Biquge, the fastest update of the rebirth counterattack: the latest chapter of the concubine!

Chapter 1743

Like a person, of course, you must like everything, including her habits and tastes.

So he plans to try again.

He also picked up a piece of beef. After a little hesitation, he finally put it in his mouth. After chewing twice, he immediately regretted it. He shouldn't try it, he shouldn't try it!

Originally Yin Shuwei felt that he was ugly, and he was scolding himself why he couldn't bear a piece of spicy beef? Everyone was elegant, but he couldn't hold it.

As a result, when he saw Yuntian, he knew what was ugly. At least he didn't shed tears and nose in front of everyone. . .

A meal ate hot and deep water, Yuntian has never been so anxious to end the time to eat with Wen'er. Now he just feels like a fire is burning in his stomach. He keeps urging the water in the tea cup with his inner force. I drank it into ice water and drank two pots, and it was still uncomfortable.

He got up, and said to the man, "I'll go back first, and eat slowly." He put down the tea cup in his hand, pulled his leg, and left. He couldn't stay for a moment. He just wanted to hurry back to drive the ‘poison’.

Yun Tian originally sat beside Yin Shuwei. After he left, the tea cup left was placed next to Yin Shuwei's right hand. He felt a coolness coming out of the cup, a very unusual feeling, and he was very curious, Then he took the tea cup that Yuntian drank and took a look. It was a good girl. The remaining half of the tea cups formed ice cubes, and several pieces of tea were frozen in the ice cubes.

"What's going on? Why is it freezing?" He just saw that the water pouring from the teapot was hot and still scorching, and he drank it. It was normal hot tea. Why did it reach Yuntian? Become an ice cube in the cup?

Nianwen glanced at the tea cup and laughed: "The practice of Yuntian is very special. The internal force is cold like ice. He must have been too hot just now, so he cooled the tea with internal force. But if he accidentally exerts too much force, he will The tea is frozen, and it's no surprise that it happens. "

One time she heard the maid in the courtyard chew the tongue, and said that Xiaoyu, who was serving Yuntian's bath, told them that it was clear that it was hot water for Yuntian, but after he finished washing, the water in the bucket was frozen. . .

Yin Mingzhu heard a smile and said, "Isn't he even able to save the ice kiln when he is there that summer?"

Wan Yan has put down his chopsticks, and glanced over the frozen tea cup, with a faint smile on his face: "With him, summer will also become winter. You can sit next to him without notice Chill, that was his deliberate convergence of breath. Normally, where he lived, almost no one dared to stay in cotton for a quarter of an hour. "

Yin Mingzhu's eyes narrowed, and his face was surprised: "Really? What skills did he practice, how could he be so amazing?"

Nianwen gave Wanxian a glance, and said badly: "Don't talk nonsense, Yuntian is as cold as you said." She then turned her face to Yin Mingzhu and said, "Nothing, Wanxie was joking."

Are you kidding? She didn't seem to be joking about Wan Gongzi.

The time for a meal passed quickly, Wan Ye said goodbye to Yin Shuwei, thanked him for his hospitality and politely invited him to go to Wanfu another day to enjoy the reward, which led Nianwen to leave.

Yin Mingzhu looked at his cousin with a bleak face, and his heart also hurt: "Cousin, can you die now?"

Yin Shu was the only one who looked away and stared at Yin Mingzhu's red eyes: "What did you say?"

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