
"I caught some fish yesterday. I'll bring you some."

"There are a lot of people now, so you should be busy first."

"I'm going to buy something and leave first!"

Zhao Dahai said a few words in a crackling manner, not understanding Zhang Li's reaction at all. He put down the foam box and turned around to leave. His long legs moved very fast, and in the blink of an eye he had already walked out of the gate of the fish market.

Zhang Li tensed her face tightly, planning not to speak no matter what Zhao Dahai said, but just showing off her face. Unexpectedly, Zhao Dahai said a few words, and didn't say hello to Ding Xiaoxiang at all. He put down the things and left immediately, reaction When I came here, there was no one there.

What's going on?

Zhang Li looked down at a large foam box placed on the ground in front of her.

Ding Xiaoxiang looked at the white foam box on the ground, then at her mother Zhang Li, and immediately figured out what Zhao Dahai was planning.

My mother, Zhang Li, did say that she could only meet once every half month, but that was for outings. She never said whether Zhao Dahai could come to the stall to see her.

If I didn’t say it couldn’t be done, then it was okay!

Zhao Dahai came shamelessly. He was embarrassed to be empty-handed, so he caught a fish from the foam box and brought it over.

Ding Xiaoxiang pursed her lips and smiled, greeting the people who came to buy fish.

Zhang Li was very shrewd. When she figured out what was going on, she glared at Ding Xiaoxiang.

Ding Xiaoxiang pretended not to understand anything and continued to sell fish.

"Boss lady!"

"What kind of fish is in the box?"


"Isn't it just for sale? Why don't you open it and let us see what good stuff it is!"

“Buy some and go back and have a good meal!”

"There must be something new and good in it."

The people gathered around before spreading out saw the foam boxes on the ground, and several people shouted.

"It's okay to see what you want!"

"But I have to tell you that the fish, shrimps and crabs inside were ordered by someone."

"Not for sale!"

Zhang Li thought of the sea bass that Zhao Dahai sent over last time. What was in the box might be another valuable fish, and it would definitely not be easy to sell.

"Zhang Li!"

"Why is fish so precious? Is it possible that with so many bosses here, no one can afford it? Why can't it be sold here?"

Zhang Li turned around and looked at Liu Jiali, the stall next door, who was selling fish and yelling at her.


"Who knows? Whether the bosses want to buy fish or not is the boss's business!"

"I can't call the shots!"

"Why don't you call and see which boss will wrap up the fish, shrimp and crabs on my stall? I can go home and cook dinner now, and I don't have to wait here for the fish seller!"

Zhang Li sneered in her heart.

Liu Jiali was trying to annoy herself.

What does it mean that the owners of stalls here can’t afford to eat? Doesn’t this make others feel that they look down on the people who buy fish, shrimp and crabs here?

He was not someone to be trifled with, so he immediately pushed back with a soft nail.

Liu Jiali's face was a bit ugly. Zhang Li's business was so good that her eyes were very red when she looked at it. She shouted out loud at such a good opportunity. Unexpectedly, Zhang Li was not polite at all. This soft nail was a bit resisting. But come here, I don't know what to say for a while.

Ding Xiaoxiang curled her lips. Liu Jiali just doesn't know that the sky is high and the sky is high. When it comes to bickering, no one can compare to her mother.

"Aunt Liu."

"I don't know if the bosses want to buy the fish in this box."

"I wonder if you want to buy it? If so, I can sell it to you soon!"

"We don't want high prices, whatever the market price is."

"What do you think?"

Ding Xiaoxiang rolled her eyes and shouted at Liu Jiali.


"Ding Xiaoxiang!"

"Do you think I can't afford fish all of a sudden?"

Liu Jiali replied.

"Aunt Liu!"

"Are you going to buy it? I can guarantee it is a good fish."

Ding Xiaoxiang smiled.

"Then it depends on whether the goods are good or not! If the goods are not good, if they are not as good as what I sell at my stall, what should I buy them for? This is truly a small shipment of the same day."

Liu Jiali said while pointing to the fish, shrimp and crabs in her stall.

