Rebirth of a fishing village: starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 322 This is my first serious shopping trip!

"The weather is nice today!"

“It’s really lively!”

"Is there so many people in the town at night?"

Ding Xiaoxiang skipped ahead and kept talking while watching, her voice as clear and sweet as a little oriole.

Zhao Dahai felt that he was in trouble, so he pinched his thigh hard, and the pain almost made him shed tears.


"What are you doing?"

Ding Xiaoxiang was startled.

"I'm wondering if this is true? I saw your mother just now! She didn't look angry! What's going on?"

Zhao Dahai was confused and really couldn't understand why such a big change happened.

Ding Xiaoxiang poured beans out of her bamboo tube, saying everything at once.

Zhao Dahai was a little dumbfounded, he didn't expect it to happen like this.


"I said that we can only meet once every half a month!"

Ding Xiaoxiang sighed.

"There's no rush!"

"Last time we could only meet secretly, but now we can meet openly!"

"Half a month is half a month!"

"Who knows it won't take long to turn into a week!"

Zhao Dahai was surprised and happy. Not to mention meeting once every half a month, even meeting once a month would be extremely satisfying. Not long ago, he and Ding Xiaoxiang could only meet in secret. Now he can come to Ding Xiaoxiang openly. This is a huge improvement.


"Yes Yes!"

"No rush! No rush!"

Ding Xiaogan nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Zhao Dahai found a place to have dinner with Ding Xiaoxiang and walked around the small square in the town twice.

"Xiao Xiang!"

"It's getting late! I'm going to take you back!"

"It's too late to go back. I guess Aunt Zhao will have to say it again!"

Zhao Dahai wanted to stay with Ding Xiaoxiang until dawn, but he knew that he couldn't do this. The sooner he sent Ding Xiaogan back, the better.

Zhao Dahai broke into a cold sweat after hearing what Ding Xiaoxiang said just now.

If the secret meeting at night during this time spreads out, it is very likely that things between him and Ding Xiaoxiang will never work out again. I really did something wrong in this matter. I just thought about being able to meet Ding Xiaoxiang. I forgot that there might be big problems or leaks. Once someone saw me and said something, I didn't have any big concerns. Impact, but Ding Xiaoxiang’s impact is really great.

Zhang Li now agrees that Ding Xiaoxiang will meet with her. She must not climb up the pole and must pay attention to what should be paid attention to.

It is not easy for anyone to raise a daughter. He cannot patronize himself, he has to think about Zhang Li and Ding Chongshan.

Ding Xiaoxiang is young and a girl, so she might consider these things, but she is a grown man and older, so she has to think more about it.


"If I go back too late, my mother will probably go crazy!"

Ding Xiaoxiang smiled. Zhao Dahai was right, there was no need to be anxious, there would be plenty of time in the future.

Zhao Dahai rode a tricycle to take Ding Xiaoxiang back to Dashi Village, but he did not deliver it to the door of his house. He stopped a short distance from the entrance of the village.

Zhao Dahai watched Ding Xiaoxiang enter the village before riding his car and leaving.


"Why did I forget something?"

When Ding Xiaoxiang was about to walk to the door of her house, she remembered that a few days ago, she heard that Zhao Dahai took people out to sea for fishing when there was a strong wind and waves. She had been thinking about saying this, but just now she was chatting with Zhao Dahai. , forgot to mention this.

Ding Xiaoxiang opened the courtyard door and walked in. When she saw her father and mother sitting on the sofa in the hall, she felt a little uneasy and walked over lightly.


"Come back so early?"

Zhang Li spoke immediately when she saw Ding Xiaoxiang.


"Zhao Dahai said he would come back early. He sent me to the village entrance but no one arrived home."

Ding Xiaoxiang shrank a little and walked to the side where she was standing.

"Yo yo yo!"

"Why is it like a mouse seeing a cat now?"

Zhang Li felt a lot more comfortable when she saw that Ding Xiaoxiang came back so early and was called back by Zhao Dahai, especially since she was not delivered to her door but just to the entrance of the village.

Ding Xiaoxiang looked at his old lady Zhang Li's face, and suddenly knew that Zhao Dahai was right to send her back so early, if it was too late, it would definitely not be so easy to pass the test today.


