Zhao Dahai opened the fish finder navigation. When he came here for the first time, he scanned the fishing spots, marked several spots, and tried them one by one to see where there were fish.

Zhao Dahai is not worried at all about not being able to catch fish. The water here is deep enough and the bottom structure is complex. If there is no spotted snapper, there will definitely be other fish, especially grouper. He just wants to see if he can catch it if he can't open his mouth.


The sun is getting hotter.

The sea is full of water, reflecting the sun's rays like a mirror, making it extremely hot.

Wu Weimin took a bottle of mineral water and drank it in one breath. It was too hot. No matter how much water he drank, it was not enough. He lowered his head and looked at the fishing rod on the gun stand. The rod was motionless for ten minutes. In the past three hours, Zhao Dahai I changed a few spots and fished for at least half an hour at each spot. I didn’t catch any fish but caught a lot of fish on the bottom.

"The sea!"

"It seems like today is really not a good time for fishing!"


“It’s not that it’s not suitable for fishing, it’s that you can’t catch big fish!”

"I caught a lot of big-eye pheasants early in the morning. No matter what, I will definitely make a profit."

Wu Weimin couldn't help but laugh as he spoke. He and Zhao Dahai had gone out to sea several times to catch fish, and each time they had a bumper harvest. In fact, we caught a lot of fish today, but we didn't catch any really big ones. Fish, if the boss of other speedboats goes to sea, this is already a very rare harvest, but when it comes to Zhao Dahai, it feels abnormal.

Zhao Dahai was a little helpless. He couldn't catch fish at the spot where he fished for spotted snapper. He changed several spots but still couldn't catch fish.

Is it really impossible to catch fish today?

Zhao Dahai drove the speedboat forward slowly. It was the first time he came here and he had already tried all the spots he found. There were no fish and it was already late. It was too late to change to other fishing spots, so he could only try it here. See if you can find one or two suitable spots to see if there are any fish.

Zhao Dahai watched the fish finder and studied the topography of the seabed for almost an hour, but could not find a suitable spot.

Wu Weimin said nothing. Zhao Dahai wanted to find where the fish was, but he felt that the chance today was slim.

Wu Weimin didn't care at all and went fishing in the open sea. This situation was very normal. Not to mention that he could catch fish the day before but not today. Even if he could catch fish an hour ago, he might not be able to catch fish in the next hour. fish.

Wu Weimin looked at the sun that was starting to set in the west, and went home in an hour or two. The big-eyed chickens he caught early in the morning, especially the record-breaking sea wolf fish he caught later, were already a good harvest today. .

Zhao Dahai looked at the topography of the seafloor displayed on the fish finder. It could not be said to be smooth, but there were not many structures that could really hide fish.

Is it really weird?

With such a terrain, why are there no fish at certain points and large structures?

Is it possible that the fish really didn’t speak today?

Zhao Dahai was puzzled.

The structure of the seabed at this farthest fishing spot is not too complicated. Except for a few points that have relatively complex structures, the rest of the places are all flat, or just some small structures.

Generally speaking, in this kind of terrain, the big fish will all concentrate on the few large structures that they have found. There should be not only fish in such a place, but also a lot of fish.

Quite the opposite is true.

If it is a relatively close fishing spot, especially if there are many speedboats that often come to fish, no fish will be able to catch it. However, this fishing spot is almost 120 nautical miles away, which is very far. There are very few speedboats coming here to fish. In addition, the weather has been very bad in the past few days, and it is even more unlikely that speedboats will take the risk to come here to fish. .

I am most likely the first person to come here to fish, especially since I have caught a lot of spotted snapper before. When I came here for the first time, I caught a blue spot weighing seven to eight pounds. Now I come here one day later and I can’t catch a single fish. This is really abnormal.

There can be no fish!

There are 100% fish in this fishing spot. There is no fish caught, but I can’t find the fish anywhere!

Zhao Dahai's speedboat stopped at one of the points with a complex structure, frowning and carefully wondering where the fish had gone.

Zhao Dahai stared at the coordinates of the point on the fish finder, suddenly had an idea, and slapped the back of his head hard. Is such a simple thing worth pondering? Isn't this obvious?


"Zhao Dahai!"

"What's wrong? What's going on?"

Wu Weimin was startled.

