Rebirth of a fishing village: starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 332 Fishing really makes you poor for three generations!

"Isn't this the property of Zhao Dahai from Langtou Village?"


"Does it mean that we all have to learn how to fish in this way?"


"Today's young people are really terrible!"

“When we can catch fish, they can catch fish, and when we can’t catch fish, they can still catch fish!”

Zhao Dahai stood beside the speedboat. Feiyu got on the deck and looked around at the dozens of speedboats watching the excitement. He was very helpless. He caught a few fish and moved to another place. Two hours later, half of the people in the oyster field knew Everyone saw that he was fishing for black bream, and there were always people watching the excitement around him, but almost everyone was empty, and he once again became the most beautiful cub.


The wind and waves were getting stronger.

Zhao Dahai found that the speedboats' top-speed engines were a little unable to hold up. There were already a lot fewer speedboats around. There were not many fish to be caught and the wind and waves were very strong, so many of them left early.

Zhao Dahai shook his hands and kept swinging the pole, almost without stopping. After a few hours, it was really unbearable.

Zhao Dahai looked down at the living cabin at his feet and frowned. The black sea bream in the live cabin was dark and weighed almost thirty kilograms. The price of the palm-sized black sea bream was not too low, about fifty yuan per kilogram, which together could be sold for fifteen hundred yuan.

“Why do you think it’s so uneconomical!?”

Zhao Dahai used his hands for a while. His body was very strong and far beyond the average person, but he was still a little unbearable at the end of the day.

Zhao Dahai thought for a while and found that fishing with lures can indeed catch fish under certain circumstances, but unless you are fishing for big fish, fishing for small fish like black sea bream is not very efficient. Not much, it consumes much more energy than traditional fishing methods.

Zhao Dahai took a rest, drank some water, packed up his things and drove the speedboat back to Langtou Village. He made up his mind that on his next trip to the inland sea to fish for black sea bream or other small fish, he would definitely not use lead-head hooks or fish on the road. Ya.

Zhao Dahai returned to Langtou Village, parked the speedboat, loaded the fish and went home immediately. The black sea bream caught today were not big, but they were basically alive and kept in the live fish pond.

Zhao Dahai took three dead black sea bream and walked into the kitchen. He put the rice in and cooked the rice. Then he started to kill the fish, cleaned them up, heated up the large pot, put in a little oily fish, put it in, fried it a little, and put in water to make soup.

Zhao Dahai took some meat from the refrigerator, plucked vegetables from the garden behind the house, fried them together, made one dish and one soup. He set up a table in the main room, served the food, and called his grandma Zhong Cuihua to have dinner.


"Can I still go fishing in this weather?"

Zhong Cuihua was a little surprised when she saw the black sea bream in the fish soup. It was quite big.

Zhao Dahai said that the waves today were too big and he couldn't go too far. He went to the oyster field in Gangtou Village and only caught twenty or thirty kilograms of black snapper after a busy day.

“If you can catch a few fish in this weather, it will be good if you can make some money!”

"Is it possible that you still want to catch a few hundred pounds of black snapper?"

Zhong Cuihua picked up the soup bowl and took a sip of fish soup.

Zhao Dahai was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he had indeed thought too much. This was fishing in the oyster fields in the inland sea, not fishing in the open sea, let alone encountering large openings such as black sea bream or yellow pheasant in the open sea. I was really tired after spinning the lure rod all day today, and I didn’t catch too many fish. But today, other speedboats fishing for black sea bream in Hailitian caught even less. Some people even didn't catch any fish and went back empty-handed.



"You can see it clearly! You can see it clearly!"

"There is no reason why you can make a lot of money just by going out to sea every day and catching a lot of fish."

"Work hard! Earn as much as you can!"

Zhao Dahai was a little worried at first. He caught too few fish in a busy day today, but now he suddenly relaxed.

With weather like this, I don’t know how many people who go fishing can only stay at home. Being able to go to sea by myself, especially being able to catch fish, and being able to earn a little over a thousand yuan after deducting gas money and so on, is already very good.

Zhong Cuihua smiled and didn't say anything more about this matter. Just think about it.

After Zhao Dahai finished dinner and just took a shower, the phone rang. He answered it and it was Liu Gang who called, asking if he had caught any fish in the past few days.

Zhao Dahai said that he caught a few groupers and some bream yesterday, and today he caught about 20 kilograms of black sea bream. It was too little and he didn't plan to sell it. He would talk about it later when he wanted to get more.

Liu Gang immediately said he would come over in a moment and hung up the phone.

Zhao Dahai waited for almost an hour. The sound of a car came from the electronic door. When he opened the door, Liu Gang opened the door and came out.

