
here we go again!

Another one-meter-long ghost knife flew out of the water and smashed back into the sea, when a big fish rushed out and bit it away.

what fish

Such a big one?

So fierce?

Zhao Dahai's eyes widened, and the eyeballs almost caught the ground.

Can you catch one?

While driving the speedboat, Zhao Dahai wondered what kind of fish it was and whether he could catch one.

Zhao Dahai turned his head and looked at the fishing rod on the rod barrel next to him. The fish were swimming forward frantically. The traditional fishing method was useless at all, and the only thing that could be used was the lure rod.

Give it a try!

Maybe you can actually catch it!

Zhao Dahai drove the speedboat, along the direction of the fish swimming, accelerated rapidly, the two gasoline engines output crazily, rushed to the left front of the fish, stopped,

Zhao Dahai picked up the lure pole, waited for two or three seconds, one after another hopped like a little rabbit, and when flying past him, he threw it out suddenly, and Bo crawled and landed on the ghost-headed sword fish. Fifty or sixty meters directly in front of the group.




Zhao Dahai twitched the pole vigorously one after another, and the waves crawled on the surface of the water and hit the splashing water, which was almost one meter high.

Zhao Dahai smoked for the third time, and just after he stopped for less than a second, the waves crawling on the sea surface disappeared.


Holding the fishing rod with both hands, Zhao Dahai swung it back fiercely, and the tip of the fishing rod bent suddenly.


Really big!

Zhao Dahai was a little unprepared, the hooked fish ran forward frantically, under the huge pulling force, he was a little unsteady, and jumped forward.

Zhao Dahai's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he stretched out his left hand to support the side of the speedboat, using his strength to stand firm.


What kind of ghost fish is this! Why are you so strong?

Zhao Dahai was very surprised.

The fish that was hooked was very big!

The swimming speed is very fast.

The horse friend fish is simply not enough to see in front of it.

Big mackerel?

Why doesn't it look similar?

Does the big mackerel eat ghost knife?

It is true that big fish eat small fish, but it seems that I have never heard of big mackerel eating ghost head knives.

Zhao Dahai had the same crazy pulling force that he had when he caught almost 190 catties of big red sweets.

Zhao Dahai was not in a hurry. The moment the big fish takes the bait and struggles frantically, the speed is very fast and the strength is very strong. It is basically impossible to collect money to pull the fish back, and it is very dangerous. Either the line is broken or the hook is unhooked.

Zhao Dahai looked at the wide sea without any reefs in front of him, and the fish hooked in such a place would run away whenever they wanted.

Not Mackerel! Not a horse friend fish!

It is even more impossible to be a sea bass!

Zhao Dahai has fished sea bass before, especially yesterday evening when he just caught a 50-jin sea bass, horse friend fish, and large horse mackerel. The speed of movement is different. The fish on the hook not only swims very fast, but also drills down while swimming.

Zhao Dahai looked down at the spinning wheel, the spinning speed was a little slower.

It’s a demo!

Aren't you very good at running? Why can't you run now?

Zhao Dahai twisted it slightly to relieve the force, and the tip of the fishing rod was bent forward severely. The hooked fish felt that the resistance on the fishing line became greater, and exerted a little force to rush forward to break free.

Zhao Dahai was not in a hurry at all, he held the fishing rod with both hands, bowed the fishing rod, waited for a while, and when he felt the power from the fishing rod slow down again, he twisted and unloaded the force again, and the fish fired again and again. Push forward with force.

Zhao Dahai didn't know what kind of fish he took the bait in, but this fish must be swimming fast, not small in size, and full of impact. In essence, it is the same type as mackerel, sea bass and horse friend fish Speedster.

The only way to deal with such fish is to bear the impact of taking the bait for a moment, and then there is only one question, whether there are complex structures such as reefs around.

If there is, you have to be careful that the fish runs into the structure and breaks the thread. If not, once the hook is firmly fixed, it will definitely not escape.

Sharp teeth?

A fist-sized wave crawler is tied to the lure pole, which is specially designed to deal with big fish, and the steel wire is directly on the lead, so there is no need to worry.