Zhang Li stood aside and watched Ding Xiaoxiang and Liu Jiali bickering.

A place like the fish market is like a river and lake, especially this kind of colleague, and the colleague of the stall next door, there are all kinds of swords and guns, overtly and covertly.

Zhang Li knew that Ding Xiaoxiang would have to face these things by herself sooner or later, so she didn't speak up or help.

"Aunt Liu!"

"Let's just say this. If the goods in the box are good, you have to buy them. If they are not good, they won't be as good as those from your stall. I ate them all raw."

As Ding Xiaoxiang spoke, she took a knife and walked to the foam box, scratched the opened lid and fished out the layer of crushed ice on top.

Ding Xiaoxiang was not worried at all that the fish in the box was not good. It was sent by Zhao Dahai shamelessly to please his possible future mother-in-law.


"What fish is this from?"

"Such a big one! It must be at least 1.5 meters long, right?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!"

"This looks like a good fish!"

Ding Xiaoxiang looked at the fish in the box. It was really big, but she really couldn't identify the fish. She looked up at the fish standing next to it.

"Yellow bonito!"

"Such a big yellow bonito!"

"This fish is amazing!"

“True top quality fish!”

When Zhang Li saw the fish in the box, it was really yellow bonito.

So big?

Where did Zhao Dahai catch such a big yellow bonito?

"This yellow bonito must weigh seventy or eighty pounds, right?"

"Is this fish so powerful? How much does it cost per pound?"

"Such a big one! It's so rare! You can't catch it for two to three hundred yuan a pound!"


"This fish must cost 20,000 yuan?"

Zhang Li looked around. There were more and more people watching the excitement.

"Two or three hundred yuan per pound? Don't even think about that price for such a big yellow bonito!"

"I'll charge Zhang Li as much as I have!"

"If you don't pay 450 yuan a pound, you can't even think about a fish like this."

Zhang Li immediately shook her head when someone mentioned the price of bonito. Are you kidding me? Such a big bonito cannot be sold for only two to three hundred yuan per catty. There are only a few yellow bonito of this size in the nearby villages, and the ones caught are immediately packed and airlifted to the big cities. It's impossible to stay in a place like the town's fish market.


"Is it four or five hundred yuan a catty?"

“Wouldn’t this fish be sold for thirty to forty thousand yuan?!”

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!"

“I really can’t eat this fish!”

"It's not surprising, this yellow bonito is so big."

The people around were amazed.

"Boss lady!"

"Let's weigh it and see how heavy this fish is!"

Someone shouted.

"What are you thinking about?"

"It's well chilled! No one has ever bought a scale!"

Zhang Li refused directly. This kind of good fish is in the refrigerator. After the price has been negotiated, the fish will be unboxed, inspected and weighed. I don’t know that the fish inside is yellow bonito. If I knew, I would definitely not want to open the lid. For a fish worth 30,000 to 40,000 yuan a piece, open the lid once. Affects freshness.

"Aunt Liu!"

“Come and look at this fish!”

"Didn't you just say you'll buy the fish if it's good? This fish is good enough!"

Ding Xiaoxiang turned and shouted at Liu Jiali.

Liu Jiali forced a smile and didn't say anything or answer. She had never eaten pork and had seen pigs running away. She knew what kind of fish bonito was. If it was such a big one, she would definitely not be able to buy it.

Zhang Li brought out a bag of crushed ice, poured it directly on the bonito, smoothed it gently and compacted it, then closed the lid and sealed it with tape.

Ding Xiaoxiang ignored Liu Jiali and shouted loudly to take care of the business at the stall. There were so many people watching the excitement that almost half of the market people gathered around to watch the excitement and then went on to buy fish.

Ding Xiaoxiang saw that it was a rare opportunity, and immediately lowered the price of the fish and shrimp gun, which was a few cents less per pound, and it sold quickly.

Liu Jiali's face became even more ugly. People who were at her stall suddenly gathered around to watch the fun. After watching, she didn't come back. She went straight to Ding Xiaoxiang's stall and bought fish, shrimps and crabs to take home.

