"What happened?"

Shi Guangming gently picked up the net and pulled it up to the red spot on the water surface. He lowered his voice when speaking.

"Zhao Dahai seems to feel that there are groupers under the sea and is ready to bite the hook!"

Shi Jiehua said softly.


"Isn't this possible?"

"How can you feel such deep water?"

Shi Guangming was stunned for a moment, and looked carefully to see that the tip of Zhao Dahai's fishing rod was indeed shaking up and down, but the amplitude and frequency of this shaking were the same as the ups and downs of a speedboat driven by waves, so there was nothing special about it. .


"I didn't know that!"

"I was chatting with Zhao Dahai just now, and suddenly I stopped talking!"

Shi Jiehua shook his head and realized that Zhao Dahai kept looking at the tip of the fishing rod without speaking, and didn't find anything wrong.

Fishing for grouper in the sea is different from fishing for yellow bream and black bream in the inland sea. Yellow snapper and black snapper do have relatively obvious fishing rod signals.

Groupers are generally found in water depths of tens of meters. It is very difficult to accurately judge the signal of a fishing rod in such a location. Most of the time, you only know that a fish has taken the bait when the tip of the fishing rod bends hard.

There was no movement from the fishing rod in Zhao Dahai's hand for a while. He didn't quite understand how he could tell that there were groupers on the seabed and was preparing to bite the hook.

"Will we find out later if there is really a grouper biting the hook?"

Zhao Shi was very calm. He picked up the red spot he caught with the net and threw it into the live cabin. He did not continue to set the hook, but picked up the hookah and took two puffs.

Shi Jiehua looked at the fishing rod in his hand. He didn't know whether to collect it or not. If he didn't collect it, it might affect Zhao Dahai. If he collected it, it might affect Zhao Dahai. After thinking about it for a while, he decided not to collect it.

Zhao Dahai didn't know that Zhao Shi, Shi Jiehua and Shi Guangming were all looking at him. He concentrated on holding the fishing rod steadily, trying to distinguish the signals from the live shrimps jumping around on the hook.

Did this grouper wander away?

Are you really so vigilant?

Zhao Dahai waited for two minutes, but there was no movement, not even the live shrimp hanging on the hook.

Zhao Dahai thought for a while and felt that it was unlikely that the fish swam away but that the shrimp was hiding.

This is a reef crevice, and the seabed structure is more complex. The live shrimp hanging on the hook is most likely hiding in a crevice or under a small rock.

Once a grouper finds its prey, it is unlikely to leave. Instead, it will always wait nearby, very patiently.

The greater possibility is that the shrimp was hiding. The grouper did not see the shrimp and could only wait nearby. The hiding shrimp was no longer a threat and remained motionless.

Zhao Dahai figured out what was going on, and immediately raised the pole slightly, not daring to make a big move, let alone exerting force.

The live shrimp is now hiding in the cracks or under the rocks. If you use too much force, it is likely to kill the shrimp or hang it from the bottom. Lifting the pole too much, making too much movement, might scare the grouper away.

When Zhao Dahai lifted the pole, he clearly felt that something was slightly stuck, but it was immediately released.

Zhao Dahai was startled. My guess was correct. The shrimp was hiding. I was very lucky. It was just slightly stuck and it didn't die. If it died, it would be over. If it hangs on the bottom, if you pull it up, the shrimp will be gone, and the line is most likely broken. The key is that it will definitely scare away the big fish nearby.

Slowly lift the pole from the sea and pull the shrimps on the bottom of the sea to swim.




Zhao Dahai immediately felt that the shrimp hanging on the hook jumped several times in succession.

The big fish didn’t leave! nearby!

Zhao Dahai was very patient. He raised the pole and waited without moving, staring at the tip of the pole. The waves were a bit big, and the speedboat continued to rise and fall and rock rhythmically with the waves.

The fishing rod suddenly pulled down without warning.

Zhao Dahai was already prepared. He raised the fishing rod he held in his right hand and lifted the body of the fishing rod. However, the tip of the fishing rod seemed to be hung with a thousand kilograms of weight. At first, it remained motionless. , and then did not lift up, but bent down hard, hitting the water directly. The spinning wheel began to spin wildly, pulling out the thread.



Zhao Dahai held the fishing rod in his left and right hands and lifted it up with all his strength, holding on tightly.



