
"Are Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang so familiar?"

Ding Lihua was a little surprised, but if he knew each other, Ding Chongshan would not be so cautious.


"The details are not very clear. But it should be quite familiar, maybe we meet often."

Ding Chongshan frowned, his brother had nothing to hide.

Ding Lihua didn't continue talking immediately, but began to think carefully.

Ding Xiaoxiang is not only the daughter of Ding Chongshan and Zhang Li, but also his niece, the treasure of the whole family, and cannot be trivial when it comes to a lifetime of happiness.

"Zhao Dahai's ability to make money doesn't need to be said any more!"

"He is definitely a very powerful person. You all know this very well. If you want to know more clearly, you can ask Liu Gang."

Ding Lihua pondered carefully for about half an hour before continuing to speak.

Ding Chongshan nodded, what he said is correct. Needless to say, Zhao Dahai's ability to make money is really very good. No matter he or Ding Lihua, in their early twenties, they really didn't have such ability and couldn't do it. .

"Just like what I said just now, one of the greatest skills of a man is to be able to make money."

"Poor and lowly couples are in trouble!"

"Families that don't make money are certainly not going to last long, let alone prosper."

"The firewood, rice, oil, and salt are noisy all day long, and life will definitely not go on."


"I know that you may think that you are rich, as long as this person treats Ding Xiaoxiang well, you can give him any amount of money."

"But in the end, the man in the family must be able to make money in order to survive and live well."

Ding Lihua knows very well that Ding Chongshan can make money, and may have such an idea. However, no matter how much Ding Chongshan makes money, Ding Xiaoxiang will marry someone who cannot make money. This is not acceptable.

Ding Chongshan was silent for a while and nodded. Regarding this matter, he and Zhang Li felt that the person Ding Xiaoxiang would marry in the future would not make money. They could make money by buying a fish, shrimp, crab business or a fish market business. How can I help you? They don't have to worry about food and clothing, as long as they are nice to Ding Xiaoxiang, but Ding Lihua is right. If Ding Xiaoxiang wants to live a good life when she marries someone, the person she marries must be able to make money, or at least have the ability to make money. You can't rely on the support of others, especially yourself and Zhang Li's natal family.

"Then what do you mean, Zhao Dahai can do it?"

Ding Chongshan asked directly.

Ding Lihua nodded but immediately shook his head.

"elder brother!"

"I mean that it is very important for a family that a man can make money. Zhao Dahai is passable or even excellent in this respect."

"According to my observation, Zhao Dahai is young but very calm. He is methodical and thoughtful in doing things. He is not impulsive. He can make so much money at this age, especially when he goes fishing and can catch so many fish, he has enough brains."

Ding Lihua didn't go around in circles, and directly expressed his opinion.

"The other one, Zhao Dahai, is a tall man of 1.80 meters. He is in good health and has strength. This is too important."

Ding Lihua reminded this matter.

Ding Chongshan couldn't help but nod. It is important to be able to make money, but the body is more important. If you have strength, you can support your family by doing anything. If you are not in good health, let alone make money, you will not be able to do anything.

"elder brother!"

"Zhao Dahai's basic condition is no problem."

"Is Zhao Dahai suitable for Ding Xiaoxiang? No one can say for sure. It can only be left to Ding Xiaoxiang to decide. Only if she thinks it is good will it be useful. We think it is good or not."

"My opinion is that you don't want to interfere too much. Let nature take its course. Ding Xiaoxiang is your daughter, and this child is very shrewd!"

Ding Lihua picked up the teapot and filled the cup in front of Ding Zhongshan.

Three o'clock in the afternoon.

Ding Lihua stood at the door of the store, watching Ding Chongshan's car go farther and farther, until he could no longer see it, he turned back to the store, re-boiled water, made tea, and took a sip.

Zhao Dahai?

This guy is really capable!

It seems that he has been eyeing Ding Xiaoxiang for a long time!

Could it be that she already knew Ding Xiaoxiang when she came to my store to buy a diesel engine? Do you know that I am her second uncle? !

Ding Lihua thought about it carefully, and he really couldn't have known the relationship between himself and Ding Xiaoxiang earlier.