Zhao Dahai didn't say anything, and immediately started to prepare the fishing rod, hung up the live shrimp, and drove the speedboat about five or six meters away from the point. He looked at the topography of the seabed. It should be reefs, but they were all small ones. The water depth was 120 meters. meters, the line is set to 118 meters.

Zhao Dahai directly put out the line to hit the bottom. The lead hit the seabed and the line became loose.

Zhao Dahai waited for a while, then took the fishing rod with both hands and lifted it up without hanging on the bottom. He took in one meter of line. After waiting for two minutes and there was no movement, he continued to take in one meter of line.

Zhao Dahai did not continue to reel in the line, and some waves began to appear on the calm sea. Without using the top-flow machine, the speedboat swayed and moved up and down with the ups and downs of the waves.

Are there any fish in this place?

This is impossible, right?

Wu Weimin looked at the fishing rod on the gun mount in front of Zhao Dahai.


Is it bent?

Really bent down!

Wu Weimin's eyes suddenly widened. The fishing rod in front of Zhao Dahai initially followed the ups and downs of the waves, bending rhythmically but suddenly and sharply bent downwards, hitting the surface of the sea.


"Finally let me catch you!"

Zhao Dahai kept his right hand on the take-up switch of the electric winch. When he saw the tip of the pole bending sharply downward, he pushed it forward hard and pushed it all the way to the bottom. The electric winch suddenly rotated.

"Not big, not big!"

"He weighs twenty or thirty pounds!"

Zhao Dahai waved his right hand vigorously, very excited, and finally found where the fish was after several hours.

Where are the fish?

If you can't find it in the structure area, it must have wandered outside.

Each grouper has its own territory and will not go too far. It must be around the point marked by it.

Zhao Dahai stood on the edge of the speedboat and looked down into the sea.

"Zhao Dahai!"

"It's really a blue spot!"

"A height of twenty or thirty pounds is considered very good!"

"You don't need to catch too much, just a few ten or eight will be enough, right?"

Wu Weimin was very excited. He couldn't catch a fish for so long, and now he finally caught a fish.


"Boss Wu."

"Ten or eight blue spots weighing twenty or thirty kilograms? Doesn't this mean we don't need to catch too many?"

Zhao Dahai was also very excited. Not only did you catch fish and make money, but more importantly, your guess was correct.

Zhao Dahai pulled the blue band that surfaced out of the water to the edge of the speedboat by pulling the line, picked up the fish with the net, and while picking up the hook, urged Wu Weimin to fish quickly.

Only then did Wu Weimin react and immediately hung up the live shrimp and put them into the sea.

"Knock the bottom!"

"Just hit the bottom here!"

"Knock the bottom once. If there is no movement, pull up and take up one meter, then two meters!"

“If there are no fish, keep hitting the bottom!”

Zhao Dahai used pliers to remove the hook from Qingban's fish mouth, then hung the live shrimp again and put it down.


“There are real fish!”

Wu Weimin hit the bottom for the second time, and the bite came very clearly and fiercely. He kept concentrating and did not miss the bite. He pushed the switch to take up the line and watched the rod tip bend downwards. This was when he hit the fish.

"Not big, not big!"

"This one of mine is really not big!"

"Five or six pounds or seven or eight pounds!"

Wu Weimin looked at the rotating electric winch and became even more excited.

Today I thought there was no way I could catch any more fish, but now I caught a fish suddenly, and I felt like I was overjoyed that I had regained something.

Zhao Dahai took the time to fish. If you couldn't catch fish in one place, you immediately moved to another place. Fish were caught five or six meters around each point.

The sunset on the horizon was as red as burning.

Pieces of golden light flashed on the sea, and one after another jumped like golden fish, very beautiful.

Zhao Dahai looked up at the high and far sky, especially the sun on the horizon that was almost sinking into the sea.

"Let's go, let's go!"

"It's almost time!"

"Today is really another rich day!"

Zhao Dahai lowered his head and looked at the live cabin at his feet. In just one hour, he caught seven or eight blue spots, each weighing more than ten kilograms. When fishing in the open sea, you only need to find the location of the fish and as long as there is a bite. , you can make a fortune in one or two hours.

"Zhao Dahai!"

"Thankfully you didn't give up. If we had changed, we would have missed these fish!"

Wu Weimin put away his fishing rod. The bosses of other speedboats simply give up when they encounter such a situation, especially when they have caught so many big eyes early in the morning and have already made money. They just fish casually and catch no fish. Zhao Dahai has been thinking about how to find fish, how to catch fish, and how to catch three green spots of good size. The first one is smaller, the second one is more than ten kilograms, and the third one is more than ten pounds. More than forty pounds.

