Rebirth of a fishing village: starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 313 Ding Lihua! Let's talk about Zhao Dahai!

"Do you know what kind of fish this is?"

Gao Zhicheng was a little anxious. He felt that he didn't look like Yo Ma, but he couldn't tell, especially when the fishing rod was in Zhao Dahai's hand. His feeling may not be accurate.

"Boss Gao!"

"This could be a fish you want to catch this trip!"

Zhao Dahai tightened his grip to release the force, and the fish, which was running out frantically while pulling on the line, paused and continued to run forward.


Could it be that the one Zhao Dahai caught was a mackerel?

"Spanish mackerel!?"

Gao Zhicheng blurted out. Yesterday I told Zhao Dahai that this trip I still want to catch mackerel, horse mackerel and ghost knife.

If Ma Youyu had already caught the ghost knife, he would have to run farther. The only possibility is mackerel.

"It might be a big mackerel. Who would have thought there was a mackerel in this place?"

Zhao Dahai really didn't expect to catch mackerel here.

"Impossible, right? How could there be a mackerel in this place? The key is Zhao Dahai, how do you know it's a mackerel?"

Wu Weimin didn't quite believe that it was a mackerel that took the bait.

Zhao Dahai told Wu Weimin that he caught a mackerel near the windmill foot fishing spot some time ago. The strength of the hooked fish, including its swimming speed and even the way it pulled the fishing rod, were almost the same.

"Is it big?"

"What's the size of the fish?"

Lin Zuhua doesn’t care too much whether the hooked fish is a mackerel or a mackerel. What matters is how big it is.

Zhao Dahai tightened the pressure a little more, pulled the pole back with both hands, and shook his head. At first, he thought the fish was very big, but now it seems that it is really not too big, no more than thirty kilograms.

Zhao Dahai held the fishing rod with both hands, the tail of the rod pressed against his abdomen, and the spinning wheel continued to spin out, but the speed had obviously slowed down.


"It seems like this fish really can't escape!"

Gao Zhicheng was very excited. This time I went out to sea to catch three kinds of fish, and I have already caught one. If Zhao Dahai catches a Spanish mackerel here, especially if it is a big one, there is a high chance that there will be even bigger mackerel in the surrounding sea area.

Zhao Dahai started to reel in the line and pulled the fish back. At the beginning, the fish kept running wildly. He pulled back one meter and ran forward two meters. After five or six minutes, he pulled back one meter and could only run forward one meter. Thirty minutes later, the hooked fish no longer had the strength to struggle.

Zhao Dahai was not in a hurry, and slowly and steadily reeled in the line to pull the fish back.



"It's not small!"

Wu Weimin stood on tiptoes, staring at the sea with his eyes wide open. He immediately saw a big fish in the clear water swimming slowly towards the speedboat.


"It's a Spanish mackerel!"

Gao Zhicheng saw the fish clearly and immediately yelled.

Spanish mackerel is actually a type of mackerel, called blue-spotted mackerel in some places. It swims very fast, has a very strong pull, and is highly priced. It is one of the dream fish species for people who like fishing.

"Not small!"

"This fish is not small!"

"It must be fifty or sixty catties!"

Lin Zuhua looked at the Spanish mackerel getting closer and closer. It looked very big in the sea water.

While Zhao Dahai was reeling in the fish, he carefully looked at the mouth of the big fish. The whole hook was invisible, and he stuffed it directly into the mouth. Fortunately, he was fishing for sea bass, especially to prevent catching big sea bass. , Use a steel wire to lead, or the wire will break early.

Gao Zhicheng stood beside the speedboat with the fishing net in hand, watching Zhao Dahai pull in the fish, and seeing the right moment, he directly grabbed the fish's head. The Spanish mackerel was frightened and moved forward. Zhao Dahai let go of the line and the whole fish rushed into the net.

Gao Zhicheng waited for Zhao Dahai to put down his pole and come over, then copied the net and gave it to Zhao Dahai.


"It's really a mackerel!"

"It's not small! Why is it so weak? I thought it was only twenty or thirty pounds!"

Zhao Dahai held the fishing net and weighed it with both hands. It must have weighed forty or fifty kilograms. He was very strong when he first took the bait, but soon lost much strength. He originally thought it would take a fierce battle to pull it. Come up, the whole process went incredibly smoothly.