"I wonder if this kid can pass the test?!"

Ding Lihua knows his eldest brother Ding Chongshan and sister-in-law Zhang Li very well. Although he said a nice word, it is just a factor that Ding Chongshan considers. Whether Zhao Dahai can pass the test and get the recognition of Zhang Li and especially Ding Chongshan is really important. It's hard to say, Zhao Dahai still has a long way to go if he wants to marry Ding Xiaoxiang.

The wind picked up from the sea.

There was a wave.

Gao Zhicheng pumped the pole in his hand one after another, sweating profusely and dripping down, and the clothes on his body were already soaked.

"Captain Zhao."

"Change it!"

“It seems like it’s impossible to catch a big mackerel here!”

Gao Zhicheng shook his head and put away the pole.

"Why do I feel that my traditional fishing method is more promising?"

Wu Weimin lifted the pole up and down several times, the pole tip kept pausing one after another, and he turned the spinning wheel to take up the thread. After a while, a string of five pieces of stone Jiugong, each with seven or eight taels in it, was pulled out of the water.

"Isn't this money?"

"How cool is this?"

"How tactile is this!?"

Wu Weimin glanced at the lure rod in Gao Zhicheng's hand. For two or three hours, there was not a single fish.


"Gao Zhicheng."

"Boss Wu is right."

"Stop playing with lures! Isn't it a good idea to imitate Boss Wu and me when fishing for Shijiu Gong?"

"One long string!"

"How much have we caught in the past two hours?"

"If there is no one hundred catties, there will be eighty catties!"

"That's a few tens of dollars per pound. I've got thousands of dollars!"

"You shake it here and there, but nothing happens!"

Lin Zuhua did not miss this good opportunity to laugh at Gao Zhicheng.

Gao Zhicheng was a little depressed, but he had no choice but to catch no fish.

"Maybe there are no mackerel or big mackerel here at all. The one I caught in the morning was just a passing fish!"

Zhao Dahai looked at the curved arc of the tip of the pole he held in his hand, took in the line to pull the fish, and the big stone Jiugong, a string of seven in a row, slowly swayed and pulled up.

Gao Zhicheng wanted to see if he could catch a big mackerel.

The speedboat had to wander around the islands and reefs where sea bass was fished. I, Wu Weimin and Lin Zuhua were a little bored. The tide of sea bass had passed and I couldn't catch sea bass, so I just fished for Shi Jiugong.

Zhao Dahai looked at the live cabin at his feet, which was full of red giant Shi Jiugong. In the two hours Gao Zhicheng spent fishing for mackerel, he caught quite a lot, definitely over a hundred pounds.

"Zhao Dahai."

"How about you come and try?"

"I think it's not that there are no fish here, it's just that old boy Gao Zhicheng is very unlucky!"

Lin Zuhua was joking at first, just wanting to laugh at Gao Zhicheng, but after thinking about it, maybe it was really like this.


"Let me give it a try? But I didn't buy this iron plate!"

Zhao Dahai was moved, but shook his head. In the past two hours, while fishing for Shi Jiugong and watching Gao Zhicheng fishing, I already knew that the fake bait he was using was called an iron plate. I learned how to operate it, and when I returned to the village, I bought some when I went to town to try it out.


"Captain Zhao."

"Come and try it!"

"Maybe Lin Zuhua is right, but I just have bad luck. There are fish in the sea!"

Gao Zhiyou handed the pole directly to Zhao Dahai.

Zhao Dahai was not polite. He took the pole and did not change places. He stood at the fishing position behind his cockpit and glanced at the sea surface directly in front of him. There were two small rocks about 70 to 80 meters away, which were less than 10 meters above the water surface. It looks like half a meter.

Zhao Dahai stood firm with his hands, held the pole and threw it out.


"This pole is very good!"

Zhao Dahai flicked it gently, and the iron plate flew out quickly.

Gao Zhicheng's eyeballs almost fell to the ground.

Zhao Dahai just flicked the iron plate lightly and the distance it flew out had to be at least eighty meters. If he used a little more force, wouldn't it be over a hundred meters?