Zhao Dahai packed up the speedboat and rushed back immediately. When he returned to Langtou Village, it was already eight or nine o'clock in the evening.

The pier in the village is very lively, and fishing boats are starting to go out to sea to fish one after another.

Zhao Dahai saw the fishing boats of Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou leaving the dock. He shouted and chatted for a few words before riding a tricycle to take the fish home.

"Big-eyed chicken costs 219 pounds, 110 yuan per pound, 24,090 yuan,"

"Nine blue spots, one hundred and ninety-two pounds per pound, two hundred and sixty yuan per pound, forty-nine thousand nine hundred and forty-six yuan."

"The total is seventy-four thousand and thirty-six yuan."

Wu Weimin settled the account and gave the money to Zhao Dahai. The sea wolf fish is big, take it back and see how many fish it sells.

"Zhao Dahai!"

"Why do I feel like I made a lot of money today?"

"The four thousand yuan for the boat fare is really a bargain!"

Wu Weimin looked at the fish he had caught in the refrigerator and water tank. They were not as many as Zhao Dahai, but they were still quite a lot. The big-eye chicken fish weighed about one hundred kilograms, and the blue spot weighed six or seventy kilograms. Their value was far more than four thousand yuan. of shipping fares.

Wu Weimin realized more deeply why other people wanted to go fishing with Zhao Dahai's speedboat?


"Boss Wu!"

"You are welcome to go fishing with me again when you have time!"

Zhao Dahai packed up all the fish and put them on Wu Weimin's car. He stood at the door of the yard and watched Wu Weimin's car disappear out of sight before turning back to the yard.

Zhao Dahai took a bath and it was already eleven o'clock in the evening when he had dinner. I was very tired today. After dinner, I chatted with my grandma Zhong Cuihua for a few words and then went to bed. This is what people who go to sea are like this. Don’t look at making money or even making a lot of money, but the backbreaking work is not for people in this industry. , I simply can’t imagine the hard work involved.

Zhao Dahai woke up and looked out the window. The sun had risen early.

Zhao Dahai went to the pier immediately after breakfast. He came back late yesterday and didn't have time to clean up. He had to go out to sea with Shi Jiehua's fishing boat before three o'clock in the afternoon. He would spend the next twenty days or even a month overseas.

Zhao Dahai got on the speedboat and packed out all the valuable things. All other things, especially those that needed to be fixed, were all fixed. It took him two hours to sort them out.

Zhao Dahai checked the cables and anchors of the speedboat, and they were all fine. Then he felt relieved, left the speedboat, boarded the diesel fishing boat, and cleaned it up in the same way.

Zhao Dahai went to the pier, looked at the speedboats and diesel fishing boats, and rode a tricycle home. During the time they were out at sea, the speedboats and fishing boats had already told Zhong Shizhu and the others that they had to look after themselves when there were storms.

Zhao Dahai returned home, cooked lunch early, and packed up his things. Clothes and daily toothbrushes were all put into a bag. The most important thing was the fishing rod. This was a guy who ate.

One p.m.

Zhong Shizhu drove a tricycle to the door of his house.

Zhao Dahai said a few words to Zhong Cuihua, then strode out with his things, got on Zhong Shizhu's tricycle, and headed to Shijiao Village.

Zhong Cuihua stood at the door of the yard, watching Zhao Dahai go further and further away, still out of sight. She squatted down and sat on the threshold of the yard, stretched out her hand and patted Xiao Naihei's head.

It was normal for people in the fishing village to go out to sea. I was a little worried, but I kept it to myself and didn't say anything out loud.

Not to mention twenty days, one month. In the early years, some people had to go to sea for a year and a half.

Shek Kok Village Pier.

"Uncle Shizhu!"

"You and Uncle Liu will have to worry about things at home!"

Zhao Dahai got out of the car.


"Do not worry!"

"Lei Dayou, Liu Bin and I are both in the village."

"Not to mention, Uncle Zhao Shi and Zhao are in the village. Isn't it normal for people from fishing villages to go to sea?"

Zhong Shizhu agreed.

Zhao Dahai said nothing and turned around and boarded Shi Jiehua's fishing boat.

Zhong Shizhu waited for Zhao Dahai's fishing boat to leave the dock before returning to Langtou Village.

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