Zhao Dahai held the net with both hands and was just about to lift it up when the Bayu fish flapped its tail crazily in an attempt to escape. The splashing water was like a light rain.

Zhao Dahai was a little helpless. His head and face were covered with seawater, and half of his clothes were wet.


"Didn't this fish just react now and be caught?"

Wu Weimin smiled and took two steps back.

Zhao Dahai was overjoyed, maybe it was really like this. He picked up the fish with both hands and put it on the deck. Looking at the constant struggle, he took the pliers to unhook the fish and knocked it twice on the head before lying down straight. like a statue.

Zhao Dahai stretched out his hand and plucked the fish twice to make sure there was no movement. Then he opened the fish's mouth and saw sharp teeth. The front wire of the steel wire was worn a little dent, which showed how sharp and hard it was, and how hard it was for ordinary fishing lines. Whether it was size 50 or thicker, it had already broken.


"Why is there another lead-tipped hook in the fish's mouth?"

Lin Zuhua was very surprised that there were two lead hooks in the mouth of Spanish mackerel.

"No way? Could it be the fish I ran here last night?"

Zhao Dahai took a look and saw that there were really two lead-headed hooks. One was a steel wire lead-headed hook, and the other was an ordinary lead-headed hook tied with nylon fishing line. He suddenly remembered that he had caught a big fish here yesterday afternoon. , and after a while the line broke and ran away. At that time, I thought it was a mackerel, but now it seems to be a Spanish mackerel, and it is most likely the one caught in front of me.

"This fish won't be so unlucky, right? It already ran away once yesterday and was caught again today?"

Wu Weimin really wanted to mourn for a few minutes for this fish. He was hooked once yesterday. He was very lucky to encounter Zhao Dahai who did not use a wire as a leader and escaped alive. However, today he bit Zhao Dahai's hook again. This time His luck was very bad, and he ran into Zhao Dahai who was guided by a steel wire.

"What else can I say?"

"I'll let it die! Take it back and sell it, and put it in my pocket for money!"

Zhao Dahai opened the refrigerator, picked up the fish and put it directly. Spanish Spanish mackerel or blue-spotted mackerel can't be kept alive when caught, so there is no need to waste time, just put it in the refrigerator.

"Boss Gao."

"I originally wanted to take you to another place, the Windmill Bridge fishing spot where I once caught bigger mackerel, to try and see if I can find the mackerel."

"Now I caught one here, do you want to give it a try and see if you can catch it?"

Zhao Dahai washed his hands and dried them with a towel. One of the targets of Gao Zhicheng's trip to the sea was mackerel. Just now, he thought about collecting his pole here and went to Windmill Cape to fish.

Gao Zhicheng asked if the probability of catching Spanish mackerel or mackerel here was high.

Zhao Dahai shook his head. Basically, he hadn't heard much about anyone catching big fish here, especially big Spanish mackerel weighing 30 to 40 jin or 40 to 50 jin.

Gao Zhicheng hesitated for a moment and decided to try here to see if he could catch Spanish mackerel, especially if he could catch larger mackerel or other types of mackerel.

Zhao Dahai quickly packed up the speedboat, especially the sea bass he caught. The ones he caught at the beginning had all been put into the refrigerator or live cabin. At this time, he was packing up the sea bass that was pulled up from the foam area 40 meters away. .


"If a sea bass of this size can really be fed, it will definitely sell for a very good price!"

Wu Weimin was very sorry. No matter what fish, the bigger it is, the more valuable it is, and sea bass is no exception. Twenty-pound seabass is rare, especially if it is alive, it is very popular, and the price is not lower than some ordinary groupers or smaller groupers.

"Boss Wu."

"it's out of the question!"

Zhao Dahai picked up one after another and threw them into the refrigerator.

The vast majority of fish, no matter what the species, are bigger and more sustainable. It is basically impossible to feed such a large sea bass weighing more than ten or even twenty kilograms, regardless of whether it is in the inland sea or the open sea, whether it is caught with lures or floating shrimps. The bigger the fish is, the harder it will struggle to get hooked. When it is pulled into the boat, it is almost exhausted. Coupled with the fright and the change of living environment, the probability of death is very high. On the contrary, small fish are pulled onto the boat in twos and threes after taking the bait, which will have little impact and may be more likely to be fed.

