"elder brother!"

"What is the man on the Zhaohai speedboat doing?"

Xu Xiaochui pointed at Zhao Dahai's speedboat.

The tide is getting bigger and bigger, and after about half an hour to an hour, the waves hit the rocks, and a foam zone forms in the middle of several islands and reefs a few meters away. A large number of big sea bass come in, and it's time to show off their skills.


"Who knows what they are doing?"

"These people must be the ones Zhao Dahai took out to fish."

“The one that charges a fishing spot fee!”

"Can I catch so many fish that I can take people out to fish? I can't make as much money as I can by fishing by myself."

Xu Dachui looked at Zhao Dahai's speedboat dozens of meters away and curled his lips.


"A fishing spot costs four to five thousand yuan. Why don't you bring others out to fish?"

"My word is definitely one hundred percent true, and I can't wait to wear it every day."

Song Tianping heard what Xu Dachui said.


"Four to five thousand yuan per fishing position? Isn't the current price of a speedboat fishing trip just two thousand yuan per person?"

Xu Xiaochui was startled. There are three people on Zhao Dahai's speedboat now. If a fishing position costs 4,000 yuan, that would be 12,000 yuan.

"You haven't heard about it, right?"

"The fishing seats on other speedboats that go offshore are indeed 2,000 yuan. But the fishing seats on Zhao Dahai's speedboat are only 4,000 yuan per person."

"The key thing is that Zhao Dahai basically doesn't take people out to go fishing now. In other words, even if you are willing to pay 4,000 yuan to get Zhao Dahai's fishing spot, you may not be able to get it!"

"Zhao Dahai now brings some very familiar people."

Song Tianping was very envious.

Xu Dachui and Xu Xiaochui were a little speechless.

Four thousand yuan per fishing position! ?

The key is that there are many people who want to go to sea with the ship but cannot.


"I can't bear the thought that Zhao Dahai can snatch our sea bass from forty or fifty meters away!"

Song Tianping turned to look at Zhao Dahai not far away, feeling very depressed but had no choice.

Gao Zhicheng holds the fishing rod with both hands, and the tail of the rod is placed on the belly hanging on his waist. He is fully prepared today to see if there is a big fish.

"Will there be any fish?"


"Who can say for sure about this? I can only say that there is a chance."

Wu Weimin and Lin Zuhua were a little nervous and spoke in a low voice.

Zhao Dahai stood next to Gao Zhicheng. The sun had risen and was a little dazzling. He squinted and looked at the sea thirty meters away. The current was getting faster and faster, and there was no sign of any fish.

five minutes!

ten minutes!

fifteen minutes!

twenty minutes!

Zhao Dahai frowned more and more when he saw that there was no movement at all.

Yesterday I caught horsetail fish here, especially when I caught the two Spanish mackerel, I saw a small group of balang fish on the sea surface.

I didn’t pay any particular attention to it at first, but I didn’t think of it until I reached the fishing spot at Windmill Foot. Immediately, I caught more than ten catties of balang fish with a string hook and kept them in the living cabin. I just wanted to release them and see if there was a chance to catch big Spanish mackerel or other species of big mackerel.

When I came here early in the morning, the tide was not particularly urgent, especially I didn't see any small fish gathering on the water, so I didn't talk about it.

I just saw that the water was getting faster and faster, and I knew that if I didn't fish, I would probably miss the current, and big fish are most likely to appear when the current is good, so I immediately reminded Gao Zhicheng to change the fishing method and release it.

Could it be that there is no Spanish mackerel here today or that releasing them is useless? Can only pure luck?

"Captain Zhao!"

"It seems that today's luck is really bad, or there are no big fish here today."

Gao Zhicheng was very helpless and a little discouraged. He couldn't catch a big mackerel in two days. There were fish here yesterday, but it's a pity that I didn't catch them, it was Zhao Dahai who caught them.

"There must be Spanish mackerel or some other kind of mackerel here, but I didn't find it."

"What kind of place is it hiding?"

As Zhao Dahai spoke, he looked at the surrounding sea surface. The current was getting faster and faster. Looking over, the entire sea surface with no visible edge was filled with constantly flowing sea water. The sea water kept spinning as it flowed through the rocks. , and another half hour or so later there will be one foam zone after another, and the sea bass will gather in those places.

In the end is not the time?

Or these Spanish mackerel are already ready to move in the sea, but they are not in this place now.

Which possibility is it?

Zhao Dahai pondered for several minutes and patted the back of his head hard. There was nothing wrong with drift fishing and it was a good method, but he had overlooked a very important thing.

