Rebirth of a fishing village: starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 328 The weather is bad! Just eat and drink!

It's half past four in the morning.

There are no stars. There is no moon.

The whole sky was pitch black.

After Zhao Dahai finished his breakfast, he put the things he would use for today's fishing on the tricycle and drove to the pier. From a distance, he saw that the entire pier was dotted with lights.

What's going on?

Why did the fishing boat come back so early today?

Zhao Dahai was very strange.

The dots of lights around the pier are shaking, they must be fishing boats.

It's still early now, and the fishing boats that go out to sea for fishing shouldn't come back at this time. Even if some fishing boats come back early, there won't be so many.

Zhao Dahai raised his head and looked in the direction of the sea, and found that there were not many lights on the sea, and the visible lights were moving towards the pier.

Did the weather change suddenly?

Zhao Dahai's face suddenly became very serious.

The fishing boats that went out to sea returned to port early, only for the sudden change in weather.

But doesn’t the weather forecast say there will be big waves only tomorrow afternoon?

Zhao Dahai rode a tricycle to the pier. As soon as he parked, he saw Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da walking around while cursing God.

Zhao Dahai shouted, and Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou all came over.

"Zhao Dahai!"

"Are you going to go fishing?"

Zhong Shizhu looked at the things on Zhao Dahai's tricycle. He was preparing to go fishing.

Zhao Dahai nodded and asked what happened.

Liu Bin pointed to the sea and said that the wind and waves outside were already very strong.

"Is the wind and waves very strong?"

"What's going on? That's not what the weather forecast says, right? Doesn't it say that the storm will be relatively strong tomorrow afternoon? And even if the wind and waves are relatively strong, you can still go out to sea to fish."

Zhao Dahai was very strange.

Liu Bin shook his head. The wind and waves on the sea thirty or forty nautical miles away were already relatively strong. People like him and other fishing people felt that something was wrong, so they collected the fishing nets and returned to the dock in advance.

Zhao Dahai was a little speechless. The weather forecast said that there would be wind and waves only tomorrow afternoon. Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou, including other people who went out to sea to fish, continued to go out to sea in the early morning, thinking of taking advantage of this opportunity before the weather got bad. Time to catch some fish, shrimps and crabs. The fishing nets had already been put into the sea. When the weather suddenly changed, we had no choice but to close the nets in advance. As you can imagine, there were no fish, shrimps or crabs. Not to mention making no money, you still have to pay for gas and labor.

"The sea!"

"If you want to go to sea, you can just hang around here, don't go too far!"

"It looks like there's nothing wrong with it at fifty nautical miles. If you see something is wrong, especially if the waves are bigger, come back quickly!"

Lei Dayou reminded Zhao Dahai to pay attention to safety.

Zhao Dahai nodded. Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou came back early because they were worried that they would not have enough time. Once the wind and waves were strong and the fishing nets were washed away, not only would they not be able to catch fish, they would also have to attach the fishing nets. Once turned around, no problem. But you must pay attention to safety.


"The sea!"

"Didn't we talk about finding a time to meet for dinner some time ago?"

"You can't last more than half a day at sea today. How about we make preparations and have a good meal together as a family in the evening."

Lei Dayou thought of this. During this period, especially after the sea opened, I, Zhong Shizhu, and Liu Bin were very busy. They went out to sea to fish every day, not to mention Zhao Dahai, who went out to sea to fish almost every day, so no one had much time. The weather is bad now, so I can't go out to sea to fish, so I need to get something delicious to eat.

Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin immediately looked at Zhao Dahai.


"That's it. Let's have a meal tonight. I'm going to go out to sea for a while. I can't catch big fish, so I can catch some small fish."

"There will definitely be fish on the table tonight!"

Zhao Dahai immediately agreed. The weather is bad and I can’t go fishing, so I might as well take a good rest and have a good meal.

Lei Dayou said that he would have dinner at his home today. It was early now, so he would go back and take a nap. He would get up later to buy chicken and duck meat in the town.

Zhao Dahai got on the speedboat and looked at the live shrimps, octopus and crabs kept in the live cabin. They were all alive and kicking. He bought them the day he met the ghost head knife. He originally wanted to go out to sea to catch large groupers, but ended up fishing for a day. The yellow bonito seeds I had originally thought I could use today, but now I’m in trouble again.