“What do you think you’re going to do with this fish?”

"It's too big! We definitely can't eat it!"

"It's definitely not possible to sell it. It's up to you to make the decision. Why don't you send it back to Zhao Dahai tomorrow?"

Ding Chongshan pointed to the large foam box placed in the corner of the hall. Inside was a sea bass weighing more than fifty kilograms.

Ding Xiaoxiang was shocked. She didn't expect it to be such a big sea bass.


"Are you kidding me? Can a sea bass grow so big? It's already over ten or twenty pounds!"

Ding Xiaoxiang didn't believe it.


"Can I still deceive you about this?"

"The fish is in the box. I've already seen it. If you don't believe it, just take a look!"

"Zhao Dahai is really awesome. He can catch such a big sea bass!"

"This strength is incredible!"

Ding Chongshan knows very well how powerful such a big sea bass is, especially when it rushes forward at the moment of being hooked, it is really not a joke. It is not something that ordinary people can hold.



"Don't you like fishing?"

"Zhao Dahai has already said that if you are free one day, let's go fishing together."

"Last time, uncle Lin Zuhualin went fishing with Zhao Dahai and caught a lot of fish, didn't he? He also ran away from our house."

"It's not like Uncle Lin himself really has this ability, it's Zhao Dahai who took him to a place with fish!"

Ding Xiaoxiang rolled her eyes, this was a good opportunity to improve the relationship between Zhao Dahai and her father Ding Chongshan.

Ding Chongshan's heart moved. Lin Zuhua went fishing with Zhao Dahai and indeed caught a lot of fish.

"Lin Zuhua didn't just go fishing with Zhao Dahai for one trip!"

"Starting from the day before yesterday, I have been fishing with Zhao Dahai's boat for two days in a row."

"Do you still remember a man named Uncle Gao Zhicheng?"

"That's a professional fisherman."

"Zhao Dahai took him to catch a giant mackerel weighing more than 100 kilograms!"

"Lin Zuhua called me again and said blabbingly that he caught a lot of big bass and horsetail fish!"

Ding Chongshan was very envious. Lin Zuhua caught a lot of fish and big fish during these two trips with Zhao Dahai's speedboat. Gao Zhicheng even caught a giant mackerel weighing more than 100 kilograms.


"Isn't that what you just said? Fishing is not what these people are capable of. That is Zhao Dahai's capability. Where is the fish they find?"

"Don't tell me that a veteran like you goes out. Even if I go out to sea with Zhao Dahai, I can still catch fish, and I will definitely be able to catch big fish!"

Ding Xiaoxiang knew that her father, Ding Chongshan, liked fishing very much and kept encouraging him to go fishing with Zhao Dahai's speedboat.

Ding Chongshan was very moved. He was about to say something about finding time to go out to sea with Zhao Dahai's speedboat. He turned around and saw Zhang Li, who was sitting next to him without a smile on his face. He retracted his words when he reached his lips.


"This fish was sent by Zhao Dahai, and he said it was for you and me to try. What to do with it is your business!"

"I can't control it!"

Ding Xiaoxiang glanced at Zhang Li, her mother, and knew what was going on. She quickly said that it was getting late and she was going to bed. She had to go to the market to sell fish and watch the stalls tomorrow morning. She immediately turned back to her room and locked the door.

"Do you really want to go fishing!?"

There was no smile on Zhang Li's face.


"How can such a thing happen? I've been so busy lately, and I haven't had time to go fishing!"

"Making money is definitely more important than going out to sea to fish!"

Ding Chongshan shook his head firmly.


"Is there something on your mind that I don't know?"

"Ding Chongshan!"

"You can go fishing if you want, but you can't get on Zhao Dahai's speedboat!"

Zhang Li didn't let go.


"Why is that?"

Ding Chongshan couldn't figure it out.

"Why is this? Do I need to say this?"

"Whenever the relationship between Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang is really settled, you can go fishing on Zhao Dahai's speedboat."

Zhang Li stood up, took a kettle, poured a cup of hot water and handed it to Ding Chongshan. There was nothing wrong with the others going out fishing with Zhao Dahai's speedboat. But now Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang are in this situation, especially if the two are not really determined. , Ding Chongshan is not suitable for fishing with Zhao Dahai's speedboat.

