Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 976: I want to stay

After a long time, Anna stopped crying and raised her moist blue eyes to look at Su Jinyue, "I want to stay." Now that she has seen her heart clearly, she will not escape.

"Thank you dear!" Cahill showed ecstasy on his face. He is really happy at this moment.

"Doctor Su, I'm sorry, I let you go for nothing." Anna looked at Su Jinyue apologetically.

Su Jinyue smiled and shook her head, took out a pill and handed it to Cahill, "You treat her well and wish you happiness."

"Thank you!" Cahill took the pill, "What is this?"

"You can eat it without fear of the sun." Su Jinyue curled her lips.

"Really?" Cahill looked at the pill in his hand in disbelief. Apart from shock, there was a hint of suspicion in his pure silver eyes. Is there such a miraculous medicine in the world?

"Doctor Su's medical skills are very good. She helped me remove the mark you left." Anna said. She absolutely trusts Su Jinyue's medical skills.

Cahill looked at Su Jinyue unexpectedly, thinking that they could appear here silently, there was no doubt in his heart, he looked at the medicine in his hand again, and swallowed it in one mouthful. For Anna, he is willing to gamble once.

The entrance of the medicine pill turned into a sweet liquid and flowed into Cahill's throat. Cahill quickly felt that there seemed to be countless warm currents flowing in his body, making him feel very comfortable.

As time passed, Cahill felt the warm currents slowly becoming hot, as if countless knives were piercing his body, making him unhappy.

"What's wrong with him?" Anna asked nervously, seeing Cahill's painful expression.

"It's okay, he's just transforming. If you want to get something, you must pay." Su Jinyue smiled.

Cahill, in pain, heard Su Jinyue's words, and his heart became firm again. No matter what you pay for Anna, it's worth it.

As time passed, Cahill felt the surging hot liquid in his body once again turned into a warm current, as if washing his body.

"Kacha!" A crisp voice sounded in Cahill's body.

Then a golden light shrouded Cahill's body, and his silver wings and silver horns quickly turned golden yellow.

Cahill opened his eyes in surprise, and his silver eyes had now turned golden. He walked to the mirror and looked at himself in the mirror, his handsome face overflowing with an excited smile. He actually upgraded and became a second-generation blood clan, which was as unreal as a dream.

"Why have his wings and horns changed color?" Anna looked at Cahill, her eyes full of surprise.

"He is promoted." Su Jinyue smiled.

"Oh." Anna nodded seemingly.

Cahill walked in front of Su Jinyue, knelt on one knee, respectfully said: "My lord, thank you! I sincerely invite you to my wedding with Anna." He never thought that he could be promoted, the blood race would be promoted. It's harder than going to the sky. And Su Jinyue can make him advance with only one medicine, which is more powerful than Satan.

Anna looked at Cahill in confusion, not understanding why he was so respectful to Su Jinyue, but she also hoped that Su Jinyue could attend her wedding, "Doctor Su, please attend our wedding."

"Cahill, are you all right?" As a voice sounded, a man who resembled Cahill pushed the door and walked in.

Seeing the situation inside, he opened his eyes in disbelief, "Cahill, you have been promoted to the second kinship?" How is this possible?

Cahill stood up from the ground and looked at the questioning man, with an expression of joy that could not be hidden, "Yes, big brother."

"How did you advance?" Lucas asked eagerly. Cahill was promoted, he

It is the most powerful of the blood races, even if he is willing to give him the position of the patriarch, other blood races may not agree.

Cahill considered. He didn't know whether he should tell the story.

"He knew that we were here to take Anna away, so he was promoted in a fit of anger." Su Jinyue said quietly. There was a dark atmosphere in Lucas that she didn't like.

"Yes." Cahill nodded.

"How is this possible?" Lucas didn't believe this at all. If he can be promoted even if he is angry, then he would have been promoted long ago.

"But this is true." Cahill affirmed. He will not cause Su Jinyue to trouble.

Lucas snorted coldly, "The guests are waiting, you guys hurry up, the sky will light soon." After speaking, he opened the door and went out. He knew that Cahill was lying to him, but what about that? Cahill is now stronger than him, and he can't do much at all.

Cahill looked at Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, "Two adults! I hope you can attend our wedding."

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan looked at each other, smiled and shook their heads, "We won't participate if we have anything else, Princess Ann, you should call your parents and let them know."

Anna nodded, "Thank you Doctor Su!" She was extremely grateful to Su Jinyue. If she took her away directly, she would not resist at all. Without her phrase "If you can't bear it, then stay." She couldn't see her heart at all, and she let Cahill advance.

Turned his head to look at Cahill. She found Cahill like this to look better!

Su Jinyue smiled and shook her head, took a step with Zhan Yihan and disappeared in place.

Anna and Cahill saw Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan suddenly disappear, and their hearts were even more shocked, but they were relieved when they thought of the effect of the pill. Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan must have been sent by gods to help them, otherwise how could they be so powerful.

Cahill turned to look at Anna, put one hand behind his back, and the gentleman stretched out his hand: "My beautiful bride, will you marry me?"

Anna raised a bright smile. At this moment, as if a hundred flowers blossomed, the beauty was thrilling, she put her hand into Cahill's hand, "I do!"

Cahill smiled with joy and stretched out his hand to hold Anna's hand tightly, "My beautiful bride, I swear in the name of blood, I will love you forever."

There was a blush on Anna's face, "I will love you forever." She really felt very happy at this moment.

"Let's go, let's go to meet our wedding." Cahill took Anna's hand and walked outside. He wants his bride to accept the blessings of all blood races and become the happiest bride in the world. When it's dawn, he will take her to travel outside and bathe in the sun with her. He believes in the effect of the medicine, he has transformed, and he will have more time with his bride in the future.

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