Zhao Dahai knew that the weather was not good these days, there were almost no fishing boats out to sea, and Liu Gang's restaurant was short of fresh fish, so he came overnight.

Zhao Dahai immediately fished out the fish and weighed it.

"Seven pounds of blue grouper, two hundred yuan per pound, fifteen thousand six hundred yuan."

"Erythema costs fourteen pounds and one tael, five hundred and sixty yuan per pound, and seven thousand eight hundred and ninety-six yuan."

"Fifty-six catties and seven taels of eel fish, 90 yuan per catty, 5,103 yuan."

"Black sea bream, one hundred and seventy-seven groupers, three liang per catty, forty-five yuan per catty, eight thousand and twenty-three yuan and five cents."

"The total is thirty-six thousand six hundred and twenty-two dollars and a half."

Liu Gang weighed the scales, settled the account, gave the money to Zhao Dahai, and immediately drove away in a car.

Zhao Dahai watched Liu Gang's car gradually disappear into the dark night, and shook his head. No matter what line of work he was in, it was very hard to make money. He went fishing by himself, got up early and stayed in the dark, and Liu Gang opened a restaurant to do business. It was the same. So, at this point, we have to rush to the door to collect the fish.

Zhao Dahai turned around and walked into the yard and closed the door. It was late, so he went to bed quickly.

Zhao Dahai woke up and looked at the time. It was five o'clock in the morning. He raised his ears and listened. There was a lot of wind outside the window.

No way?

Can't go out to sea in this weather?

Zhao Dahai hesitated for a moment, got up, walked out of the yard, and looked towards the sea. The sea was dark, and the lights of the fishing boats that were scattered on the sea in normal weather were missing.


How many days will it take for this stormy weather to pass?

Zhao Dahai was really a little anxious now. It was sunny every day but there were strong winds and waves every day. He couldn't go to sea or make money. He could only stay at home. It was too uncomfortable.

Zhao Dahai sighed. He originally wanted to visit the pier, but without any thought, he turned around, closed the door to the yard, went back to bed and continued to sleep. He opened his eyes again, the sun was rising, and the sunlight coming from the window was very strong.

Zhao Dahai got dressed, stood up, stretched, and walked out of the room. He looked around and didn't see his grandma Zhong Cuihua. He called out and went to the back of the house. He entered the kitchen, filled the porridge and ate it while walking back. Walking to the vegetable garden.


"Are you up so early?"

Zhao Dahai took a look and saw a bamboo basket at the feet of his grandma Zhong Cuihua, filled with grass pulled out of the vegetable field.

"Go to bed early and get up early."

"There's nothing else to do, so come and take a look at the vegetable garden!"

Zhong Cuihua reached out and pulled out a handful of grass and put it in the bamboo basket.

Zhao Dahai finished the porridge in the bowl in three strokes, put it on the ground next to it, and walked into the vegetable garden, ready to help.

Zhong Cuihua immediately stopped her. She could just do such a small amount of work by herself.

Zhao Dahai thought for a while and nodded. There is not much work in the vegetable field. There is sunshine today, but the wind is relatively strong and it is cooler. Grandma Zhong Cuihua works slowly. This work is not very tiring. It is better to move your body. good.

Zhao Dahai chatted with his grandma Zhong Cuihua for a few words, and decided to go around the town and buy some things from the fishing gear store. The weather was bad and he couldn't go out to sea, so he had to prepare more things for fishing at sea to avoid having to go out to sea when the weather was good. When you go to sea, you have to spend time preparing these things.

Zhao Dahai rode a tricycle to the pier first, got on the speedboat and took inventory of the things on the speedboat that were needed for fishing. He wrote down everything that was missing, and then went to the town and went directly to the fishing tackle shop.

Wu Guodong saw Zhao Dahai coming again and buying a lot of things.

"Captain Zhao."

"Is it really so easy to catch? Is it consumed so quickly?"

Wu Guodong couldn't help but be curious.


"It's okay, it's okay!"

"It is true that fishing at sea is profitable, but the various losses are too great!"

"Not to mention the hook, line and lead pendant! Once it hangs on the bottom, everything is gone!"

"Take Antarctic shrimp bricks for making nests, for example. I really don't know how many are used during a trip to sea!"

Zhao Dahai shook his head.

Fishing is really no joke, the cost is very high. When fishing for black sea bream, I stuffed Antarctic shrimp for free, and I kept opening the same package after package.

When fishing for grouper, prawns as big as two fingers cost more than 100 yuan per pound. Not to mention the octopus or octopus as big as a fist, or the orchid crab as big as half a hand.

It's all money.


"Captain Zhao!"

"It's hard to let go of the child and not be able to trap the wolf. Isn't there a saying that if you don't catch enough in a nest, you won't catch much?"