These are islands and reefs, not open sea. When releasing the stream, the line should not be too long. If it is too long, it will be very easy to hang on the surrounding reefs and break the line. Now it is only 30 meters long.

"Boss Gao."

"Take up the line and come back to see the Balang fish. If you don't get mad, you will change to another one."

"There are mackerel or other species of mackerel here, but I don't know where they are hiding."

"If it doesn't come to us, then we will go to it!"

Zhao Dahai decided to expand the search area. He could not wait here forever. The sea area covered by the thirty-meter line was too small, especially compared to the entire island and reef. It was extremely small. If Bayu was not here, there would definitely be no way. Take the bait.


"What are you going to do!"

As Gao Zhicheng spoke, he turned the spinning wheel to retract the thread, and looked at the Balang fish hanging on the hook. It had been almost twenty minutes since he had put it into the sea. The water was washing violently, and he was a little dying, so he immediately changed it to another one. A Balang fish was hung on the fish's mouth and put into the sea.


"Lay out the line ten meters!"

Zhao Dahai drove the speedboat forward slowly.


Gao Zhicheng raised his eyebrows.

Zhao Dahai nodded.

Drift fishing is a method. The speedboat stops and the bait on the hook, such as Balang fish, is kept moving forward along the tide. There is a premise for this. Only when the sea surface is open can it play more roles and have enough fish. Probability of catching fish. There are rocks everywhere on the islands and reefs, so we can't put too long a line. If we can't release the fish, we switch to trolling, and the speedboat drags the bait forward. Only by greatly increasing the coverage and search area can the probability of catching a fish be increased.

Zhao Dahai drove the speedboat slowly forward.

Gao Zhicheng soon discovered that the speedboat was not in a straight line but constantly changing directions. At first I thought it was to avoid the surrounding rocks or the rocks on the seabed, but after about ten minutes I discovered that this might not be the case.

"Captain Zhao."

"Why is it a route like this? Is it to avoid the rocks?"

Gao Zhicheng was very curious. He held the fishing rod in both hands and turned his head to look at Zhao Dahai.

Zhao Dahai told Gao Zhicheng that the route the speedboat was traveling on was a running water route.

"Is it a running water line? Isn't this area full of running water?"

Gao Zhicheng was very surprised. The entire island and reef was filled with constantly flowing sea water.

Zhao Dahai shook his head. On the surface, this is indeed the case. The entire area of ​​the islands and reefs, and even the entire sea surface with no end in sight, is filled with constantly flowing sea water. But in fact, this is not the case. There is a real line in the middle of these flowing waters. Running water lines.

Wu Weimin and Lin Zuhua were confused and didn't know what the assembly line Zhao Dahai was talking about.

"Is there such a flowing line here? Were the sea bass we caught yesterday and today all caught on such a flowing line?"

Gao Zhicheng realized at once that it was no wonder that so many speedboats around him were fishing in the flowing water, but other speedboats caught very few fish. Zhao Dahai and others were able to fish wildly.

Zhao Dahai smiled and nodded.

Wu Weimin and Lin Zuhua immediately asked what was going on.

Gao Zhicheng told Wu Weimin and Lin Zuhua that no matter whether the sea is calm or the sea is constantly flowing, there will always be a place where the sea water flows faster than other places around it, or the sea water is deeper or otherwise different. It is this difference that more and bigger fish will gather in such places or lines. Zhao Dahai was talking about such a place. Now when trolling a spot like this, you have a better chance of catching a big fish.

Wu Weimin and Lin Zuhua were very surprised. In the past two days, including the last fishing trip with Zhao Dahai's speedboat, they were able to catch a lot of fish. They simply thought that Zhao Dahai was just familiar with the fishing spots, but they did not expect this to be the case.

Zhao Dahai drove the speedboat and kept changing its direction.

"Boss Gao."

"I have a hunch that I will soon be able to find the big mackerel I want to catch, or a very big Spanish mackerel!"

Zhao Dahai looked at the sea surface where the sea water was flowing faster and faster, and a sudden thought came to his mind.



"I'll lend you some good words!"

Gao Zhicheng smiled and just finished saying this, a strong force came from the fishing line, and the fishing rod in his hand almost flew out.

Gao Zhicheng reacted very quickly and immediately raised his pole to stab the fish. However, the fishing line was very powerful and he was not mentally prepared and he jumped forward.

Zhao Dahai had quick eyesight and quick hands. He suddenly reached out and grabbed the belt at the top of Gao Zhicheng's belly and pulled it back hard.

Gao Zhicheng was experienced and immediately used his strength to stabilize his body and stand firmly on his feet.

"What the hell!"

"What kind of strange fish is this? Why is it so strong?"

