Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 983: Why are you here

After regaining his senses, Wang Ruixiang rubbed his eyes vigorously and found that Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan had not disappeared. He threw down the water bottle in his hand and said excitedly: "Look!"

Everyone looked in the direction of Wang Ruixiang's fingers and saw Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, their faces showed disbelief.

Xu Jinfeng immediately stood up and ran to Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan quickly, "Su Jinyue, Zhan Yihan, why are you here?" How do they know they are here?

"We are here to find you." Su Jinyue curled her lips. Seeing Xu Jinfeng and them safe and sound, she was relieved.

"Did General Yalu let you come?" Xu Jinfeng asked.

"I called General Yalu, knowing that you are here, I came here. Uncle, he is very worried about you, you can call him when we get back." Su Jinyue said.

Xu Jinfeng nodded, "Then did you find anything unusual when you came here?" They couldn't find their way out when they came in, I wonder if Su Jinyue and the others can find it.

Su Jinyue smiled and shook her head, "What's the difference?" There was originally a natural formation here, but Yihan just broke that natural formation.

"After we came here, we found that no matter how we walked, we were still in place." Xu Jinfeng said.

"The trees and roads here are similar, and it is inevitable to go wrong. Do you want to continue to investigate or go back with us?" Su Jinyue asked. She has just seen it with her divine sense, and the minerals in this mountain are very rich.

"We want to go back first." Xu Jinfeng said. It's been almost a week in the mountains, and his whole body is sticky and uncomfortable. Now he just wants to take a good bath and get a good night's sleep.

Su Jinyue nodded, "Then you follow us, rest assured that you will never get lost."

Xu Jinfeng raised his lips and smiled, "I am absolutely assured of you." Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan are not simple people. They can find them, and they will definitely be able to take them out.

Wang Ruixiang and Lu Jiyao also came over and greeted them happily.

"Brother Zhan, Sister Zhan, why are you here?" Wang Ruixiang asked. The person he is most grateful for is Su Jinyue. Without her, there would be no him today. Su Jinyue didn't help him at the beginning, maybe he is still in debt now, and he is busy with paying back the money all day long.

"Come to you, you go and prepare for our going down the mountain." Su Jinyue said.

"Good." Everyone nodded.

"Sister-in-law Zhan, when I go back, I will return the money to you." Wang Ruixiang looked at Su Jinyue, his eyes full of gratitude for her. After half a year of hard work, he also made a fortune.

"Those money is for the stone, you don't have to pay me back." Su Jinyue said. That stone was useless to Wang Ruixiang, but it was of great use to her.

"Sister Zhan, I know you bought the stone to help me, but now I have the ability to pay back, you don't need to be polite to me." Wang Ruixiang said. He didn't believe that the stone was worth so much. If it was worth so much, the person who lied to them would not use that stone to lie to them.

Su Jinyue smiled, "I'm not polite with you, I really like that stone."

"You really didn't lie to me?" Wang Ruixiang looked at Su Jinyue carefully, trying to find a trace of deceiving him on her face.

Su Jinyue smiled calmly, "Do you think my money came from the wind?" Relatively speaking, she still took a lot of money.

"No." Wang Ruixiang shook his head.

"Since it wasn't a strong wind, how could I give it away casually?" Su Jinyue smiled.

"Wang Ruixiang, you don't have to worry about it anymore. Su Jinyue is smart enough that she won't make a loss-making business." Xu Jinfeng walked over and handed the backpack in her hand to Wang Ruixiang. After more than half a year of getting along, he and

Wang Ruixiang has long become a brother who talks no matter what.

"Okay." Wang Ruixiang took the backpack and carried it on him. Although there is no need to pay back the money, he will always remember this kindness in his heart.

When everyone was ready, Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan led the way.

"We really came out." Lu Jiyao exclaimed excitedly after realizing that he was not spinning around. He was trapped there these days. Although he didn't say anything, he was very scared in his heart, afraid that they would not find their way and would be trapped there.

"It seems that in the future we will have to come to the mountains for more walks, this time it must be because of unfamiliarity that we will get lost." Xu Jinfeng said.

Wang Ruixiang nodded in agreement, "Fortunately, Brother Zhan has found them, otherwise we don't know when we can go back."

Su Jinyue stopped at this moment, looked around, walked aside, and looked at a stone on the side of the road.

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