"Who said you won't be allowed to meet Zhao Dahai?"

Zhang Li saw Ding Xiaoxiang's red eyes. As someone who has been there, she knew very well what this meant. She couldn't help but feel angry again. Unknowingly, Zhao Dahai, this guy, stole Ding Xiaoxiang's heart. After a long time, It will be difficult to suppress it.



"What are you talking about?"

"Can I still see Zhao Dahai? If I can't see him at night, can I see him during the day?"

Ding Xiaoxiang was both surprised and delighted.


"Girls are outgoing! This is really what it is!"

Zhang Li couldn't help but feel a little angry when she saw Ding Xiaoxiang like this.


"What did you just say? When will I be able to see the sea?"

"Whatever you say is what you say! I listen to you!"

Ding Xiaoxiang asked immediately.


"It's what I say!? Are you kidding me?"

"I told you not to meet Zhao Dahai, can you listen?"

Zhang Li complimented Ding Xiaoxiang.



"How can you not count what you say? You obviously didn't mean that just now!"

Ding Xiaoxiang was a little anxious.

"never mind!"

"I'm not kidding you anymore!"

Zhang Li told Ding Xiaoxiang that she could meet Zhao Dahai, but she could only meet during the day and could not go to remote places where there were no people. She could only stroll around in places like the town, which were places where people needed to be. In addition, you can only meet each other, and you can't do anything else.


"Zhao Dahai and I just met each other, how can we do other things? Nothing else!"

Ding Xiaoxiang's face turned red all of a sudden, she knew what the old lady was talking about.

"Ding Xiaoxiang."

"As I said just now, a girl's reputation is very important."

"You have to keep it in your heart!"

"Whether it's for your sake, or for Zhao Dahai's sake, or for the sake of the person you marry in the future, you have to pay attention."

"Now it's not ancient times. It's normal for girls to meet boys when they grow up. It doesn't matter if you go shopping or something."

"But you have to think clearly about what you can do and what you can't do."

Zhang Li reminded Ding Xiaoxiang of things she must pay attention to.

Ding Xiaoxiang nodded in agreement, this matter is indeed important.

"We can only meet once every half month."

Zhang Li immediately said another thing.



"How come you have so many conditions?"

Ding Xiaoxiang did not expect such conditions.


"You wish you could see each other every day, don't you?"

"You know I've seen Hai Hai, this kid is not pleasing to the eye!"

"It's great to meet once every half a month! How about meeting once a month?"

Zhang Li didn't let go.

"Alright alright!"

"Who said you are my mother and I am my daughter? Whatever you say is what you say!"

Ding Xiaoxiang knew that she couldn't ask for too much, and it was already very good to be able to do this at the beginning.

Ding Xiaoxiang stood up and walked towards the table where the phone was placed.


"What are you doing?"

Zhang Li was stunned for a moment.


"It's still early, I'll call Zhang Dahai to see if he's back from the sea."

"When he comes back, let him come to the town to find me!"


"Wouldn't it be regrettable what you just said?"

While talking, Ding Xiaoxiang picked up the phone and started dialing numbers.

Zhang Li was a little bit dumbfounded, this is a matter of getting real no matter what.

Does Zhao Dahai have a phone installed in his house?

When did this happen?

Do you know all the numbers? I usually see ghosts without seeing each other.

Zhang Li's eyes widened as she watched Ding Xiaoxiang quickly dial the number.

"Zhao Dahai."

"Have you returned from the sea?"

"Now come to town and find me at the fish market. I'll wait for you here."


"Let's talk about it after we meet!"

After Ding Xiaoxiang made the call, she found that Zhang Li, her mother-in-law, had her eyes wide open and looked at her angrily. She suddenly thought that she knew Zhao Dahai's phone number and had let something slip. They must have met each other usually, and not once or twice. Second-rate.

