Zhao Dahai immediately lowered his head and looked at it. There was enough thread in the thread cup. The pole in his hand was used to deal with the big golden gun that weighed more than a hundred pounds. The spinning wheel had a large capacity and the thread was very long.

I wonder what kind of fish this is?

But no matter what kind of fish it is, it can’t escape!

With a steel wire leader and a long enough line, what if the hooked fish can run no matter how strong it is?

This fish is completely screwed!

Zhao Dahai waited for the fish to be hooked and ran forward for thirty or forty meters, then started to pull back with both hands. The hooked fish is now full of strength and will definitely not be able to pull it back. The purpose of pulling the fishing rod with force is to create difficulties. The hooked fish will not run so smoothly and consume more energy.

Zhao Dahai tried his best, but the fishing rod remained motionless and could not be pulled back. However, he clearly felt that the hooked fish paused, regained his strength, and continued to move forward.

Zhao Dahai waited for a few seconds. The fish ran forward for a while and exerted force again. The fishing rod still couldn't be pulled, but the hooked fish paused again, exerted force again and continued to run forward.

Zhao Dahai smiled. This time, I could clearly feel that the pause of the hooked fish lasted longer, and the force weakened a bit when it re-energized for the second time.

Zhao Dahai followed the same method and used force to pull the fishing rod back every three to five seconds. Regardless of whether it was pulling or unable to pull, he just pulled back.


"Zhao Dahai!"

"This fish probably doesn't have much strength now!"

Wu Weimin calmed down, and Zhao Dahai pulled the pole for a while, and then pulled the pole for a while. Even if he couldn't pull it back, the fish that was hooked was very uncomfortable. It was running very fast, but he pulled it hard and the speed slowed down. , you need more strength to accelerate again. Through this very simple method, Zhao Dahai was able to consume a large amount of the physical strength of the hooked fish in a very short period of time. However, this method is simple but not everyone can use it. If you don't have Zhao Dahai's strength, you won't be able to do this job.

Wu Weimin saw that the rod could not be pulled in the first few times, but from the fifth or sixth time it could be pulled, and the strength of the hooked fish was greatly weakened.

"This fish can't escape!"

Zhao Dahai exerted force with his hands again, and the hooked fish was pulled back a meter, and then he continued to move forward. Now there was not much pressure and he could speak.

"What kind of fish comes from this?"

Wu Weimin unscrewed the cap of the mineral water bottle, took a few sips of water, stared at the sea in the distance with his eyes wide open, and could vaguely see the churning water ripples.

"It's definitely not a yellow bonito, and it's definitely not a ghost sword."


"Somewhat similar, but not particularly similar."

Zhao Dahai shook his head as he spoke. The fish that was hooked must be a big fish, and it was a big and ferocious fish, but I really don’t know what kind of fish it was.

Zhao Dahai didn't speak anymore and concentrated on dealing with the big fish that was hooked. Now the strength of this fish has been greatly weakened. If you pull it back, you will know what kind of fish it is.

Zhao Dahai tightened the unloading force a little, and the thread out suddenly slowed down, and the spinning wheel's rotation speed even slowed down.

Zhao Dahai was no longer polite and started to go back to pull the fish first.

one meter!

Two meters!

Ten meters!

At the beginning, Zhao Dahai had to spend a little effort to pull the fish back, but the longer he pulled it, the easier it became, especially after 20 meters, the strength of the fish had weakened significantly. Slaughter.

"Zhao Dahai."

"How far is it?"

"Did you see what kind of fish it was?"

Wu Weimin was very anxious and stood on tiptoe, wanting to see clearly what kind of fish it was for the first time.

"It looks like about thirty meters!"

"I can't tell what kind of fish it is, but it's very long!"

"It's estimated to be over 1.5 meters!"

Zhao Dahai went back to the recycling line one meter after another. The fish that was hooked was indeed quite big. It was vaguely visible that it was a very long fish, but it was a bit far away and it was not clear what kind of fish it was.

Twenty-five meters!

Twenty meters!

Fifteen meters!

Ten meters!

Wu Weimin stared at the fish getting closer and closer.


"Sea Wolf!"

"This is a huge sea wolf!"

"What the hell!"

"I've never seen such a big sea wolf!"

Wu Weimin shouted in surprise.