Zhao Dahai glanced at the fish finder, the sea was seventy to eighty meters deep, and there were no reef structures on the seabed, so no matter how hard the fish ran, it was impossible for the fish to break the line.

Zhao Dahai looked down at the spinning wheel on the pole. This pole was specially used to catch big fish, with a large line capacity. The hooked fish was fast and took a long time to run, but there was still a lot of line left.

Zhao Dahai twisted the unloading force for the sixth time, and the spinning wheel turned, but this time the turning speed suddenly became very slow.

Zhao Dahai knew that the fish had lost its strength and began to spin the spinning wheel to take up the thread.

Zhao Dahai didn't know what kind of fish it was, and whether this fish would jump out of the water to wash and dry like the sea. When reeling in the line, the tip of the fishing rod kept pointing to the sea surface, so as not to give the fish any leverage to jump out. A chance to wash your gills by tumbling water.

"what fish is this?"

"Yellow bonito!"

Zhao Dahai suddenly became excited when he saw a big fish over 1.5 meters in the water five or six meters away from the speedboat.

This is not a piece of shit that even a dog like Guitou Dao won't eat. Absolutely 100% good fish and value for money. With such a big body, three hundred yuan per pound is not enough to get away with it.

Zhao Dahai carefully controlled the pole in his hand, pulled the fish to the side of the speedboat, took the big net, and picked it up steadily.

Zhao Dahai took a towel to cover the big fish eyes of the yellow bonito, and took the hook removed with pliers.


"This one must weigh at least seventy or eighty catties!"

"Twenty thousand yuan in hand!"

Zhao Dahai put the opened refrigerator in, closed the lid, washed his hands in the living water tank, and dried them with a towel.

Zhao Dahai was in an extremely good mood. He went out to sea today hoping to catch big fish at the farthest fishing spot. He had already made a fortune before even reaching the place.


There are more than just one or two ghost-headed swords in this sea.

To be able to frighten such a large group of ghost-headed swords and keep flying out of the water, there must be no way that there are only one or two yellow bonitos in the sea. One hundred percent of the fish schools are yellow bonitos and are chasing the fish of the ghost-headed swords.

Zhao Dahai thought about it for three seconds, and without hesitation changed his plan for today, driving the speedboat in the direction where the ghost-headed swordfish disappeared.

Is it too slow?

Have you stopped for too long?


The speed of the Ghost Head Sword or the Yellow Bongo is indeed very fast, and the maximum speed is very likely to exceed the speed of one's own speedboat, but it is impossible to swim at the maximum speed all the time.

Or are you looking in the wrong direction?

Didn't Ghost Head Dao and Huang Bonzi go in this direction?

Zhao Dahai was not worried that Ghost Toudao and Huang Bonzi were swimming too fast, but that he was chasing in the wrong direction.

Zhao Dahai gritted his teeth, and the two gasoline engines output full power. The gasoline in the fuel tank burned crazily, and the speed of the speedboat suddenly reached forty-four knots.

Zhao Dahai's face showed no expression at all. He searched the sea with wide eyes. The sun rose early and the visibility was very high. The entire sea was blue, and occasionally a few white waves could be seen.

Zhao Dahai drove the speedboat at high speed for almost ten minutes before he saw ghost-headed knives one after another on the sea a few hundred meters away, jumping out of the water crazily.

Caught up!

Zhao Dahai was very happy.

I can't see where the yellow bonito is, but the ghost knife keeps jumping up from the sea, and must have been following behind.

Zhao Dahai followed suit and drove the speedboat dozens of meters past the edge of the school of fish and stopped. Waiting for the Ghost Blade to jump past him, he threw the wave out, twitched hard, hit the sea surface, and splashed. Splash.


Hit again!

Zhao Dahai whipped the rod fiercely. This time, he did not wait for the fish to run out of strength before reeling in the fish like last time. Instead, he violently retrieved the fish, forcefully pulling the hooked bonito back.

The veins on Zhao Dahai's hands burst out all of a sudden, his face was flushed, and sweat as big as soybeans burst out all of a sudden, and his clothes were drenched.

bring it on!

My sweet baby!

