Rebirth of a fishing village: starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 315: Drainage Fishing! Live bait lures big fish!


"This fish isn't worth much! But it's really delicious!"

"Everyone is here!"

"Thieves don't make mistakes! It only takes about ten minutes to get some skewers to eat!"

Zhao Dahai smiled.

Is Balang fish delicious? It must be delicious, but what if Zhao Dahai caught this fish to go back and eat it. Wu Weimin, Lin Zuhua and Gao Zhi all didn't believe it.

Zhao Dahai looked at the time and it was almost five o'clock and close to six o'clock. If he couldn't catch fish now, he couldn't catch fish. There was no use in changing the time.

Zhao Dahai, Wu Weimin, Lin Zuhua and Gao Zhicheng discussed and decided to fish here today and return home.

The small pier of Langtou Village.

Night falls.

Become more lively.

Some people will go to sea soon, and some people will go to sea in the early morning. Now they are making final preparations.

Zhao Dahai drove the speedboat and slowly parked at the pier. He immediately started to help Wu Weimin, Lin Zuhua and Gao Zhicheng pack up the fish they caught today. It took him more than half an hour to pack them all and send them away.

Zhong Shizhu came over after seeing Zhao Dahai seeing off his guests and asked how the fishing was today.

Zhao Dahai said that he didn’t catch any particularly valuable fish today, but he caught a lot of sea bass, all of which were quite big, weighing more than ten or twenty kilograms. All together, the sea bass would weigh about three to four hundred kilograms. , plus a large Shijiugong of about a hundred pounds, three not too big horsetail fish, about twenty pounds, plus two Spanish mackerel and a sea wolf fish.

Zhong Shizhu didn't pay much attention to it at first. It was very normal for Zhao Dahai to catch a sea bass of one or two hundred kilograms. Things like this often happened. When he heard it, he felt that something was wrong. If these were added together, wouldn't it be necessary? A fish weighing five to six hundred pounds.

"Zhao Dahai."

"Are you saying you didn't catch any valuable fish?"

Zhong Shizhu made a joke.


"Uncle Shizhu!"

"All right!"

"Although these are not valuable fish, they have neither quality nor quantity. Together they cost a fortune!"

Zhao Dahai did the math and found that the fish caught today were quite large. If he sold them all, he could make a fortune. In addition, the boat fee for the three of them to go out to sea today was 12,000 yuan, and the income was really good.

Zhao Dahai and Zhong Shizhu chatted for a while, packed up the fish, put it on the tricycle and took it home. While they were arranging and putting ice in it, a seafood truck stopped at the door of the open yard.

Zhao Dahai looked up and saw Liu Gang pushing open the car door and getting out of the passenger seat.


"Zhao Dahai."

"You caught a lot of fish again today."

Liu Gang strode into the yard and stood next to Zhao Dahai. He took a look and saw that he had really caught a lot of fish.

"The currency price of sea bass is sixty yuan per pound!"

"Mayou fish costs one hundred and eighty yuan per catty."

"Bayu costs one hundred yuan per catty!"

"Sea Wolf costs thirty yuan a pound!"

"Shi Jiugong costs seventy-five yuan a pound!"

Liu Gang directly made the price without saying anything.

Zhao Dahai had a very headache. If he usually went fishing alone, Liu Gang would just come to the door and sell it. But for the fish caught today, Wu Weimin was on the speedboat.

Zhao Dahai talked about this matter.

"Zhao Dahai."

"Wu Weimin, did Boss Wu say he wanted to buy these fish?"

"If you open your mouth, I definitely can't buy it, but if you don't open your mouth, there's nothing wrong with me buying it and you selling it. You can't let him go out to sea with your speedboat. If he doesn't open his mouth at the dock, these fish will default to him. Right?"

Liu Gang looked at the two Spanish mackerel and three mackerel fish in the refrigerator, and then looked at almost twenty large sea bass weighing more than ten kilograms. He was very satisfied.

Zhao Dahai was stunned for a moment and gave a thumbs up. There was nothing wrong with Liu Gang's words. Wu Weimin definitely wanted these fish, but he might have thought that he would have to go out to sea with his speedboat tomorrow, or he was careless and didn't think of it, so he didn't say anything about buying these fish.


"Boss Liu!"

"What you said makes sense."

“Then I’ll sell these fish to you!”

Zhao Dahai agreed to sell the fish. Wu Weimin was his buyer, and Liu Gang was also his buyer. Wu Weimin did not say anything clearly. He sold the fish by himself, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"Sea bass is four hundred and twenty pounds, twenty-five thousand two hundred yuan."