Zhao Dahai saw clearly the fish in the sea water. A sea wolf that was over 1.5 meters tall, possibly even 1.78 meters tall, was being pulled by him and swimming slowly toward the speedboat.


"This one is really big!"

Zhao Dahai never expected that he would catch such a big sea wolf, and he had a headache. This fish is too big, and the key is that this fish is very dangerous. Sea wolves have very sharp teeth, just like lone wolves in the wilderness. The sea is very ferocious and often chases and bites other big fish.

The troublesome thing about catching this kind of fish is that if you get on a speedboat, all kinds of accidents can easily happen. If you flick the tail or turn the head and take a bite, that would be serious.

Zhao Dahai thought of the sea wolf fish he had caught, none of which was this big.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!"

"Zhao Dahai!"

“This fish is over 1.5 meters and looks like it weighs over 100 pounds. It’s not difficult at all!”


"How are you going to get it up?"

"Soon, this fish gets on the speedboat and the two of us have to jump into the sea!"

Wu Weimin was joking.

"What else can we do? We can only slip away slowly. This fish has almost no energy left to slip away!"

Zhao Dahai didn't have any good ideas. The fish is not only big, but also very long, making it unsafe to dip the net. Another way is to hook a big hook, but this fish is too big and very powerful. The key is that this fish is very long. If the position of the hook is wrong, it will be very dangerous when it shakes its head and struggles, and it is very likely to be bitten. people. This is not a giant grouper or some other fish. In addition, the big hook pulled out the wound and ruined the appearance. It is difficult to sell for the highest price.


"I didn't expect the sea wolf fish to grow so big!"

“Isn’t this going to be a record-breaking one?”

"This sea wolf fish is so unlucky. We didn't expect to be able to catch the fish. Who would have thought that it would just rush out? The key is that the rod hit his position just right."

"Who could have imagined that such a vicious and big fish could hide in such a calm sea?"

Wu Weimin watched Zhao Dahai walking fish with great interest. The huge sea wolf fish swimming back and forth in the sea water is very shocking.

Zhao Dahai flew for almost twenty minutes before he slipped over the sea wolf fish and took a large net to catch the fish. The head of the fish was inside the net and the tail was outside the net.

Zhao Dahai is very careful. Such a big sea wolf fish is really no joke. I dragged the fish up to the deck with a net, and immediately took a pair of pliers and hammered the sea wolf fish's head hard several times before he breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhao Dahai opened the lid of the refrigerator and put it in. His refrigerator was very big, but he had to fold it slightly when putting this fish in it.

"One meter eight!"

"This fish is definitely over 1.8 meters tall!"

“There is absolutely no way to catch a hundred pounds!”

Wu Weimin shook his head.

"Boss Wu!"

"Everyone who meets you has a share!"

"I wouldn't have been able to catch this fish if you hadn't asked me to throw it here and try to catch the wave."

Zhao Dahai was very excited. Sea wolf fish is not a valuable fish, it is very easy to catch, especially when the hook is released. Sea wolf fish is easy to catch in some sea areas, but I have never heard of anyone catching such a big one. A hundred pounds of sea wolf fish.



Wu Weimin was not polite. Sea wolf fish is really not delicious. The key is that it is really big. Many people are willing to pay a lot of money to buy such a fish.

Wu Weimin looked at the surrounding sea, which once again regained its calm. He could vaguely see several speedboats far away.

Zhao Dahai hit a dozen more poles and tried them in every direction, but there was no movement at all.


"All right!"

"It seems like this fish is really unlucky. I don't know what it's doing here, but it met a killer like you."

Wu Weimin glanced at the refrigerator with the lid closed and a rope tied to it. Such a large sea surface was very open. To catch such a big fish was really unlucky for this fish.

"Boss Wu!"

"Maybe some big fish will often appear in this sea area!"

Zhao Dahai looked at the surrounding sea. It was flat and there were no islands or reefs. Under normal circumstances, it was unlikely that there would be fish, especially big fish, but last time he encountered groups of fish here. Ghost Head Dao met Huang Jinzi, and this time he caught a huge record-breaking sea wolf fish here.

Is this unexpected?

Is this a coincidence?

Zhao Dahai knew that it might be an accident or coincidence, but it was possible that the sea area in front of him was very prone to large fish.