Gao Zhicheng was a little frightened. He held the fishing rod tightly with both hands and raised it to his left rear. All of a sudden, it was a big bow with an astonishing arc.


"Gao Zhicheng!"

"The big fish is coming."

"What the hell!"

"You, a professional expert, almost got pulled into the sea!"

"Is it you who fishes or the fish that fishes for you?"

Lin Zuhua was taken aback, it wasn't that Zhao Dahai didn't react quickly, if he grabbed it, Gao Zhicheng was 100% sure to fish in the sea.

This is the stern of the speedboat. The engine is very dangerous here. Not to mention, the sea water is flowing very fast now and there are rocks all around.

"How did I expect this fish to be so big? And it was a sudden attack and I was not prepared at all!"

Gao Zhicheng was really shocked.


"This fish is really big, it's estimated to be over a hundred catties."

Zhao Dahai saw Gao Zhicheng standing firm and wanted to let go, but he felt that the pulling force from the belt was very strong and Gao Zhicheng might not be able to bear it, so he kept holding on without letting go.

"Don't let go!"

“I can’t handle the pull of this fish!”

Gao Zhicheng has rich experience, and the force on the fishing rod held by both hands is very strong, and he can't deal with it by himself.

"No way? Is this fish really that big?"

"It looks like it's really difficult to deal with!"

Lin Zuhua and Wu Weimin were just frightened at first. They were relieved when they saw that Gao Zhicheng had no problem and that the fish had been firmly hooked. But now they heard what Zhao Dahai said, especially when they heard Gao Zhicheng say that they could not handle it alone. The fish immediately became nervous again.

"Boss Gao!"

"Lock the quarter-turn relief!"

"If this situation continues, it won't take long for all the lines to be worn out. The key is that this is a reef area where it is easy to grind the lines."

"I have to drive the speedboat away from this place!"

"There is a flow now and the flow is relatively large!"

"The speedboat goes upstream!"

"Six knots of speed! But only four knots of speed in normal calm conditions!"

"Pay attention!"

Zhao Dahai held Gao Zhicheng's waistband with his right hand and drove the speedboat slowly forward with his left hand.

Gao Zhicheng was sweating profusely, gritting his teeth and his face was red. The fish he was hooked was very big. The other one was pulling the fish upstream on the speedboat. The force on the fishing rod was very strong, and his hands were fighting for their lives. Hold the fishing rod tightly and never let it go. If you let go, the rod will fly out.

Zhao Dahai was very calm and drove the speedboat out of the reef area and stopped in the open sea.

"Not in a hurry."

"Don't be in a hurry!"

“There’s enough thread in the spinning wheel, so you don’t have to worry about emptying the cup!”

"Tighten another quarter turn of relief!"

"If the fish runs to your left, be careful. Adjust your fishing direction to face the fish!"


"Hurry up and retract the line! The fastest speed!"

"The big fish is swimming towards us!"

Zhao Dahai held Gao Zhicheng's belt tightly with his right hand, carefully observed the situation of the pole and the sea surface, and kept loudly reminding Gao Zhicheng to pay attention.

Wu Weimin and Lin Zuhua stood beside him, admiring him with admiration.

Gao Zhicheng is indeed a top player, but the fish he is hooking now is too big. There is simply no way one person can deal with it. Not to mention anything else, the strength of this fish alone would make it impossible for him to stand firm. Without Zhao Dahai, either people would go into the sea or the pole would fly out early.

Zhao Dahai is now driving the speedboat and controlling the direction of the speedboat, making it easier for Gao Zhicheng to control the fish. He holds Gao Zhicheng's belt with his right hand to use force, and at the same time reminds him to pay attention to the movement of the fish and pay attention to the operation.

"Zhao Dahai is really amazing!"

Lin Zuhua sighed.

A top boat boss can not only find where the fish is, but also be able to control the boat when fishing, especially big fish, and command the fishermen to successfully get the fish on board.

"Who would have thought that Zhao Dahai would have such ability at his age? Gao Zhicheng was right what he said yesterday. Maybe some people have such talent and can become good at it as soon as they learn it."

Wu Weimin is really convinced. There are many people and boat bosses who can catch fish by themselves, but there are not many boat bosses who can direct others to cooperate with others to catch fish.


"Why do I feel that if this fish was caught by Zhao Dahai, it would be dragged back by force in a few strokes?"

"It's not like a damn middle-aged man like Gao Zhicheng, who spent a long time and couldn't find the fish anywhere, making us worry in vain!"

Lin Zuhua was very nervous at the beginning. Seeing that Zhao Dahai was extremely calm, he slowly relaxed. He saw that Gao Zhicheng could only bow his head motionlessly with the fishing rod in his hand, especially his old face, which was so red from holding back that he looked like he might die at any moment. , couldn't help but speak.