Shi Jiehua clenched his fist and waved it vigorously. He had been waiting for the past ten minutes and did not dare to take a breath.


"It's really amazing!"

Shi Guangming smiled, brought the hookah in his hand to his mouth and took a deep puff. It was not strange to be able to catch fish. The whole process of catching fish, especially being able to feel the fish biting the hook on the bottom of the sea, was Awesome place.

Zhao Shi didn't speak. He had been holding the unsmoked hookah in his hand. It had been extinguished. He replaced it with a handful of shredded tobacco, lit it and started smoking slowly.

"Get up! Get up! This fish can't escape."

"Zhao Dahai!"

"What kind of grouper is it from? Is it big?"

Shi Jiehua was very excited. Zhao Dahai has already pulled up the grouper on the bottom of the sea and collected the line by about fifteen meters. It is basically stable.

"Not big, not big!"

"He weighs thirty or forty pounds!"

"It's probably just a blue spot!"


"Why isn't it a red-spotted one weighing more than ten pounds?"

Zhao Dahai shook his head. This is a red spot fishing spot. I thought the hook was a big red spot, but I didn’t expect it was a blue spot.


"What do you think about a thirty or forty-pound blue spot? Even if you go fishing in the South China Sea, a thirty or forty-pound blue spot is considered a good size!"

"A dozen pounds of red spots?"

"If you can really catch it, it must be good. It doesn't matter if you can't!"

Shi Jiehua was a bit dumbfounded. A blue grouper weighing more than ten pounds is definitely better, but a large grouper weighing thirty or forty pounds is already very good. His fishing boat travels to the South China Sea, where the water is deeper and the sea area is wider, so the probability of catching a large grouper is high. It's higher, but you can't catch this kind of green spot weighing thirty to forty pounds just because you want to.

Zhao Dahai pulled the fish out of the water. It was true. It was indeed a big blue spot weighing thirty to forty pounds. The waves were a bit big. To be on the safe side, he took a big hook and stretched it out into the fish's mouth. He hooked it and pulled it hard. Break through the bones and drag him to the speedboat.

"Second Grandpa!"

"Grandpa Shi!"

"Uncle Shi!"

"The speedboat is still on the spot!"

"Same place, same position, keep setting the hook, there's still a chance to catch it!"

Zhao Dahai loudly reminded his second grandfather Zhao Shi, Shi Guangming and Shi Jiehua to continue fishing. The weather is bad today. I originally didn't plan to go fishing at sea, but now I see that I was wrong. The waves are relatively large. It is very likely that the surrounding groupers will come to the stone crevices to avoid the surging sea water. This small stone crevice is very There may have been a lot of fish hidden and five were caught, but there must still be some.

Shi Jiehua originally thought that there would be no fish in this weather, so he didn't concentrate on fishing, but he had already caught five fish, and he was the only one who didn't catch any fish. , pinpointed the location of the rock crevice on the seabed, and immediately caught a fish, catching a small blue spot weighing about four pounds.


"What's going on? Why is the fish I caught so small?"

Shi Jiehua didn't know whether to laugh or cry.


"Uncle Shi!"

"How can you be like this? Could it be that a four-pound blue spot belongs to a fish and not a fish?"

Zhao Dahai made a joke.

"Zhao Dahai."

"Where do you have the shame to criticize me? Who just disliked a big blue spot weighing thirty or forty pounds?"

As he spoke, Shi Jiehua took off the hook, hung up the live shrimp and put it down again. Zhao Dahai was right. There may be a lot of groupers in the trenches on the seabed, and the bite is very good. You must seize the time to catch a few more.

"Zhao Dahai is really powerful!"

"A large blue spot weighing thirty or forty pounds can be solved in just two or three minutes."

"The strength in your hands is really no joke."

Shi Guangming pulled the fishing line in his hand, and relying on the feeling on his fingers, he found the location of the stone ditch and continued to put the line directly in.

The big blue spot weighing thirty to forty pounds is very powerful and is not easy to deal with after being hooked. Everyone who fishes for groupers knows that groupers are hooked and drilled into the sea. As long as they can hold it, they can basically be caught as long as they are pulled halfway from the bottom of the sea. But knowing the truth is one thing. Can you hold it? Pull is another story.

