Tian Fengxun smiled and nodded, "I hope I can exchange jade slips and some magic stones from the Demon Heaven Continent with fellow Daoists." Although he doesn't know what the magic stone is, he can know that the magic stone is deliberately found from the opponent. Stone should be a very useful thing.

"Deal!" The man agreed without hesitation. Crossing the Tribulation Pill does not want to have it, he will not miss such an opportunity.

Tian Fengxun waved his hand and waved the jade bottle containing the Jie Pill to the man, who also waved out a storage bag at the same time.

Tian Fengxun took the storage bag, swept it away with his spiritual sense, and arched his hand at the man, "Thank you, fellow daoist! We will leave first."

"Let's go." The man smiled and nodded. He couldn't wait to open the jade bottle in his hand. There were three crystal clear, high-quality Jade Pills in the jade bottle, and he was immediately ecstatic. This time I really made a profit.

The woman watched Su Jinyue and their boat go away, and turned her gaze back to look at the man, "Brother Ze, how many Jie Pills did they give?" Jie Pills are hard to come by, and they won’t give too much if they want to come. It's a pity that she was a step slower and missed this good opportunity. But she wouldn't rob brother Ze, brother Ze is the one she likes, and she is willing to give it to him.

"Three, Hongluan, you keep this one." Situ Ze poured out a Pill of Crossing Tribulation and handed it to Liu Hongluan.

"Thank you, Brother Ze!" Liu Hongluan happily took the pill and put it away very cherished. Brother Ze was so kind to her, she really didn't like the wrong person.

Tian Fengxun took out the jade slip and handed it to Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan, and studied it with a magic stone. The magic stone was pure black, and it was as cold as a black gemstone.

"Motian Continent can use gold coins, spirit stones and magic stones. Of the three, magic stones are more precious, so most of them are used in transactions." Su Jinyue also took out a magic stone and looked at it.

"The closest to me is Mo'e City. With my current sailing speed, it will take about a month." Zhan Yihan handed the map jade slip to Tian Fengxun.

Tian Fengxun read the jade slip on the map, "Mo E City is located in the east of the Mo Tian Continent, and it is estimated that it will take half a year to go to the Dark Soul Cape in the west." North City Lord didn't know if he could hold on for that long.

"Let's absorb some of the magical energy in the magic stone first." Su Jinyue passed the magic stone in her hand to Zhan Yihan, and took another magic stone. The jade slip said that most of the monks in the Demon Heaven Continent practiced with magic stones. She had noticed before that both Situ Ze and Liu Hongluan were exuding demon aura, which was because they had absorbed the demon aura in the magic stone.

The three of them sat cross-legged and started to absorb the magic stone in their hands. All they want is the aura of this magic stone on their bodies, so that they won't be seen as not a monk from the Demon Heaven Continent.

Half a month passed in a flash. During this half month, Su Jinyue and the three did not encounter any danger, but occasionally encountered a passing ship.

"I saw Mo'e City." Tian Fengxun happily looked at the looming city in the distance.

"Finally we can go ashore." Su Jinyue raised her lips and smiled and stretched lazily. Having been in the sea for more than half a month, she felt that she was full of the smell of the sea.

Zhan Yihan smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to hold Su Jinyue's hand, and looked at her eyes full of tenderness and pampering. No matter where he is, as long as she is by his side, he is enough.

Mo'E City is a coastal city, most of the monks who come here are for the sea beast materials and magic stones.

Seeing Su Jinyue and their boat docking, a dozen monks immediately swarmed up.

"Do you have sea animal materials for sale? My purchase price here is the highest."

"My name is Wang Gongdao. The monks in Mo'E City know that I am the most fair in doing business. You will never lose out when you sell it to me."

"We have no materials to sell." Zhan Yihan put away the boat and took Su Jinyue to the bazaar.

Tian Fengxun quickly followed.

The market is very lively, with stalls on both sides of the road.

When Su Jinyue and Tian Fengxun saw the herb, they couldn't walk immediately. They stepped forward and asked, "Boss, how do you sell this herb?" Although these herbs are all low-level herbs, they are not available in the Tianyue Continent. of.

"Take all the ten magic stones." The boss said with a smile. At first glance, these people were not from MoE City.

"Boss, are you robbery? These herbs add up to a magic stone." A man in Tsing Yi stepped forward.

The boss lowered his face, and when he saw who the man in Tsing Yi was, a trace of horror appeared on his face. "What Shaozhu Xia said is." The visitor is one of the three major families of Mo E City, the young master of the Xia family. Mo Li, it is best for him to fight injustices. It also made them hate and fear the vendors.

Tian Fengxun looked at Xia Moli, "Thank you, Young Master Xia!" The other party's background should be very large, otherwise the vendors wouldn't be so scared.

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