Su Jinyue wandered around, and after counting the time, she got on the animal cart and headed out of the city.

The major forces immediately received the news that Su Jinyue had left the city, and they looked at the direction of the city gate excitedly and expectantly. Waiting for Su Jinyue's arrival, as soon as Su Jinyue stepped into this place, they would gather to attack her, making it difficult for her to fly.

Almost a stick of incense, an animal cart drove slowly toward this side from a distance.

"Come!" Lan Yanjue excitedly looked at the getting closer and closer, clenching his fists excitedly.

The people of other forces also stared eagerly at the beast cart from far and near, preparing to launch an attack.

One thousand meters, nine hundred meters, five hundred meters, two hundred meters, one hundred meters... the animal cart is getting closer and closer to the crowd.

Finally the animal vehicle drove into the encirclement of everyone, and the forces from all sides launched an attack without hesitation, and at the same time quickly rushed towards the animal vehicle. Everyone wants to be the first to catch Su Jinyue, and only the first person who catches Su Jinyue has the master control.

The animal car was attacked by a group of elders from several forces such as Lan Yanjue, and it broke into pieces immediately, but the thing that made everyone dumbfounded was that there was no one in the animal car.

"What about people? Why not?"

"Impossible. Our spies are staring at the carriage all the way. There is absolutely no chance for Su Jinyue to escape. Besides, there is still an oil bottle beside Su Jinyue."

"It's useless to say anything, we are fooled!"

"You mean Su Jinyue walked with Elder Xu of the Alchemist Association?"

"It's possible."

"Impossible. Our spies have checked it carefully. None of those disciples have no spiritual energy fluctuations in them. Zhan Yiping served the Nine Ranks Resurrection Pill. Her previous strength was only in the Golden Pill Stage, even if the soul was restored. An ordinary person."

"We have all overlooked one thing. Su Jinyue is the master of talisman making. It is easy for her to change a person's breath and appearance." Lan Yanjue said with an ugly expression. They were too confident before and ignored Su Jinyue's own factors.

"So Su Jinyue has left Moyue City and returned to Pill City?" Feng Tianzong's Great Elder asked unwillingly. They deployed it for so long, and it turned out to be of no use at all. That Su Jinyue is too cunning.

At this moment, the surrounding wind and clouds suddenly changed, and the dragons turned into violent wind swept toward them.

"Not good! Here is a formation." Everyone yelled in panic, offering magic weapons to fight against the dragon. At this moment, they were angry, angry, and aggrieved, their own strategy did not help Su Jinyue at all, and finally they followed Su Jinyue's way.

"I tell you, this is the first time, and I won't be merciful next time." Su Jinyue's cold voice came from the sky.

Everyone glanced at the sound, and saw Su Jinyue standing on the deck of the spaceship, looking at them condescendingly. As if in her eyes, they were a group of ants.

Humiliation, unwillingness, anger, aggrieved... filled everyone's heart, they couldn't wait to take Su Jinyue alive, but now they can't even get out of the formation, they can only watch Su Jinyue driving the spaceship. Drive to the distance until it disappears at the end of the sky.

Su Jinyue flew fast all the way, and the spacecraft she re-refined was twice as fast as before, and soon caught up with Elder Xu, who was one step ahead of her.

Seeing Su Jinyue safe and sound, Elder Xu breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Congratulations Elder Su succeeded in getting out of danger." Now he not only admired Su Jinyue, but also had a trace of jealousy. A person with good talent and strong strength is already terrifying, and she also has amazing wisdom. After turning over her hands, a mortal situation was changed, and those who were waiting to deal with her suffered a big loss. With Su Jinyue's formation level, those who are trapped in her formation will have their skin peeled this time even if they are not dead. They must be regretting now and have done something to Su Jinyue.

"I also thank Elder Xu for his help." Su Jinyue smiled. The disciple who pretended to be Zhan Yiping was a member of the Alchemist Association. Before she left the city gate, she had let the other party leave with the invisibility talisman.

"I just helped a little." Elder Xu smiled and waved his hand. When he goes back, he must report this matter to the meeting master in detail. For a strong and smart person like Su Jinyue, their Pill City must have a good relationship with her.

"Sister-in-law!" Zhan Yiping immediately ran out of the cabin after receiving the news that Su Jinyue had caught up.

Seeing Su Jinyue safe and sound, Zhan Yiping smiled brightly, "Sister-in-law, it's great that you are fine." On the way, she has been worrying about sister-in-law, if something happens to her, she will never assured.

Su Jinyue raised her lips and smiled, "Let's go." Now Zhan Yiping looks much pleasing to the eye.

Zhan Yiping nodded, and stepped onto Su Jinyue’s spacecraft, "Sister-in-law, will they catch up?" She was very clear about the sister-in-law's plan. It was not that she had no confidence in the formation of the sister-in-law, but she listened to Xu. The elder said that the strength of those people is very strong, even he is not an opponent.

"I don't know either." Su Jinyue shook her head. Her formation can trap those people for an hour, and I don't know if those people will come to provoke her again after they come out of the formation.

"Then let's go quickly." Zhan Yiping said anxiously. After learning about the world, she now wants to return to Earth, which is the safest place.

Su Jinyue nodded, and arched her hands towards Elder Xu, "Elder Xu! There will be a period later!"

"Elder Su walk slowly!" Elder Xu also smiled and arched his hands at Su Jinyue, watching her spaceship go away.

Lan Yanjue rushed out of the formation with a gray head and face, and his face was sullen as he walked out of the spaceship, chasing in the direction where Su Jinyue was leaving. His spacecraft was a top-level spacecraft, so he didn't believe that he couldn't catch up with Su Jinyue. Today, suffering from this strange humiliation, if he can swallow this breath, he is not Lan Yanjue.

"We chase it too." Feng Tianzong's great elder also chased after the spaceship. The benefits must not be taken away by Lan Yanjue alone.

When other people saw this, they also sacrificed their spacecraft to follow.

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