Biquge, the fastest update of the rebirth counterattack: the latest chapter of the concubine!

Reference 1744

"I said, can you be dead to the lord of the county now? She and Wan Gongzi are a pair. She doesn't have you in her eyes, that is, the position of Yuntian in her eyes is higher than you. She is just a friend, an ordinary friend. "

"Don't say--" He interrupted her rudely, he knew it, he knew it, no one needed to remind him.

"I don't need you to take care of me." Yin Shuwei stared at Yin Mingzhu fiercely and turned away.

Yin Mingzhu was extremely wronged, and tears rolled down. Why she didn't see why she was good to him.

Why, knowing that the person can't get it by himself, he just wants to change his mind.


Wan Yan sent Nianwen back to the palace, and bought her rock candy gourd on the way. Seeing her happy, she asked with a smile, "Are you happy today?"

She nodded. "Happy!"

"When did you start being happy?" He asked again.

She chewed the candy gourd, and her brain began to run at a high speed. This guy Wan Man is like this. The more he asks questions lightly, the more he cares about the result, so he ca n’t answer very casually. Glad, he promised to get black noodles immediately, and would not be able to eat the sweetened gourds and full vinegar jars he bought for a month.

"When did you start being happy? Of course not when I was out of the palace, it must be when I saw a handsome boy turning over and dismounting in front of the building in Xianhelou."

Wan Biao immediately turned her lip corners, and her eyes were full of bright smiles. This girl apparently followed his reply, but he just loved to listen.

"Are you happy?" She asked with a smile.

Wan Zheng nodded: "Happy!"

"Then when did you start to be happy?" She asked rhetorically, with a kind of revenge in her heart.

Wan Min looked up at the sky silently, "I'm just happy from the beginning."

"That said, until then, you've been unhappy?" She asked.

He nodded, nodded earnestly: "My fiancee and other men go to the restaurant to drink, do you think I will be happy? If I and other women go to the restaurant to drink, what would you think?"

The text shrugged: "I haven't tasted this taste. Next time I try it, I can answer your question."

Wan Yan was so angry and funny that he reached out and squeezed her pink cheeks: "You bad girl, who, like you, wants your man to get along with other women."

Nianwen's face was innocent: "I don't have one. You started this topic first. You can't blame me."

He clasped her wrist, feeling affectionate: "Wen Er, let's get married next month!" He couldn't bear the nasty flies in front of him constantly turning around Wen Er, as long as he got married, they should always die. Come on.

Wen'er blushed and shook his head: "No, who will marry you."

"Wen Er, I mean it, no kidding."

"I mean it, no kidding."

"I don't care. I'll be married next month. No discussion."

"I don't care. I won't marry next month. I haven't discussed it."

The afternoon sun was very hot and warm, just like their mood at the moment, surrounded by warm sun and trapped by enthusiasm.

They began to look forward to that day.

Although she is not ready for a wife.

Although he didn't know what to do to be a good husband.

Despite them, they don't know how to be a child's father and mother.

In their eyes, there is only one another. They think that as long as they have each other, life will be happy.

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