Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 975: Make a choice

A sword light across the sky in the night, like a shooting star.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan stopped in the sky above the United States, and Zhan Yihan released his spiritual consciousness, slowly spreading to the surroundings, like a large net, covering the entire land.

After a long time, Zhan Yihan withdrew his spiritual consciousness, "I didn't find it."

Su Jinyue thought for a while, "Let’s go to England to see." Yihan’s spiritual knowledge will never be mistaken, so the only possibility is that Princess Ana is not in the United States. She found out when she treated Princess Ana last time. , Princess Ann was bitten by a vampire to do that, so Princess Ann is likely to be in England.

"Okay." Zhan Yihan drove the flying sword and flew quickly towards England.

Soon Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan came to England. After scanning Zhan Yihan's consciousness, they immediately found the clue, "In an old castle."

"Let's go over." Su Jinyue said.

Princess Ann was sitting on the side of the bed like a puppet, and a trace of fear flashed in her eyes when she heard the sound of footsteps. It has been almost two months since she was taken into captivity here, and the other side will appear every day late at night.

"My dear! The wedding is ready, you are about to put on your wedding dress, everyone is waiting for us." Cahill walked to Princess Anna's side, a pair of pure silver eyes staring affectionately at Princess Anna. When he first saw her in the castle, he fell in love with her, so he left his mark on her.

When I searched for her again, I found that the mark he left was missing. This made him very angry, so he took her into captivity. Only when she became his bride, she would belong to him forever. So he began to prepare for the wedding, and invited all the blood races to come to their wedding, he wanted everyone to know that Anna is his bride from now on.

"I don't want to get married, I want to go home." Anna looked at Cahill, her eyes filled with pleading, like the blue sea. She admits that Cahill is very good to her and that he is also very good, but she prefers that her husband is an ordinary person who can walk with her in the sun.

"I won't let you go, you are my bride, for the rest of my life." Cahill said solemnly. He waited for a thousand years before he waited for the one he loves, how could he let her go.

"Cahill, I just want to live my life in a dull life. The husband I want to marry is not only in the dark, but I need him. He will accompany me anytime and anywhere." Anna said.

"My dear, I also want to be with you anytime and anywhere, but as soon as I see the sun, it will be ashes." Cahill looked at Anna, with a touch of helplessness and guilt in her pure silver eyes. Anna is the one he loves. Of course he hopes to be with her forever, but he can't do it.

"Cahill, why don't you find someone of the same race as you, that's right for you." Anna said. Why did she feel sour in her heart when she said this? Did she fall in love with him?

"Only you are my love." Cahill said firmly.

"Is it interesting to force it?" A cheerful voice sounded abruptly.

Both Cahill and Anna were shocked, and turned their heads quickly and saw a man and a woman standing not far away.

"Doctor Su!" Anna saw Su Jinyue's face immediately showing a look of surprise. It was Doctor Su who rescued her at the beginning, and she must have come to rescue her this time, but why was there a trace of reluctance in her heart.

"Who are you? How did you get in?" Cahill stared at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan closely, with a trace of vigilance and anger in his eyes. Anna knows them, so they are probably the ones who came to take Anna away. This is so possible, he can't lose Anna.

Su Jinyue ignored Cahill's question and looked at Anna, "Do you want to leave?" If she is willing to go, they will take her away, and if they don't, they won't force it.

"Anna!" Cahill looked at Anna, with a pleading in his eyes. He doesn't know each other

Who it is, but the other party can enter here without knowing it, it's definitely not an ordinary person. As long as they don't take Anna, he will not embarrass them.

"I..." There was hesitation in Anna's eyes. She missed her parents very much, but when she thought that she would never see Cahill again after leaving, her heart throbbed. Did she really fall in love with Cahill?

Su Jinyue did not speak, waiting for Anna to give an answer. Cahill should really love Anna, otherwise he wouldn't prepare for her wedding. In the hall downstairs, the vampires were waiting for Cahill and Anna to go down.

She had read a book in her previous life. It said that vampires and humans cannot marry. The blood family always regards their bloodline as noble. How could they let the human beings they look down upon tarnish their noble bloodline. Cahill's ability to marry Anna seems to have taken a lot of effort.

"My dear, can you stay? I really can't lose you. You said I can't accompany you during the day. I will find a way to accompany you during the day. As long as you don't leave me, I will promise you whatever you want." Card Hill said imploringly. In order to marry Anna, he gave up the identity of the patriarch to his brother, who agreed to help him persuade everyone. After months of hard work, the tribe finally agreed to him to marry Anna.

Faced with Cahill's pure silver eyes, Anna almost agreed to his request. But thinking of her parents, she hesitated. After she married Cahill, she never saw her parents again.

Looking at the two, Su Jinyue sighed helplessly in her heart, "If you can't bear it, then stay." I didn't expect this Cahill to be so affectionate.

Cahill glanced at Su Jinyue unexpectedly. Didn't she come to take Anna away?

"I don't know how to choose." Anna hid her face and cried. She knew that she had fallen in love with Cahill, but if she married Cahill, what would her parents do?

Cahill stepped forward and held Anna in his arms, "Don't cry, my heart hurts when you cry." Seeing her crying, he felt her tears falling on his heart. Every drop was so hot that his heart throbbed.

Anna was no longer depressed, and cried loudly, "I don't know what to do, I don't want to leave you, but I also don't want to leave my parents, oh oh..."

"I know, I will accompany you back to see your parents." Cahill patted Anna on the back and coaxed softly. Hearing her personal confession that he didn't want to leave him, he felt sweet in his heart as if he had eaten honey. Although it is not easy to go to the United States, but for her, he will try to do it no matter how difficult it is.

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