7 p.m.

Zhang Li cleaned up the stall, rinsed it, looked at Ding Xiaoxiang, and pointed to the large foam box placed in the corner of the shop.


"I really didn't know Zhao Dahai was coming today!"

Ding Xiaoxiang cried out her grievances.


"This boy is very thick-skinned. If I had known better, I wouldn't have agreed to meet you two every half month!"

"This snake-killing skill with the stick is very powerful!"

Zhang Li regretted a little. Zhao Dahai was really thick-skinned. She just relaxed and immediately ran away every once in a while.

Ding Xiaoxiang smiled and saw that Zhang Li's face was not very good-looking, so she could only hold it all back.

“This fish is too expensive!”

"Call Zhao Dahai and ask him to come and take it away!"


"Such a fish wants to take away my precious daughter?"

"This kid's calculations are so good!"

Zhang Li couldn't accept the fish sent by Zhao Dahai. She hadn't figured out what to do with the big sea bass last time, so this time she sent more expensive yellow bonito.


"What are you talking about? This is just a fish sent by Zhao Dahai."

"It's useless for me to make this call! It's impossible for Zhao Dahai to listen and come here to get it!"

Ding Xiaoxiang blushed and shook her head immediately. Zhao Dahai would definitely not come and take the fish back.

"What should we do?"

"I won't care, you can take care of this fish yourself!"

"Our family can't accept this fish anyway!"

Zhang Li bit him to death in one bite.


"How about selling this fish?"

"I'll keep the money and see when I get a chance and then give it to Zhao Dahai!"

Ding Xiaoxiang thought about it for a while, and it was really not appropriate for the old lady to accept this fish. The key is that this fish is too expensive, so she can only sell it. She can keep the money and see if she can give it to Zhao Dahai next time she goes to the sea.

Zhang Li thought for a while and nodded, that's all she could do.

Zhang Li told Ding Xiaoxiang to make it clear to Zhao Dahai that these big fish would never be sent over again on the next trip, and if they were sent over, they would not even think about seeing each other again.

Zhang Li and Ding Xiaoxiang packed up the stall and rushed home immediately after a busy day. They didn't finish dinner until nine o'clock in the evening.

Zhang Li and Ding Chongshan talked about it. Zhao Dahai sent a 70 to 80 kilogram rhubarb bonito to the stall today.


"Isn't this kid too awesome?"

"You can catch such a big bonito!"

Ding Zhongshan was very surprised.


"Is that the point?"

"Is it possible that you think you should keep this fish?"

Zhang Li was a little angry.

"Zhao Dahai can't possibly send some ordinary fish. If he does, he must send something valuable."

"Isn't this obvious?"

"I'm thinking about our daughter, so I must do it like this."

"How can I show sincerity by sending two kilograms of black sea bream?"

"What he gives is his business, whether he accepts it or not is our business."

"Zhao Dahai can't know that we won't deliver it if we don't accept it, right?"

Ding Chongshan knew what Zhao Dahai was planning and had nothing to say. If it were him, he would definitely give him the best thing.

"We definitely can't collect this fish. Ding Xiaoxiang's method is fine. If you sell it, she will keep the money. When she sees Zhao Dahai another day, she will give it to Zhao Dahai."

"I will ship the yellow bonito and the sea bass from the past two days and sell them tomorrow."

Ding Chongshan thought for a while, and felt that Ding Xiaoxiang's method was fine. He and Zhang Li would definitely not be able to collect the fish, and Zhao Dahai would definitely not take it back after sending it over. The only way was to sell the money to Ding Xiaoxiang. Whether Zhao Dahai wants the money is a matter for Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang. If he wants it, Zhao Dahai will take it.

Ding Chongshan pointed to Ding Xiaoxiang's room, and now he has to call Zhao Dahai to talk about this matter, so as not to save Zhao Dahai from catching a valuable fish one day and sending it over again.

Only then did Zhang Li remember that Zhao Dahai had a telephone installed in his house, and Zhao Dahai went to sea very early in the morning, so he must be at home at this time.