My own pole is more professional and indeed better, and the iron plate used is heavier, which is indeed conducive to casting at longer distances.

But wouldn’t he be able to swing this far with a pole like this?


"Gao Zhicheng."

"This has to be eighty meters, right? You didn't hit it that far just now!"

Lin Zuhua was shocked.


"Is it so far away? Is it hard to shake?"

Wu Weimin doesn't play with lures, so he doesn't know what this distance is about.

"Ha ha!"

“I don’t know if it’s difficult! It may be very simple and easy for some people, but it’s very difficult for some people!”

"I definitely can't do it!"

"Gao Zhicheng, an old boy, can't do it even when he's older."

Lin Zuhua never misses any opportunity to laugh at Gao Zhicheng.

Gao Zhicheng couldn't refute, he really couldn't do it. Zhao Dahai was tall, very strong, and full of strength. The length of the pole in his hand was almost one meter different from that in Zhao Dahai's hand. One meter high, the throwing distance gap is too big.

Zhao Dahai smiled and did not answer. He concentrated on the fishing rod in his hand. He tightened the wind line and felt that the iron plate and the lead hook were touching the seabed. He gently picked the tip of the rod. .


"This iron plate is really different from the lead hook!"

Zhao Dahai immediately felt that when the lead hook was lifted and it fell into the sea, it was completely different from when the iron plate was lifted and when it fell into the sea. The vibration was more obvious and stronger. The other was the amplitude of the swing. bigger.



"There is really a big difference between a lead hook and an iron plate!"

"The iron plate hung on the lead hook is soft bait but hard bait, and the iron plate is generally more slender and larger!"

"The falling and swinging range of the iron plate is very large, which is even more tempting to the fish in the sea!"

Gao Zhicheng nodded with a smile.


“Are any fish biting?”

Zhao Dahai was stunned for a moment. I just picked up the tip of the pole for the first time and waited for the iron plate to fall to the bottom of the sea. It seemed that a fish took a bite of the iron plate.

"No way? Are there really fish?"

Gao Zhicheng was stunned for a moment. I spent two hours and hit countless rods. Scan all these places around the island and reef.


Did Zhao Dahai get a fish bite just on his first rod?

Zhao Dahai didn't say anything. He tightened his grip on the fishing rod in his hand. After waiting for a while, there was no movement. The iron plate had landed on the seabed again, and it clicked against the stone.

Wu Weimin and Lin Zuhua looked at me and I looked at you, thinking in their hearts that Gao Zhicheng was really unlucky.

Gao Zhicheng closed his mouth tightly and stared at the fishing rod in Zhao Dahai's hand with wide eyes.

Zhao Dahai waited for a while, but there was no movement. He lowered the tip of the pole slowly, pointed at the sea surface, gathered the line twice, and then raised the tip of the pole. The iron plate on the bottom of the sea jumped up, and then fell into the sea.


It's coming!

Zhao Dahai's hand holding the fishing rod shook violently, and he immediately raised the rod to stab the fish.



Not small! This fish is not small!

Zhao Dahai lowered the pole, slightly tightened the unloading force of the reverse wheel, bowed the pole, and the fish had just taken the bait, waiting for it to run away and consume some energy.

"Ha ha!"

"Gao Zhicheng! Have I ever opened my mouth? What I said just now is that your luck is bad and you can't catch fish at all!"

"Zhao Dahai hit the fish on the first rod, and the head looks really big!"

Lin Zuhua laughed wildly loudly.


"It should have been replaced by Zhao Dahai!"

"It's not that there are no fish in the sea, it's just that Boss Gao, your luck really stinks!"

Wu Weimin couldn't help but laugh as well.

Gao Zhicheng cast for several hours, but he didn't catch any fish at all. Zhao Dahai had already caught a fish with such a long rod, and he was not particularly proficient in trying it.

Gao Zhicheng really has no temper at all. He can't say a word and can't refute.

Fishing is really such a wicked thing!

"Boss Gao!"

"Your pole is really good."


"The wheels are the same very nice!"

"I'll have to buy a set later!"