Zhao Dahai did not use an electric winch, but held the pole in his hand and raised it easily. The strength in his hands was really no joke.


"A little over 180 meters tall."

"They're all muscle lumps."

"What if I don't have the strength? I can't eat this fishnet meal."

Zhao Shi looked at Zhao Dahai. He was indeed in good shape. With just this strength, he could catch more fish than others when he went to sea.

The wind is getting stronger.

The blowing sea water flew up and hit people.

The waves are getting higher and higher.

The entire sea looked misty.


"Ours is going back!"

"Close the pole!"

Zhao Dahai shouted. The weather is getting worse and worse. We need to go back now for our safety.


“This fish mouth is so good!”

"If we fish for another half day, we can catch a lot of fish!"

Shi Jiehua was very helpless.

When Zhao Dahai brought his group here, he found a crevice in the rocks and caught seven large and small red and green spots.

After no fish bit the hook, I changed two or three places, and groupers could be caught in each place. At the spot I just changed, I caught seven or eight good-sized catfish, all weighing more than five or six pounds.

If we continue fishing, we will definitely be able to catch more fish. Unfortunately, the weather is not good and the weather is relatively bad now. Even though it's not too far from the shore, we still have to go back for safety. Veterans who go fishing at sea know that no matter how many fish there are in the sea, they will have to be evacuated if the weather is bad. Greed will never end well.


"Uncle Shi."

"We just came out to have fun today, and we ended up making a small fortune!"

"It's pretty good!"

Zhao Dahai saw Shi Guangming and his second grandfather Zhao Shi putting away their fishing rods. Shi Jiehua had already put away his fishing rod. He checked the speedboat to see if there was anything that could move, and drove the speedboat back to the village dock.

Zhao Dahai rushed to the pier and rode his tricycle. He picked up all the fish and took them home. After going to sea for a few hours, it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon. He cooked something simple and filled his stomach.

"Zhao Dahai."

"If you have time and are interested, follow my fishing boat to the South China Sea!"

"But you have to arrange your time."

"A trip to the South China Sea will take almost a month and at least twenty days!"

Shi Jiehua lit a cigarette and took a puff.


"I want to go see you someday. I'll go find you."

Zhao Dahai nodded immediately. This is definitely a good thing for him. This is a rare opportunity. After two trips, he can clearly understand the South China Sea including some fishing spots that everyone goes to.

It's getting darker.

The wind was blowing harder and harder.

Zhao Dahai took several foam boxes, some filled with water and some filled with ice. Shi Jiehua and Shi Guangming took out the fish caught today and put them in.

Shi Jiehua immediately shook his head when he saw it.

"Uncle Shi."

“Take this fish home and try it!”

Zhao Dahai insisted.

"How does this work?"

"Today we are just going out to sea for fun. If we can't catch any fish, I won't pay your boat fare. If we catch a fish, how can we take it away?"

Shi Jiehua kept shaking his head.


"No need to be polite!"

"You two are not short of these fish, and Zhao Dahai is not short of these fish either."

"Just take it back and have a meal tonight."

"Zhao Dahai said to take it, just take it!"

Zhao Shi spoke directly.



"Then take it back."

Shi Guangming smiled and nodded in agreement.

Others would definitely not want it. Anyone who fishes on the beach knows that it is not easy for fish, shrimps and crabs to come from, but Zhao Shi is right. Zhao Dahai has no shortage of these fish.

Zhao Dahai packed the fish and put it on the trunk of Shi Jiehua's car. He watched him leave before turning back to the yard.

"Second Grandpa!"

"What's going on?"

Zhao Dahai pulled up a stool and sat in front of Zhao Shi, who kept smoking a hookah.

In any case, if you buy a fishing boat and go out to sea, you will be in competition with Shi Guangming and the others.

Yesterday, I and Zhao Shi went to Shi Guangming's house to get on the fishing boat and got to know each other carefully. This was already a rare favor.

Today Shi Guangming and Shi Jiehua came here to see him. Don't look at it as a fishing trip. They seemed to take advantage of him and let him play with him. But in fact, they told more about the fishing boat before leaving. At that time, he directly asked him to follow the ship to the South China Sea when he had time. After this trip, I will know a lot about the waters of the South China Sea and even various fishing spots.

"Second Grandpa!"

"Do you have such a good relationship with Shi Guangming?"

