Biquge, the fastest update of the rebirth counterattack: the latest chapter of the concubine!

Chapter 1518

Liang Zhangyuan could not stand on the ground, his body was trembling slightly, and it felt like his end was coming.

He has been a doctor for decades, no matter in the folk or later in the Royal Hospital, he climbed to the seat of the hospital step by step from a little doctor, in the meantime, he suffered a lot of grievances and was oppressed by others. I have also had the white eyes of the harem master, who have been ridiculed and satirized, but this is the first time for such humiliation and violence.

This is also the first time Shangguan Tuo has exposed his brutal nature in front of his son.

Shangguan Nuo looked at his father with astonishment. Is this violent man really his father?

Thinking that when he was away, he stood outside the study and heard the sound of his grandfather's tragic death. He knew that his father had killed his grandfather, but he always attributed it to an accident. Although he thought his father was wrong, he did not I didn't mean to kill my grandfather. It was an accident. I missed it and didn't really want to kill my grandfather.

But today, he suddenly felt that he was wrong. Perhaps the accident was not an accident at all. The father in front of him was really his true face.

If he really one day sits on the throne of the emperor, orders monarchs and ministers, and holds people's power in life and death, will he become a tyrant?

Guan Cui rushed in and headed to Guan Nuo and said, "Shizi, Boss Song ran away. Our people caught up with his caravan, but found that it was a fake caravan. In order to cover people's eyes, they were all hired from the city. The real boss Song and his people are all missing. "

Shangguan Nuo breathed out a sigh of relief, and could not tell what it was like to hear the news.

Shangguan Tuo on the side said: "Waste, immediately send people to block all waterways. They want to return to China, they can only take waterways."

Cui Guan said: "Today's boats on the canal-all gone, can't be sealed."

"Can't seal it? Then spread the book to Xijiang immediately, and send someone to guard the Xijiang Pass. They will carry 400,000 gold tickets. If they are not exchanged for gold and goods, it will be a pile of waste paper to return to the country and tell the people there. As long as you see a person who claims to be a tourist and carries a large amount of goods, all of them will be deducted and questioned, and this person must be found. "

"Yes, the subordinates will do it." Cui Guanshi hurried away.

Shang Guannuo never said a word. Instead, he hoped that Boss Song would leave the Chu Dynasty quickly and not be caught by the person in charge of Cui.

As long as his father's legs are not good for a day, he will not be able to come to the prime minister for a day, then those innocent people will not be harmed by Mo Ming.

Nianwen spread the news from Shangguanfu into the palace. Chu Tianqi learned of the incident and shouted that good and evil would be reported. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't resist the fate of fate.

Wan Lai laughed: "It seems that we don't need to take a shot, he will collapse."

Chu Tianqi shook his head: "No, he will not collapse. With his obsession and obsession with power, even if he is paralyzed with two legs, he will not give up everything that is hard to come by, I guess, he As long as the mind is still awake, he will definitely go into the palace, see my condition with his own eyes, and be prepared for the future, even if he does not ascend the throne, he will let his son sit in this seat.

Thinking of his sick mother, thinking of Qi Rongyue and Zheng Zhongwen who are still missing, Wan Yan gritted his teeth and said, "Let's walk and see, I'll see who can laugh the last ..."

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