Biquge, the fastest update of the rebirth counterattack: the latest chapter of the concubine!

Chapter 1519

West Xinjiang, Xiyuan Town.

Dina was wiping Tianhu's face, watching her husband's original embarrassing look better, but she just didn't wake up, she was so anxious that she stayed with him day and night, and kept talking to him, talking about these years The funny thing when they were together was trying to awaken his sleeping will, which was what Rongyue wanted her to do.

Qi Rongyue said that today's Tianhu has almost no body, and it is his will that sleeps. He may not even realize that he is falling asleep. If it was only a day or two, it would be fine. The longer it goes, the less good it will be for Tianhu's body, and it will even have many unpredictable consequences.

Nine days have passed, and he has slept for nine days since he completely detoxified him.

These nine days, as far as she is concerned, are like nine years, or even as long as a lifetime, every time and every moment makes her feel very difficult.

She wouldn't know if she could survive without her children.

"Ma'am, you can go to a break, slaves guard you Hou Ye." Xiao He said to Dina.

Dina was also really tired and struggling. She got up with one hand on the edge of the bed, and handed the cushion to Xiao He. "You take care of me for a while, I'll vent outside." She just took a few steps outside Before the person came to the door, he heard Xiao He scream: "Madam, ma'am, please come."

Dina was startled, and hurried back to run to the bed: "What happened? What happened?"

Xiao He pointed at Houye's hand on the bed, "Houye moved, Houye moved."

Dina took a closer look. As Xiao He said, Houye's fingers were moving, and the eyelashes on the eyelids were also shaking slightly, as if trying to wake up very hard.

She rushed to the bed and clutched Tianhu's palm tightly: "Houye, are you awake, Houye?"

Tian Hu didn't answer him, his eyes never opened, but she could feel that his vitality was slowly returning.

"Hurry up, go and ask Madam Guan."

Xiao He responded quickly and ran out quickly. He soon invited Qi Rongyue and Zheng Zhongwen together.

Qi Rongyue said without a word, rushed directly to Tianhu's bed, and fastened the pulse of Tianhu's wrist. The pulse was steady and pulsating, and his blood was rising. It was indeed a sign of waking.

Dina asked, "What happened to Grandpa Hou? Would you like to wake up?"

Qi Rongyue nodded: "Yes, Tianhu is about to wake up, but he seems to be in trouble. You step back and I will help him."

Dina retreated, and saw Qi Rongyue taking out the needle bag, pulling out two silver needles, one of which was inserted into Tianhu's mid-acupoint and the other directly into Baihui.

After a while, she first pulled out the silver needle in Baihui Point, and then waited for a while before pulling out the silver needle in the middle point.

As soon as the silver needle was pulled out, Tian Hu's closed eyes opened. He kept breathing heavily, staring at the blue gauze tent above his head.

"Tianhu, who do you recognize?" Rongyue stretched out his hand and shook his eyes. When he saw his eyes responded, he let go of his heart.

Tian Hu looked at Qi Rongyue in front of him, and wondered: "Princess? Why are you here?"

"Not only her, but me." Zheng Zhongwen stepped forward and stood beside Qi Rongyue.

Tian Hu struggled to sit up, his weakness and weakness, and his wife's tears on his face, he suddenly understood that everything that happened in the dream was not Chu.

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