Zhao Dahai was puzzled.


"How did I get such a good relationship with Shi Guangming? We just know each other. If I have to say it, I am more familiar with him."

Zhao Shi smiled and shook his head.

Zhao Dahai was even more strange and couldn't figure out what was going on.

"The sea!"

"This is the face that people give you because you are capable. It has nothing to do with me, an old man!"

"If you hadn't been able to catch so many fish when you went fishing, do you think Shi Guangming and Shi Jiehua would have behaved like this? Especially those who asked you to follow the boat out to sea?"

"Don't think this is a simple thing. Even if no one helps you or guides you, you can figure it out yourself!"

"For example, for those public fishing spots in the South China Sea, you only need to spend some money to hire a good boat boss to find them!"

"But just like this, it's not just a favor that others give casually."

"You have caught so many fish and made so much money. You have become famous among fishermen when you go fishing."

"That's the key."

"If not, there is no way such a thing will happen. This old face of mine will only allow you to come on board and take a look."

Zhao Dahai suddenly realized.

"The sea!"

"No matter what profession you are in, you have to earn your face."

"If you are capable, others will look down upon you. If you are not capable, you may be polite on the surface, but you will definitely look down on you in your heart."

"Work hard. Make money hard."

Zhao Shi stood up and patted Zhao Dahai on the shoulder and went home.

Zhao Dahai sat on the stool and smiled after a while. This matter was very realistic, but it really was such a reality.

When are you going to take a trip to the South China Sea?

Zhao Dahai remembered what Shi Jiehua had just said that he could follow the boat out to sea when he had time. After thinking about it for a while, he was a little undecided, so he could only put it down and look at it later.

Shijiao Village.

Shi Guangming and Shi Jiehua returned home.

"Zhao Dahai is really amazing."

“You can catch so many fish at such a fishing spot.”

Shi Jiehua looked at the several foam boxes that had been moved down. Inside were red spot, blue spot, and owl fish, eight in total. The red spot is not too big, the blue spot is not big, and the owl is of good size. It can easily be sold for more than 10,000 yuan.

Shi Jiehua really didn't expect that a place where fishing boats or speedboats often fish could catch so many fish. To be fair, he really didn't have such ability.

"What do you think is so great about Zhao Dahai?"

"Why is Zhao Dahai able to catch so many fish in a place where there are often so many fishing boats fishing?"

Shi Guangming asked while sitting on a stool and smoking a cigarette.

"The weather is very accurate."

"The boat was driven very well."

Shi Jiehua blurted out without hesitation.

People who go to sea, especially boat owners, need to know what kind of weather they can go to sea in and what kind of weather they cannot go to sea in. This is not only related to whether they can catch fish, but also a matter of life and safety.

Zhao Dahai looked at the waves when he went out to sea and thought it was OK. When he was fishing, he saw that the waves were too big and the fish mouth was just right, so he immediately decided to go back to the dock.

The skill of driving a speedboat is very good, and even I can't compare with it. This is not just a matter of experience, but a talent that is born to eat this bowl of rice at sea.

"The most important thing is that the position is really accurate!"

Shi Jiehua was really convinced.

Anyone who travels to the deep sea knows that there are not no fish in the sea, but whether you can catch them depends on the accuracy of the spot you choose.

Why did you guys catch a lot of fish today?

Zhao Dahai chose a good spot and found where the stone seam on the seabed was. The key was to make it very clear, telling himself that the stone seam was ten centimeters away from the side of the speedboat. The boss of the boat has this ability, and experienced people such as himself and his fathers, Shi Guangming and Zhao Shi, can easily catch fish.

"It's indeed amazing!"

Shi Guangming smoked the hookah for a while and took a look at the groupers and anchovies in the foam box at his feet.

"I really want to see how many fish Zhao Dahai can catch when he goes out to sea with our fishing boat!"


"Zhao Dahai's body can easily handle a hundred kilograms of tuna!"

Shi Jiehua thought about how easy it was for Zhao Dahai to catch that thirty or forty-pound grouper, and how he could handle a hundred-jin fish. But fishing for tuna in the South China Sea, especially large tuna, was difficult without good health.

Shi Guangming and Shi Jiehua chatted about Zhao Dahai for a long time, and then went back to the room to sleep after seeing that it was getting late.

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