Rebirth of a fishing village: starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 331 Onlookers! He accidentally became the most beautiful cub again!

Langtou Village.

Three o'clock in the morning.

Zhao Dahai lay on the bed, listening to the wind and whistling sounds outside the window. He tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. He got up and walked out of the yard, looking at the sea in the distance. Under the light moonlight, he could see the waves on the sea. one by one.


Another day wasted.

Zhao Dahai was very depressed.

Today's wind and waves were relatively strong, and they couldn't go out to sea. Shi Guangming and Shi Jiehua came to go out to play, catch some fish, and make some money.

However, it is already one o'clock in the night, the wind is getting stronger and stronger, the waves on the sea cannot be small, and they will definitely not stop tomorrow.

Another day without being able to go to sea.

Zhao Dahai thought for a while and couldn't sleep when he went back. He packed up the fishing rods and other things, and walked towards the pier with long steps. One was to kill time, and the other was to see if there were any problems with the speedboat in such wind and waves. .

Zhao Dahai walked to the pier and saw many people.


"Damn the weather!"

"It's over!"

"I stayed at home for a day of rest today, and I have to stay at home for another day of rest tomorrow!"

Zhao Dahai saw Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou in the crowd and walked over quickly.

"Uncle Shizhu!"

"It's impossible to go to sea in this weather, right?"

Zhao Dahai lowered his head and looked at the waves beside the pier. It was not so big during the day, but it was bigger now.

There are so many people staying here at the pier. They originally wanted to go fishing at night or early in the morning, but the wind and waves were too strong to go out to sea, so they all gathered here.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou shook their heads. With this wind and waves, they couldn't get out of the sea.

"Zhao Dahai."

"Are you still planning to go fishing in this weather?"

Liu Bin put the cigarette in his hand and took a deep puff in his mouth. Half of the cigarette disappeared suddenly. The weather the day before yesterday was bad, so he didn't take it to heart. We even had a good meal together in the evening. The weather was bad yesterday, and the weather is bad again today, and I feel a little unbearable all of a sudden.

Zhao Dahai looked at the waves on the edge of the pier, hesitated a little, but nodded again, and went out for a walk. He would definitely not be able to go to the open sea. He wanted to see if there was any place where he could fish. If he could fish, he would fish for a while. return.

Zhao Dahai chatted with Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou for a few words. After seeing that it was already dawn, he got on his speedboat and drove out.




The speedboat was thrown up on the sea and then crashed back into the sea, making a very loud sound.

Zhao Dahai had driven three or four nautical miles and his face was a bit ugly. Weather like this, especially when the waves on the sea are big, is very uncomfortable.

Zhao Dahai gritted his teeth and continued to drive forward. He drove another two or three nautical miles. Seeing the waves on the sea getting bigger, higher, and denser, he sighed, slowed down, and couldn't. Keep going, it's too dangerous.

When Zhao Dahai was at the pier just now, he looked at the height of the waves and didn't plan to go out to sea at first. Then he remembered that the fishing spot where he, Shi Guangmin and Shi Jiehua fished for grouper yesterday was not too far away. He was lucky and thought that the waves might not be too big. There's no telling if we can get there, but when we look out, we're still seven or eight nautical miles away.

Are you going back now?

Zhao Dahai was a little unwilling. If he didn't catch any fish, the whole day would be in vain. He would have nothing to do when he went back and could only stay at home.

Zhao Dahai thought about it, there was only one place to go in this kind of weather, the oyster field in Gangtou Village or the fish steak in Paiwan Village.

The fish steaks in Paiwan Village are now estimated to be crowded with people. There has been no weather for several days. People who go fishing have nowhere to go, and people who like fishing also have nowhere to go, so they can only squeeze in to fish steaks.

There are still people fishing in the oyster fields, but the waves in the oyster fields are relatively bigger. Most people will not go fishing there, and there will be relatively fewer people.

Zhao Dahai made up his mind and drove a speedboat to the oyster field in Gangtou Village.

Zhao Dahai walked around in a circle and found out very helplessly that there had been strong winds and waves for several days. Not only were there many people in the fish rafts, but there were also many people in the oyster fields. Many speedboats like him who traveled to the open sea came here.

Zhao Dahai finally found a place and fished a few rods, but no fish was caught. This was due to the influence of wind and waves. What's more important was that there were too many speedboats here, and people were fishing almost everywhere.

