. If there is a chance in the future, he wants to take her to see where they walked.

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