Zhang Li immediately shouted loudly to Ding Xiaoxiang to come out and called immediately.

Ding Xiaoxiang waited for a long time, but neither father nor mother left, knowing that they would definitely not leave, she was a little depressed, she had no choice but to pick up the phone.

"Zhao Dahai."

"Don't send any more fish next time!"

"When did you catch these yellow bonito? How many have you caught!"

"You're going to the sea tomorrow, right? Go to bed early!"

Ding Xiaoxiang finished the phone call, and her father and mother all looked at her.

"Zhao Dahai just said how many yellow bonitos he caught?"

Zhang Li asked immediately.


"You're right there listening!"

"Don't you know how much you caught?"

Ding Xiaoxiang was a little depressed. Her father, Ding Chongshan, and mother, Zhang Li, had been listening.

"Ding Xiaoxiang! Don't push yourself too far!"

Zhang Li suppressed directly.

Ding Xiaoxiang pursed her lips. There was really no way around this matter. I am an old lady, so I can't handle it on my own.

"Zhao Dahai really caught eleven yellow bonito?"

Ding Chongshan was very surprised. When Ding Xiaoxiang called Zhao Dahai just now, he made it clear that he had caught eleven fish.

Ding Xiaoxiang nodded. Zhao Dahai said that he caught eleven fish, all weighing more than twenty or thirty kilograms. The total amount was two hundred and forty-one kilograms, and they were sold for four hundred yuan per kilogram.

Ding Chongshan was a little dumbfounded.

Zhao Dahai caught eleven yellow bonitos? And each one weighs more than twenty or thirty catties!

How exactly?


"Zhao Dahai said that he wanted to go farther out to sea to catch grouper or other fish, but he didn't expect to meet a group of ghost knives on the way, and found that yellow bonitos were catching these ghost knives!"

"Driving a speedboat after chasing the fish that Guitou came to, I caught yellow bonito."

Ding Xiaoxiang just asked about the whole process. Seeing her father's shocked look, she simply said something.

"More than two hundred kilograms? If it costs four hundred yuan per kilogram, wouldn't it cost more than ninety thousand yuan or almost one hundred thousand yuan?"

"In addition to the 70 to 80 kilograms of this one delivered, I made over 100,000 yuan in one day."

Zhang Li calculated quickly.


"Is it so valuable?"

Ding Xiaoxiang didn't care about this matter at all. After Zhang Li said this, Zhao Dahai caught more than a dozen yellow bonito in one trip and made more than 100,000 yuan.

"Ding Chongshan."

"Is it really so profitable to go fishing? Why didn't I see you making so much money back then?"

"If you really make money like this, I won't let you switch to buying fish, shrimps and crabs."

Zhang Li immediately looked at Ding Chongshan.


"You can definitely make money fishing, but there are very few people who can make as much money as Zhao Dahai."

Ding Chongshan blushed. Back then, he and Lin Zuhua went fishing almost every day. It was not difficult to eat and drink enough, but they really didn't make much money.

Langtou Village.

Zhao Dahai packed up the things he would use for fishing tomorrow, and lay on the bed, remembering the phone call Ding Xiaoxiang made to him not long ago.

"If you want to marry a wife, especially if you want to marry a good wife, you can only be cheeky?"

Zhao Dahai was a little proud. Today, taking the opportunity of giving away a yellow bonito, he cheekily ran to the fish market stall, and the effect was very good. Zhang Li didn't look good today. It would be different if he ran a few more times to get used to showing up.

A yellow bonito of seventy or eighty catties?

It's not surprising that there are so many people, isn't it?

How can carrying a few black sea bream there have any effect?

"What are you sending next time?"

Zhao Dahai had a headache. Ding Xiaoxiang just made it clear that she could not send big fish over again. You don’t have to listen when you don’t say anything. Once you say something, you have to listen, but it’s definitely not possible with empty hands. After thinking about it for a long time, I have no clue, so I can only go to bed first. I have to go to sea early tomorrow morning. fishing.

Asking for a monthly ticket! Thanks!

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