Ding Chongshan thought for a while and nodded. Zhang Li's concerns were reasonable.


"It seems that I can only let Lin Zuhua play in front of me for a while longer!"

Ding Chongshan shook his head.

"Is this boy Zhao Dahai really that powerful? Can he take others out to sea and catch so many fish?"

Zhang Li was very curious.

Ding Chongshan explained in detail the entire situation of Lin Zuhua following Zhao Dahai's speedboat out to sea for fishing these two days.

Zhang Li was a little stunned. Not only did Lin Zuhua, Gao Zhicheng and a man named Wu Weimin catch a lot of fish, but Zhao Dahai also caught hundreds of kilograms of sea bass and so on.

Zhang Li shook her head, thinking it was impossible.

Ding Chongshan told Zhang Li that it sounds incredible, but in fact it is not surprising. Once the sea bass finds a school of fish and the size of the fish is relatively large, its hands and feet must be fast enough. It can catch a hundred kilograms or even two fish in two or three hours. A hundred pounds of fish.

Ding Chongshan pointed to the sea bass in the foam box in the corner. Such a big one could be sold for at least 120 yuan per catty. A fish of 50 catties would cost 6,000 yuan.

"This is not the only money Zhao Dahai makes."

"Aren't you taking people out to sea for fishing? A fishing position costs four thousand yuan."

"Lin Zuhua said that three people went out to sea together. Zhao Dahai earned 12,000 yuan in one day just from collecting fishing fees."

Ding Chongshan took a sip of water.

"Four thousand yuan? Is it so expensive? Aren't ordinary ones only two thousand yuan?"

Zhang Li knew that fishing spots on speedboats out to sea were not cheap, but the market price was two thousand yuan, and she had never heard of anyone asking for four thousand yuan.

Ding Chongshan said that Zhao Dahai's speedboat is bigger, runs faster and farther, and more importantly, Zhao Dahai's speedboat catches a lot of fish. Don't look at four thousand yuan per person, those who go out to sea Fishing people, whether they want to make money by fishing or people like Lin Zuhua and especially Gao Zhicheng who just want to catch big fish, few can get on the boat.

Zhang Li didn't understand now, why these people couldn't get on Zhao Dahai's speedboat to go fishing.

Ding Chongshan smiled. This thing sounds very ridiculous at first glance. The bosses of the speedboats that take people out to sea wish that people would book their own boat seats to go out to sea every day. There are many people who want to book Zhao Dahai's speedboat, but they can't. It's not that there are too many people and they have to queue up, but that Zhao Dahai doesn't want to take people out to go fishing.

"Zhao Dahai can catch a lot of fish and make a lot of money when he goes fishing at sea. He does not make money from the fishing fee. Taking others to go fishing is indeed a guarantee of income in droughts and floods. You can make money regardless of whether you catch fish or not. However, fishing When there is no fish to be caught, those who pay must have something in mind."

"A professional fisherman like Gao Zhicheng doesn't care too much about whether he can catch fish, but it's not cost-effective for Zhao Dahai to spend a whole day."

"The fish caught in this day are sold for far more than the fishing position."

Ding Chongshan explained.

Only then did Zhang Li understand what was going on, and she thought thoughtfully. It seemed that Zhao Dahai was more capable of making money than she had imagined.

Langtou Village.

Zhao Dahai returned home and as soon as he parked the car, the door to the yard opened and Zhong Cuihua walked out.

"What happened!?"

"What's going on?"

Zhong Cuihua didn't know what she was feeling and was very anxious.



"Good thing! Good thing!"

Zhao Dahai saw grandma Zhong Cuihua like this and knew that she had been waiting for him to come back.


"Is it like this!"

"Do you want the blacksmith to do it while the iron is hot? Let someone come to your door tomorrow to negotiate a match?"

Zhong Cuihua was very happy.

Zhao Dahai was a little bit dumbfounded. Grandma Zhong Cuihua was really anxious. She wished she could find someone to come to her home early tomorrow morning to arrange a match and marry her home in the evening.


"More haste less speed!"

"It's not easy to find such a good wife!"

Zhao Dahai persuaded his grandma Zhong Cuihua to go to bed early after talking hard.