Wu Guodong laughed loudly. How could anyone who opens a fishing tackle shop not know that fishing involves a lot of losses and costs? It doesn't matter if you can catch fish, but if you can't catch fish, it's really a loss.


"I caught a lot of black sea bream with a lead hook yesterday. Is there any other fake bait that is better?"

"Is there anything like a wave crawler that can float on the water?"

Zhao Dahai thought of some of the troubles he encountered yesterday when fishing for black sea bream. The biggest one was the lead-headed hook, which had to be retrieved immediately after falling into the water. If the wave crawler is too big, it can only catch big fish, but cannot deal with black bream.


"Do you use a lead hook to catch black sea bream? Master, this is really amazing!"

Wu Guodong was stunned for a moment. It is indeed possible to catch black snapper with a lead-head hook, but it is not easy.

Zhao Dahai told Wu Guodong that he must recover immediately after falling into the water.

When Wu Guodong heard that Zhao Dahai not only fished for black sea bream with a lead hook, but also fished for black sea bream in the oyster fields, he was very impressed.

Wu Guodong took out some minnows and introduced in detail how to use them.

Zhao Dahai bought fifty of them at once. After thinking about it, he bought a softer and shorter pole that could be used to catch black sea bream or other fish in oyster fields or on the shore.

Wu Guodong asked Zhao Dahai when he would take people out to sea for fishing.

Zhao Dahai shook his head. The weather has been very bad in the past few days. He can't even go to sea, let alone take others to go fishing. The weather is good and he can go to sea, but he doesn't know how the fish in the sea are like, so he has to go to sea. Take a look and then talk.

Zhao Dahai packed up all the things he bought, put them into bags, put some into several boxes, and put them together on his tricycle.

Wu Guodong stood at the door of the fishing gear shop, watched Zhao Dahai leave, and sighed. He really didn't care about the fishing fee for taking people out to fish.

"Isn't four thousand yuan money? Why isn't it earned?"


"People who can fish, especially those who can catch a lot of fish, really don't care about the money!"


“Is there enough lead-tipped hooks in the oyster fields to catch black bream?”

"How long have you been playing with lures before you become so good at it?"

Wu Guodong muttered several words in a low voice before turning back to the fishing tackle shop.

Zhao Dahai left the fishing tackle shop on a tricycle and bought some other things. At first he thought about going to the fish market to meet Ding Xiaoxiang, but he gave up the idea and ran there shamelessly last time. I will go, but I can't go again after just a few days. There is only a long way to go, so don't be anxious. It will be safer to go after a while.

Zhao Dahai returned to the village and first went to the home of his second grandfather Zhao Shi. Huang Huangtao was the only one there, and his second grandfather Zhao Shi went out for a walk.

Zhao Dahai bought a lot of snacks and some meat. The second grandfather Zhao Shi and the second grandmother Huang Huangtao were old and it was not convenient to go out to the town. There was no shortage of fish, shrimps and crabs, and they could be bought at the pier. Meat I was lacking a little bit, so I went to town and bought it.

Zhao Dahai chatted with his second mistress Huang Huangtao for a while before leaving.

Zhao Dahai returned home and moved all the things he bought into the house.

Really spend money!

Zhao Dahai looked at the things on the ground.

The newly bought poles and wheels accounted for most of it, and the remaining Antarctic shrimp bricks and other accessories useful for fishing, plus some minnows for fishing black sea bream and other smaller fish, etc.

Today I spent almost 10,000 yuan again.

No wonder there is a saying that the third generation of fishermen are poor. Unless they can catch a lot of fish by themselves, if they make a lot of money, they will have to go bankrupt to buy these accessories.


"I just went to my second grandpa's house."

"Second Grandpa went out for a walk, and only Second Grandma was left at home."

"Normally, I have to go to grandma's house for a walk and chat or something."

"What are you doing at home weaving fishing nets all day?"

Zhao Dahai saw his grandma Zhong Cuihua sitting in the main room weaving fishing nets, and remembered that when he went to the second grandpa Zhao Shi's house just now, his second grandma Huang Huangtao stayed at home alone.


"I'll go to her place after lunch."

Zhong Cuihua thought for a while and thought it would be good to go for a walk.

2 p.m.

Zhao Dahai rode a tricycle to send his grandma Zhong Cuihua to the home of his second grandma Huang Huangtao. He went to the pier himself, and strode east of the village with the lure rod wheels he just bought in the evening, especially the new fake bait floating minnow he just bought. We walked to the reef area at the head. The wind and waves were too strong to go out to sea. Play on the shore and practice to get familiar with it, so that you won’t know everything when you need to use it next time.

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