Rebirth of 1985’s Best Doctor

Chapter 997: Motianhai

Zhan Yihan took out a bunch of materials, "I refine a ship." Even the first-level magical artifact is stronger than this ship.

"Are you a refiner?" Tian Feng looked at Zhan Yihan in surprise. As expected, this battle is also very cold.

Zhan Yihan nodded slightly, sacrificed the flames and began to refine.

Seeing that Zhan Yihan began to refine, Tian Fengxun stopped speaking, rowing his oars in one direction. He didn't plan to compare with this couple, otherwise he would definitely die of shame. He lived for thousands of years, and in the end he was not as good as two little dolls in his twenties. How could this make him feel so embarrassed?

The boat was slowly moving, rowing towards a place.

Su Jinyue observed her surroundings with her spiritual sense. It seems peaceful here, but it shouldn't be too careless.

A huge wave hit the boat, Su Jinyue raised his hand and threw a few formation flags, a rapid defensive formation, blocking the huge wave's attack.

Before I could breathe a sigh of relief, I saw that the sky was slowly getting gloomy, and flashes of lightning flashed in the dark clouds.

"It looks like it's going to rain." Before Tian Fengxun's words fell, soy-sized raindrops fell densely, hitting the defensive formation, making a crackling sound.

Su Jinyue was about to speak when the boat shook violently. She swept it with her spiritual sense, and saw dozens of sea beasts attacking their boat. "There are sea beasts on top of our boat at the bottom of the boat." Those sea beasts. Although the level is not high, but the size is extremely huge, I am afraid that this ship will not last long.

Taking a look at Zhan Yihan, Su Jinyue raised her hand to sacrifice a few Fuluo and threw it into the sea.

As soon as Fu Lu entered the sea, he immediately turned into a big net, netting several sea beasts that were attacking their ship.

The boat returned to calm again, and walked slowly forward on the sea.

Zhan Yihan was not affected in the slightest, and the movements in his hands were as smooth as clouds and flowing water. He saw that a ship's embryo had formed in his hands while he was flying with both hands.

Su Jinyue watched Zhan Yihan with a smile, her eyes full of affection for him. Yi Han is extremely talented in refining. Although he came into contact with refining later than her, his current refining level has already surpassed her. She is still a Level 5 Refining Master, and Yi Han is already a Level 6 Refining Master.

Time passed quickly, the rain had stopped, the dark clouds in the sky had long since dissipated, and the sun was shrouded in warmth, which made people feel extremely comfortable.

A golden light flashed in Zhan Yihan's hand, and then he waved his hand, and a large ship that was several times larger than their boat appeared on the sea.

"Sixth-level top spirit weapon! The master of the battle is the sixth-level late peak crafting master?" Tian Fengxun looked at Zhan Yihan in disbelief. It's really hidden and not revealed! It seems that Zhan Yihan is not far from becoming a seventh-level array master.

"Let's go up." Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan looked at each other with a smile, and leaped to the ship.

Tian Feng had recovered his mind, shook his head and sighed, and took the boat off and boarded the big boat. He should put away the ship, he did not have the methods of Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue, he could refine magic artifacts anytime and anywhere.

Riding the wind and waves, the big ship swiftly moved in one direction, as if a white light had passed through the sea, but it disappeared into the distance in an instant.

"This speed is really extraordinary!" Tian Fengxun praised. It was right to come with Zhan Yihan and the others this time. Otherwise, he was still rowing slowly in the sea in a small boat, not knowing when he would find land.

The big ship was driving fast in the sea, and half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

"This sea is really big, and Luo Xinghai in Tianyue Continent is probably less than half of it." Su Jinyue retracted her consciousness. They have been sailing in the sea for so many days, but now they still don't see land.

"You see there is a boat ahead, we can just ask where this is." Tian Fengxun pointed to the front. He is not as good as Sue in other aspects

Jin Yue and Zhan Yihan, but his cultivation base is stronger than the two.

Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan followed Tian Feng's finger to release their spiritual consciousness, and they saw a big ship there.

Just when Su Jinyue and the others swept each other's ship with their spiritual sense, the other party also spotted them, turned the ship's direction, and sailed towards their ship.

As the opponent's boat gradually approached, Su Jinyue's trio also saw clearly the situation on the opposite boat.

On the opposite side of the boat stood a man and a woman, with handsome facial features, sword eyebrows and starry eyes, but his skin was a bit dark, but it did not affect his appearance, but added a touch of man's masculinity.

The woman beside him is tall, with exquisite features, and is a rare beauty, but the woman's face is cold, giving people the feeling of being a thousand miles away.

"Excuse me, what is this place?" Tian Fengxun asked, arching his hands.

"Don't you know that this is Motianhai?" The man looked at Su Jinyue in surprise. Motianhai is well known on the Motian Continent, and no one does not know its existence.

"This is Motianhai?" Tian Fengxun asked in surprise. He had heard about the Demon Heaven Continent. The Demon Heaven Continent has four oceans, namely the Demon Heaven Sea, the Demon Sea, the Demon Heart Sea, and the Demon Sea.

"You are here, aren't you here to find the magic stone?" The woman gave Su Jinyue a cold look. It's strange, why don't these three people have a trace of magical aura?

"Of course not. We are just lost. Do you have map jade slips on your body? Would you like to buy them for us?" Su Jinyue asked. She just wants to know where to get to the shore.

"Ten million magic stones." The woman whispered.

When Su Jinyue heard the woman mention the magic stone again, she turned to look at Tian Fengxun, "Isn't there no need for the magic stone here?"

Tian Fengxun shook his head with a wry smile, "I don't know this either." He also only heard something about the Devil Heaven Continent.

"Are you not monks from the Devil Continent?" the man asked. If the other party was a monk from the Demon Sky Continent, he wouldn't even be ignorant of such things.

Su Jinyue nodded, "We are from the Tianxi Continent." She didn't know where the Tianxi Continent was, just listened to Ouyang Qi once.

The man thought for a while, "I haven't heard of it." He only heard of the Heavenly Moon Continent and the Netherworld.

"Friend, I don't know if you can tell me something about the Demon Heaven Continent, or if there is a related jade slip, I can exchange it with the Cross Tribulation Pill." Tian Fengxun took out a jade bottle and said. Crossing the Tribulation Pill is a necessary medicine for every monk to ascend.

"Du Jie Dan?" The eyes of the man and the woman were bright. The Pill of Crossing Tribulation is exactly what they need, but the Pill of Crossing Tribulation is extremely precious in the Demon Heaven Continent, and it can be said that it is a pill that can not be found. Unexpectedly, the other party took it out easily.

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