Zhao Dahai stopped the speedboat. If he couldn't catch any fish, he simply stopped fishing and took a rest before returning to Langtou Village.

Zhao Dahai took the kettle, drank some water, and looked at the surrounding oyster fields. He looked around and saw a large area with no end in sight. The ropes tied with floating balls continued to rise and fall on the sea surface as the waves continued to rise and fall. very impressive.


"Are all these black sea bream masters? Why are they all hiding in the oyster fields?"

"I'll bring you a twenty-meter fishing rod next time!"

"I have to catch them all, take them back and sell them for money."

Zhao Dahai followed the sound and looked over. Less than five or six meters away from him, there were two or three speedboats gathered together. Someone on them was pointing at Hailitian and shouting curses.

Are all the black snappers hiding in the oyster fields?

While Zhao Dahai was drinking water, he carefully looked at the area ten to twenty meters inside the oyster field. At first, he didn't find anything, but as he looked, he seemed to actually see black sea bream disappearing and appearing in the sea water. , and carefully observed it for about ten minutes to confirm that the black sea bream was really hiding further inside the oyster field.

Zhao Dahai felt a little dumbfounded.

No wonder he couldn't catch black sea bream just now, not even a bite. The other speedboats around him, even those that occupied a better position, didn't catch a few fish.

The wind and waves are relatively strong, and these fish in the sea are more shrewd. They hide in the deeper oyster fields to avoid the bigger wind and waves, and at the same time avoid themselves and other fishermen on the speedboats around them.

Zhao Dahai originally planned to take a rest and then go back to the village. Now that he saw the black snapper in the oyster field, he couldn't help but start to wonder how he could catch it.

There are many black sea bream in the oyster fields, especially due to the influence of wind and waves. The black sea bream around the oyster fields all hide back in the oyster fields, and their numbers are larger and denser.

Traditional fishing methods will definitely not work.

Let alone ten meters, it is difficult to catch even five or six meters.

Even if the pole can be thrown, there are a lot of ropes in the sea water and the wind and waves are strong, so it is very easy to get hung up. Catching fish is not of much use. The oysters are right next to you. Just drill them casually and get them entangled in the rope immediately. Or you can cut them off directly in the oyster field and the fish will disappear immediately.

The only way to catch these black bream is to be able to cast the rod for more than ten meters, and the bait is floating on the water, so the fish can be quickly pulled back after taking the bait.


Can it be caught?

Only waves can float on the water surface.

Zhao Dahai took out the wave crawler, looked at it, and shook his head. This thing is too big. The black sea bream here in the oyster field is not big. The key is that the wave crawler creates splashes on the water. The black sea bream is not a sea bass or a rhubarb. If the bonito is scared away early, it is impossible to bite the hook.

iron plate?

My iron plate is more than ten centimeters long, longer than the black sea bream in the oyster field!

Zhao Dahai thought about it for a while and felt that the only way he could catch the black sea bream in the oyster fields was the lead-head hook.

Black snapper eat small fish.

The soft bait on the lead hook swims around like a small fish when it is dragged, and you may not be able to catch it. In addition, the lead-head hook is relatively small. The only problem is that it will sink to the bottom. However, this is not a big problem. There is at least five or six meters of water depth here. If you fall into the water, you should immediately take up the line and the lead-head hook will not sink to the bottom.

In addition, the lure rod I use is harder than the Jianganji fishing rod. Only when the fish is hooked can it be quickly pulled out of the oyster field, and the line can be avoided as much as possible.

Zhao Dahai thought it over clearly, just do it and you will know if it works or not!

Zhao Dahai drove the speedboat and drove slowly along the edge of the oyster field, observing carefully until he found a row of ropes and wooden stakes for raising oysters that were relatively far apart from the other rows. There was a line in the distance. A small stream of water flowed over and stopped when a small backflow area was formed about ten meters away from the edge of the oyster.

Zhao Dahai was not in a hurry. After observing carefully for a while, he could see a black sea bream swimming around in the sea water from time to time.

Zhao Dahai adjusted the position of the speedboat and turned on the top-flow machine. The oyster field was a small bay sheltered from the wind. There were indeed wind and waves, but they were not particularly big. They stopped steadily and motionless.

Zhao Dahai took out the first lure rod he bought. This rod is not particularly hard and is relatively suitable for use in a place like this.

Zhao Dahai quickly tied the lead-head hook and hooked the soft bait on the lead-head hook.