Ding Xiaoxiang is not as evasive as before. She is not afraid of boiling water. The matter has been discussed. She pretends that nothing happened. She took the water glass, unscrewed the lid, took a few sips and sat on the stool.


"What are you doing here?"

"It's getting late, shouldn't we go home?"

Ding Xiaoxiang sat for a while and saw that her mother Zhang Li was motionless and had no intention of going home. She couldn't help it.


"You want to drive me away now? I'll just wait here and see what Zhao Dahai looks like when he comes!"

Zhang Li really has no intention of leaving.



"How can you be like this?"

Ding Xiaoxiang was a little anxious.

"Why can't I be like this? Is it possible that Zhao Dahai still doesn't dare to come? If you don't have the courage at all and don't even dare to see me, then just don't come."

Zhang Li agreed to meet Ding Xiaoxiang and Zhao Dahai, but she felt very uncomfortable.

"Ding Xiaoxiang!"

"Don't make any plans. Go to the market entrance and wait for Zhao Dahai."

"Just wait here, I just want to see what Zhao Dahai looks like when he sees me!"

Zhang Li saw Ding Xiaoxiang's eyes rolling around and knew what she was planning.

Ding Xiaoxiang's face suddenly fell. She knew that Zhang Li, my mother, was very angry now. She finally agreed to meet Zhao Dahai and could not provoke her again. If she changed her words in anger, it would be troublesome.


We can only wait until Zhao Dahai comes.

Ding Xiaoxiang really had no choice but to sit on the stool and wait for Zhao Dahai.

Night fell on the fishing village.

The lights in every house were on.

The air is filled with the aroma of food.

Zhao Dahai rode a tricycle and parked at the entrance of the yard. He quickly walked in and found a large foam box. He put a layer of crushed ice on the bottom and smoothed it. The big sea bass on the tricycle was put into the box with both hands, and the top was covered with crushed ice. ice, compacting carefully.

"The sea!"

"the phone is ringing!"

"It must be looking for you! Look who it is!"

When Zhao Dahai heard his grandma Zhong Cuihua calling him loudly, he stood up immediately, washed his hands quickly, rushed into the main room and picked up the phone.



"Why are you calling me at this time?"

"In town?"


“Where can I find you at the fish market?”


"I'll go there now!"

Zhao Dahai put down the phone and was a little dazed. He didn't expect Ding Xiaoxiang to call him at this time, especially asking him to go directly to the fish market to meet him.

What's going on here?

What happened?

Zhao Dahai was confused and couldn't figure out what happened.


"The sea."

"What's wrong? What happened!"

Zhong Cuihua was a little anxious when she saw Zhao Dahai didn't speak for a while after making the call, so she immediately asked what happened.


"I'm going to town now. You can eat by yourself tonight."

Zhao Dahai came to his senses immediately.

"Are you going to town now? Why are you so anxious? What's going on?"

Zhong Cuihua was very worried all of a sudden.



"I have to hurry up now and get to the town first before I know what happened."

"I guess this is a good thing and a great thing!"

"I'm not sure there is hope for your granddaughter-in-law!"

Zhao Dahai thought about it for a while. The tone of Ding Xiaoxiang's call just now was definitely not an urgent matter, and she sounded very happy and excited, which should be a good thing.


"Then what are you doing standing around here? Go quickly! Go quickly!"


"Take a shower, change clothes and go out!"

Zhong Cuihua immediately urged Zhao Dahai to take a bath and go out quickly. The world was not as big as the grandson's daughter-in-law's troubles.

Zhao Dahai nodded, immediately took a shower and changed clothes, solved the problem in five minutes, and rushed out of the yard. Just as he was about to ride a tricycle, he immediately thought of something. Ding Xiaoxiang called him to meet at the fish market in the town. It was very likely that Zhang Li was there. , it’s definitely not good to go empty-handed.

What to do?

There is nothing good prepared at home!


Didn't this guy just catch a big sea bass? Just take it.

Zhao Dahai held the foam box with frozen sea bass on the tricycle, and then hurried to the town.


