The fishing boat slowly left the pier and sailed farther and farther away. Soon, the village disappeared.

Zhao Dahai stood on the bow of the fishing boat. The afternoon sun was very strong and hot. The deck was so hot that even wearing shoes made his feet feel hot.

"how do you feel?"

Shi Jiehua walked to Zhao Dahai and took out a cigarette from his pocket.

"It's much more stable than my speedboat. Fishing on a fishing boat like this should be very comfortable!"

Zhao Dahai waved his hand and said he didn't smoke.

"The fishing boats are bigger, so they are definitely more comfortable. The weather is better now, there are no winds and waves on the sea, and the fishing boats are not undulating much. When we get to the South China Sea and the weather is bad, the undulations of the fishing boats are still very big. !”

"Anyway, the size of the fishing boat is pretty good, so it won't be particularly uncomfortable."

"The weather is relatively good this season. We shouldn't encounter bad weather this time we go to sea."

Shi Jiehua lit up his cigarette and took a puff.

Shi Jiehua and Zhao Dahai said a few words and then left. As the captain and owner of this fishing boat, he had a lot of things to deal with, and he would not be here chatting with Zhao Dahai all the time.

Zhao Dahai was blowing the sea breeze and looking at the direction of the fishing boat. He couldn't help but start to imagine what it would be like after arriving in the South China Sea, especially how many fish could be caught.

Shi Jiehua returned to the cab,


"Is Zhao Dahai really that powerful?"

Shi Zhong was driving the fishing boat and glanced at Zhao Dahai on the bedside deck through the glass window of the cab. Shi Jiehua just said hello to Zhao Dahai.

"Isn't it amazing? Haven't you heard of it? There are only a few people who can catch so many fish in a speedboat on the open sea."

Shi Jiehua walked to Shi Zhongwei, picked up the thermos cup, unscrewed the lid, and took two sips of strong tea.

"In a few days we will arrive in the South China Sea and start fishing. Zhao Dahai paid for his own fishing spot on this trip and fished on the fishing boat."

"No matter how many fish he catches, it's all Zhao Dahai's own. It will soon become apparent how much skill he has in his hands."

Shi Jiehua was also a little curious about how many fish Zhao Dahai could catch in this trip.


"You don't really think Zhao Dahai can catch a lot of fish, do you?"

"It's not that he's not great. The key is that he's not familiar with the South China Sea. This is his first trip out to sea, so it's basically impossible to catch a lot of fish."

Shi Zhongwei didn't believe that Zhao Dahai could catch a lot of fish on this trip. Zhao Dahai can afford a big speedboat worth RMB 600,000 to 700,000 and catch a lot of fish. He must have real skills. But besides the skill in fishing, it is very important to know the fishing spots, South China Sea fishing and Zhao Dahai. Driving a speedboat to fish in the open sea is very different.

"Who knows about this?"

Shi Jiehua took a puff of cigarette and drank another sip of strong tea. Others didn't know Zhao Dahai's ability, but he and I, Shi Guangming, had gone fishing on a speedboat once, and they were really good. Shi Zhongwei's lack of familiarity with the South China Sea does have an impact, but it's hard to say how big the impact will be.

In order to become more curious about Zhao Dahai, Shi Zhong thought that he would have a good competition after he actually arrived in the South China Sea and started fishing.

Langtou Village.

Zhong Shizhu drove his tricycle and parked at the door of Lei Dayou's yard. He shouted, opened the door and walked in. Liu Bin and Lei Dayou were smoking in the yard.

"Did Zhao Dahai go to sea?"

Lei Dayou pulled up a stool and placed it next to him.

Zhong Shizhu sat down, and Zhao Dahai boarded Shi Jiehua's fishing boat and left the dock, only to come back out of sight.

"Shi Jiehua's fishing boat is very famous in the villages around us. He can catch a lot of fish every time he goes out to sea. It is said that he has made a lot of money in the past few years!"

"If Zhao Dahai goes out to sea this time, we will definitely be able to catch a lot of fish."

Lei Dayou heard many people talk about the fishing boat owned by Shi Jiehua's family.

Sea fishing boats are almost the same as Zhao Dahai's speedboats. Whether they can catch fish, especially how many fish they can catch, almost all depends on whether the fishing spots brought by the boss of the boat are accurate.

