Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 930: Already married

Elder Yinshan nodded, "Yes."

Gu Yueqing was overjoyed, "Then that I mentioned to you before, you have told Zhan Yihan." He is about to decide on a son-in-law like Zhan Yihan.

"The sect master, Yihan already has a wife." Elder Yin Shan said. The sect master's daughter is either not good or a bit savage, even if Yihan didn't marry Jinyue, he would not marry her.

"What?! When did he get his wife?" Gu Yueqing's face suddenly became difficult to look. Zhan Yihan is his son-in-law, how can he marry another woman?

"A year ago, Yihan brought his wife with him this time." Elder Yinshan said. Yi Han's current cultivation base is impossible to stay in the Qingfeng faction.

Gu Yueqing frowned, "Tomorrow morning, you let them come to the hall, I want to see them." No matter who Zhan Yihan marries, he will not allow it. Since Zhan Yihan is a disciple of the Qingfeng faction, he must listen. The words of his sect master.

"Yes!" Elder Yinshan nodded.

Gu Yueqing waved to Elder Yinshan, "Go down."

Elder Yinshan stood up, arched his hand at Gu Yueqing, turned and walked out. I hope the master will not be confused and order Zhan Yihan to do what he doesn't want.

Gu Yueqing sat for a while, got up and walked towards the backyard. Although Zhan Yihan was not in the school for the past three years, Ling'er had never forgotten him, but he did not expect that Zhan Yihan would have married his wife this time, which is really unreasonable!

"Father, I heard that Zhan Yihan is back, is it true?" Seeing Gu Yueqing entering the house, Gu Linger ran up happily. Zhan Yihan was the only man she had ever tempted. If it hadn't been for his master's three-year appointment, she would have become his wife.

Gu Yueqing nodded faintly, and reached out to touch her hair, "Ling'er, if Zhan Yihan has already married, do you still want him?"

Gu Ling'er's face suddenly changed, "He has already married? Who is his wife?" Zhan Yihan was the one she liked, except for her, no one wanted to be his wife.

Gu Yueqing nodded, "I haven't seen it yet. I heard Elder Yinshan said that Zhan Yihan brought her together this time."

"I'll take a look!" Gu Linger said, going outside. She wanted to see what qualifications that woman had to become Zhan Yihan's wife.

Gu Yueqing stretched out his hand to hold Gu Ling'er, "I will let them go to the hall tomorrow morning, and see you tomorrow."

"Father, I want to see it now, otherwise I won't be able to sleep tonight." Gu Linger said. The man she liked was robbed by another woman. How could she still sit still? She must go and see who that woman is.

Gu Yueqing sighed, "Zhan Yihan's current strength is very high. Dad is afraid that you will be in danger, so tomorrow. Don't worry, Dad will let Zhan Yihan marry you." Zhan Yihan's strength has exceeded Elder Yinshan is at least above the early days of the heavenly rank. He has made arrangements so that several elders above the heavenly level will all go to the hall tomorrow. He does not believe in war and dares to resist.

"What if he doesn't want to?" Gu Linger sniffed, but still didn't hold back her tears. She fell in love with Zhan Yihan since the first time she saw him, and it has been almost five years now. I didn't expect that after waiting for so many years, the news of his marriage turned out to be what was waiting.

Gu Yueqing took Gu Ling'er into his arms and reached out to help her wipe away the tears, "Okay, stop crying, the crying father’s heart hurts, father will be the master for you, and Zhan Yihan will definitely do it. Become your husband." Ling'er was born by his favorite woman, so it is also his favorite among all his children.

"Yeah." Gu Ling'er nodded. She must visit Zhan Yihan tonight, or she will be fidgeting.

When Elder Yinshan returned to his yard, he saw Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue still waiting for him to eat dinner, shook his head and smiled, "Don’t you let you eat first?" These two children are also true, he If they don’t come back, won’t they be hungry?


"We are not hungry." Su Jinyue flicked her finger, and the heat-preserving halo on the outside of the food disappeared immediately.

Elder Yinshan walked to the table and sat down, took a sip of the wine on the table, "Yihan, Jinyue, the sect master wants you to go to the conference hall tomorrow morning."

"Yeah." Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue nodded.

Elder Yinshan saw the two of them not caring, and shook his head, "You have to be psychologically prepared, the sect master may embarrass you."

"Why?" Su Jinyue was a little curious now.

Elder Yinshan glanced at Zhan Yihan, "Yihan is the son-in-law's choice for the master. It was for this reason that I let Yihan go to Fang Yi's side."

"Oh!" Su Jinyue nodded clearly, and gave Zhan Yihan a blank glance. This guy can really attract bees and butterflies.

Zhan Yihan smiled bitterly and stroked his nose, "I don't know about this at all." He wouldn't agree if he knew it, he wouldn't marry someone he doesn't love.

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