Night falls.

Zhao Dahai walked into the dining room on the fishing boat. There were two tables, neither long nor short. There were several large iron basins on each table. One iron basin contained large pieces of chicken, and the other iron basin contained braised chicken. Red drum fish, the last iron basin is filled with vegetables and rice, simple and straightforward, you can eat as much as you want.

Zhao Dahai ate a big meal, filling his stomach in just ten minutes. The food on the fishing boat is not about whether it tastes good or not. What is important is that you have the strength to work. People on the fishing boat are not just here to have fun and have to work. , fishing is not an easy task.

After Zhao Dahai finished his meal, he left the dining room and went on the deck.

Shi Jiehua loudly shouted to those who came out after dinner to draw lots. Everyone paid the same amount. Some positions were better and some were worse. Which person would occupy which position was determined by drawing lots.

Zhao Dahai walked over and took out a playing card from the box with the position of No. 2 written on it. He took the rented pole and electric winch and installed them. The fishing group was tied up and everything was ready. He tried it and found no problem. .

Zhao Dahai looked at the electric winch the size of a small chopping board on the pole and felt "so big". It was more than twice as big as the one he used when he went out to sea. This is not surprising. The sea water is deeper and the size of the fish is big. It may be bigger, the line is longer, the pulling force is stronger, the pole wheels are definitely different, they are all larger.

Zhao Dahai raised his head and looked forward.

Today is already the third day at sea. The fishing boat has arrived at a place it has never been to before. At the beginning, we could see some small islands from time to time, but we have not seen any small islands since one day ago.

The sea is so big and open that at first glance, there is nothing but sea water. The fishing boat was brightly lit and soon attracted groups of small fish.

"How does it feel? Is it very different from running on the open sea in your own speedboat?"

Shi Zhongwei walked over quickly with a cigarette in his hand.

“Very different!”

"I just stayed on the boat for three days and didn't do anything. If the speedboat went out to sea, it would have already been three times!"

Zhao Dahai met Shi Jiehua's son Shi Zhongwei as early as the second day after boarding the fishing boat. He was about the same age as himself. Many people who go fishing in fishing villages have been doing the same job for generations. Shi Guangming went fishing, Shi Jie Huahai fished, and Shi Zhongwei helped work on the fishing boat and went fishing. A normal son can no longer inherit his father's legacy.


"If you run a speedboat on the open sea, you will have to earn tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands now!"

Shi Zhongwei laughed loudly.

Zhao Dahai thought for a while and nodded. If he drove a speedboat to the open sea, he could really make a lot of money in these three days.

Shi Zhongwei pointed directly in front of the fishing boat. He arrived at the first fishing spot after almost 20 nautical miles. He was fishing for black sea bream. If you are interested, you will give it a try later to see if the black sea bream can fish today.

Shi Zhongwei chatted with Zhao Dahai for a few words, then turned around and went to the driver's cab. After a while, he arrived at the first fishing spot of this trip and had to control the fishing boat.

Black Snapper walked into the cab and saw his father, Shi Jiehua, standing by the window, looking at the sea outside, his brows furrowed a little.

"Why did the waves start? Wasn't it calm half an hour ago?"

Shi Zhongwei glanced outside the window. At night, the sea water was as black as thick ink. The lights on the sea surface beside the fishing boats were brightly lit, and there were groups of small fish gathering in groups.

"It's going to rain. Mom wants to get married."

"Who can control this God's business?"

Shi Jiehua stared at the waves on the sea for a while and shook his head. With many years of experience at sea, this is just the beginning. After two or three hours, the waves may become very big. Whether you are out fishing or fishing, the last thing you want to encounter is a change in the weather. If the waves get bigger, it will definitely affect fishing.

Shi Jiehua had read the weather forecast before going to sea. The weather had been very good recently. Unexpectedly, the weather had changed just three days after going to sea.

“We’ve almost reached the first fishing spot, let’s see how the black sea bream is today!”

Shi Zhong drank some water to get the kettle and took over driving the fishing boat.

"What do you think of Zhao Dahai?"

Shi Jiehua lit a cigarette, took two puffs, and looked at Zhao Dahai who was standing on the bow deck of the fishing boat. Shi Zhongwei had just said a few words to Zhao Dahai.

"I haven't seen it with my own eyes now whether I can catch fish or whether I am good at fishing, but Zhao Dahai is really good at dealing with others. He became very familiar with everyone within three days of boarding the fishing boat. "

Shi Zhongwei had never seen Zhao Dahai fishing, but in the past few days, Zhao Dahai was like a fish in water on the fishing boat, and he almost called everyone a brother.