Zhao Dahai thought about it and went out to sea for a long time. When he came back, he caught all the shrimps, octopus and crabs and took them home. He cooked them for dinner at Lei Dayou's house in the evening. If fish don't eat people, they may die if they continue to be raised, which is very uneconomical.

Zhao Dahai drove the speedboat, left the dock, and ran to Wuhaili. The waves on the sea were getting bigger and bigger, and the water was becoming more and more turbid.

Zhao Dahai smiled bitterly. People who go fishing, including fishermen like myself, all depend on God's face. Thank God for ten days of good weather in one month.

Fishing in troubled waters?

There is no such thing as fishing at sea!

Once the sea water becomes muddy, it is basically impossible to catch fish.

Zhao Dahai drove forward like twenty sea miles, shaking his head more and more.

No wonder Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin, Lei Da and other people who went out to sea to fish quickly came back. The waves are really big, and the most deadly thing is that the water is like yellow mud.

Where did the fish come from in such sea water?

Zhao Dahai slowed down the speed of the speedboat and looked at the surrounding sea. After a while, he remembered that there were several small islands five or six seas away in the northwest.

In weather like this, it's even more impossible to go out to sea. You can't go out to the islands and reefs where you usually fish for sea bass. It's too far and a bit dangerous.

If you want to try it out and see if you can catch fish, this is the only place.

Zhao Dahai drove a speedboat and rushed to the place. When he saw that the waves kept lapping against the rocks of the island, the splashing water was very high, forming one foam area after another.

This place is not usually a good fishing spot for sea bass, but there is no other place to go but here.

I wonder if there are any fish here?

Zhao Dahai drove the speedboat around the island.

The surf and foam areas are not too much of a problem and are great for sea bass to gather.

The only trouble is that the water is getting turbid now.

Zhao Dahai thought for a while and decided to come here to see if there were any fish.

With this kind of weather and such waves, if the speedboat is too close to the reefs of the small island, it is very dangerous and it is impossible to play with floating shrimp.

Zhao Dahai pulled out the lure rod inserted in the rod tube next to him, tied the lead hook, and chose the largest foam area. The speedboat stopped about thirty meters away from the foam area. With the top flow machine turned on, the speedboat Basically does not move, very safe.

Zhao Dahai swung his pole, the lead hook flew out and landed on the edge of the reef accurately.


"If there is no fish, there will be no fish! Practice your skills!"

Zhao Dahai was a little anxious at the beginning. The weather was very bad and he couldn't go to the sea. It was a big loss to waste a day in vain. Now that he threw the rod, all his depression was vented.

Zhao Dahai tightened the windline, held up the pole, and felt the lead hook slid down against the rock.

Zhao Dahai waited until the lead hook reached the bottom of the sea and became motionless before he gently picked the tip of the rod, and the lead hook suddenly jumped up from the bottom of the sea.

Zhao Dahai jumped for a while, but there was no movement, and jumped again, but there was still no movement.

Zhao Dahai was not disappointed. The place in front of him was not a fishing spot for sea bass. Usually few speedboats came here to fish. Today, the wind and waves were too strong and the water was too muddy to get out. He came here just to try his luck. You can catch it if you catch it, but you can't pull it down if you can't catch it.

No way?

Why is the seabed here so clean?

No stones? There aren’t many rotten fishing nets?

Zhao Dahai was a little speechless, the lead hook thrown out jumped to the bottom very smoothly and came back without hanging on the bottom.

Zhao Dahai originally thought that if he couldn't catch sea bass here, he would catch Shi Jiugong and go back to make soup. But now it's better. There are not many rocks on the seabed, and Shi Jiugong can't catch it.

Zhao Dahai really lost his heart for fishing now, and concentrated on practicing his throwing technique.

Zhao Dahai cast farther and farther, starting from the foam area closest to his eyes. After casting more than a dozen rods, he got a little tired, so he chose a foam area fifty or sixty meters away. In the middle of the foam area, there was a piece of rock exposed from the water. The small basin is big.

Zhao Dahai stood firm on his feet, holding the lure rod with both hands, and swung it forward hard. The lead hook flew out, hit the rock in the middle of the foam area, bounced, and fell into the sea water.


It’s so accurate!

Zhao Dahai was a little proud.

At a distance of 50 to 60 meters, the lead hook hits exactly where you want to hit it. It is not particularly easy to be able to do this


There are fish!