Zhao Dahai packed up all the fish and put them in the refrigerator, and began to drive the speedboat around the entire island and reef.

Zhao Zhicheng kept throwing his pole, trying to see if he could catch big fish or other mackerel.

Isn't it a lead hook?

Something like a small iron plate! Why are there so many colors?

What kind of fake bait is this?


Can this float on water?

Can these splashes attract fish?

Zhao Dahai was eye-opening. Gao Zhicheng used lure rods to catch Spanish mackerel, but instead of lead hooks, he used some fake baits that he had never seen before.

Zhao Dahai carefully observed how Gao Zhicheng used these fake baits. This is a rare learning opportunity that cannot be missed.

Xu Xiaochui looked at the tide that gradually became smaller and stopped completely, especially the foam in the foam area not far away completely disappeared, leaving only the calm water. He drove the speedboat away from the island and reef, and stopped in the open space about 300 meters away from the island and reef. sea ​​surface.

Xu Dachui opened the refrigerator and picked up the sea bass from the deck one by one and threw them in, counting them as he threw them. There were thirty-two in total. There were not many sea bass over ten kilograms, only seven or eight, and the rest were all five. It weighs about 100 jin, some even weigh about 2 jin, and the total is about 160 to 70 jin.

Xu Dachui packed up the fish, washed his hands, took a water cup, drank a few mouthfuls of strong tea, and lost his mind for a while.

Not catching many fish? It's not really a lot, but it's quite a lot.

The current price of sea bass is not high, but on average, the fish you catch can be sold for fifty to sixty yuan per catty. It does not take a day, but only half a day to earn 10,000 yuan. After deducting the cost, the net profit is about 6,000 to 7,000.

This is already quite good.

I am very happy to be able to catch so many fish, at least it will not be like this now.

Xu Dachui looked up at Zhao Dahai's speedboat a hundred meters away, and heaved a long sigh.

"elder brother!"

"This is impossible!"

"Who would have imagined that Zhao Dahai could catch sea bass in the foam zone from a distance of 40 meters?"

Xu Xiaochui was very depressed.

Zhao Dahai forcibly pulled away a dozen sea bass that weighed more than ten or even over twenty catties under the noses of people like himself.

If it didn't happen, he, Xu Dahammer and Song Tianping would be able to catch a few more fish, and the fish they caught were big ones.


"It's really a ghost!"

"How can they steal our fish from so far away?"

Xu Dahammer knew that there was no way, and it was because of no way that he became even more depressed and angry.

A dozen big sea bass weighing more than ten kilograms or even twenty kilograms, which is a fish weighing two hundred kilograms. If Zhao Dahai hadn't caught them away, he and Song Tianping might not be able to catch five or six more of these big sea bass. Perch earns thousands of dollars more.

If there is one, there are two. If there are two, there are three.

Zhao Dahai will use this method to snatch the sea bass in the bubble area next time he comes here. It is useless for him and Song Tianping to block the intersection.

Even more frightening is, will anyone else learn this method?

When Zhao Dahai was fishing for sea bass just now, there were many other speedboats around, everyone could see it, maybe someone used this method.

"What the hell!"


"It's really over now!"

"I can guarantee that in another ten or eight days, there will be a group of fishermen throwing lures!"


"Zhao Dahai has ruined our jobs!"

Xu Dachui looked at the cursing Song Tianping who parked next to him in a speedboat.

Did Zhao Dahai ruin his and Song Tianping's jobs?

Yes! correct!

It was indeed smashed!

It is really possible that many people will learn this method.

He and Song Tianping could no longer rely on the two-person speedboat. It was bigger, had better control, came earlier, occupied the best position, blocked the entrance, and monopolized the big sea bass in the largest bubble area.

However, the sea bass in this sea were not raised by himself and Song Tianping.

Anyone can fish! It just depends on who can catch it.

He and Song Tianping relied on their big speedboats to block the entrance earlier. Zhao Dahai, or others playing lures, could catch these fish from a distance.

Are only the state officials allowed to set fires but not the people to light lamps?

There is no such reason in this world!

Did Zhao Dahai really do something he shouldn't have done? If this is really the case, Song Tianping will go directly to Zhao Dahai to trouble him.