"I wonder if things are going well or not?"

Zhong Cuihua stood at the door of the yard and Xiao Naihei followed her. She looked at Zhao Dahai's tricycle and disappeared quickly, feeling very worried in her heart.

Zhao Dahai rushed to the entrance of the fish market in a hurry, parked the tricycle, held the foam box containing the big sea bass in both hands, and walked in quickly, directly to the front of the stall.

Ding Xiaoxiang had been waiting, and when she saw Zhao Dahai from a distance, she immediately jumped up from her stool.


"what is this?"

Ding Xiaoxiang looked at the large foam box held in Zhao Dahai's hand and was stunned for a moment.



Zhao Dahai didn't bother to talk to Ding Xiaoxiang and said hello immediately when he saw Zhang Li.

Zhang Li saw Zhao Dahai, especially when Ding Xiaoxiang rushed towards Zhao Dahai as soon as she saw him, her face suddenly turned up, she didn't want to respond at first, but when she saw Ding Xiaoxiang standing next to Zhao Dahai with an expectant look on her face, He softened and said nothing, but nodded slightly.


"This is a fish I caught when I went out to sea this afternoon!"

"Bring it here for you and your uncle to have a try!"

Zhao Dahai put down the foam box he was holding in his hand as he spoke.


"Go home! Zhao Dahai and I will find a place to have a meal outside!"

Ding Xiaoxiang turned around and left.

Zhao Dahai was confused and really didn't know what was going on. He quickly said hello to Zhang Li again before following Ding Xiaoxiang.


"Female college students are not allowed to stay!"

"That's really what it's all about!"

Zhang Li looked at Ding Xiaoxiang and Zhao Dahai, and rushed out of the fish market in a blink of an eye. She shook her head very depressedly.

Zhang Li sighed, sat down on the chair, and was lost in thought.

Ding Chongshan walked into the fish market and received a call from Zhang Li almost an hour ago. He didn't know what happened, so he hurried over immediately.

"Zhang Li."

"Why are you alone?"

"Where's Ding Xiaoxiang's?"

Ding Chongshan glanced at Zhang Li but did not see Ding Xiaoxiang, and was a little anxious.

Zhang Li came to her senses and talked about Ding Xiaoxiang.

Ding Chongshan was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Ding Xiaoxiang and Zhao Dahai to go shopping. He thought the sun was coming out from the west.

Zhang Li told Ding Chongshan in detail what she and Ding Xiaoxiang had just said.


"It really has to be like this!"

"It's impossible to prevent the two of them from meeting. It's better to let them meet. It's just that they can't meet secretly at night."

Ding Chongshan nodded, there was no problem with this method.

"You mean Ding Xiaoxiang called Zhao Dahai just now, and Zhao Dahai rushed over from the village, and now the two of them are out strolling?"


"What does it mean to be a female college student? Isn't that what it means?"


“I really can’t keep my daughter when she’s grown up!”


"What's in this box?"

Ding Chongshan saw a large foam box on the floor.

Only then did Zhang Li remember that Zhao Dahai had come over with a large foam box, placed it on the ground, and said it was a fish he caught.

Ding Chongshan opened the foam box and wiped a layer of crushed ice on it to reveal the huge fish head.

"Sea bass!"

"A sea bass that big?"

Ding Chongshan saw the head of a sea bass as big as a small washbasin exposed through the ice.


"Is this a sea bass? Where did such a big sea bass come from?"

"Zhao Dahai just said that he caught this fish. Can he really catch such a big fish?"

Zhang Li looked down and was startled.

Ding Chongshan wiped away the top layer of ice, revealing the entire sea bass.


"For such a big fish, it must be 1.5 meters long, right?"

"Can sea bass really grow this long? Can it really grow this big?"

"How many pounds of fish is this?"

Zhang Li was very surprised.

Ding Chongshan took a towel and put it on the mouth of the sea bass. He picked it up vigorously and weighed it. It must weigh at least forty pounds.