"Shi Jiugong is one hundred and twenty-five pounds, nine thousand three hundred and seventy-five yuan."

"Ma Youyu is fifty-two pounds and three taels, nine thousand four hundred and fourteen yuan."

"The Spanish mackerel is blue-spotted Spanish mackerel, fifty-six pounds per tael, five thousand six hundred and ten yuan."

"Thirty-four pounds of sea wolf fish, one thousand and twenty yuan."

"The total is fifty thousand six hundred and nineteen yuan."

Liu Gang took the money and gave it to Zhao Dahai, and immediately left and rushed back to the town.

Zhao Dahai saw Liu Gang off and walked back to the yard to see that his grandma Zhong Cuihua had cooked dinner and the table was set up in the main room. He immediately went over to help, took the food out of the kitchen and started eating.

It's quiet at night.

Zhao Dahai was lying on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. He kept thinking about how to catch a big mackerel tomorrow. He didn't know if the method he thought of would be useful, until about one o'clock in the morning. , and then fell asleep.

Four o'clock in the morning.

Alert rings.

Zhao Dahai got up, finished breakfast, packed up his things, took the fishing rod, water tank and other things, put them on the tricycle, and went to the dock immediately.

As soon as Zhao Dahai arrived, he immediately saw Lin Zuhua and Gao Zhicheng's cars, which were all covered with dew. He knew at a glance that they were waiting here last night.

Zhao Dahai parked the tricycle, walked over and knocked on the window. After a while, Lin Zuhua and Gao Zhicheng yawned, opened the door and got out.

"Do you need to work so hard to catch a fish?"

Zhao Dahai pointed to the direction of the sea and joked that all fish are in the sea and cannot grow wings to fly to other places.

Gao Zhicheng smiled. Most fishermen live in the open air and have long been accustomed to this kind of life.

Zhao Dahai chatted with Gao Zhicheng and Lin Zuhua for a few words, and in less than ten minutes, Wu Weimin drove over.

When Zhao Dahai saw that it was not an off-road vehicle but a seafood truck, he suddenly felt a little funny. This was because he wanted to drive over the fish he caught yesterday and take it away today.

When Zhao Dahai was waiting for Wu Weimin's car to come over, he directly told Liu Gang that he had bought it.

Wu Weimin was stunned for a moment, and then he patted his thigh hard. He was too tired yesterday and went home immediately after getting off the dock, so he forgot to talk about it.

Lin Zuhua and Gao Zhicheng were both happy because they were cut off abruptly.


"How could I forget these things? Those big sea bass, horsetail fish and those two Spanish mackerel are really good things!"

Wu Weimin had no choice but to forget to mention this, and Liu Gang came to the door. Zhao Dahai had no reason not to sell these fish.

"Ha ha!"

"Wu Weimin!"

"You're dumbfounded now!"

Lin Zuhua couldn't help it anymore and laughed directly at Wu Weimin.


"That old boy Liu Gang is really shameless. I have to settle a score with him the next time I see him. How can I do such a thing? He came to the door secretly, but I just didn't say a word. As a result, I bought these good fish!”

Wu Weimin complained half seriously and half jokingly.

Ordinary fish, shrimps and crabs will definitely not fetch much, but you can buy them if you want. But good fish, especially fish with this kind of fishing mouth, cannot be bought just because you want to.

Wu Weimin knew that he was really careless on this trip. He thought about following Zhao Dahai's speedboat to go out to sea, especially the fish he had been doing business with Zhao Dahai. These fish would be kept for him, forgetting that there was a competition like Liu Gang. The opponent suffered a dumb loss.

Zhao Dahai saw that it was almost time, and called Wu Weimin and the others. They took all the poles and other things on the speedboat, arranged them and immediately went out to sea. He rushed directly to the island where he fished for sea bass yesterday. He wanted to go out early today to catch sea bass and see if there were any. There is a chance to catch giant mackerel.

Zhao Dahai drove the speedboat to the reef. It was relatively early and there were almost no speedboats on the sea, only a few scattered lights.

Wu Weimin was very surprised. It was only five o'clock and there were already speedboats guarding here.

Zhao Dahai pointed to two lights about fifty or sixty meters ahead. They were two speedboats guarding the only entrance to the largest bubble area.

Zhao Dahai looked at the horizon, and his eyes slowly turned white. It would be dawn soon. He looked at the sea surface carefully. The sea water was very clear, and some small bubbles began to emerge from very deep places.