It's quiet at night.

Zhao Dahai was lying on the bed. Today's things were really perfect. Zhang Li had slowly begun to accept her meeting with Ding Xiaoxiang. This was a very good and huge change. It is definitely impossible to marry Ding Xiaoxiang now. As time goes by, she will be able to do it.

Zhao Dahai closed his eyes and fell asleep quickly.

Five o'clock in the morning.

Zhao Dahai rushed to the village pier with his fishing rod and fishing box. The tricycle was parked. People who had gone to sea early had come back. They bought live shrimps, crabs and octopus and kept them in the living cabin. All the fishing rods were tied up. The fishing set, especially the lure rod, one rod is tied with an iron plate, and the other rod is a wave crawler. They are all inserted into the rod tube beside you. You can use them at any time when you want to use them. Pack them away and go immediately. Take to the sea in a speed boat.

Work hard!

Work harder!

Zhao Dahai was full of energy after meeting Ding Xiaoxiang last night. He must work harder to go fishing and make more money.

It was getting brighter.

The deep blue water stretches as far as the eye can see.

Zhao Dahai drove the speedboat, flying over the sea at a speed of more than 40 knots, leaving a long water tail.

Zhao Dahai's plan today is very simple. He goes directly to the farthest fishing spot in the open sea. He hasn't been to that fishing spot for a while to see if he can catch fish.


"Why are there a group of fish in the sea? And they are swimming forward like crazy?"

Zhao Dahai saw a group of fish on the sea directly in front of his speedboat, about half a meter deep, swimming so fast that his speedboat could not even keep up with the speed of 40 knots.

So many?

Zhao Dahai didn't pay much attention at first. He often encountered situations like this when he went out to sea. He gradually discovered that these fish in the sea not only swim very fast, but also are very numerous. If you look closely, After taking a closer look, I found that it was actually a ghost head sword.

If you plant flowers intentionally, they will not bloom, but if you plant willows unintentionally, they will create shade.

A few days ago, I took Gao Zhicheng, Lin Zuhua and Wu Weimin with me and spent half a day looking for the Ghost Tou Dao but couldn't find it. Today I didn’t want to fish or look for anything, so I ran out on my own.

Zhao Dahai immediately marked the coordinates on the navigation fish detector.

If you encounter a school of fish like the Ghost Head Dao here, you might be able to encounter them next time you come here. It’s impossible to say for sure, but after all, there are more opportunities than elsewhere. If Gao Zhicheng wants to catch a ghost head knife one day, he can take him here to try his luck.

Zhao Dahai has no interest in fishing for ghost-headed knives. This kind of fish is really not even eaten by dogs and cannot be sold for a price. He fishes not for fun, but to sell money. There is no need to waste this time and energy.

Zhao Dahai drove the speedboat and continued to fly forward. After two or three minutes, he realized that something was wrong.

This group of ghost heads jumped out of the water from time to time for some unknown reason.

How is this going?

Why do these ghost-headed knives jump?

Zhao Dahai was very surprised as he watched the ghost swords jump out of the sea one after another. They were very high, fell back into the sea, swam forward quickly for a while, and then jumped up again.

Isn’t this fish supposed to swim in the water? Why does it look like a kangaroo?

Is it possible that there is something in the sea chasing these ghost-headed swordsmen?

Zhao Dahai frowned. No matter what kind of fish they are, they are used to swimming in the sea. They must be frightened when they jump out of the water.


"The ghost-headed swords swim very fast. What fish can swim faster than them? Especially the one that threatens these ghost-headed swords?"

Zhao Dahai was very strange. He didn't know what kind of fish it was that was chasing these ghost-headed knives.

Zhao Dahai was thinking about it when he suddenly saw an almost one-meter-long ghost-headed knife jumping up from the sea to a height of one meter. It took almost a second or two to fall back into the sea. At this moment, a big fish suddenly jumped out of the sea. He rushed forward, bit the ghost head knife with a fierce bite, dragged it into the water, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Is it so powerful?

What kind of fish is this?

Zhao Dahai was stunned and his scalp was numb. What kind of fish could catch up with the swimming speed of the ghost head knife, especially one that could kill a meter long ghost head knife in one bite?

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