Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 984: Move stones

Xu Jinfeng and Wang Ruixiang also walked over, looked carefully, and said, "This is a rough stone." They have been studying the rough stone every day for more than half a year. How could they not see that it is a rough stone, but what is inside? Jade, they still need to observe carefully before they can judge it.

Su Jinyue nodded, "We will bring this rough stone back."

Zhan Yihan stepped forward and picked up the rough stone.

Xu Jinfeng and Wang Ruixiang were stunned. The rough stone weighed three to four hundred jin. Zhan Yihan picked up the rough stone so easily, showing his strength.

"Brother Zhan, or I will help you lift it together." Wang Ruixiang said. It's okay to hold such a large piece of rough stone for a while, if you want to hold it down the mountain, it is absolutely unbearable.

"No, I can." Zhan Yihan shook his head. Not to mention such a stone, even if you add ten or twenty such stones, in his hand, they are as heavy as small stones.

Su Jinyue smiled at Zhan Yihan and looked at Xu Jinfeng, "Xu Jinfeng, apart from looking for you this time, I have one more thing to tell you."

Xu Jinfeng looked at Su Jinyue suspiciously, and nodded, "Go ahead."

"This time, Yihan and I came back, mainly because they wanted to take the uncle and the third uncle to the place where we are staying now. My master and him are also there, and Aunt Lin also promised to go with us." Su Jinyue Said.

"Really?" Xu Jinfeng was a little surprised. The second aunt and the second uncle are already divorced, how could the second aunt agree to go with Su Jinyue? Besides, the second uncle is also there.

"Yeah." Su Jinyue smiled and nodded.

Xu Jinfeng slowed down, "It's really unexpected. Did my father and third uncle agree?" As long as his father and third uncle agree, he won't have any opinions.

"Agree." Su Jinyue nodded.

"Then I have no opinion, but how shall I find you in the future?" Xu Jinfeng asked. This is the most critical.

"I'll give you a contact information later. If you want to see us, just call that number, and we will come back to see you." Su Jinyue said. The set of exercises she gave to Xu Jinfeng can also produce internal energy after slowly practicing. When Xu Jinfeng went to the Tianyue Continent in the future, he would get twice the result with half the effort in his cultivation.

"Good." Xu Jinfeng nodded in response. He still has a lot to do now, and when he gets tired one day, he might also go to the place where Su Jinyue and the others stayed.

Aru led people towards the mountain. After hanging up Su Jinyue's phone, he decided to take a trip in person.

"General Yalu, I saw Abin and them." A subordinate said in surprise.

Yalu looked up and saw that Su Jinyue was also there, and she was stunned on the spot. Why is she here too?

He walked quickly towards Su Jinyue and his group. When he saw Zhan Yihan holding a boulder with a relaxed expression on his face, Yalu was stunned again. Although he has not weighed the weight of the stone, it can be seen from the volume of the stone that the stone weighs three to four hundred jins.

"It's been a long time since General Yalu!" Su Jinyue greeted Yalu with a smile.

Yalu recovered and looked at Su Jinyue, "Why are you here?" He took a look at the number of the phone number just now. It was obviously an international long distance. Even if Su Jinyue and the others came by plane, it wouldn't be so fast, right? ?

He knew that Su Jinyue was not easy, but she was not easy, and the man next to her, holding such a big rock as if he didn’t hold it, couldn’t tell at all that he was holding a heavy object. .

"It just happens to be okay, just come and have a look." Su Jinyue curled her lips. Even if Aru suspected, he couldn't find out anything. Who would have thought they would fly.

Alu laughed and looked at Zhan Yihan, "This one is?"

"He is my husband Zhan Yihan." Su Jinyue introduced.

"Hello!" Yalu habitually stretched out his hand,

Wanting to shake hands with Zhan Yihan, he stretched out his hand halfway and stopped, and said to the man on the side: "I can't help moving that stone." There is really no eye power.

A tall man walked in front of Zhan Yihan and stretched out his hand and said, "I'll help you move it." Those who are so respected by their generals, Yalu, must have a lot of background.

Zhan Yihan was not polite with the opponent, and handed the stone to the opponent.

The moment the tall man took the stone, he almost threw the stone on the ground. He looked at Zhan Yihan with a relaxed look, thinking that the stone was not heavy, but he didn't expect it to be so heavy, which is less than three or four hundred catties.

He stepped out, squatted slightly, and made a horse-stride, before he reluctantly hugged the stone, but his face was flushed, and he gritted his teeth and shouted at the companion on the side: "Come on and help... .I can't hold it anymore..." I knew he would not be able to do it.

The companion on the side saw the appearance of a tall man and was a little suspicious. Is it really that heavy? Then why did Zhan Yihan just hold it like weightless?

A companion walked forward, reached out his hand to lift the other side of the stone, and was surprised when he felt the weight of the stone. It's really heavy!

"I didn't lie to you, did I?" the tall and strong man said with a sigh of relief. Although it is still heavy to lift by two people, it is much better than moving by one person.

The companion who helped move the stone nodded, looking at Zhan Yihan's eyes full of weirdness. Is he human?

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