Su Jinyue drove the spacecraft to the extreme.

"Sister-in-law, where are we going now?" Zhan Yiping looked behind him worriedly. She was really worried that those people would catch up.

"Xingjia Mountain, our sect is there." Su Jinyue continued to cast the monitoring flag along the way. In this way, she can know every move of the other party, and she can also prepare in advance.

"Do we still have a school? What school?" Zhan Yiping asked curiously.

"Medical Valley." Su Jinyue said. In the future, she will bring all the people from Medical Valley here. Although the medical valley on the earth is good, the spiritual energy is definitely not as good as the real cultivation world.

Zhan Yiping nodded, "Sister-in-law, can I still practice?" She also wants to practice, and she also wants to be as capable as her sister-in-law.

"Naturally it is possible." Su Jinyue smiled and nodded. After Zhan Yiping's soul reshaping this time, although cultivation will have a certain impact, there is still no problem in practicing to the peak of the late Jindan.

"Great! Sister-in-law, teach me how to practice." Zhan Yiping said with a look of expectation.

"Wait to go back to teach you." Su Jinyue smiled and nodded, keeping her eyes on the surveillance array in front of her.

Seeing Lan Yanjue and his party chased after breaking free from the trap, Su Jinyue's mouth aroused a trace of coldness. Since you are trying to die, don't blame her for being ruthless. She has already given them one chance, and will not give them a second chance.

Lan Yanjue saw Elder Xu's spacecraft, and quickly chased it, and parked the spaceship in front of Elder Xu's spacecraft.

Elder Xu walked out of the cabin and looked at Lan Yanjue who was blocking his spaceship with a sinking face, "Elder Lan, what are you doing to stop my spaceship? Do you want to fight against Dancheng?"

"Elder Xu, don't get me wrong, I just want to know, are Su Jinyue and Zhan Yiping on your spaceship?" Lan Yanjue asked with a smile. Elder Xu represented Dancheng, and he naturally did not dare to offend him easily. But as long as Su Jinyue did not enter Pill City, he would not let Su Jinyue go. He wants to get those secrets from Su Jinyue.

"Not here." Elder Xu said coldly. He only hopes that Su Jinyue's spacecraft can fly faster now, and don't let these people catch it.

"Elder Xu, can you let me take a look?" Lan Yanjue had already jumped onto Elder Xu's spacecraft while speaking. As long as he doesn't kill the people in Pill City, Pill City will not deal with their Lan Family. Even if Dancheng really went to the Lan family, he had an excuse. His son was killed by Zhan Yiping. He asked Su Jinyue just to ask for an explanation for his son. No matter how strong Dancheng is, he can't help him avenge his son.

"Elder Lan, after I go back, I will tell us the truth." Elder Xu snorted coldly, but he didn't stop Lan Yanjue. Since Lan Yanjue wanted to search for him, let him search, even for a few minutes Elder Su could escape further.

Turning his eyes to look at the spaceship following, Elder Xu smiled coldly.

Lan Yanjue stepped onto the spacecraft and walked into the cabin to search. He scanned with his spiritual sense, only to find that there was an array of shielding spiritual sense outside every room here, and he gritted his teeth with anger. It seemed that he could only find one by one.

When the people who followed saw Lan Yanjue entering the spacecraft, they were naturally unwilling to be left behind. They rushed to Elder Xu's spacecraft and entered the cabin to search. Now they can only compare luck, to see who finds Su Jinyue first. They had seen Su Jinyue driving another spaceship before, but they had already seen Su Jinyue's cunning, and who knew if she deliberately confused them. So even if there is only the slightest possibility, they don't want to miss it.

Everyone carefully inspected the inside and outside of the spacecraft, and found nothing, they could only leave in anguish.

Looking at the spaceship going away, Elder Xu frowned worriedly. They can catch up so quickly, which shows that the level of their spacecraft is not low. I hope Elder Su will not be caught up by them.

Seeing everyone’s spacecraft getting closer and closer to her own spacecraft, Su Jinyue was cold

With a cold smile, the spaceship stopped. The flags and talisman kept flying out between the waves of both hands, and an eight-level defensive array was placed around the spacecraft.

"Sister-in-law, why did you stop?" Zhan Yiping asked in surprise. If those people catch up, they won't be able to run away.

"They have caught up, you enter the cabin, don't come out." Su Jinyue said quietly. She knew that those people might not give up, but fortunately, she had already prepared in advance.

Lan Yanjue was a little surprised to see Su Jinyue's spacecraft parked in the air. Why doesn't Su Jinyue run? Is she waiting here just waiting for them to come over? Will she play any tricks again? After suffering a loss in Su Jinyue's hands, he didn't dare to be too careless.

Thinking of this, Lan Yanjue also stopped the spacecraft. He wanted to swallow Su Jinyue's things on his own, but in this situation, it is better to be cautious.

The people who followed behind also saw Su Jinyue's spacecraft, and when they saw Lan Yanjue stop the spacecraft, they all stopped one after another.

"Elder Lan, what's the matter?" asked a distracted middle-aged man with a beard. Among these people, his strength is already considered poor, but his sect is strong, so the elders of these forces dare not bully him at will.

"I suspect fraud." Lan Yanjue frowned. If it wasn't for Su Jinyue's too cunning, he would have taken the lead a long time ago, so he wouldn't have waited for them to come over.

"Are we just stalemate with that Su Jinyue?" Feng Tianzong's Great Elder asked. The goal is ahead, but they dare not step forward. If this is spread, how can this force these forces gain a foothold in the realm of cultivation in the future?

"Can so many of us still be afraid of a little girl?"

"Yes, let's go up."

"Okay, let's go up, we don't believe that she can get out of the sky with a little distraction in the early stage.

After making a decision, everyone no longer hesitated, and quickly flew towards Su Jinyue's spacecraft.

Su Jinyue sat down at the bow of the boat, with a leisurely expression, as if everything had already been under her control.

When everyone saw Su Jinyue's appearance, they beat the drums in their hearts again, and the speed at which they rushed up slowed down. Su Jinyue's appearance was so relaxed, she didn't look like she was about to face a powerful enemy.

"She must be fooling around, don't be afraid of her."

"We must not be fooled by her, or we will fall into her hands."

"She's just a mid-distraction cultivator. It's impossible for so many of us to be afraid of her."

"Go!" In the end, the greed in everyone's hearts still defeated the slightest hesitation.

Seeing everyone rushing towards her, Su Jinyue's mouth raised a shallow arc. How could she be unprepared?

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