Song Tianping was just nagging and cursing in front of him to vent his anger.

Xu Dachui didn't say anything, and waved his hand at Xu Xiaochui. The tide had passed. Today's sea bass fishing was over, and he would go home to sell the fish.

Song Tianping's face became very ugly as he watched Xu Dachui and Xu Xiaochui's speedboat go further and further away. He originally thought of irritating Xu Dachui and Xu Xiaochui to trouble Zhao Dahai, but it was of no use at all.

Song Tianping looked at Zhao Dahai's speedboat not far away, and his face turned ugly. After a while, he drove off in the speedboat.

small town.


The sun was high in the sky and it was very hot.

There were basically no people on the street, and everyone was hiding in their houses.

If you take two steps outside in this weather, your clothes will get soaked immediately.

Ding Lihua was sitting in the shop, drinking a pot of tea that had just been brewed. Generally speaking, no one would come to buy a diesel or gasoline engine at this time and in this weather.

Ding Lihua leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes. Just as he was about to take a rest, he heard a small car horn. He opened his eyes and saw a car parked in front of the store.


Why did the eldest brother come here at this time?

Ding Lihua was stunned for a moment, then stood up and walked out quickly. As soon as he reached the door of the store, Ding Chongshan opened the car door and came out.

"elder brother!"

"Why are you here at this time? What's the matter?"

Ding Lihua immediately asked what's the matter. If it's not something urgent at noon, I won't come here, just make a phone call or something.

Ding Chongshan waved his hands and walked into the shop.

Ding Lihua was even more confused and didn't know what was happening.

"elder brother!"

"What happened? What happened?"

Ding Lihua poured a cup of hot tea and placed it in front of Ding Chongshan.


"Do you know Zhao Dahai from Langtou Village?"

Ding Chongshan took a sip of tea. When I was having dinner at Liu Gang's restaurant a few days ago, I discovered that Ding Lihua not only knew Zhao Dahai but also felt that Zhao Dahai was there. He rushed over today when he was free and wanted to ask in detail.


"I thought you were going to say something!"

"I do know each other. At the beginning, I went to the store to buy a diesel engine. I bought one first, and then another one after a while!"

"That's how we got to know each other, and we got to know each other."

"Later, he bought a squid-lighting lamp from me."

"When Zhao Dahai bought that big speedboat worth 600,000 to 700,000 yuan, he had to find someone to inspect the goods. This is my next job."

Ding Lihua talked in detail about some of the things he and Zhao Dahai had cooperated with during their acquaintance.


"When we were having dinner a few days ago, you said that Zhao Dahai was very good."


Ding Chongshan put down the tea cup in his hand and looked up at Ding Lihua who was sitting opposite him.

"Is there any need to say that?"

"What do men do? Isn't it just to support the family? Isn't it just to make money?"

"Zhao Dahai's ability to make money is amazing!"

"At the beginning, I didn't have enough money to buy two diesel engines, so I could only buy one first and then another."

"It didn't take long, not even half a year, to buy a speedboat worth six to seven hundred thousand yuan, and it was a one-time payment."

"How many big fish have you caught after buying a big speedboat? Now even a non-fisherman like me knows that Zhao Dahai is very good at fishing at sea and can often catch big fish."

"There are not many people at this age who can do this, right? At least the two of us are at Zhao Dahai's age, and we don't have the ability to make money like this."

Ding Lihua expressed his opinion in detail. The first important thing for a man to open a door is to make money. Zhao Dahai can make money and a lot of money. This is a powerful person.

"elder brother!"

"How did you inquire about Zhao Dahai's affairs? Could it be said that Ding Xiaoxiang and Zhao Dahai really know each other and have a good relationship?"

Ding Lihua didn't quite understand why Ding Chongshan came to him at noon to ask about Zhao Dahai. But when he was talking about Zhao Dahai buying a big speedboat, he remembered the day when Zhao Dahai's speedboat was launched. Ding Xiaoxiang arrived at Langtou Village. At that time, she didn't Take it to heart, I feel that it is really just to watch the fun, and now things are not that simple.


"Today, let's have a good chat about Zhao Dahai!"

Ding Chongshan nodded very seriously, this is what he came here to find Ding Lihua today.

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