Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 888: Take home

Zhan Yiping was a little moved when she heard the words, "That's not good, and my senior sister will definitely not let me live with you." Of course she wants to move closer with Big Brother Lan, but she always has to be a little reserved.

Lan Moyu stretched out his hand and rubbed Zhan Yiping's hair, "Little fool, what is the relationship between us now, what is good or not. Let's go, listen to me."

"Yeah." Zhan Yiping nodded shyly, and followed Lan Moyu towards the Lan family's residence. Anyway, she is going to marry Big Brother Lan in the future, so it's up to the senior sister to do whatever she wants. The big deal is to kick her out of the teacher. With her aptitude, she has nothing to worry about.

Lan Moqi was a little surprised when he saw Lan Moyu returning with Zhan Yiping, "Why did you bring her back?"

"She will be my woman in the future, of course I will bring her back." Lan Moyu looked at Lan Moqi defiantly. Lan Moqi was a little more tender with him, and the future Patriarch of the Lan family was none other than himself.

Upon hearing this, Zhan Yiping looked at Lan Moyu with joy. Big Brother Lan is so domineering! She really likes him more and more!

Lan Moqi glanced at Zhan Yiping, smiled faintly, turned and walked towards his room. He thinks that the two are still very good, the same is annoying.

Lan Moyu retracted his gaze, turned his head and smiled at Zhan Yiping, "I will take you to your room."

"Yeah." Zhan Yiping smiled and nodded.

Lan Moyu took Zhan Yiping and walked out of a room, and opened the door of the room, "Ping'er, you will live here for the time being. My room is next door. Call me if anything happens."

"Okay, Big Brother Lan, then you rest early." Zhan Yiping looked at Lan Moyu reluctantly. Although only spent a day with him, she has already fallen in love with him. Big Brother Lan is good-looking, funny, and can make her happy.

"You should rest early, too. Tomorrow I will take you to a good place." Lan Moyu took a step, lowered his head and kissed Zhan Yiping's forehead, "Good night!"

Zhan Yiping stared blankly at the back of Lan Moyu's departure. Big Brother Lan actually kissed her, my God! It feels like a dream!

It took a long time for Zhan Yiping to come back to her senses, and she turned and walked into the room with a smile on her face. She must dress up tomorrow to make Big Brother Lan amazed.

Yan Yunshang and everyone were sitting around the table and eating.

"Senior Sister Yan, why hasn't Junior Sister Yiping come back so late" Gu Qinghan asked worriedly.

"Now Moyue City is full of powerhouses, will something happen to Junior Sister Yiping?"

"Why don't we go and find it." Everyone was worried.

"Leave her alone!" Yan Yunshang said with a cold face. As long as she thinks about the daytime things, she gets angry. She had talked to Zhan Yiping several times, but she didn't take it seriously, and didn't put her senior sister in eyes at all.

"Senior Sister Yan, has something happened between you and Sister Yiping?" Gu Qinghan asked. After Sister Yan came back, she always looked unhappy.

Yan Yunshang put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, stood up, "Go to bed, leave her alone, she will come back if she wants to come back, don't want to come back just as she pleases." Anyway, she has decided that she will no longer care about Zhan Yiping in the future. . She has already issued the Feijian Biography from Master, and I believe that Master will not blame her if she knows about it.

Seeing Yan Yunshang who was leaving, everyone looked at each other. What happened to Sister Yan and Sister Yiping?

The night gradually deepened, and the surroundings were quiet.

Zhan Yiping couldn't fall asleep over and over, she was still in excitement. She really couldn't believe that she was so lucky to meet a man as good as Big Brother Lan.

A black mist overflowed from Zhan Yiping's storage bag, and it penetrated into her skin. The excited Zhan Yiping didn't even notice.

Feeling a pain in her divine consciousness, Zhan Yiping came back to her senses, and hurriedly explored her own consciousness, and found that a black air had spread to her.

The whole Zhihai knows that he has been taken away by others.

Anxious in his heart, he hurriedly ran Zhenyuan and began to resist.

"It's useless, you should be taken away by me obediently, hahaha..." A gloomy laughter sounded in Zhan Yiping's sea of ​​knowledge.

"Who are you? How did you get into my body?" Zhan Yiping kept running the true essence, resisting the black mist in the divine consciousness. She cannot be taken away, once she is taken away, she will have nothing.

"Yi's strength also wants to fight against me. It's like hitting a rock with a pebble." Heiwu said with disdain.

"You come out for me, you come out for me!" Zhan Yiping shouted desperately. She don't want to be taken away.

"Stop calling, it's useless to call again. Don't worry, I won't take your home yet." It will have to stay warm in Zhan Yiping's sea of ​​knowledge for a few days. After staying in the extreme water for so long, it is a little weak now. I just tried it, and it's not suitable for seizing the house in the current state.

Hearing the words, Zhan Yiping quickly asked, "How can you let me go?" As long as the other party can let her go without taking her home, she can agree to any conditions.

"If you help me find a better host, I can consider letting you go. But before that, you can't tell anyone that I'm in your body, or I will immediately take it away." Hei Wu Leng Said threateningly. Of course it is a deception to fight Yiping. If it can find a host that suits it, how can it go to other people?

"I will definitely find it for you." Zhan Yiping said hurriedly. As long as she can live, the lives of other people have nothing to do with her.

"Okay, we're done. Don't play tricks, I know it all." Hei Wu smiled coldly.

"Definitely not, don't worry!" Zhan Yiping promised.

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