Zhang Li immediately got the scale and came over.

Ding Chongshan put the fish in his hand and looked at it. It was fifty-one pounds and seven taels.

"Ding Chongshan."

"Have you ever seen a sea bass this big?"

Zhang Li has never seen such a big sea bass.

Ding Chongshan shook his head. He had seen a lot of sea bass weighing three to five kilograms or ten or twenty kilograms. He could even buy them every day. This kind of sea bass weighing more than fifty kilograms was very rare. He could buy fish, shrimps and crabs by himself. After so many years of business, I have never seen it before.

"Did you really catch this? Can you catch such a big fish?"

"Why don't you see where the hook is?"

Zhang Li was dubious. This sea bass is so big that I can't even lift the fish weighing several dozen kilograms. It's hard to imagine how it was caught.


"A fish weighing fifty pounds is indeed a big fish to ordinary people, but to Zhao Dahai, it is just a small fish."

"He has caught several fish weighing over 100 kilograms, especially I heard that he caught a big red manganese weighing almost 190 kilograms."

Ding Chongshan looked carefully and saw the holes punched by the fishhook on the mouth of the sea bass, and there were not one hole but two holes.

Ding Chongshan thought for a moment and realized that this was clearly a hole made by three hooks.


Could it be that Zhao Dahai caught this sea bass with a lure?

Zhao Dahai still has such ability?

Ding Zhongshan was very strange.

People in the surrounding fishing villages usually use floating shrimp to catch sea bass.

Ordinary people don't understand this kind of fishing method introduced from abroad, or Zhao Dahai doesn't have the opportunity to come into contact with this kind of fishing method.

"What are you looking at?"

Zhang Li was a little strange.

Ding Chongshan told Zhang Li that this was not caught by traditional fishing methods, but by lure fishing.


"This kid has such abilities. I heard that this fishing method is very useful!"

Zhang Li doesn't understand fishing, but Ding Chongshan likes fishing, especially when he was young. He often fished. He has heard that this is a fishing method that is very useful when catching some fish.

"Such a big sea bass!"

"My God!"

"Can a bass grow this big?"

"This has to weigh fifty pounds, right? No child weighs that much!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!"

"It's so rare!"

There were not many people in the fish market, but the size of this fish quickly attracted attention. At first, only two or three people gathered around it, and soon there were almost twenty people around it.

"Zhang Li."

"How much does this fish cost per pound!?"

Zhang Li looked at it and saw that it was a person who often came to his stall to buy fish.

"Boss Zheng."

"Excuse me."

"This fish is not for sale!"

Zhang Li shook her head.


“Price is not a problem, you just ask for it!”

Zhang Li smiled and shook her head, saying that this was a fish sent by a junior in the family, saying it was for her to eat, and selling it for money would not work. She asked Ding Chongshan to collect the fish and put it back in the box.

All the people watching the excitement slowly left.


"Why did Zhao Dahai put this fish here?"

Ding Chongshan packed up the fish, closed the lid of the foam box, and tied it up with the rope again.

"Zhao Dahai just came over with the fish and said it was for you and me to try!"

Zhang Li hesitated and said what Zhao Dahai said when he released the fish just now.


"Take it home!"

Ding Chongshan thought about it and decided that it was not appropriate to sell the fish, so he decided to take it home.


"Such a big fish. Can you eat it?"

Zhang Li glared at Ding Chongshan.

"I definitely won't be able to eat it."

"Selling it is definitely not for sale."

"bring home!"

"Xiaoxiang comes back and lets her decide!"

Ding Chongshan took the trailer, loaded it, pulled it out, put it away, and called Zhang Li to go home.

"Ding Xiaoxiang hasn't come back yet!"

Zhang Li stood at the door of the fish market, looking left and right.

Ding Chongshan pulled Zhang Li, got in the car, and went home. Ding Xiaoxiang would not go home so early.

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