"If you want to catch big fish, can you try your luck in this sea area? It's not easy to find fish in such a big sea, right? It's too difficult to find a needle in a haystack!"

Wu Weimin looked at the surrounding sea carefully. He couldn't see anything special here. He frowned. There might be big fish here, but it was too difficult to find them. Why do fishermen like to go to islands, reefs or places with structures? Isn’t it easy to find fish in places like this?

"Isn't fishing for big fish just a matter of luck? Black snapper and yellow pheasant, including the big-eye pheasant we just caught not long ago, can find clear markings."

"The huge sea wolf fish that Huang Bonzi and Guitou Dao just caught will not have a fixed mark and will only appear in a certain sea area!"

"We can't just catch yellow bonito one after another like we catch yellow chickens, right?"

Zhao Dahai carefully looked at the vast sea in front of him over and over again. The weather was very good, the sun hung in the sky above his head, and he caught big fish one after another, which proved that there were really big fish in this sea area. But it is really too wide and there are no clear landmarks such as reefs and islands, so it is very difficult to find fish.

Not to mention such a large sea surface, even if it is a one-mile sea surface, if the waves are hit again and again, fishing will be useless at the end of the day.

Is there any good method?

Zhao Dahai frowned. There are fish in the sea, but they are relatively scattered. It is difficult to catch these fish, and you must find a suitable fishing method. What kind of fishing method can cover a large area of ​​the sea and make it easier to find fish in what kind of places?

Zhao Dahai suddenly remembered the method he used to catch the huge mackerel with Wu Weimin, Lin Zuhua and Gao Zhicheng.

"Boss Wu."

“A place like this is actually the best for fishing or trolling!”

Zhao Dahai expressed his thoughts.


"You are right. If you want to catch big fish in seas like this, the most direct and effective way is to release or troll!"

Wu Weimin has rich fishing experience. Zhao Dahai said he knew it was indeed possible. Casting or trolling is a fishing method that searches the surface of the ocean over a wide area. The sea area in front of us is very wide, and there are no clear landmarks such as islands and reefs suitable for hiding fish.

The biggest advantage of drift fishing or trolling is that it can cover the largest sea area in the shortest time.

Live bait placed in the sea can swim hundreds of meters, or it can be towed by a speedboat to search for big fish on a very wide sea surface that even exceeds dozens of nautical miles.

"Zhao Dahai!"

"How about we give it a try and see if we can catch a big fish?"

Wu Weimin immediately wanted to give it a try.

"There is no way now!"

Zhao Dahai shook his head directly.

Suitable live bait is necessary for casting or trolling. There are only live shrimps on the speedboat now, and all the big-eye chickens caught are dead, even if they are alive, they are not particularly suitable.

In addition, casting or trolling must have special fishing rods and corresponding fishing groups. The biggest requirement is to have a large enough spinning wheel or even a drum. The line capacity is very large to cover as much ground as possible. Only on the sea surface can you have a chance to catch big fish.

Wu Weimin could only look at the sea and sigh, and decided to go back and prepare his equipment, so as to teach the big fish here a lesson next time.

Zhao Dahai reminded Wu Weimin to call Lin Zuhua, especially Gao Zhicheng. The professional masters must be very proficient in releasing or trolling.

Zhao Dahai no longer wasted time. Another important goal of going out to sea today was spotted snapper. He immediately drove his speedboat straight to the farthest fishing spot.

Zhao Dahai rushed to the fishing spot and saw that there was no speedboat around. It was already late. If there were no speedboats at this time, there would definitely be no speedboats here today.

Wu Weimin looked at the blue sea around him, and the sea even curved down at the end. He couldn't help but feel a little frightened. He 100% did not dare to come here to fish alone.


"Boss Wu!"

"What are you doing? This place is so good, why don't you come here? The spotted snapper I can catch is really valuable."

Zhao Dahai made a joke, Wu Weimin's expression was a little abnormal, he must be a little scared.


"My legs feel a little weak!"

Wu Weimin really felt a little scary.

Zhao Dahai drove his speedboat and stopped right above the spot where he caught the spotted snapper, and immediately started fishing. However, his luck was really bad today, and he didn't catch anything for two hours.

Zhao Dahai immediately decided not to fish for spotted snapper. If he goes all the way to the dark side, he will definitely lose money and vomit blood. He will have to fish for other fish to see if he can harvest anything.

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