"Isn't it time to reach the first fishing spot? Soon you will be able to see how Zhao Dahai fishes."

Shi Jiehua took a look at the navigation system and found that he would arrive at the fishing spot for black sea bream in about ten minutes.

Shi Zhongwei nodded, didn't say much, and concentrated on driving the fishing boat straight to the fishing spot.

Zhao Dahai stood beside his fishing position and took a look. White waves began to appear on the sea surface, and the ups and downs of the fishing boat became larger.

“Looks like it’s not that easy to catch black sea bream!”

"You can't tell me not to speak."

Zhao Dahai began to worry about the harvest at the first fishing spot of this trip.

The method of sea fishing is almost the same as that of your own speedboat. When you go out to sea, you always go to fishing spots, which are places where you can catch fish.

Whether you can catch fish at a certain time on a certain day depends only on luck. You can get it if you open your mouth. If you don't ask, you won't be able to catch any number of fish, shrimps, and crabs on the bottom of the sea.

At first, Zhao Dahai thought that today's weather was good, and he might be able to catch a lot of black sea bream. But now it seems a bit too bad. The weather in the sea changes so fast that even a child's face in June changes. Just change.

Zhao Dahai was very calm. Waves like this are not dangerous for fishing boats, but the fluctuations are relatively large and uncomfortable. The worry is that it will affect the opening of fish schools.

Fishing spots for black sea bream or catching black sea bream is not the main goal of sea fishing boats. It is just like driving a speedboat to take others out to sea, finding a fishing spot where you can catch black sea bream or yellow chicken and press the miscellaneous fish into the box seat. Make some money.

Once the weather is bad and the black sea bream does not open its mouth, it is equivalent to missing a fishing spot and making less money. The weather is a huge influencing factor when going fishing. The weather was bad and I couldn't catch any fish. As time passed, the fish at this fishing spot became useless.

Shi Jiehua and Shi Zhong must have arranged the time and route well and will not stay at this fishing spot forever.

Zhao Dahai stared at the sea for about ten minutes. The waves were getting bigger and bigger.


"What is this?"

Zhao Dahai saw something flying across the sea surface illuminated by the lights of the fishing boats. After looking at it for a while, he realized that it was a flying fish.

Will there be many?

If there are a lot of them, it’s better to catch flying fish!

Zhao Dahai stared at the sea for a while and saw a few more flying fish.

Zhao Dahai thought for a while, took a pole he brought out, tied a fishing rig with five string hooks, and took two chilled squids. Shi Jiehua's fishing boat was equipped with a large number of various kinds of squid. You can take the bait as long as you want to use it, record it, and settle the accounts together after landing on the shore. Cut it into small pieces with small scissors and place it in a bait box containing Antarctic shrimp in front of the electric winch pole. After a while, there will really be flying fish. If you fish in groups, this fish is not much worse than black sea bream.


“The fishing spot for black sea bream has arrived!”

"The water is one hundred and fifty meters deep! There are schools of fish down there!"

“The fish flower is very thick!”

"The fishing boats are parked here until dawn!"

“Those who want to catch black bream can place an order!”

Shi Jiehua's voice came from the loudspeaker hanging on the bow of the fishing boat.


"Why did it suddenly become violent?"

"This is really a bit overwhelming. I originally wanted to catch some fish at the black sea bream fishing spot to make some money!"

"Now what seems to be true is coming to nothing!"

"Try it! See if there are any fish. If there are no fish, go back to sleep!"

There are experienced veterans on the boat, and there are very few pure novices. They all can see that it is not easy to catch black sea bream when the waves are high, but it is impossible not to put down the rod when you come to the fishing spot, so you must give it a try.

Zhao Dahai was prepared early. As soon as the fishing boat stopped, he lowered the pole and set the line directly to 150 meters. After waiting for two minutes, there was no movement at all. He immediately pushed the switch to reel in the line and continued to stuff the bait cage with Antarctic shrimps. I continued to put out the line and waited for two minutes when I reached the water layer. There was no fish or movement. I knocked on the pole and quickly shook out the Antarctic shrimps in the bait cage. I pushed the switch to reel in the line. I moved quickly and hit more than a dozen cages of Antarctic shrimps in the bait cage. All hit the water layer of 150 meters.

Zhao Dahai grabbed a handful of Antarctic shrimps and squeezed them hard. The ears of the bait cage were filled to the brim. A string of hooks was hung with specially selected larger Antarctic shrimps. Once again, he put the line directly into One hundred and fifty meters.

