Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 897: Can't escape

Lan Moqi immediately remembered the incident, "Then what should I do now?" The strength of the soul must be very strong, otherwise Su Jinyue must have destroyed it before.

"Let's talk about it when you meet it." Su Jinyue said. She is now fully prepared, just waiting for the other party to come to her.

Lan Moqi nodded, "Su Jinyue, if you encounter Zhan Yiping, how sure are you to defeat her?" He worried that Su Jinyue was not Zhan Yiping's opponent.

Su Jinyue thought for a moment, and shook her head, "I can't be sure now." If she didn't use the formation, she would definitely not be the opponent who had captured the soul of Zhan Yiping.

"If you meet her, you must be careful, and you must put your own safety first." Lan Moqi warned, worried. It would be great if his strength could be stronger.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue nodded. She would definitely not let herself be in trouble, she was reluctant to leave her family, let alone leave Yihan. She cultivated so hard to be with Yi Han forever.

Yan Yunshang looked at the Lan family menacingly surrounding her and others, "What do you want to do?"

"Your Tian Yanzong disciple Zhan Yiping killed our Young Master Mo Yu, you hand her over." Lan Qishan looked at Yan Yunshang coldly, his eyes full of sharp cold light. Master Mo Yu is the core figure of the Lan family's generation, and his status is the same as that of Master Mo Qi, and he is a candidate for the future Patriarch. He had an accident in Moyue City, and he couldn't shirk himself. So he must bring the murderer to justice.

"We don't know where she went." Gu Qinghan said. Zhan Yiping didn't know where to provoke a spirit, killing herself, but also killing them.

Seeing Lan Qishan's expression become even colder, Yan Yunshang said: "Zhan Yiping is no longer a disciple of our Tian Yanzong. She was taken away from her house. She is no longer the original Zhan Yiping."

"Seize the house?" Lan Qishan narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes gleaming with a ray of anger. This is the most shirking word he has ever heard.

"It's true, Junior Sister Yiping was really taken away. Her current strength is unfathomable. Even Senior Sister Yan is not her opponent." Li Qinger said.

Lan Qishan thought for a while, "What kind of cultivation was she originally?" The people at the scene said that Master Mo Yu was slapped to death by Zhan Yiping. Master Mo Yu's cultivation is in the late Yuan Ying, and Zhan Yiping's cultivation must have reached the stage of distraction.

"Later Jindan." Yan Yun Chang said. She didn't know what cultivation base Zhan Yiping was, but she would definitely not be below the distraction stage.

"It's really just the late Jindan stage?" Lan Qishan looked at Yan Yunshang in disbelief, trying to see from their faces if they were lying.

"Yeah!" Yan Yunshang nodded at the same time.

Lan Qishan snorted coldly, "Whether she is taken away or not, she is always a disciple of your Tian Yanzong, unless you find her and hand her over, otherwise our Lan family will not give up." Even Tian Yanzong will not give up. What if what the disciple said is true? Unless he can catch Zhan Yiping now and make sure that she has been taken away, otherwise Tian Yanzong will bear the blame.

"Can you be reasonable?" Li Qing'er said unconvinced.

Yan Yunshang raised his hand to interrupt Li Qing'er, and said to Lan Qishan: "We will find her, but our cultivation level is too low. We have to wait for our master to come." With their current strength, go to fight. It's impossible for Yiping.

Lan Qishan frowned, "When will your master come over?"

"I have notified my master that she should be rushing over with the elder of the sect. It is estimated that it will be about half a month." Yan Yunshang guessed. Xueqiu country needs to take a teleportation formation to reach Riyao country, and it takes at least half a month at the earliest.

Lan Qishan glanced at everyone. If Zhan Yiping was really taken away by a powerful spirit, with the cultivation base of these Tian Yanzong disciples, it would be useless to find her.

"Maybe Zhan Yiping will go to participate in the martial arts exchange competition today.

"Gu Qinghan guessed.

Li Qing'er glared at Lan Qishan and his group, "That is, some of you are blocking us here, so it's better to go to the square to have a look."

Lan Qishan thought for a while, waved to the next man behind him, "Go!" Anyway, Tian Yanzong's disciple couldn't run away.

Looking at Lan Qishan and his party going away, the disciples of Tian Yanzong breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Qing'er looked at Yan Yunshang, "Senior Sister Yan, what should we do?" I had known that they would not come to participate in this competition. Now it is so depressing.

Yan Yunshang sighed for a long time, "We can only wait for the master to come, let's go to the square and have a look." I hope the other party can catch Zhan Yiping, and I will come to them again without saving.

"Yeah." Everyone nodded and followed Yan Yunshang. Anyway, things are already like this, and there is no point in avoiding it, so it's better to face it openly. Besides, they are such a big school of Tian Yanzong, even if they escape, they can't escape.

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