Zhao Dahai was a little lucky to have arrived a little early today. The tide was almost half an hour earlier than the normal time.


"The running water is about to rise, let's seize the time to fish the running water and see if we can catch a big mackerel!"

Zhao Dahai shouted loudly to Wu Weimin, Lin Zuhua and Gao Zhi to get ready, and they were all ready in ten minutes.

Zhao Dahai immediately drove the speedboat into the flowing water area.


"The fish are coming!"


"The sea bass in the water today are bigger than yesterday!"

"They are all weighing five to six pounds or even seven or eight pounds!"


"Is it possible that I have to pull fish again today and my hands cramp up?"

Wu Weimin and Lin Zuhua were fishing for floating shrimp, and they hit the target when they lowered their poles. The sea bass in the flowing water went crazy and became more and more irritable.

Gao Zhicheng swung the iron plate and fished for a while. The water was full of sea bass. He immediately changed his position and fished on the edge of the surrounding rocks.

Zhao Dahai did not use a lead-head hook, but still fished for floating shrimp. The speedboat was in the center of the flowing water, and the sea bass was under the speedboat. Fishing for floating shrimp was the simplest, most direct and very effective.

Zhao Dahai quickly pulled the sea bass one after another. In twenty or thirty minutes, he caught seven or eight sea bass.

It was getting brighter.

Xu Dachui was sitting on the lid of the refrigerator smoking a cigarette, looking at Zhao Dahai's speedboat twenty or thirty meters away, with no expression on his face.

"elder brother!"

"How about we go fishing for sea bass in the flowing water!?"

Xu Xiaochui couldn't help it. The water had just risen and was not very big. The bubble area had not appeared and the sea bass had not come in yet. He had just tried a few rods but failed to catch any fish. He watched Zhao Dahai's speedboat helplessly, especially the few fish on the speedboat. I have been pulling sea bass frantically all the time, and my heart is throbbing.

"If you go fishing for sea bass in the current at this time, someone else's speedboat will definitely occupy this place when it comes. Aren't we just waiting in vain all day?"

Xu Dachui took a puff of his cigarette, feeling a little moved, but immediately shook his head.

When the tide has just risen, all the sea bass are in the flowing water. You can definitely catch fish by fishing in the flowing water at this time. But as the tide gets bigger and bigger, and the foam area appears, all the sea bass, especially the big sea bass, will flood into the foam area. , swarmed to the edge of the reef and preyed on the small fish gathered on the edge of the reef.

The speedboats of himself and Song Tianping next to him had been arriving earlier these days and were blocked at the entrance. What we want is to fish for sea bass by the rocks in the foam area. If we stop fishing for sea bass in the flowing water now, other speedboats will definitely occupy the position, which is a bit outweighing the gain.

"Why is this Zhao Dahai so good? Other speedboats also fish in flowing water, why don't they catch so many fish!?"

"When fishing in the flowing water yesterday, Zhao Dahai fished in a different location. Could it be that he knew that the fish were in different places every day?"

Xu Xiaochui paid special attention to the fact that the position where Zhao Dahai stopped when he was fishing for sea bass yesterday was different from today. There were already two speedboats parked at the same spot yesterday, and they were able to catch fish, but not many fish were caught.

Xu Dachui's face suddenly looked a little ugly. Zhao Dahai really has this ability. Anyone with a little fishing experience knows that fishing requires fishing in flowing water, but not everyone can catch fish in flowing water.

If the water goes by the same flow, the fish will be here today and there tomorrow. Not to mention the difference of more than ten or twenty meters, even if it is only two or three meters, one speedboat can catch fish and many fish, while the other speedboat can only catch a few fish here and there or even no fish at all.

"Then why do we have to defend this place? There must be fish in this place, and there are sea bass. It is indeed possible to catch fish when we go fishing in the flowing water, but it is not necessarily true that we can catch fish."

Xu Dachui looked at the brighter and brighter sea surface. The water slowly accelerated. The sea surface of the entire island and reef was full of flowing water. It was not a flowing river, but a piece of flowing water. It was really hard to tell where there were sea bass.

Do fish finders work?

Really useful! You can see the structure of the sea floor! Schools of fish can be seen.

But the fish in the flowing water do not always stay in one place, but are constantly swimming.

If you can’t find the right place or even if you find it on the fish detector, you might catch two or three fish and then swim to another place.

Without this ability to find where the fish are, fishing in flowing water can only rely on luck.

Xu Xiaochui lit a cigarette and smoked it one after another. He didn't have the ability to catch the flowing water, so he could only wait for the bubble area to appear.