Zhao Dahai waited for about ten minutes, and the tip of the fishing rod just kept bending with the ups and downs of the fishing boat.

The fish doesn't speak!

The black sea bream in the water depth of 150 meters must be quite big, and there must be a large number of fish gathered there. It’s not that there are no fish, it’s that the fish have no openings or bites. Worry the most and least expect things to happen.

"What the hell!"

"When you see waves like this on the sea, you know you won't open your mouth!"


"What are you doing here? Hurry up and rush to the next fishing spot!"


"There is no hope. It has been more than an hour and no one in the whole boat has been able to catch a single black bream."

"It's time to go back to the cabin and sleep!"


"Get up again in two or three hours and see if you can open your mouth!"

There were curses all around.

Zhao Dahai took a look and saw that many people left their fishing positions and went directly back to the cabin.

These are all experienced fishermen, and they can tell at a glance that there is no hope of fishing for black sea bream today. If the fish doesn’t open its mouth, it won’t open its mouth. If we continue fishing, there is no big meaning and it will only be a waste of Antarctic shrimp bricks.

Zhao Dahai continued to wait for about ten minutes. The pole was motionless, there were no fish bites, and everyone around him had almost left.

Zhao Dahai did not leave the deck. This was his first trip out to sea for fishing. He had to seize the time to get familiar with everything. When he could catch fish, he had to fish. When he couldn't catch fish, he had to fish longer. It doesn't matter in any profession. I have to pay tuition, and now I am paying tuition.

The night is getting deeper and deeper.

Zhao Dahai flexed his hands and feet. He was a little tired after working for two or three hours. He looked at the sea and saw that the waves were already quite big, at least half a meter. The ups and downs of the fishing boat were a bit big.

Zhao Dahai looked at the fishing spots around him and found that there was no one except himself.

Do you want to go back and take a nap before talking about it?

Zhao Dahai was a little hesitant. The fish had not opened its mouth for several hours, so there was no point in continuing to fish. He knew almost everything about this fishing spot for black sea bream.

Zhao Dahai thought for a while and decided to go back and take a nap. He got up in two or three hours to take a look and found that someone had caught the black sea bream. It was not too late to catch the black sea bream once it opened its mouth.

Zhao Dahai packed up his things and saw squid slices.


How did you forget this?

Zhao Dahai looked at the fishing rod with string hooks tied to it. He saw flying fish on the water a few hours ago and thought that he couldn't catch black sea bream, especially when the black sea bream didn't open its mouth. I forgot about it.

Zhao Dahai immediately looked at the water surface carefully. From time to time, a flying fish flew out of the darkness and jumped onto the sea surface illuminated by lights.


This flying fish is really big!

Zhao Dahai saw clearly that the flying fish on the sea were not flying or even lying on the water. They were all large, and they were the most valuable six-eyed flying fish among the flying fish species.

Zhao Dahai immediately picked up the fishing rod with a string hook and the squid slices on the hook. He looked up at the light. On the sea surface that was not illuminated by the light, there were several flying fish flying over from the direction just now. He immediately swung the rod out. It didn't have to be too far. A few less than twenty meters is enough.

Zhao Dahai waited for the float to land on the sea, gently pulled it, and immediately felt an obvious bite.

Zhao Dahai was not in a hurry, and gently pulled it a few more times, and immediately there were three bites.

Zhao Dahai immediately reeled in the line and dragged back four flying fish. The side of the fishing boat was relatively high from the sea, but the flying fish were not big, so it was no problem. They flew directly onto the deck, with their wings spread as if they were lifting a fish. Like a string of birds.


"The size of this flying fish is really good!"

"One piece can be sold for at least fifty yuan, and this bunch is two hundred yuan."

"What kind of black snapper do you want?"

“Don’t you enjoy fishing for flying fish?”

Zhao Dahai untied the flying fish from the hook and threw it into a plastic frame at his feet. The squid pieces continued to hang on the hook and he continued to throw them out. After a few pulls, a few more flying fish took their bites.

"What the hell!"

"These flying fish are so cunning. Why are they hiding outside the light? If I could have seen them earlier, I would have started fishing long ago. I wasted two or three hours!"

Zhao Dahai looked at the five flying fish that were pulled back by the line, and couldn't help but complain. These flying fish did not fly directly to the sea surface illuminated by the lights of the fishing boat, but hid on the edge where the lights could hardly reach them. There are so many words, Started fishing early in the morning.

Zhao Dahai's movements were fast, fishing rod after rod for the flying fish on the edge of the sea where the light could not be seen. He must not let go when he encountered a violent pull. He had to go very fast to make the most money in the shortest time.

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