Come to daddy's boat obediently!

I'll take you back to sell it.

Zhao Dahai pulled it one after another, and pulled the yellow bonito to the side of the speedboat.

Zhao Dahai controlled the fishing rod with one hand and the fishing net with the other. He picked up the fish. This fish was slightly smaller, only weighing thirty kilograms. He quickly took off the hook and kicked it in without even throwing it into the refrigerator. After getting into the living water tank, tidy up the fishing rods, check that there is no problem with the wave climbing, and immediately drive the speedboat to rush out in the direction where the fish school disappeared.


Caught up!


Another one!

Zhao Dahai held the lure pole with both hands and threw it out. Bo lay on the sea surface and twitched the first splash. A yellow bonito bit hard.

Zhao Dahai waited a while for the hooked yellow bonito to run for five or six seconds, then stretched his hands again and pulled violently back to the fish.


Where can you run to?

Catching up again!


Another win!

The impact of yellow bonito is really too strong.

Zhao Dahai caught up with the fish, and the waves on the lure rod were thrown out, twitching and hitting the water. When a fish bit the hook, he immediately violently returned the fish, fished it quickly, and immediately drove the speedboat to continue chasing the fish.

The sun rises higher and higher.

Hanging overhead is very hot.

Windmill foot fishing spot.

One speedboat after another was floating on the sea.

The strong sunlight can't keep everyone's eyes open.

"How many groupers are there today?"

"With dozens of speedboats added together, it is estimated that there are not ten groupers."

"too difficult!"

"There are a lot of fish in this sea one after another, and sometimes they don't even open their mouths."

"What the hell!"

"What does it matter how many fish are caught in total? As long as I am the one who catches the fish!"

Chen Wenfei squinted his eyes, looking at the undulating sea surface, wondering if he should change to another fishing spot tomorrow.

During this time, I have been staying at the fishing spot at the foot of the windmill.

Did you catch any fish?

We are indeed catching fish.

Did you make money?

It is indeed making money.

But not many fish were caught, and not much money was earned. After deducting various expenses, the average day was only a hundred or two hundred yuan.

Earning such a little money is more uncomfortable than not making money.

Why didn't they catch up with the big fish at the windmill foot fishing spot?

Chen Wenfei was very depressed.

Why is the whole fishing spot so big that only a dozen fish are caught in one day, and there are so many speedboats staying here?

One is that there are always fish at the windmill foot fishing spot, just to see which one has the luck to catch it. Everyone who goes out to fish believes that they are the lucky ones, and they are all betting that the fish that can be caught here every day is 100% theirs.

Another one is the Windmill Foot where big fish come out from time to time. So many speedboats are here waiting for times like this. But I haven't been able to catch it during the two recent big fish outings.

"What the hell!"

"Why am I not as lucky as that boy Zhao Dahai from Langtou Village?"

Chen Wenfei patted his thigh hard.

In the past two trips to the Windmill Foot fishing spot, only one person caught up with all the fish, and that was Zhao Dahai. Moreover, he caught a lot of fish each time, including more than 20 large and small groupers.


"How is this going?"

"Why are there so many fish jumping on the sea? What kind of fish are they!"

"Is there a speedboat chasing these fish schools?"


"What kind of fish did I think it was?"

"It turned out to be a ghost knife!"


"Isn't this Zhao Dahai's speedboat? Why is he chasing these ghost-headed swords? Could it be that he wants to catch these ghost-headed swords? But this thing is not valuable at all!"

When Chen Wenfei was thinking about whether to change fishing spots tomorrow, he heard shouts from the speedboats around him. He immediately looked up and saw groups of fish jumping on the sea surface of a hundred meters. Behind the school of fish, there is a speedboat chasing each other.

Ghost head sword!

It is indeed a ghost knife!

Chen Wenfei recognized at a glance that the school of fish jumping out of the water was indeed the Ghost Tou Dao.

It is impossible for anyone who goes fishing in the open sea not to recognize fish like this.


Why are these ghost knives so big?

Chen Wenfei discovered that the ghost head that jumped out of the water was very big, almost one meter long.

What is Zhao Dahai doing?