Gao Zhicheng wanted to yell at him, but the baited fish was too big and full of strength, so he couldn't open his mouth at all.

Zhao Dahai smiled and reminded Gao Zhicheng to concentrate and not be distracted until the fish was caught.

"Boss Gao."

"The fish's strength is almost exhausted!"

"Don't screw it down, but try pulling the rod back now and see what happens."

Zhao Dahai noticed that the speed of the spinning wheel turning out and out was a little slower. No matter what kind of fish was hooked, it was a little tired at this time. This was a good opportunity to try to pull the rod.

Gao Zhicheng nodded, and exerted strength with both hands, pulling the pole to his left rear, and the end of the pole rested on the top of his stomach to borrow strength.

"That's right!"

“This fish is starting to lose strength!”

"Do not worry!"

"Pull back slowly!"

"It doesn't matter if you can't pull it!"

"I have to pull!"

Zhao Dahai looked at the curvature of the fishing rod, especially the speed at which the spinning wheel pulled out the line. His judgment was correct. Although he couldn't pull the fish now, Gao Zhicheng took the initiative to exert force, and the speed at which the fish pulled out the line was Slower, 100% already a bit exhausted.

Gao Zhicheng is very experienced. He also feels that the strength of the hooked fish is not as strong as before, and he has a great chance of being able to control the fish and catch it.

"Don't worry, hold this fish first and wait a few minutes before you have a good chance!"

Zhao Dahai controlled the speedboat with his left hand and was absolutely unable to move, while his right hand firmly pulled Gao Zhicheng's belly belt.

It is true that taking the bait consumes a lot of strength, but the more you can't be anxious at this time, it is safer to wait and consume it again.

Gao Zhicheng held the fishing rod firmly with both hands and bowed for another two or three minutes. It was very obvious that the strength of the hooked fish was greatly weakened.

Gao Zhicheng tried to pull the fishing rod back, which was much easier than the last time.

Zhao Dahai breathed a sigh of relief, the fish was basically stable.

Gao Zhicheng began to reel in the fish without any rush. The hooked big fish was slowly pulled back toward the speedboat one meter after another.

Gao Zhicheng was very excited when he saw the fish. The hooked fish was indeed a mackerel, and it was a huge mackerel, more than 1.5 meters long. It swam slowly in the sea water, which was very amazing.

Gao Zhicheng knew very well that this was the biggest mackerel he had ever caught.

Wu Weimin and Lin Zuhua stood at the bow of the speedboat. They did not dare to walk behind the speedboat for fear of scaring the fish that had been hooked. They stood on tiptoe and looked at a huge fish swimming slowly in the clear water. I wanted to struggle and leave, but the fishhook and line hanging from the corner of my mouth held tightly.

"Boss Gao!"

"This fish is big and has a very long body. It's a bit unsafe to catch it in the net!"

"A big hook will ruin the appearance of this fish!"

Zhao Dahai had already let go of the hand holding Gao Zhicheng's waist belt two minutes ago. Yu didn't have much strength anymore and didn't need it anymore. The fish is now less than five meters away from the speedboat, so we have to decide whether to use a net or a big hook.

Other fish, even large groupers weighing more than 100 kilograms, can be caught in the net. However, this Spanish mackerel is a bit long. The key is that it obviously does not exhaust all the strength. If you try to catch the fish in the net, you will probably struggle, and you may not be able to catch it. If you hit the mark, the probability of losing fish is too high, and the big hook is more reliable.

"Big hook!"

"Just take the big hook!"

“Getting on the speedboat is more important than anything else!”

Gao Zhicheng didn't hesitate at all and immediately chose the big hook.

Zhao Dahai nodded, took the big hook, and stood beside the speedboat.

"Take it easy!"

"Do not worry!"


"No need to use force!"

"Just bring the fish to the speedboat!"

Zhao Dahai whispered to Gao Zhicheng, who was standing next to him, that he must not be anxious. It was very critical now. Pulling the fish too hard would stimulate the fish to struggle desperately, and it might have to decouple.

Zhao Dahai spotted the fish with both hands, held the wooden handle of the big hook tightly, suddenly reached into the seawater, reached under the mackerel's belly and pulled hard, the sharp hook tip penetrated the mackerel. The body of the mackerel shook its head and flicked its tail frantically under the pain, and the water splashed everywhere.

"Is it hooked?"

"You won't run away?"

Wu Weimin and Lin Zuhua couldn't see clearly, the splash was too big, and they shouted very nervously.

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