Xia Moli smiled and waved his hand, "You don't need to be polite." He couldn't see these vendors shouting prices. Although his father had taught him several times because of his nosy, he still couldn't bear it as long as he saw it. I want to come forward and help.

"These herbs are a magic stone." The stall owner glanced at Xia Moli cautiously. Seeing that he was not in trouble anymore, his heart finally let go. It's really unlucky, how come I met this manager.

Tian Fengxun took out a magic stone and handed it to the stall owner, then divided the medicinal herb into two parts, one and half with Su Jinyue.

Xia Moli looked at the stall owner and said sternly: "Let me see you slaughter the customer again, so don't set up a stall here."

"Yes, yes, yes, I will definitely not be anymore." The stall owner nodded repeatedly. How dare he fight against Xia Moli.

Xia Moli nodded in satisfaction, and smiled at Su Jinyue's trio, "I'm leaving now."

"Young Master Xia go slowly!" Su Jinyue smiled and arched their hands at Xia Moli.

Xia Moli nodded and walked forward. He asked his friends to meet at the restaurant, and he would be late if he didn't go.

"Let's continue to see if there are other herbs." Su Jinyue took Zhan Yihan and walked forward.

Tian Fengxun smiled and shook his head, keeping up with Zhan Yihan and Su Jinyue.

The three of them strolled around the market and bought a lot of herbs at very reasonable prices. The stall owners had all heard that Xia Moli was at the market, where they dared to shout prices.

"Let's go to the restaurant in front for a bite to eat." Tian Fengxun suggested. The restaurant was the place where the news was most concentrated, and he also wanted to find out if there were any other places with Cold Spirit Ghost Flower besides Dark Soul Corner.

"Good." Su Jinyue and Zhan Yihan nodded.

The three of them walked into the restaurant and walked towards the second floor under Xiao Er's lead. Just as they stepped up to the second floor, they saw Xia Moli. At this time, he was drinking and chatting with two young men.

Pay attention to someone looking at him, Xia Moli turned his head and looked around, and saw that it was Su Jinyue and the three, who smiled at them.

Su Jinyue nodded and smiled back.

"The three guest officials sit here." Xiao Er saw Su Jinyue and Xia Moli saying hello, guessing that they should know each other, so they arranged the three at the table next to Xia Moli.

Simply ordered a few small dishes, Su Jinyue and the three ate them.

"I heard that there are a lot of good things in the auction held in Mohai City. Young Master Xia, do your Xia family invite jade medals?" The white-clothed man fanned his folding fan and looked at Xia Moli with a leisurely expression.

He came to Mo'E City to look for Xia Moli this time, in fact, because he wanted to participate in the auction held in Mohai City. His family was just a little-known family, and he was not eligible to participate in auctions of that level at all. He can only pin his hopes on Xia Moli now.

Xia Moli nodded, "Our Xia family got three jade medals this time, and each jade medal can bring two people, but my father has arranged it." Of course he knew what the other party meant, but he couldn't do anything.

"That's it." The white-clothed man nodded in disappointment. It seems that he ran for nothing.

"Young Master Xia, your father loves you so much, he should agree to you asking for an extra spot," another blue-robed youth said. He came to Xia Moli, also for the auction. Even if you don't buy anything at auctions of that level, you will still have a lot of face.

"I asked my dad before. I have a friend who wants to go with me, but you also know my dad. It's hard to change what he decides." Xia Moli picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp. Said distressedly.

The white-clothed man and the blue-robed youth looked at each other and stood up and said, "Young Master Xia, we have something to do, so let's say goodbye." Since there is no hope, they don't want to waste time here, so they might as well go back and find another way.

Xia Mo Lidian

Nodding his head, "Two of you go slowly!"

Withdrawing his gaze, Xia Moli shook his head, picked up the jug on the table and poured himself a glass. He treats them as friends, but they take him as a fool. It feels really uncomfortable.

"Young Master Xia, if you don't dislike it, can you sit over and chat with us?" Tian Fengxun said.

Xia Moli looked at the three of Tian Fengxun, hesitated, got up and walked to sit down beside the three of Su Jinyue. I hope they are not for the auction.

"I just heard you talk about the auction. I would like to ask, will there be cold ghost flowers in this auction?" Tian Fengxun asked. If he can get the Cold Spirit Ghost Flower, he can go back to save the North City Lord.

Xia Moli frowned and said, "I don't know." The other party called himself over for a purpose.

"A friend of mine was inhaled with devilish energy, and he must be cured by the Cold Spirit Ghost Flower. Shao Master Xia knows where there is the Cold Spirit Ghost Flower?" Tian Fengxun knew that Xia Moli was not happy, but he had to ask. Demon energy and demon spirit energy are two concepts. Demon energy is formed by the illusion of the soul. Once inhaled, it will become a puppet. The devil energy in the magic stone is not. It is also a kind of spiritual energy, which is good for cultivation. .

"Really?" Xia Moli looked at Tian Fengxun suspiciously, and when he saw his calm eyes, he was convinced.

Tian Fengxun smiled and nodded, "I just want to know the whereabouts of the Hanling Ghost Flower."

Xia Moli raised a smile, "This time there is a cold ghost flower for sale, but I can't bring you in. But there is a way for you to get a quota for the auction."

"What way?" Tian Fengxun asked excitedly. If he can enter the auction and get the cold spirit ghost flower, he can go back to save the North City Lord.

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