Elder Yinshan nodded, "I did not tell Yihan about this. After knowing that the sect master had this plan, I sent Yihan to Fang Yi's side. The update is the fastest."

"Thank you, Master!" Zhan Yihan looked at Elder Yinshan gratefully. He knew this matter and would not agree, even if he was expelled from the teacher's door, he would stick to his opinion.

"I understand your temper, I don't want to lose your apprentice." Elder Yinshan smiled lightly. He thought that after three years, the sect master would forget Yihan and betroth Gu Ling'er to others. After all, there were many outstanding disciples in the sect. This is also the reason why he asked Yi Han to wait until the three-year contract was over before returning.

Zhan Yihan raised his lips, "Master, if tomorrow the main sect forces me and Jinyue, please leave with us." Although there is no affection for the Qingfeng Sect, this is his sect after all.

Elder Yinshan nodded. He hoped that the sect master would not do anything that would disappoint him.

"Elder Yinshan, can I come in?" Gu Ling'er's voice came from outside.

Elder Yinshan and Zhan Yihan, Su Jinyue glanced at each other, "Or you should avoid it first." Gu Linger must have come to see Yihan this time.

"Okay." Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue nodded, got up and took a step before disappearing where they were. They don't want to see Gu Ling'er now.

Elder Yinshan smiled enviously. The cultivator is really not comparable to the ancient martial arts cultivator.

Without hearing a response inside, Gu Linger said again: "Elder Yinshan, are you there?"

"Come in." Elder Yinshan picked up the jug, filled his glass, and tasted it with enjoyment. He has also drunk a lot of fine wine, but this wine is the best wine he has ever drunk.

Gu Linger walked in and saw that there was only Elder Yinshan, she couldn't help frowning, "Elder Yinshan, what about them?"

"They leave and will come tomorrow." Elder Yinshan put down the wine glass, reached out and put a piece of beast meat in his mouth. Just now Jinyue told him that this is the wind rabbit meat from the Tianyue Continent.

"When did you leave?" Gu Linger asked. She didn't believe that Zhan Yihan and the others would leave, they must have been hiding.

"Not long after I left." Elder Yinshan put another piece of wind rabbit meat into his mouth. This wind rabbit meat is indeed better than the rabbit meat on earth.

Gu Ling'er snorted coldly, turned and walked outside. Today, she must find Zhan Yihan and his wife, this small courtyard is so big, where can they hide.

Elder Yinshan shook his head. Yihan has already married a wife, so why bother!

Gu Linger searched all the rooms, but couldn't find Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue, so she could only leave in anguish. Anyway, they will hide for the night at most, and they will still go to the hall tomorrow.

Zhan Yihan, Su Jinyue and Elder Yinshan, came to the conference hall after breakfast.

Walking into the main hall, I saw that in addition to Gu Yueqing father and daughter, there were five elders in the main hall, and their strength was above the heavenly level.

Su Jinyue retracted her gaze and faintly curled her lips. This Qingfeng faction is worthy of being the first faction of the hidden sect, and its strength is indeed not weak.

Feeling a cold gaze watching her, Su Jinyue turned her eyes and saw Gu Ling'er, who was clearly dressed in a red dress, was looking at her coldly, curling her lips and smiling.

Seeing Su Jinyue's smile, Gu Linger gritted her teeth angrily. You won’t be proud of it for long, Zhan Yihan will definitely be mine.

Gu Yueqing looked at Zhan Yihan, his face full of satisfaction, "Zhan Yihan, I heard from your master that your strength has surpassed him, what level are you now" He can only feel the strength of Zhan Yihan. Aura, but he couldn't see his strength.

"Above the heavenly level." Zhan Yihan said. If Gu Yueqing didn't force him to do something, he would leave some medicine for the martial art from the master's perspective, which would be regarded as a reward for the martial art.

"Not bad! Not bad!" Gu Yueqing nodded in satisfaction, his eyes full of appreciation for Zhan Yihan. He deserves to be someone he fancy, really good.

Turning his eyes to look at Su Jinyue next to Zhan Yihan, she knowingly asked: "This is?" I have to admit that Su Jinyue is indeed very good, and her temperament is not inferior to his daughter. But Zhan Yihan is his son-in-law, so I can only apologize to Su Jinyue.

"She is the disciple's wife Su Jinyue." Zhan Yihan stretched out his hand to hold Su Jinyue's hand.

Gu Ling'er's face immediately became ugly, and she glared angrily at the hands held by Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue. If it weren't for the conference hall, she had rushed to separate the hands of the two.

Gu Yueqing frowned, "Zhan Yihan, didn't your master tell you that once you enter the martial art, your marriage can only be decided by the martial art?"

"What does the sect master mean?" Zhan Yihan's face sank.

When Gu Yueqing saw this, his face became cold, "The main sect master you divorced your wife." What about Zhan Yihan's cultivation base? Here he is the master.

"Sect Master, please think twice." Elder Yin Shan said. He didn't want things to get out of hand.

Gu Yueqing glared at Elder Yinshan and looked at Zhan Yihan, "If you insist, from this moment on, you will no longer be a disciple of the Qingfeng Sect. Since it is not, your practice must be returned to the Qingfeng Sect. In other words, you have to abolish your strength." The Qingfeng faction is the first faction of the hermit. Without this identity, Zhan Yihan is nothing. He does not believe in war and cold and does not compromise.

"Sect Master!" Elder Yinshan shouted. He didn't expect the master of the door to be so unreasonable.

"Elder Yinshan, you are not strict with disciples, and you will also be punished. You will go to the Xingtang to receive the punishment later." Gu Yueqing said with a calm face. He wants to use this matter to establish his prestige and let everyone in the door know that his majesty is inviolable.

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