If you are accurate, you will catch a lot of fish and you will make a lot of money. If you are not accurate, you will not be able to catch any fish and you will lose all your money. Sea fishing boat slots are very expensive. The fishing spots on Shi Jiehua's car and fishing boat cost 20,000 yuan per trip.

"Twenty thousand yuan is indeed a lot of money. But it takes a long time. A month."

Liu Bin's mouth twitched.

Twenty thousand yuan per fishing position is indeed high. But many people are willing to pay the money to go out to sea with Shi Jiehua's fishing boat.


"When I sent Zhao Dahai a fishing boat just now, I almost wanted to go out to sea with him and experience it!"

Zhong Shizhu had such thoughts when he sent Zhao Dahai to the dock in Shijiao Village just now. One is to see how fishing boats in the South China Sea fish, especially how many fish they can catch. The other one is to see how many fish Zhao Dahai can catch in a place like this.


"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"


"It's really late now. We can only see when Zhao Dahai will go on his next trip. If he goes again, we will definitely have to go out to sea with him!"

Liu Bin and Lei Dayou regretted it very much. They really should go to sea with Zhao Dahai to have a look. In previous years, it would be difficult to come up with 20,000 yuan, but this year is different. I have made a lot of money following Zhao Dahai. 20,000 yuan is really a lot, but you can do it if you want to.

"Do you think Zhao Dahai plans to buy a fishing boat?"

Zhong Shizhu took out the cigarette case in his pocket and took one, but without lighting it, he held it between his fingers.

Liu Bin and Lei Da nodded immediately without any hesitation. Zhao Dahai must have such an idea, otherwise he would do such a thing.

Zhong Shizhu lit the cigarette and took several puffs. It took a while before he spoke.

"Remember what we said before? We want to go to sea with Zhao Dahai?"

"Looking at it now, there is really a chance!"

Zhong Shizhu looked up at Liu Bin and Lei Dayou.


"Zhao Dahai never does anything unnecessary. This time he followed Shi Jiehua's fishing boat out to sea. He must have wanted to know about the situation of the fishing boat."

"Why do you want to know about this situation? You must want to buy a fishing boat."

"The fishing boat is very big. Zhao Dahai can't go out to sea by himself, right? He definitely needs manpower."

"We definitely have a chance!"

"If we really buy a fishing boat, we have to be more proactive!"

Liu Bin and Lei Dayou both laughed. If other people buy fishing boats, they definitely have no plans to do so.

Zhao Dahai is different. Regardless of whether I usually fish or go out to sea with others, I have caught a lot of fish and made a lot of money.

If you can really go out to work on Zhao Dahai's fishing boat, it will be very cost-effective, and it will definitely be more cost-effective than going out to fish on your own now.

"This isn't going to happen quickly."

"Maybe it will take a year or two. Zhao Dahai never fights an uncertain battle. He must understand whether fishing boats can make money, and the other one must be familiar with fishing boats in the South China Sea or other places. We will only take action if there are local fishing spots.”

Zhong Shizhu knew Zhao Dahai very well. He looked young but was very steady in doing things. Sea fishing boats are expensive, priced in the millions, and Zhao Dahai will only do it if he is sure to make money.


"Isn't this what we admire the most? If it was a stupid young man, how could we have such an idea? Do you want to follow him out to sea?"

Liu Bin admired Zhao Dahai very much for this.


"Zhong Shizhu, you are right. This matter will not happen so quickly. We will just wait."

Lei Dayou knew it wouldn't be so fast. Zhao Dahai had just gone out to sea with a fishing boat for the first time.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou all hope that Zhao Dahai will buy a fishing boat soon. In recent years, there are fewer and fewer fish, shrimps and crabs in the sea. Only by traveling farther can they catch more fish and earn more. It's a lot of money, but I don't have the ability. If Zhao Dahai buys a fishing boat, he and I can work on the fishing boat, and the harvest will be guaranteed during droughts and floods, and life will be much easier than now.

Six o'clock in the evening.

As soon as the sun went down, the entire fishing village suddenly fell into darkness.

The lights were on in the courtyard of Zhao Dahai's house, and bursts of voices could be heard.


"Zhao Dahai will definitely be able to catch a lot of fish and make a lot of money during this trip to the sea."

Ma Hongyu finished her meal early and came over to chat with Zhong Cuihua at four or five o'clock. Zhao Dahai was not at home while he was at sea, so he had to come more often.