"What the hell!"

"I can't live this life!"

"Zhao Dahai can fish for sea bass in the flowing water and wait for the bubble area to appear. He can also fish for sea bass in the foam area of ​​the entrance we have blocked forty or fifty meters away."

"We can't make any money that Zhao Dahai can make. He's taken what we can make!"

Xu Dachui looked at Song Tianping who was constantly cursing on the speedboat next to him, and smiled helplessly.

Zhao Dahai controlled the speedboat with his left hand. The water flow was getting bigger and faster. He pulled the fishing rod up and down a few times with the fluctuation of the water flow. For six minutes, there was no movement and no fish bit. He looked at the fish. Tan, there are no obvious fish flowers, there may not be a school of fish below, or even if there are fish, there are not too many and they will not open their mouths.


"There are no more sea bass at this point, let's move to another place!"

Zhao Dahai waited for Wu Weimin and Lin Zuhua, including Gao Zhicheng, who was constantly swinging the lure, to put away their fishing rods and drive the speedboat to change places.



"Zhao Dahai!"

"You are really amazing. Fish came again immediately after changing the place!"

Gao Zhicheng held the lure rod with both hands and swung it out hard. While waiting for the iron plate to fall to the bottom of the sea, he turned to look at Wu Weimin and Lin Zuhua, pulling sea bass one after another, and then turned to look at the cockpit of the speedboat. Zhao Dahai, who was on the boat, was catching huge sea bass one after another at a faster speed.

Zhao Dahai is really amazing. He is very familiar with this place. He knows exactly what kind of places there are fish. He doesn't change this place to another place, and there are fish immediately. This is not an ordinary skill.

The sun rises slowly.

Half of a red face was revealed on the horizon.

Gao Zhicheng stood at the bow of the speedboat, his clothes were soaked through, and there was a layer of sweat on his forehead. He put the lure rod inside the rod tube, took a bottle of mineral water, unscrewed the cap, and drank it in one breath. Halfway through, he took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit one and started smoking.

Could it be that he is from the Air Force again today? Is it true that the giant mackerel is nowhere to be found?

Gao Zhicheng frowned.

Yesterday, Zhao Dahai caught two mackerel here, which are blue-spotted mackerel. There must be mackerel here.

But in the past hour or so, I kept swinging the rod, fishing all around the islands and reefs, and caught some fish, but they were all sea bass. The big mackerel I wanted to catch was missing. trace.

Could it be that to be honest, I have bad luck? Are there any fish that can’t be caught?


"Gao Zhicheng!"

"I think you just have to accept your fate. You definitely won't be able to catch giant mackerel here!"

"Only Zhao Dahai has such ability. Do you believe that Zhao Dahai can catch fish immediately if he gives him the pole?"

"One hundred percent I hit the target the way I did yesterday."

Lin Zuhua looked at Gao Zhicheng, who was frowning and not smiling at all, and knew what he was thinking in his heart.

"Boss Gao!"

"There must be mackerel in this place, or maybe a mackerel with a bigger head!"

"Why don't you just change the fishing method?"

Zhao Dahai pointed to the living cabin at his feet.


"What can you do!"

Gao Zhicheng was very curious about what Zhao Dahai had come up with.

Zhao Dahai bent down, reached into the live cabin and caught a Balang fish. He talked about the fishing methods he had pondered at the windmill foot fishing spot yesterday and at home.

"Does this really work?"

Wu Weimin was very surprised after hearing Zhao Dahai's fishing method.


"Why didn't I think of this fishing method? Maybe I can really catch a big mackerel!"

Gao Zhicheng was a little excited all of a sudden.

Zhao Dahai’s fishing method is not complicated. Hang a wave on the hook and put the fish into the sea. Unlike fishing for sea bass with floating shrimp, it does not use lead or uses very light lead. The line is set out 20, 30 or even 50 meters. rice. The fish on the hook can keep swimming forward.

This fishing method has a special name called drift fishing.


“This method is really good!”

“You can definitely give it a try, especially now that there is running water, you have a better chance of catching mackerel or other big fish!”

Gao Zhicheng immediately started to prepare. He took off the iron plate on the lure pole and tied a new fishing rig. The hook was hung on the mouth of the Balang fish. He walked to the stern of the speedboat and lowered it directly. The current was a bit fast, and then Coupled with the flow speed of the Balang fish, the fish pulled on the line and swam ten meters away in one go.

Will there be any fish?

Gao Zhicheng kept releasing the line and stopped when it was about thirty meters away. He was looking forward to it.

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