Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 883: Closed door

Lan Moqi was about to walk into his residence, and stopped when he heard someone calling him.

Turning his head to see that the person calling him was Zhan Yiping, he faintly retracted his gaze and continued to walk forward.

"Wait a minute!" Seeing Lan Moqi ignore him, Zhan Yiping quickly chased him up, "Do you remember me? We saw it in Pill City."

Lan Moqi ignored Zhan Yiping and walked directly into his residence.

"Young Master!" The guard at the door saw Lan Moqi and greeted Lan Moqi respectfully.

Lan Moqi nodded lightly.

When Zhan Yiping heard the name guard, he was even more happy. She knew that he was not an ordinary person, and if she could marry him, then she would be the wife of the young master in the future.

Thinking of this, Zhan Yiping followed Lan Moqi.

The guard saw Zhan Yiping coming in and hesitated to stop her. He saw that she and Young Master came together, and he didn't know if it was Young Master's friend. Will the young master stop angry?

After thinking for a while, the guard decided to stop Zhan Yiping first, and then reached out to stop Zhan Yiping, looked at Lan Moqi and asked, "Young Master! Is this girl your friend?"

"No." Lan Moqi's voice sounded faintly. He thought Zhan Yiping would leave, but he didn't expect that she wanted to follow up. I don't know her so well, right?

"Girl, please go back." After getting the answer, the guard said against Yiping. The other party must have followed the young master after seeing his young master's good looks. I heard that there are many female disciples in the family who like the young master.

Zhan Yiping ate a closed door, flushed with anger, snorted coldly, turned and walked towards where Yan Yunshang and the others were. She already knows where he is now. With her own charm, she believes that the other person will like her as long as he contacts her a few times. He looks good and has good cultivation aptitudes, which is more than enough for him.

"Sister Yiping, who is the man in blue that you just followed? He looks really good-looking." Gu Qinghan asked.

"He is a friend of mine." Zhan Yiping thought of Lan Mo Qi Junya's face, with a shy smile on his face. How could there be such a good-looking man in the world?

Yan Yunshang glanced at Gu Qinghan displeasedly and looked at Zhan Yiping, "Sister Yiping, did you forget what I said to you that day?" She thought they left Dancheng, and Sister Yiping would never see each other again. He arrived at the man in blue, but he didn't expect that the other party would also come to Moyue City. And it seems that the other party is also a member of a certain power.

Zhan Yiping frowned displeased, "I didn't forget. I went to him, just to ask him if he could find a place to live. We can't always sleep on the street."

"Anyway, remember, don't interact with each other anymore, or I will tell Master." Yan Yunshang warned in a cold voice.

"I see." Zhan Yiping responded coldly. What's so great, isn't it just a few years ahead of her? When her cultivation level surpasses her, see how she teaches her.

Seeing Zhan Yiping's attitude, Yan Yunshang sighed helplessly in her heart, "Let’s go to the next house." She knew that she couldn’t stop the younger sister Yiping. If she wanted to go it alone, she could only Tell the master.

Su Jinyue came to the resident of the Alchemist Association, which was a commercial building that specializes in selling pills and was the industry of the Alchemist Association. This kind of commercial building is available in almost every city, which means that the industry of the Alchemist Association is almost all over the entire Tianyue Continent.

"Please show your identity jade badge." The guard at the door stopped Su Jinyue.

Su Jinyue took out the identity card and handed it to the guard.

The guard glanced at Su Jinyue's identity jade medal, and immediately returned the jade medal to Su Jinyue respectfully, "Elder Su, please come in!" Now there are more monks in Moyue City, and the personnel are more complicated. He must strictly investigate the talents. Row.

Su Jinyue took the jade plaque and walked into the business building and saw Elder Xu talking to an elderly man in the lobby.

Seeing Su Jinyue coming in, Elder Xu smiled and nodded to her, "Elder Su!" He admired Su Jinyue very much. She was young, no matter her cultivation level or alchemy level, she was already far away. Far more than his peers, especially in alchemy, even he is ashamed.

"Elder Xu!" Su Jinyue also smiled and nodded.

"This is Elder Su who created the Shen Ning Pill, right?" The old man looked at Su Jinyue, with a hint of appreciation in his eyes. This girl is not very young, and her cultivation has reached the initial stage of distraction, which is really incredible.

Elder Xu nodded and introduced to Su Jinyue: "Elder Su, this is Elder Liu from Qicheng."

"Hello Elder Liu!" Su Jinyue greeted Elder Liu. She has already started refining tools now, and when she has time, she thinks of taking a look at the city.

"Elder Su, I heard that you will also participate in this martial exchange competition?" Elder Liu asked with a smile. With Su Jinyue's cultivation base and her alchemy level, it should be easy to enter the finals. After all, there are very few cultivators who reach the stage of distraction under the age of thirty.

Su Jinyue nodded, "I want to get the scales of the sacred beast Kun." If she has a chance to get the scales of the sacred beast Kun, she will go to the tool city to find a refiner to help refine a spaceship. Although she now has a spaceship, one spaceship is far from enough. And the spaceship she currently owns is not very fast. If she encounters a strong enemy, at the speed of that spacecraft, she can't run away at all.

"Do you want to refine a spaceship?" Elder Liu asked. Refining the spaceship with the scales of the sacred beast Kun, the speed of the spaceship is unmatched by ordinary spaceships. It's just that the scales of the sacred beast Kun are very difficult to dissolve, unless it is a refiner who has a different fire between the world and the earth, the average refiner cannot refine it.

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