Rebirth of a Counterattack: Godly Doctor Shizi Fei

Chapter 1539: Lord of Changle County, don't come here.

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Reference 1538

The interrogated guard guard waved his hand to release, but after Zheng Nianwen took Ma into the city, he closed the gate immediately, and a loud bang sounded behind Zheng Nianwen. When she looked back, she found that Cui Guanshi didn't know when Behind her, and behind Cui Guanshi, dozens of sharp arrows have been wound. Only after Cui Guanshi orders, the sharp arrow will hit her like a rain.

How could he be here? Could he have known his identity? Is he here to catch her?

She settled down, a smile on her face, and calmly said, "Cui Guanshi? What a coincidence."

Cui Guanshi sneered: "It's very coincident, Changle County Master, don't come here."

He did know.

She moved her hand to her waist, and the soft sword wrapped around her.

"Cui Guanshi may have confessed the wrong person. In Xia Xiaoguan, the followers around Shizi, don't you remember?" She still smiled lightly.

Cui Guanshi said: "Although I am older, I am not too old and confused, naturally I remember, but I still remember that the master of Changle County is the sweetheart of Shizi. For Changle County master, Shizi dares to do anything. After leaving Shizi, do you know what our Shizi has become? "

The literary smile gradually narrowed, his wrists trembled, and the soft sword on his waist came out. "What do you mean, was Shizi asking you to come?"

Guan Cui shrugged: "I'm from Shangguanfu. I work for Shangguanfu. Who asked me to come and what's the difference?"

"That being the case, let's talk nonsense." She expected those archers would not strike her. If she was sent by Shangguan Nuo, the above Guannuo's temper would never want her life.

Manager Cui snorted coldly and raised his hand and said, "Put an arrow."

The sharp arrows landed like a dense rain, all greeting her.

As she retreated, she wielded her sword to defend.

It seems that it is not Shangguan Nuo's person, it is Shangguan Tuo.

How did he know that Xiao Guan was Zheng Nianwen? Did Shangguan Nuo say it?

She is very good at work, and her hands are first-rate. The guards of these three-legged cats are naturally not her opponents. When she thought that she could retreat, Cui Guanshi even gave another instruction. Somewhere out, replaced the guards who were beaten up by her.

The master's breath came to her face. She didn't need to take a shot, she already felt the pressure. Not to mention the dozen or so masters in front of her, even if two or three attacked her together, she was afraid she couldn't resist.

She was anxious in her heart. If she could n’t get away, she would n’t see Wan He and He, and could not pass on the news of Master ’s critical illness. Not only did they not see the last side of Master, but even themselves – unable to give Master. The last trip.

Thinking of this, she gradually became fierce, and the sword in her hands became more and more severe, and Shengsheng killed herself a way of life. However, people are not as good as heaven. Even if she swept the horse with her superb light skills, Guan Cui suddenly turned towards She threw a black iron ball on her side.

The iron ball exploded when it hit the ground, bursting with white smoke. Zheng Nianwen, who had been in many places all over the body, had no time to breathe when he smelled the smoke.

It wasn't just her. Several masters in black around her, when they smelled the smoke, fell to the ground, unconscious.

Zheng Nianwen fell down immediately, and the scene in front of him gradually blurred. She saw someone walking towards her, step by step, getting closer and closer.

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