Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 941: Go to martial arts

Although Wang Meizhen and his party were ready, they were still taken aback when they saw themselves in the boundless desert.

"Is this the place where we will live in the future?" Fang Shuyi couldn't help asking. This was the first time she saw the desert, it was so spectacular.

"Yihan, shall we live here in the future?" Wang Meizhen looked at Zhan Yihan.

Zhan Yihan shook his head, "Our school is still some distance away from here."

"Oh." Wang Meizhen relieved. Although the desert looks magnificent, she can't bear to live here.

"Everyone get on the spaceship." Su Jinyue waved the spaceship to everyone.

"Okay." Everyone responded and jumped onto the spacecraft.

Wang Meizhen and his party also already had experience and stepped onto the spacecraft.

"Don't worry, my family is very beautiful. You will love it when you go." Lin Suwen walked to Wang Meizhen, smiled and looked at the big treasure in her arms, clapped his hands at the big treasure, "grandma gives a hug. "

Wang Meizhen was about to say that Dabao was very picky, when she saw Dabao stretch out her little hand, giggled and pounced on Lin Suwen, she was a little surprised, "This kid is usually picking people. Our sister-in-law Liu from the village wants to hug him. He was crying and reluctant, my husband, it seems that this child is destined to you."

"Yes." Lin Suwen smiled and hugged Dabao, took out a rattle and shook it with Dabao. This time my grandson didn't come, so I really missed him.

"In-law, do you also have that kind of storage ring on your body?" Wang Meizhen asked. Just now in Yihan's small world, Yifeng had already told them what a storage ring was, and she wanted a ring of that kind.

Lin Suwen smiled and nodded, "When you get to the school, Jinyue and Yihan will also give it to you." If it weren't for fear that they would leak out the storage ring, Yihan and Jinyue should have given it to them long ago. , But they are now in the realm of cultivation, and even if it is leaked out, nothing will happen.

"Really?" Wang Meizhen asked happily. Can she really have this kind of treasure that can put things casually and take things casually?

"Of course it is true." Lin Suwen nodded with a smile.

"Jin Yue, how long will it take for us to get to the place you mentioned?" Xu Tiansheng asked, withdrawing his gaze.

"It will be there in two days, Master, I have asked someone to cultivate a medicinal field where you live. You can check it out when you are okay." Su Jinyue said. She knows that Master likes herbs the most.

Xu Tiansheng nodded, "I don't have medicinal seeds with me?" If he knew, he would bring the bag of seeds at home.

"No, the medicinal herbs have already been planted in that medicine field. They are all low-level spiritual herbs." Su Jinyue took out a book and handed it to Xu Tiansheng. "The illustrations of those herbs are in this book." Tian The herbs on the Moon Continent are naturally different from the herbs on the earth. She plans to wait until Master cultivates before teaching him alchemy, lest he is bored here.

Xu Tiansheng opened the book and looked at it carefully, "Are these all herbs? I have never heard of them?" He has seen many of these after so many years of medical experience. He has never seen any of the herbs in this book.

"Master, this place is different from the earth. The herbs here can be refined into pill. The Jiazi Pill I am taking for you is refined from spirit grass." Su Jinyue said.

Xu Tiansheng nodded clearly, "Then people here are not sick?"

Su Jinyue nodded, "Whether he is injured or ill, only one pill can solve it."

"Then can I learn alchemy?" Xu Tiansheng looked at Su Jinyue with some expectation. There are no patients here, and he has nothing to do. If he can learn to practice alchemy, he will have pursuits in the future.

"Of course, I will teach you when you practice." Su Jinyue promised with a smile

Tao. She knew that Master must be interested in alchemy.

The speed of the spaceship was extremely fast, and the monks who were walking in the desert had no time to see clearly, the spaceship had already whizzed past.

Looking at the spacecraft that had disappeared in the distance, the face of a small team of four or five people was full of envy.

"If only I could own a spaceship one day," said a middle-aged female sister with a face full of vicissitudes in the team.

"Don't dream, let's practice well." A middle-aged man beside her practiced. He also thought that one day, he could surpass everyone and have his own school, but the facts cruelly broke his yearning. Not to mention the strength surpassing others, even the cultivation resources are extremely difficult to obtain.

"It will be fine when we go to the sect established by Elder Su. She is an eighth-level alchemy master, and even the city lord of Pill City treats her with three points of courtesy." A young man said.

"Will the martial arts accept us?" the middle-aged female nun asked with some worry.

"Of course, I have some connections with that elder Su." The young man believed himself. The reason why he was able to come to Tianyue Continent was because of Su Jinyue's help.

At the beginning, he searched for it and couldn't find a way to return to the Tianxi Continent. He thought he could only live on the earth in a muddle-headed manner, but he didn't expect to meet Su Jinyue. Only then did he know that besides him, there are also cultivators on earth.

After Su Jinyue sent him to the Tianyue Continent, he thought he would never have a chance to meet Su Jinyue again in his life, but he heard the news that she was also coming to the Tianyue Continent, and her strength was not only strong, but also I established a martial art.

"Ouyang Qi, you really didn't lie to us, do you really know that elder Su?" a young woman beside him asked.

Ouyang Qi smiled and nodded, "Why should I lie to you?"

"Then let's go quickly. Pill City is in front of me. After Pill City, it's not far from Xingjia Mountain." The middle-aged female cultivator said. What she desires most in her life is to be able to enter the martial art, but her aptitude is not good, the martial art is not willing to accept her. I hope that the sect established by Su Jinyue can be different from other sects.

"Yeah." Everyone nodded, speeding up and walking forward.

Along the way, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan kept introducing everyone to the places they passed.

"The following is the city of Pill. Most of the medicines of Riyao Country are from Pill City." Su Jinyue slowed down the speed of the spacecraft and pointed to the city of Pill.

"What level is the highest alchemist in Pill City?" Su Lihe asked. He is now the sixth-level alchemy master, and he is only one step away from being promoted to the seventh-level alchemy master.

"The eighth-level alchemy master, although the Tianyue Continent is a cultivation world, there are not many nine-level spirit grasses." Su Jinyue said. Like the meeting master of the Alchemist Association, if there were enough ninth-level spirit grass to train him, he should already be a ninth-level alchemy master.

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