Just as Zhao Dahai spun the spinning wheel to tighten the windline, the tip of the fishing rod bent hard when the lead hook slid down.

Zhao Dahai immediately raised his pole.


Not too small, not too small!

Sea bass!

Zhao Dahai hit the fish. He felt the pulling force on the fishing rod and the speed of the fish's swimming. He immediately knew that it was a sea bass. It was not particularly big. It was running forward crazily, pulling on the fishing line and running out. .

There is a reef in the sea where the fish was caught. If the fish runs forward and the line gets caught on the reef, it won't take more than a second to cut off the fishing line.

Zhao Dahai didn't even think about it, he held the fishing rod with both hands, and pulled hard in his direction, and the hooked fish was dragged back to the side of the speedboat.


"This fish is really unlucky!"

"What are you doing and where are you running to?"

Zhao Dahai looked at a ten-pound seabass next to the speedboat and pulled it back. The fish's physical strength was completely exhausted, and now it was really floating motionless on the sea.

Zhao Dahai grabbed the thread and picked it up, took off the hook and threw it directly into the refrigerator.

Anyway, it’s not like you can’t catch fish today. Tonight, a steamed sea bass or boiled sea bass soup is safe and fresh.

Zhao Dahai glanced at the looming reef in the foam area fifty or sixty meters away, wondering if there were any sea bass there. Generally speaking, sea bass appear in groups, at least three or five, and more than ten, eight or even dozens.

Zhao Dahai tried more than a dozen poles but found nothing. He was even more sure that this fish was really unlucky. Such a big place happened to appear there at that time, and his lead hook happened to hit the rock. It bounced up and fell into the sea, bit it down and was caught by itself.

Zhao Dahai changed from wave climbing to iron board, and practiced for more than an hour. When he saw that the time was almost up, he drove the speedboat back to the dock, parked it and went straight home. He had a simple meal at noon, and at three or four o'clock in the afternoon, Carrying the sea bass and some dry goods that had been dried some time ago, I pulled some vegetables from the vegetable garden behind the house, and went to Lei Dayou's house with my grandma Zhong Cuihua.

Night falls.

The wind and waves on the sea are getting bigger and bigger.

Zhao Dahai, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou sat at the same table to eat and drink. Zhong Cuihua, Ma Hongyu and the children sat at a big table, which was very lively.

"In the past ten days and eight days, there have been a lot of fish, shrimps and crabs in the sea!"

“I made some solid money!”


"The weather is really troublesome. I wonder how many days it will last this time?"

"Don't look at how many fish, shrimps and crabs have been caught in the past few days."

"But overall it's still not much. Have you forgotten? This time last year, we caught more fish, shrimps and crabs. We could catch one or two hundred pounds every time we went out to sea!"

“The farther you travel, the more fish, shrimps and crabs you can catch!”


"Anyway, in recent years, the number of fish, shrimps and crabs caught has really been getting smaller and smaller every year!"

"Zhong Shizhu, you are right. If you want to catch more fish, you must go further."

"Now many fishing boats are sailing to the South China Sea!"

Zhao Dahai listened to Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da talking about fishing and thought of buying a fishing boat.

From Zhong Shizhu?

Liu Bin!

Lei Dayou?

Isn't this something readily available? I wonder if they are willing to go out to sea to work on a fishing boat?

Zhao Dahai took a sip of the steaming sea bass soup and thought about it carefully for a while, but did not say anything. He had not decided whether to buy a pirate ship or not. It was meaningless to talk about it now.

Dinner was eaten from five o'clock in the afternoon until twelve o'clock in the evening before everyone went back to their respective homes.

Zhao Dahai and Zhong Cuihua returned home.

Zhong Cuihua was old and a little tired at this time, so she went to bed immediately.

After Zhao Dahai took a shower, he sat for a while and took a rest before going to bed. The weather was bad and the waves were too big, so he couldn't go fishing. He slept until dawn and it was already nine o'clock in the morning when he woke up.

Zhao Dahai had just finished breakfast when the phone in the main room rang. He immediately walked over and picked up the receiver. The caller was Shi Jiehua, Shi Guangming's son. He asked if he was at home. If he was, he was fine. Come and play. .

What are you doing?

Zhao Da was confused and couldn't figure out what Shi Jiehua wanted to do.

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