Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 881: Supreme Essence Liquid

Gu Jintian smiled and waved his hand, "What are you polite? The old man feels very happy to be able to set up with you." For a formation mage, it is a very happy thing to meet someone who is equal to him. Being able to set up an array with the opponent can not only compete with the opponent, but also learn from it and improve your own formation level.

"I'm also very happy to be able to set up the formation with the seniors. If I have the opportunity, I would like to compete with the seniors." Su Jinyue smiled. This time the formation, her formation level has improved a little.

Gu Jintian smiled and nodded, "Are you going to participate in the martial arts exchange competition?"

"I will leave tomorrow." Su Jinyue nodded. She now has a spaceship, and it only takes three days to reach Moyue City. There are still more than ten days before the martial arts exchange competition.

"Su Jinyue, can you lend Yushuifeng to me to practice for a few days?" Gu Jintian said embarrassedly. His current strength is still a little bit away from his enemies, here is a strong spiritual energy, very suitable for cultivation. I believe it will not take long before his strength will go further.

"Senior can live as long as they want." Su Jinyue smiled. Gu Jintian is a person who knows his gratitude, otherwise he would not help her establish a martial art. She believes in his personality and believes that he will not have any attempts at her school, otherwise, with his strength, the people here will not be his opponents.

"Thank you so much! I will leave when my cultivation base breaks through." Gu Jintian said. He will not let his enemies know his relationship with here.

Su Jinyue thought for a while, took out a jade bottle from the storage ring and handed it to Gu Jintian, "Gu Senior, I got this in the Azure Secret Realm. Give it to Senior. I wish Senior a great success."

Gu Jintian took the jade bottle and opened it, and was stunned on the spot, "This is the best spiritual marrow fluid?" Just one drop of the spiritual marrow fluid can make a monk break through a realm. She is so generous.

Su Jinyue nodded, "I got a total of five drops of the best spiritual marrow liquid in the Azure Secret Realm, and now only this one is left." When she and Yi Han were digging the spiritual mine, they found a whole Chi's superb essence, but she wouldn't tell Gu Jintian stupidly.

"Thank you! When I break through and take revenge, I will come back and sit down. You can give me a position as an elder then." Gu Jintian said gratefully. Su Jinyue not only helped him recover his physical body, but also gave him a drop of the best spiritual essence. He really thanked her from the bottom of his heart. What he can help her is to help her guard her sect and not let anyone bully her door.

"Good!" Su Jinyue said happily. In the future, there will be such a strong man in her door, and she will be able to take over her family with peace of mind. This is also the reason why she gave Gu Jintian the best elixir.

"Senior Gu has been working hard these days. Let's go to Yushui Peak to rest. I won't disturb Senior Gu." Su Jinyue arched her hands towards Gu Jintian and walked towards Tianshui Peak which is under construction.

"Little sister!" Seeing Su Jinyue coming, Su Yanxi and Su Yanqi trot up to meet them.

"Second brother, third brother." Su Jinyue smiled and looked at the two of them.

"Sister, the formation you set up is really amazing. We will practice here in the future, and the cultivation base will definitely increase very quickly." Su Yanqi said happily. He just tried to cultivate for a while, and his cultivation level has actually improved. If you cooperate with the spirit spring given to him by the younger sister, the effect can be imagined.

Su Jinyue smiled and nodded, "It's all because of Senior Gu's help this time." She knows that Senior Gu added a lot of materials to the formation when laying out the formation, as well as a middle-grade spirit vein. . When she returns from Moyue City this time, she will give Senior Gu some more benefits.

"Yes." Su Yanxi and Su Yanqi nodded in agreement.

"Senior Gu is now cultivating at Yushui Peak, you tell everyone, don't go to Yushui Peak to disturb Senior Gu." Su Jinyue exhorted.

"Good." Su Yanxi and Su Yanqi responded.

"Little sister, when are you going to Moyue City?

"Su Yanxi asked.

"Tomorrow." Su Jinyue said. She has also consumed a lot of true essence for arranging the formations these days, and she has to practice for one night to make up for the lost true essence.

"Little sister, go and rest, you are tired enough these days." Seeing Su Jinyue's tired look, Su Yanxi and Su Yanqi both felt distressed. They should get stronger as soon as possible, share some responsibilities for the little sister, and don't let her be so tired.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue nodded, and walked towards the already built Snowy Peak. These days, with everyone’s cooperation, the cave houses on the three peaks have been established, and now the cave houses on the fourth mountain are being built. When she returns from Moyue City, she should be able to establish it.

"Shan'er." Lan Moqi saw Su Jinyue walking forward with a smile, and felt a little distressed when he saw Su Jinyue's slightly tired face.

Su Jinyue nodded and smiled at Lan Moqi, "Thanks for your hard work these days, let's take a good rest today. We will leave for Moyue City tomorrow."

Lan Moqi nodded, "You go and rest soon." It is not easy to set up such a big formation.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue nodded and walked forward.

Looking at Su Jinyue's leaving figure, Lan Moqi shook his head and sighed. It would be great if he was also an array mage, and he could share some of her burdens.

Entering the cave, Su Jinyue raised her hand to arrange a formation, and entered the Golden Leaf Realm.

She came to the Lingquan, stepped into the Lingquan, sat down in the Lingquan, closed her eyes and entered the state of cultivation.

Opening his eyes again, it was the early morning of the next day, Su Jinyue stretched out lazily, and walked out of Lingquan refreshed. After a night of cultivation, she has completely recovered, and because she has been consuming for a while, she suddenly absorbed the spiritual energy from the spring, and her cultivation level has actually improved a little.

Walking out of the cave, I saw Su Yanxi, Su Yanqi, Qu Yingli, Qin Youyou, and Lan Moqi all there.

"Morning, everyone!" Su Jinyue's face was full of bright smiles.

"Jin Yue, this is what Ying Li and I prepared for you." Qin You You stepped forward and handed Su Jinyue a storage bag. Knowing that Su Jinyue is leaving today, she and Yingli made a lot of dishes and snacks, and asked Jinyue to stay on the road to eat.

"Second sister-in-law, third sister-in-law, you are so kind!" Su Jinyue took the storage bag and looked at them happily. She hasn't eaten for a long time. Although it doesn't matter if she doesn't eat with her current cultivation base, she still doesn't want to change her eating habits.

"You still call us by name, it's really unaccustomed." Qu Yingli smiled. She thinks it would be more cordial to call each other by name.

"Yeah!" Qin Youyou nodded in agreement.

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