Zhao Dahai clearly felt that the pole and spinning wheel in his hand were not at the same level as the one he bought. The pole was so flexible that he could even feel every struggle of the fish in the sea very clearly. When the spinning wheel is taking up the line, it swings very smoothly, is very light, and is very labor-saving. It is very easy to slide and pull fish.

"Big fish!"

"Another mackerel."

"It's over!"

"Gao Zhicheng."

"There's really no way to prove that your luck doesn't stink!"

Lin Zuhua looked at the fish in the sea and almost cried tears of laughter.

If Zhao Dahai caught other fish, such as sea bass, it could be justified, but he just had better luck.

But what he caught was Gao Zhicheng who had always wanted to catch mackerel or blue-spotted mackerel. It's not just that Zhao Dahai's luck is better, but Gao Zhicheng's luck is too bad, and his luck is really bad.

Gao Zhicheng looked at the Spanish mackerel that Zhao Dahai pulled to the side of the speedboat, and patted his forehead hard. There were indeed fish, but he couldn't catch them.

Wu Weimin picked up the fish with the net.

Zhao Dahai looked at it, and found that it was indeed a bit bigger than the one he caught earlier in the morning. He did exactly the same operation, directly smashed the head of the big fish a few times with the pliers, passed out, took off the hook and threw it into the refrigerator.

"Captain Zhao."

"Do you think it is necessary to try here again?"

Gao Zhicheng had a headache. I also thought about taking up the pole and leaving to go to another place, so I would try another fishing spot. Unexpectedly, Zhao Dahai caught another big fish, and it was bigger than the one just now.

Zhao Dahai thought for a while, then shook his head.

Gao Zhicheng was a little strange, he didn't know why Zhao Dahai felt that there was no need to continue to try here to see if he could catch big fish.

Zhao Dahai told Gao Zhicheng, don't watch him catch another fish, it is most likely just luck. Fishing must catch the tide. No tide does not mean that you cannot catch fish, but the probability of catching fish is really low.

"I caught two Spanish mackerel here today, and there was a few hours between them. It proves that there are indeed Spanish mackerel or other large mackerel in this place. But anyway, it is not special now. appropriate."

"If you really want to try to catch big fish here, I think you can catch a catch early tomorrow morning and see if you can catch it!"

"Now let's change to other places, especially at the windmill foot fishing spot, to see if there is any chance."

Zhao Dahai felt that there was no need to continue fishing Spanish mackerel here, not to say that he would definitely not be able to catch mackerel, but the probability was indeed low.

Gao Zhicheng thought for a while, then nodded. What Zhao Dahai said makes sense.

The sun was setting.

Windmill foot fishing spot.

An open space.

Wu Weimin stood beside the speedboat. Looking around, one speedboat after another is fishing for groupers in Gailiu.

"Zhao Dahai."

"There must be dozens or even hundreds of speedboats fishing in this place every day, right?"

Lin Zuhua held a bottle of mineral water in his hand, unscrewed the lid and took a sip.

I came here two hours ago. I didn’t fish for grouper to see if I could catch mackerel, but I did try some waters near the foot of windmills.

I caught a few fish, including a few good-sized sea wolffish. The pulling force was amazing, and the hand felt too good, but the mackerel, especially the big mackerel, was nowhere to be seen.


"The tide has passed, and it's not the time when there are the most speedboats!"

"When the tide is high in the morning or afternoon, there must be at least a hundred speedboats here. If you look around, you can't see the end. There are speedboats everywhere on the sea."

"If there are a lot of fish, it will be even more serious. There are speedboats everywhere!"

Zhao Dahai is very familiar with this place and has caught a lot of groupers. A few days ago, he caught more than 20 or nearly 30 groupers.

Zhao Dahai looked at the groups of Balang fish on the sea around the foot of the windmill. He changed a pole and took a string hook. In less than half an hour, he caught more than ten kilograms of fish and kept them all in the live cabin.

Wu Weimin, Lin Zuhua, and Gao Zhicheng didn't know what Zhao Dahai was planning to do. Balang fish was really worthless. No one drove a big speedboat and burned so much gasoline to travel so far to catch this thing. They were extremely curious.

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