Biquge, the fastest update of the rebirth counterattack: the latest chapter of the concubine!

Chapter 1537

Jian Yun finally stopped vomiting blood. She clenched the hand of Nianwen tightly, and her **** lips squeezed out a smile: "Child, don't be sad, old and sick, it is a process that everyone will go through, and no one can avoid it. Sooner or later, I have no regrets in my life, I am content, and you do not need to be sad. "

"Master, no, I don't want you to die, I don't--" She lay on the bedside, heartbroken, tears couldn't stop falling, holding on to Master's hand tightly, didn't want to sprinkle, nor dare spread.

"Stupid child, don't cry, it's not good to cry red eyes for a while." She stroked the black hair of Nianwen gently, as if she saw Rongyue again, the child who had gone through the ordeal and was like a daughter.

If she could see her again, she would be truly unshakable.

Min Hengzhi and Luo Ji also rushed over. Seeing this, Min Hengzhi threw himself on the head of the bed, his smooth forehead hit the ground, his tears flowed, and his heart ache.

Mr. Wan helped Min Heng to get up and said with red eyes: "Heng Zhi, I beg you one thing, you can help me."

Min Hengzhi wiped away her tears: "You said."

"I can feel that Jane Yun can't stand it anymore. I think she can't rest assured that Rongyue and Zhongwen can't be relieved. The most restless should be Tianqi and Yuner. Can you go to the palace, Take them— "

"No, absolutely not." Jian Yun interrupted Mr. Wan sharply, and this excitement triggered a new round of cough.

She couldn't stop the cough easily. She waved her hands again and again: "No, absolutely not. Now the situation in the palace is critical, and no mistake can be made at this time. Even if I want to see them again, I can't see them at this time, even if I ca n’t make it through, and absolutely not. "

Wan Ye was the son she and Mr. Wan had hardly come to in middle age. On the surface, like all parents in the world, they had strict discipline on their children and did not over-indulge in Wan Ye.

However, both Nianwen and Min Hengzhi knew what Wan Ye meant to the second old man. At this time, even the only son could not be with him. It was a pity for Jian Yun. For Wan Ye, it was impossible for a lifetime. Forgive yourself for your filial piety.

Nianwen suddenly let go of Jian Yun's hand. She stood up and wiped away the tears on her face, and said, "I'm going. Uncle Min's identity can't enter the palace at all, let me go."

Min Hengzhi said urgently: "I can't enter the palace, you can't enter the same way, how do you go?"

The text smiled bitterly: "Have you forgotten? I can't get in, but Shangguan Nuo can, I easily look like Xiaoguan and return to Shangguan. I will ask him and he will help me."

Jian Yun reached out to try to catch her, but she ran out, she couldn't catch her, and was unable to chase her back.

"Funny, you're just bullshit." She covered her chest, suppressing the pain, her breath became unstable, she couldn't die, she couldn't die, she wanted to hold on, she kept telling herself, trying to stabilize her breath.

Nianwen rode all the way to the gate of the city. She only wanted to enter the city, only to find Shangguan Nuo, only to go to the palace to find Ji and Wanji, and let them come to see the last side of the Master. Already.

The atmosphere at the city gate was different from the old days. She didn't care and didn't care to observe these.

The moment Nianwen appeared at the gate of the city, Cui Guanshi, who had been hiding in the carriage, immediately issued instructions to his followers.

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