Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 942: Flying sword

"Then you are not the strongest alchemist here?" Lin Su asked. Jinyue was an eighth-level alchemy master, and they all knew about it.

Su Jinyue smiled and said, "That's right." If she was given a ninth-level spirit grass, she could completely refine a ninth-level spirit grass. Her alchemy is different from others, it is inherited from the Golden Leaf Realm, and the Golden Leaf Realm is originally something of the Immortal Realm, and the technique is naturally against the sky.

"Jin Yue is the honorary elder of Dancheng." Zhan Yihan said.

Su Lihe and Lin Su nodded clearly, with a proud smile on their faces, "Will we be able to come to Pill City anytime from now on?" They thought that Pill City should be similar to the martial art, so they can't just do it casually. Entered.

"Of course." Su Jinyue nodded and smiled.

Su Yanxi, Su Yanqi, Qin Youyou, Qu Yingli, and Zhan Yiping arrived outside the gate early. After receiving the news from Su Jinyue, they came here waiting for everyone to arrive. They haven't seen their family for a long time, and they really miss them.

Zhan Yiping was a little nervous, looking forward to it, and a little excited and excited, "When will the eldest brother and sister-in-law arrive?" She hasn't seen her parents for more than two years, and she doesn't know how well they are now? I heard from my sister-in-law that the second brother and Xiaoyun were also married, and she came here after the second brother's wedding, but she had no impression of these at all.

However, Qin Xiaoyun has some impressions. She is a very good woman who works hard and does not complain. Even if the Gong family treats her that way, she never complains.

"Come here!" Seeing the spaceship gradually approaching from a distance, Su Yanxi's faces showed ecstasy at the same time.

"I saw Yanxi and them, they are there." Lin Suwen saw Su Yanxi who was waving at them, and waved his hand excitedly.

Wang Meizhen was looking at the scenery, and when she heard Lin Su's question, she looked up and said, "I also saw Yiping, she is still alive, so good!" She couldn't help but redden her eyes. There was no news of Yiping for two years. She thought Yiping was no longer in the world, but she did not expect that their mother and daughter would have a chance to see each other again.

"Father! Mother!" Seeing the spacecraft stopped, Zhan Yiping quickly rushed towards the two, tears falling uncontrollably. that's nice! From now on, I can live with my parents and them.

Wang Meizhen ran to Zhan Yiping quickly, hugged her tightly in her arms, and cried and hammered Zhan Yiping’s back, "You bad boy, I don’t know how to go back for more than two years. We, you don’t know how anxious we are."

"I'm sorry, mother! I was wrong! I will never leave you silently in the future." Zhan Yiping cried and apologized. Her heart was full of guilt, and she knew that her disappearance must have worried her parents.

Wang Meizhen raised her head and looked at Zhan Yiping, "If this happens in the future, your father and I will not recognize you as a daughter."

Zhan Yiping nodded vigorously, "No, never again, mother, don't cry." She stretched out her hand to help Wang Meizhen wipe her tears. In the future, she will definitely be filial to them.

Looking at the mother and daughter hugging each other, Zhan Dafeng wiped the corners of his eyes, revealing a relieved smile.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan looked at each other and smiled. Although Yiping has lost her memory, she is also very good like this.

"Today is a good day, let's go and celebrate." Su Yanxi said happily. It would be more perfect if the eldest brother and them came.

The group of people walked toward the gate of the mountain mightily, and everyone's faces were filled with happy smiles.

"Mother, why didn't the third brother come?" Zhan Yiping held Wang Meizhen's hand with a bright smile on his face.

"Your third brother doesn't want to give up his studies. He is now talking about his girlfriend. Hearing from your elder brother and sister-in-law that the girl is pretty good, the other's parents are also very satisfied with Yilin." Wang Meizhen laughed. What she regrets most is that she didn't see Yilin before she left.

"Mother, you don't have to worry about the third brother,

The eldest brother and sister-in-law must have arranged it. "Zhan Yiping stretched out her hand and patted Wang Meizhen's shoulder to comfort her. There are still some people on the earth in the medical valley. If something happens over there, they will definitely be notified immediately.

"Yeah." Wang Meizhen nodded in relief. During this meeting, she found that Yiping had changed a lot, and she was more sensible than before.

"Second brother, third brother, you first take your parents to Lei Xiufeng, and Yihan and I will take Master and them to see Xueyu Peak, and wait a moment when we meet in the main hall of the main peak." Su Jinyue said to Su Yanxi and Su Yanqi. .

"Okay." Su Yanxi and Su Yanqi nodded in response, leading Lin Suwen and his group to fly towards Lei Xiufeng's sword. There is a long distance between the mountain and the mountain here. If you walk for a day, you can't reach it.

"They all fly!" Wang Meizhen's eyes widened in disbelief. Even though I have learned a lot about the Tianyue Continent along the way, I can't help but be shocked when I see it.

"Mother, you will fly when you practice later." Zhan Yiping retracted his gaze and said. Now she is also an ordinary person, and she does not know how to fly with swords, but she will work hard.

"Really?" Wang Meizhen was full of expectation and excitement at the thought that one day she could be like the people in Yigu.

"Can I lie to you?" Zhan Yiping smiled.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan sacrificed their flying swords and said to the crowd: "Everyone, come up."

Xu Tiansheng walked to Feijian and looked at Feijian, "Is this sword really capable of standing so many people?" It seemed that this sword was similar to the swords in the martial arts movies in the TV series.

"Master, rest assured, sit up." Su Jinyue smiled and nodded.

Xu Tiansheng raised his foot and stepped on the flying sword, and found that the flying sword was very stable, and he wouldn't shake at all because he stepped up. This Tianyue Continent is indeed a magical place.

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