"I know you are worried about me, an old woman. Every family has a lot of things to do. Lei Dayou and the others go out to sea to fish every day."

"You have to take care of the children and everything."

"No need to come to me."

"I'll tell you if there's anything I can do."

Zhong Cuihua smiled. Ma Hongyu knew that Zhao Dahai was away at sea and had not been at home during this period, so she came here to accompany her.


"If Zhao Dahai is at home, there is nothing to say. We will definitely not come here."

"You've been at sea for so long now, and you're home alone."

"Roland, Xu Dongxue and I have agreed to come here from time to time to take a look and chat with you."

Ma Hongyu said it directly.


"Just talk to me."

Zhong Cuihua was not too polite. Ma Hongyu, Xu Dongxue and Luo Lan were doing this for Zhao Dahai's sake.

Ma Hongyu kept chatting with Zhong Cuihua and didn't leave home until eight o'clock in the evening.

Zhong Cuihua locked the courtyard door and took Xiao Naihei back to the main room. It was still early, so she weaved some fishing nets and didn't go to bed until ten o'clock in the evening.

Ma Hongyu returned home in the dark, while Lei Dayou was sitting in the yard smoking a cigarette. Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin had just left home not long ago.

Ma Hongyu pulled up a stool and sat down, and talked about going to Zhao Dahai's house to chat with Zhong Cuihua.

"Zhao Dahai may buy a fishing boat and go fishing in the South China Sea."

Lei Dayou said that Zhao Dahai might buy a fishing boat.


"Do you really have such a plan? Has Zhao Dahai mentioned this?"

Ma Hongyu was very concerned about this matter. Lei Dayou had already said that if he had the chance, he would go to sea with Zhao Dahai.

Lei Dayou shook his head. Zhao Dahai didn't say this directly. This was something he and Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin guessed.

"Do you really have such a plan?"

Ma Hongyu immediately asked.

"It's not like you don't know Zhao Dahai's abilities. If we go out to sea together, it will definitely be more cost-effective than just a few of us going out to sea on our own to fish."

"In recent years, there haven't been many fish offshore, so I can't make much money."

"If Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and I had not followed Zhao Dahai on several trips to sea to make money, we would have had a lot of headaches this year and even the next few years."

Lei Da thought about the number of fish, shrimps and crabs caught in the past few years, and was very depressed. Recently, the fishing time has been getting earlier and earlier. Instead of increasing, the number of fish, shrimps and crabs caught has become less and less. , it is getting harder and harder to make money. As the children get older, the pressure of expenses is not small.

Ma Hongyu was silent for a while and nodded. In recent years, especially in the past ten days and eight days, fishing has indeed become more and more difficult. Lei Dayou, Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin can catch some fish, but they have to go out to sea every day. Earlier and earlier. If Zhao Dahai really buys a fishing boat, he will definitely need a lot of manpower. Lei Dayou, Zhong Shizhu, and Liu Bin will definitely have the opportunity to go to sea with him.

"This can't happen so fast!"

"Zhao Dahai is in his early twenties, but he looks as mature as forty."

"A sea fishing boat is not a speedboat that costs RMB 600,000 to 700,000 and goes offshore. You must be fully prepared to buy a boat like this."

"Zhong Shizhu just said that it is estimated that it will take a year and a half to be possible."

"We don't need to be in a hurry, just wait!"

"Zhao Dajia, if you have time, go around more."

"This favor must require more walking!"

Lei Dayou told Ma Hongyu that Zhao Dahai must visit Zhong Cuihua more often during his time at sea. Zhao Dahai made a lot of money with himself, Zhong Shizhu, and Liu Bin. Zhao Dahai is not at home now. People like him have to Do more.

Ma Hongyu glared at Lei Dayou. There was no need to remind him about this matter. She, Xu Dong and Xue Luolan had already discussed it. During Zhao Dahai's time at sea, no matter what happened, someone would have to go to Zhao Dahai's home every day. ,say something.

"Remember to go to Zhao Dahai's house during this time. Say a few words or something, or if you need help with anything, you need help."

"Don't worry about this matter. Luo Lanma, Hong Yu and I have already discussed it."

"Zhao Dahai has gone to sea! Grandma Zhong Cuihua is the only one left at home, so she must be worried. Let's take a closer look!"

"The trip to Zhao Dahai will take a month. Ma Hongyu Luolan and I have agreed that someone must go and see it every day."

Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin's homes all said almost the same thing.

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