Why are you chasing these ghost-headed swordsmen?

Want to capture these ghost-headed knives?

This is impossible, right?

Chen Wenfei was at a loss. Zhao Dahai's speedboat was full of power and chased after the fish that had arrived.

Could it be that Zhao Dahai's speedboat brought guests today?

Some people, especially those who just want to enjoy fishing, really like fishing for the ghost head knife and the crazy pulling power of the ghost head knife.

Chen Wenfei took a closer look and saw that Zhao Dahai was the only one on board Zhao Dahai's speedboat, with no one else on board.

Chen Wenfei became more and more confused as he watched, wondering what Zhao Dahai was doing.


Is Zhao Dahai really fishing, and is he really fishing for these ghost-headed knives?

When Chen Wenfei saw the fish caught up by Zhao Dahai's speedboat, he immediately stopped, holding the fishing rod in both hands, and threw it directly to the sea surface inside the fish group.


The lure that Zhao Dahai learned?

Chen Wenfei was startled. When Zhao Dahai swung the rod hard, something flew out far away. It looked like it was not a traditional fishing lead sinker or other bait. It must be a lure that some people like to play very much now. There have been some in the past two years. When you go fishing at sea, you may meet some people who book boat seats and use this method to fish.


"What is Zhao Dahai doing? Is he really trying to catch ghost-headed knives that even these dogs won't eat?"


"You can't catch other fish and you can't catch valuable groupers. Are you going to take it out on these ghost-headed knives?"

"Is this just a hand addiction?"

Chen Wenfei listened to the nearby speedboats mocking one after another, but his face was very solemn.

How could Zhao Dahai not know that the Ghost Head Sword was worthless?

You spend so much time chasing fish in a speedboat just to catch these worthless ghost-headed knives?

The gasoline burned is worth more than these ghost-head knives.

Something is wrong!

This is definitely not the case. Zhao Dahai is definitely not fishing for these ghosts.

If it wasn't fishing for ghost heads, what kind of fish did Zhao Dahai catch?

Chen Wenfei saw Zhao Dahai raise the tip of the fishing rod and bend it in a huge arc, and couldn't help but drive the speedboat slowly towards it.


I knew it was definitely not a ghost-fishing knife!

what fish is this?

Yellow bonito.

What Zhao Dahai fished was not glans knives but yellow bonitos.

Chen Wenfei looked at a big fish weighing twenty to thirty catties that Zhao Dahai picked up with a net, and his pupils shrank involuntarily.

Ghost head knife is indeed worthless, but yellow bonito is a real fish worth a lot of money.

Twenty or thirty catties of yellow chicken fish can be sold for two hundred yuan a catty, which is actually about the same price as groupers of about the same size, especially blue spots.

Why does the Ghost Head Sword fly? This is Huang Bonzi chasing and capturing these ghost-headed knives. Zhao Dahai is not fishing for these ghost knives, but for those yellow bonitos chasing ghost knives.

"No way?"

"Yellow bonito!"

"What Zhao Dahai is fishing for is yellow bonito!"


"Who said Zhao Dahai was stupid just now?"

"In just a short while, Zhao Dahai caught a yellow bonito that weighed 20 to 30 catties!"

"The devil knows how long Zhao Dahai has been chasing this school of fish?"

"It's over!"

"Zhao Dahai is going to make a lot of money again today!"

Chen Wenfei's face was very ugly. It was really uncomfortable to see Zhao Dahai making a lot of money fishing.

"Hurry up!"

"There are yellow bonito here, why should we fish for grouper? Hurry up and catch yellow bonito!"

"What the hell!"

"How to fish?"

"Do you think the bonito will eat the live shrimps hanging on your hook? Or the crabs hanging on your hook?"


"Now I can only stare blankly!"

"Our method of fishing for groupers will definitely not be able to catch these yellow bonito!"

Chen Wenfei let out a long sigh. Don't look at the fact that there are so many speedboats here, and they are all fishing speedboats. None of them play lures. They can catch groupers on the bottom of the sea, but they can't catch these yellow bonito on the sea surface. They can only watch Zhao Dahai catch big fish and make big money.

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