I wonder if I can catch it?

Zhao Dahai was a little nervous.

Sea bass is not difficult at all, and I know that it can be caught with a lead-head hook. I have never tried black sea bream, so I don’t know if I can catch it.

The lead-head hook cannot be hit directly in the backwater bend, as it will definitely scare the fish when it falls into the water.

Zhao Dahai threw the first rod at the right place. He has been playing lure rods a lot recently and has rich experience. He accurately landed five or six meters in front of the backwater bend, and a little finger popped out of the sea. Big and small splashes.

Zhao Dahai quickly turned off the thread cup and immediately started to take up the thread. The distance of more than ten meters was already in front of me in a moment.


"It's really useful! Maybe you can actually catch it!"

Zhao Dahai was very excited. The soft bait on the lead hook was wagging its tail like a small fish when it was dragged in the sea. He just saw two fish catching up behind him. He didn't know if he saw him or for some other reason. When he was three or four meters away from him, he gave up the chase, turned around and disappeared into the sea.

"One more rod!"

"The speed has to be slower this time, we can't close it so fast!"

Zhao Dahai thought about it for a while and discovered the problem. A black seabream caught up with him and proved to be interested in the soft bait on the lead hook, but he took it too fast and had no time to catch up and bite the hook.

Zhao Dahai threw the second rod, which landed in the same position. He immediately closed the thread cup and began to reel in the line, dragging the lead hook back, but this time the speed was deliberately slowed down.

When Zhao Dahai took up the line and dragged the lead hook through the return zone for almost two meters, he suddenly had an idea and paused with his hand.

Zhao Dahai immediately felt that a fish had bitten the hook. Without any hesitation, he immediately turned the spinning wheel to retrieve the line. He retrieved it too quickly and with too much force. The hooked black sea bream was pulled directly out of the water and flew in front of him. .




"You can really catch it!"

Zhao Dahai flew onto the deck of the speedboat and laughed triumphantly. I have never used lures and never used lead hooks to catch black sea bream. I never thought it would work just by giving it a try.

It took Zhao Dahai a while to calm down, he took off the black snapper on the hook and threw it into the live water tank, sorted out the soft bait on the lead head hook, followed the same method and cast the rod again, landing five or six meters in front of the return area. Then he immediately retrieved the line, dragged the thread end, and passed through the return flow area. Just about one meter away from the return flow area, he felt something peck the tail of the soft bait on the lead head hook.

Zhao Dahai was not in a hurry and immediately raised his pole to stab the fish. He immediately stopped for a moment. When he stopped, a fish bit the hook and dragged it away.

Zhao Dahaiyang's dry fish quickly reeled in the line, and in the blink of an eye another black sea bream was dragged to the side of the speedboat. He gently picked up the pole and flew the fish onto the deck.

No more fish!

We have to change places!

Zhao Dahai swung the sixth pole but failed to catch any fish. He then swung the seventh and eighth poles but failed to catch any fish. He knew that he could no longer catch black sea bream in this place.

Zhao Dahai shook his head. Lures can indeed be thrown far and catch fish, but they are not without their weaknesses. If you use traditional fishing methods, you can catch at least a dozen or twenty fish if you find a school of black sea bream. If you make a nest, black sea bream from other places around you may be attracted, and you can catch more.

It is said that the lure does not make a nest, so it is impossible to attract more fish to gather, and the only ones that can be caught are the larger and more ferocious fish in the school.

The remaining fish that are smaller or less aggressive cannot be caught.

This can only be used as a fishing method under certain circumstances, especially in weather like this, where a large number of black bream are hiding in the oysters. In normal weather, traditional methods are more efficient.

Zhao Dahai immediately drove a speedboat to change places.

"How is this going!"

"How can you catch black bream several meters deep in the oyster field?"

"What is this thing used for? How can it be thrown so far? The key is how to catch fish?"

"Isn't it just a lure? Use fake bait to catch real fish!"

"Is it really that useful? I've already caught three or four of them!"

The weather overseas is very bad and the waves are very strong. Many people, including speedboats running offshore, are unable to go out to sea. They are all crowded in places like Haitian, surrounded by speedboats.

Zhao Dahai quickly attracted attention. At the beginning, there were only two or three speedboats. It didn't take long for the number of speedboats surrounding them to turn into more than a dozen.

Zhao Dahai ignored the speedboats around him, seizing the time to fish was the best way to go.

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