Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 909: Stealing chicken will not lose the rice

Everyone rushed to Su Jinyue's spaceship, sacrificed their magic weapons, and began to attack Su Jinyue's formation outside the spaceship. The eighth-level formation is powerful, but with so many of them, and their strength is higher than Su Jinyue, they don't believe that the formation can't be broken.

Zhan Yiping couldn't help but walked out of the cabin, walked to Su Jinyue's side, and asked with a frightened face: "Sister-in-law, what should we do?"

"Don't worry, sit down." Su Jinyue smiled and pointed to her side.

Seeing the smile on Su Jinyue's face, the fear in Zhan Yiping's heart seemed to be less for a moment.

She glanced at the people who were attacking the formation outside their spaceship, and Zhan Yiping sat down beside Su Jinyue. Sitting next to my sister-in-law is more secure than she is alone in the cabin. After these few days of getting along, she had already accepted Su Jinyue, and felt that it was his blessing for her eldest brother to marry Su Jinyue.

As time passed, everyone outside the formation was still attacking the formation.

Lan Yanjue felt a blur in front of his eyes and shook his head vigorously. How is this going?

The other people also felt the same at the same time, with some doubts in their hearts, but the attack in their hands did not stop.

As time passed, everyone felt that their physical strength began to be somewhat overdrawn.

"Su Jinyue, what did you do to us?" Feng Tianzong's Great Elder stopped the attack in his hand, looking at Su Jinyue with a gloomy expression. Based on his cultivation base, it is impossible for him to be physically exhausted in such a short time. It must be Su Jinyue who moved his hands and feet.

When the others heard this, they stopped their hands and stared at Su Jinyue angrily, waiting for her answer. At this moment, if they don't know that they have fallen into Su Jinyue's way, they will be fools. No wonder Su Jinyue doesn't look scared at all.

Su Jinyue stood up and glanced mockingly at everyone, "I sprinkled the pollen of the sand mandala in the previous formation. If you don't chase it, you will do nothing. But now, you guys. I can only wait to die, because I put Thousand Days Drunk in the defensive array. The Sand Mandala and Thousand Days Drunk are not toxic. Putting them together, the Mahayana monks can’t solve them. Individuals are eighth-level alchemy masters, and not everyone can know which kind of spirit grass and which kind of spirit grass can become highly poisonous when put together.

"You are so despicable!" Lan Yan Juejae stared at Su Jinyue with tears. He was already very careful, but he didn't expect to follow Su Jinyue's way in the end.

Su Jinyue sneered coldly, "I have reminded you before that you are greedy and want to get what is on my body. I advise you to lower the spaceship and have another stick of incense, I am afraid that you will not have it. With that ability, don’t blame me for not reminding you.”

"You give us the antidote." Feng Tianzong's Great Elder shouted in a deep voice.

"How big do you think your face is?" Su Jinyue looked at Feng Tianzong mockingly.

"You!" Feng Tianzong's elder was so angry that he almost didn't spit out a mouthful of blood. He knew that Su Jinyue was an eighth-level alchemy master, but he didn't expect that Su Jinyue would poison them.

"If you want to continue, please." Su Jinyue smiled carelessly, turned and walked into the cabin.

"Deserve it!" Zhan Yiping made a grimace at everyone and followed Su Jinyue. She was still a little worried, but now she can rest assured. Sister-in-law is really amazing!

The crowd stared angrily at the backs of Su Jinyue and Zhan Yiping, wishing to smash them into pieces. If the eyes can kill people, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yiping are probably already dead.

Feeling that his spiritual consciousness was getting weaker and weaker, Lan Yanjue unwillingly descended the spaceship. After chasing for so long, the bamboo basket was completely poisoned without saying anything. I don't know if this poison can be solved.

Everyone didn't hesitate anymore, they were worried that if their consciousness could not control the spaceship, they would really be thrown to death. Although their hearts are full of anger and unwillingness, they have nothing to do now, they can only think about it in the long run.

Landing on the ground, Lan Yanjue put the spaceship away. He was afraid that he wouldn't even be able to take off the ship after a while.

Everyone landed on the ground. Just after taking off the take-off ship, they heard a sound of breaking through the air. Seeing Su Jinyue's distant spacecraft, the crowd trembled, but they couldn't do anything.

Angrily withdrew their gazes, everyone focused their gazes on an old man in gray, "Elder Yu, do you know how our poison is going to be dealt with?"

Elder Yu shook his head, "I have never heard that Mandala of Sand and Thousand Days Drunk can become poison." He hadn't even heard of it, so how would he solve it?

"Then what shall we do?"

"Notify the martial arts first, and then go to Dancheng."

Everyone nodded helplessly, and now it can only do so. They really did not steal the rice this time.

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