Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 882: Moyuecheng

After chatting with everyone for a while, Su Jinyue sacrificed her spaceship and headed towards Moyue City with Lan Moqi.

"I'll drive the spaceship, you go to rest, I am familiar with the road to Moyue City." Lan Moqi said to Su Jinyue.

"Okay." Su Jinyue didn't be polite with Lan Moqi either, and took out a talisman to control the spaceship and handed it to Lan Moqi.

Lan Moqi smiled and took it, "You can rest assured, I will call you in some cases."

"Yeah!" Su Jinyue nodded, turned and walked into the cabin.

Entering the cabin, Su Jinyue did not enter the Golden Leaf Realm, but took out the materials, sat cross-legged on a futon, and began to refine the utensils.

Time passed unconsciously, and Su Jinyue's refining artifacts piled more and more, from level one to level two. By the morning of the third day, there were already three-level spiritual weapons.

"Shan'er, I'm coming soon." Lan Moqi walked into the cabin and saw Su Jinyue's crafted artifacts. He was taken aback for a moment. "These are all made by you." It was only three days before Shan'er. Refining so many magical items, and even the third-level magical items, this is too powerful!

Su Jinyue finished refining a Level 3 defensive armor, turned her head and followed Lan Moqi's gaze, she was also taken aback when she saw the mountain of magical artifacts. She has been completely immersed in the refining device in the past two days, and has not even noticed how many magical devices she has refined.

"You are already a third-level refiner?" Seeing the magic weapon that Su Jinyue had just refined in his hand, Lan Moqi couldn't believe it. When she went to Xingjia Mountain, she also said that she was learning refining artifacts, but now she can refine third-level magic artifacts.

When she set up the formation before, it was definitely impossible to have time to learn refining, which means that she only started refining these few days, but how is this possible? He has accepted the refining inheritance of the family, and it has been more than 20 years now, but he is only a fourth-level refining master. Is there really such a genius in this world?

Su Jinyue smiled embarrassedly, "Actually, I was already a first-level refiner before." The only blame is that the techniques in the Golden Leaf Realm are too bad. She also didn't expect that in just three days, she would become a third-level mixer from Xiaobai.

"But that's too fast." Lan Moqi was full of frustration. He felt that he was deeply shocked. When he first met Shan'er, her cultivation was only in the late stage of foundation building, and he was already in the early stage of Yuan Ying. When I met her again, her cultivation was almost the same as his, and he wondered whether she had hidden her cultivation before. And this time she met, her cultivation base far surpassed him.

"Maybe I am more genius." Su Jinyue brazenly boasted.

"Yeah!" Lan Moqi nodded in agreement. He used to think that he was already a genius when he became a Yuanying monk at the age of twenty. Now that he compares with Shan'er, he knows what it means to be more dead than a person.

Su Jinyue smiled awkwardly, walked out of the cabin and saw Moyue City is close at hand, "Moyue City is worthy of being one of the three major cities of Riyao Country, it is really spectacular!"

Lan Moqi walked to Su Jinyue's side, "This martial exchange contest, all sects, families, and academies of the Tianyue Continent will participate." To win the martial exchange contest is equivalent to being in Tianyue. Be famous on the mainland.

Su Jinyue nodded and slowly lowered the spaceship downward.

Falling on a clearing, Su Jinyue and Lan Moqi jumped off the spacecraft.

Putting away the spacecraft, Su Jinyue looked at Lan Moqi, "Are you going to find someone from your family?" Lan Moqi told her before that the family disciples of the Lan family who participated in the martial exchange competition this time had already come to Moqi. Moon city.

Lan Moqi nodded, "Are you going to the residence of the Alchemist Association?" Since he has come to Moyue City, he naturally wants to make peace with his family.

"Yes, Elder Xu and the others have already arrived in Moyue City." Su Jinyue said. When she set out, Elder Xu contacted her and told her the specific location of the Alchemist Association in Moyue City.

Walking into Moyue City, I saw monks wearing various costumes everywhere on the street.

"The resident of our Lan family is there, and I've passed." Lan Moqi pointed to a chamber of commerce not far away.

"Okay." Su Jinyue nodded.

"Goodbye!" Lan Moqi glanced at Su Jinyue reluctantly, and walked towards his residence.

Yan Yunshang walked out of a restaurant with a disappointed look on his face. They had been in Moyue City for three days, but they still haven't found a place to live. They have been sleeping on the street for the past three days.

"Let's go to that one and ask again." Gu Qinghan pointed to a restaurant not far away.

Zhan Yiping saw a familiar figure, his eyes lit up, "Sister, I saw an acquaintance, you should find a place to live first, I'll be here soon."

After speaking, she walked quickly towards Lan Moqi. I didn't expect to see him when I came to Moyue City. Does this mean that she has a relationship with him?

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