Lan Moyu raised a charming smile, raised his eyebrows evilly, and raised his hand to scratch the tip of Zhan Yiping's nose, "Little fool, why are you so cute."

"Oh!" Zhan Yiping whispered, and gave Lan Moyu a sweet look.

Lan Moyu laughed, stretched out his hand to hold Zhan Yiping's hand, and walked towards the market with her.

"Friends of Taoism, come and take a look at this pearl flower, the girl looks pretty."

Hearing the words, Zhan Yiping turned his head and glanced at the bead flowers on the booth. It was really delicate, and he looked at Lan Moyu expectantly. She really hopes that Big Brother Lan can buy her bead flowers.

Lan Moyu raised his lips and smiled, pulling Zhan Yiping to the booth selling bead flowers, reaching out and picking up a pink bead flower to help Zhan Yiping put it on his head, looking at Zhan Yiping with admiration.

Zhan Yiping reached out and touched the bead flower on her head, looked at Lan Moyu shyly and expectantly, "Big Brother Lan, do I look good on it?"

Lan Moyu stared at Zhan Yiping with a gentle gaze, nodded, "It looks good! Of course it looks good! Ping'er is so beautiful, wearing this pearl flower on your head will only be overshadowed."

"You'll make me happy." Zhan Yiping gave Lan Moyu a whiff, and the smile on her face couldn't be suppressed at all. Big Brother Lan is so kind to her, she feels so happy!

Lan Moyu paid the money spent by Zhuzhu to the stall owner, and dragged Zhan Yiping to continue walking towards the front.

"Two fellow daoists, come and see me. I have blue obsidian for making pendants and storage bracelets that are most suitable for female cultivators."

"Come and take a look, don't miss it when you pass by." All kinds of cries came and went one after another.

Zhan Yiping looked at the stalls on both sides, her eyes were fascinating, a light blue spar came into her eyes, her eyes lit up, and she took Lan Moyu and walked over quickly. The master has been looking for superb water, but she didn't expect to be seen by her.

"What's the matter?" Lan Moyu asked in surprise.

"I saw a piece of water extremely refined. My master looked for it for a long time, but I did not expect to find it." Zhan Yiping took Lan Moyu to the booth and looked at the extremely refined water the owner was playing with. "Friends of Taoism, are you selling this piece of water extremely well?"

The stall owner looked at Zhan Yiping and Lan Moyu, smiled and nodded: "Buy, of course."

"Can you show me first?" Zhan Yiping asked.

"Of course." The stall owner handed Shui Jijing to Zhan Yiping. The spirit of the Shui Jijing told him that the aptitudes of these two people are very good, especially this female cultivator, who is more suitable to be its host, because she is the spiritual root of the earth system.

Zhan Yiping took the water extremely fine, and looked at it with joy. If she gave this piece of water to Master, Master would definitely be happy.

"Let me see." Lan Moyu stretched out his hand to take the extremely fine water in Zhan Yiping's hands. He is a refining master, and he is naturally most interested in refining materials.

After looking at it for a while, Lan Moyu handed Shui Jijing back to Zhan Yiping, looked at the stall owner and asked, "How many spirit stones is this water extremely fine?"

"A thousand high-grade spirit stones." The stall owner said with a smile.

Lan Moyu flipped his hand and took out a storage bag.

"Brother Lan, I'll pay for it myself, how can I always make you spend money?" Zhan Yiping took out the storage bag and handed it to the stall owner.

Lan Moyu reached out for Zhan Yiping's storage bag, and handed it to the stall owner, "Look at the spirit stone, right."

The stall owner took the storage bag, glanced at it, and nodded with a smile: "Yes, that's right."

Lan Moyu handed the storage bag back to Zhan Yiping, "Take it away."

Zhan Yiping shook his head, "How can I always take advantage of you?"

"Fool, I like to buy it for you." Lan Moyu stretched out Zhan Yiping's hand and put the storage bag into her hand, "Let's go, let's continue shopping."

Zhan Yiping smiled happily on her face, put away her storage bag and the water, looked down at Lan Moyu's hand, bit her lip, stretched out her hand and held his hand timidly, "Brother Lan, can you know You and I are so happy."

Lan Moyu smiled, and a trace of impatience flashed deep in his eyes, "I am very happy to know you." If it is because of her good cultivation aptitude, he doesn't even look at this kind of woman. Have a look.

The smile on Zhan Yiping's face was even brighter, pulling Lan Moyu towards the front.

When it was getting dark, Lan Moyu and Zhan Yiping walked out of the market slowly.

"Where do you live now? I'll take you back." Lan Moyu looked at Zhan Yiping.

"Senior brothers and sisters and I live in a family's home in the alley." Zhan Yiping said. They searched for a long time in Moyue City and did not find a place to live, but in the end Senior Sister Gu Qinghan found the place where they lived now.

"Why don't you live in a restaurant?" Lan Moyu asked in surprise.

"Those restaurants were already full when we came." Zhan Yiping said. She also wanted to live in a restaurant, but she had to have a room in the restaurant.

Lan Moyu thought for a while, "Why don't you live in our Lan's residence, the environment there will be better."

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