Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 896: Overweight

Su Jinyue let go of the little demon and patted it on the shoulder, "I'm going to practice."

"Master, you don't have to worry about that soul, I and Xiaojin can help." Huofeng said. The strength of it and Xiaojin is higher than that of the master, and they can sneak attack on that spirit.

Su Jinyue smiled and nodded, "If it doesn't work, I'll let you help." She already has a way to deal with the soul of the house.

Entering the Golden Leaf Pagoda, Su Jinyue took out the materials and began to refine the talisman and array flag. At that time, she will arrange a soul-locking formation to force the soul out of Zhan Yiping's body and wipe it out.

Back in the small courtyard, everyone from Tian Yanzong gathered in Yan Yunshang's room. Zhan Yiping didn't follow them back, and they didn't know where she went.

"Sister Yan, do you mean that Sister Yiping was taken away?" Everyone looked at Yan Yunshang in disbelief. How could this happen?

Yan Yunshang nodded, "At present, it is very likely." She is 100% sure.

"No wonder Junior Sister Yiping is so abnormal today."

"The soul that robbed the house must be very powerful, Senior Sister Yan, what should we do? Do you want to save Senior Sister Yiping?"

Yan Yunshang shook his head and sighed helplessly, "How to save it? I haven't heard that it can be saved by seizing the house, and Junior Sister Yiping must be gone."

"Then can we just watch?" Gu Qinghan asked sadly. Although Junior Sister Yiping is a little arrogant, it's not very bad. And they have been getting along for so long, no matter how they are, they are always emotional.

"I have already notified Master, let's wait for Master's reply." Yan Yunshang said helplessly. She didn't know how powerful the spirit of robbing the house was, but she was certain that, when they added up, they were not necessarily the opponent of that spirit.

Everyone nodded helplessly. Now it can only be so.

Su Jinyue did not go to the martial exchange game the next day, she had been refining formation flags and talisman in the golden leaf world. It is not a simple matter to arrange the Soul Locking Array.

Zhan Yiping came to the martial arts exchange competition, looked in the direction of the Alchemy Association, did not see Su Jinyue, the corners of his mouth raised a curve of disdain. He guessed that Su Jinyue was definitely preparing a way to deal with him, but no matter how Su Jinyue prepared, he would not worry about his strength. How could Su Jinyue deal with him in the early stage of distraction?

Withdrawing his eyes, turned and walked out of the crowd. He has no interest in this game, as long as he wins the game, the prize will not fall into his hands in the end.

Lan Moyu saw Zhan Yiping and immediately chased him up, "Ping'er, wait for me." He asked her why she suddenly changed her attitude towards him. Does she think that Lan Moyu is the one who will come and go when he is recruited?

Zhan Yiping ignored Lan Moyu. He has already told Lan Moyu very clearly, if he doesn't know what is good or bad, don't blame him for being rude.

Lan Moyu ran forward and stopped in front of Zhan Yiping, "You stop! What do you mean, why don't you ignore me?"

"Get out of the way!" Zhan Yiping said coldly.

Lan Moyu was also angry, "Zhan Yiping, are you kidding me? Do you really think I'm so good to bully? I tell you, if you don't make it clear today, don't want to leave."

Zhan Yiping looked at Lan Moyu coldly, with a hint of killing intent in his eyes.

"Please let him go, please!" Zhan Yiping's soul cried and pleaded. She really likes Lan Moyu, she really doesn't want him to die.

Zhan Yiping snorted in annoyance, "Get out! Otherwise I'll destroy you." Anyway, that woman only had two days to live, and for the sake of her body, he let the kid go.

"You" Lan Moyu was trembling with anger, stopped talking to Zhan Yiping, and rushed towards her angrily. No one has ever dared to do this to him before, and today he won’t fight

Yiping gave him a lesson that he was not surnamed Lan.

"He wanted to die by himself, so don't blame me." After talking to Zhan Yiping's soul, Zhan Yiping raised his hand and waved, Lan Moyu that rushed up and flew out like a kite with a broken wire. It fell heavily to the ground.

"I can't help myself." Looking at the breathless Lan Moyu on the ground, Zhan Yiping smiled mockingly, and walked forward.

Su Jinyue stopped the movement in her hand, stood up and walked out of the Golden Leaf Pagoda, and went to practice in the best spiritual veins outside. There was still some time left, she didn't want to waste it.

Elder Xu came to Su Jinyue's door and looked at Su Jinyue's closed door. He didn't know whether to step forward and knock on the door or not.

While hesitating, I heard Su Jinyue's door opening with a "creak!"

Su Jinyue walked out of it refreshingly, "Elder Xu, I've made you wait for a long time!"

"It's okay, there is still some time." Elder Xu smiled. There was still more than an hour before the start of the exchange competition. He was worried that Su Jinyue had forgotten the time to practice and came here early.

Su Jinyue smiled, "Let's pass now." There is still a big challenge waiting for herself today.

Elder Xu nodded, and walked towards the courtyard outside with Su Jinyue. The participating disciples, he has let them wait there.

The square was still as crowded as the previous two days. Seeing Su Jinyue and her party coming, people kept saying hello to Su Jinyue. Su Jinyue's performance that day was obvious to all. They admired her in addition to admiration.

"Su Jinyue, you are here." Seeing Su Jinyue, Lan Moqi walked up quickly. Su Jinyue didn't come yesterday, he thought she was also in trouble. Yesterday his cousin Lan Moyu was found lying on the street. According to passers-by, Zhan Yiping did it. Today their Lan family has sent people to find the people of Tian Yanzong, so that they can hand over Zhan Yiping.

"What's wrong? Are you worried?" Su Jinyue asked seeing Lan Moqi's expression a bit bad.

"My cousin was killed by Tian Yanzong's Zhan Yiping yesterday." Lan Moqi said sadly. Although he doesn't like his cousin, he is his closest relative after all.

Su Jinyue frowned, "How is it now?"

"Our Lan family has sent someone to find someone from Tian Yanzong." Lan Moqi said.

"It's useless to find them. They are not Zhan Yiping's opponents. Zhan Yiping has been taken away." Su Jinyue said.

"What?" Lan Moqi looked at Su Jinyue in surprise, with a look of disbelief.

"Didn't you see a piece of extremely fine water at the market that day? It was the spirit there that took Zhan Yiping's house." Su Jinyue sighed helplessly. If she had known that the person who bought that piece of extremely refined water was Zhan Yiping, she would risk buying that piece of extremely refined water. It's just that it's too late to say anything.

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