Two o'clock in the morning.

Shi Zhong yawned and just took a nap. He stood up and stretched. The fishing boat docked at the fishing spot for black sea bream and did not leave until dawn. The anchor was dropped, but someone had to be there. I stare inside the driver's cab from time to time.

Shi Zhongwei took a thermos cup and drank a few sips of the strong tea that was a little cold. He took a cigarette from the cigarette case, put it in his mouth and lit it. He took a few puffs to cheer up.


flying fish! ?

How did Zhao Dahai catch so many flying fish?

Shi Zhongwei lowered his head and looked at the deck of the fishing boat. All the fishing spots were empty except for Zhao Dahai. There were three large plastic frames at his feet. Two plastic frames were already full. The third plastic frame was full. It was half full and full of flying fish.

Shi Zhongwei rubbed his eyes vigorously to make sure he saw correctly.

The large plastic frame on the fishing boat can hold a hundred kilograms of fish. Zhao Dahai caught about 250 kilograms of flying fish.

What about those people in other fishing positions? Why did everyone go back to sleep?

Are these people blind? Why has no one seen schools of flying fish on the sea?

Shi Zhongwei looked at the position where Zhao Dahai was throwing the pole for a while before he understood what was going on. These fish schools did not rush to the sea surface illuminated by lights, but hid at the edge of the sea surface illuminated by lights, out of sight.

"What happened?"

"What are you looking at?"

In order to turn around, Shi Zhong, Shi Jiehua, woke up and went back to sleep by himself.

Shi Zhongwei pointed at Zhao Dahai on the nail plate.


"What can this say? The other people have been fishing for an hour, and all the black sea bream on the bottom of the sea have gone back to sleep without opening their mouths. Only Zhao Dahai is left fishing here. He really deserves to make money!"

Shi Jiehua shook his head. There were a lot of people booking boat seats on this trip. My own fishermen did not go out with the boat. They were all fishermen like Zhao Dahai who paid their own money. For experienced people, the black sea bream did not open their mouths at first sight, especially when they saw the sea bream. The waves all went back to sleep.

The flying fish were hiding at the edge of the light. The waves were relatively big and it was difficult to see clearly. However, if these people had not been lazy and had been fishing for black sea bream here, they would have seen Zhao Dahai catch so many flying fish.

"Do you want to call the others to get up and fish?"

Shi Zhongwei was a little hesitant.

Shi Jiehua waved his hand. If you call others to get up, a swarm of swarms will definitely swarm around Zhao Dahai. Even if they are at their respective fishing positions, too many people will definitely affect the fish school, and there is no telling when they will disperse. Zhao Dahai didn't say anything on his lips, but he had some opinions in his heart.

Will other people have any objections when they see Zhao Dahai catching so many fish when they wake up in the morning? Would you say why you didn’t tell them to get up and fish?

There are rules in the industry.

They definitely have opinions, but these people can't express them.

He is the boss of the boat and takes people to the fishing spot. Whether he can catch fish and how many fish he can catch are all the fisherman's own business.

Who told these people to go back to sleep?

If you are the one who discovers where the fish are, you can definitely notify the fishermen on the fishing boat to fish, or even have to notify them to fish.

It was Zhao Dahai who discovered the flying fish swarm, especially the flying fish swarm hiding on the edge of the sea where the lights couldn't see it. He couldn't ask anyone else to come fishing.

If someone wakes up early and sees Zhao Dahai fishing immediately after catching a flying fish, that is their luck, including calling someone else, that person's business has nothing to do with them.

Shi Zhongwei nodded.

"At this time, I couldn't help but doze off."

"With so many people and so many fishing spots, all these people ran back, leaving Zhao Dahai alone here!"


"You are right! Zhao Dahai really deserves to make money!"

Shi Zhongwei went to sea with Shi Jiehua since he was a child, and he knew very well how hard it was to go to sea.

It was really hard for the others to run back to the cabin to sleep. If there are fish, there is nothing to say, but when there are no fish, I really can’t bear it.

Zhao Dahai persisted until he reached the Feiyu School, caught a lot of fish, and made a lot of money. This is what he got through. Those who go to sea may not be able to make money if they endure hardship, but those who make money must endure hardship.

Stone clock for going to bed.

Shi Jiehua drank half a cup of strong tea, and the sleepiness he had just woken up disappeared without a trace. He kept staring at Zhao Dahai, watching the speed at which he pulled the fish twice, threw the rod and retrieved the line, pulled the fish and hung the bait, etc. . In addition, you should be very particular when pulling the fishing rod after throwing it into the water.

"Really a master!"

“Catching so many fish is definitely a deserved reputation.”

Shi Jiehua saw that Zhao Dahai was picking fish and changing bait very quickly. Others were fishing for flying fish and throwing the rod out. The buoy fell on the water and was waiting for the fish to eat. Zhao Dahai was pulling in a small amount almost every time. The fish bit the hook much faster than Others can catch flying fish much faster. In the time it takes others to catch one fish, Zhao Dahai can catch two fish almost twice.

“If the fish shoal doesn’t disperse, wouldn’t it be possible to catch five to six hundred kilograms of flying fish until dawn?”

Shi Jiehua looked at the three large plastic baskets at Zhao Dahai's feet, made an estimate, and was shocked.

The six-eyed flying fish is not particularly rare, but today's flying fish is relatively large and can easily be sold for fifty yuan per catty.

If you really catch 500 kilograms, it will cost you 25,000 yuan. In this way, you can earn back the 20,000 yuan boat fee in one night, and you will also make money.

"What the hell!"

"Who says fishing doesn't make money? You sleep less than others, and your hands and feet are faster than others."

“There’s really no way not to make money!”

Shi Jiehua shook his head as he spoke, this is really amazing.

Wang Degao yawned and walked out of the cabin. The sea breeze blew in his face at four or five in the morning, and he suddenly shivered.


"Fishing is really hard, but what can be done? You have to support your family, right?"

Wang Degao took out the cigarettes in his pocket, took one out, put the lighter in his mouth and lit it, and took two puffs to warm himself up.

Why is there no one there?

Were there no fish all night?

Wang Degao found that there was no one around his fishing position and the deck was empty.


There is a person in the fishing position at the bow of the boat!

Why are there several large baskets at my feet?

Caught a fish?

Wang Degao suddenly woke up and strode over to take a look. Several baskets were filled with large six-eyed flying fish.


Why did you catch so many? Is it possible that the sea is full of flying fish?

Wang Degao looked at the position where Zhao Dahai threw his pole, and it was on the outside where the light could not reach. He immediately knew that the fish school was at the intersection of light and light.

Wang Degao turned around and left. He immediately took the fishing rod and tied the string hook, hung up the bait, and threw the rod out. He waited for a few seconds before a fish bit the hook, and after waiting for a while, two more fish bit the hook.

Wang Degao quickly reeled in the line, and there were three flying fish hanging on the string hook.


“There are real fish!”

"Hurry up!"

"Hurry up!"

Wang Degao shouted excitedly, but he immediately reacted, closed his mouth tightly, and focused on fishing.

It's getting light.

The sun began to show half of its red face.

The entire sea is open, the sky is refreshing, and the scenery is very beautiful.


"I got up late, I got up late! If I get up two hours early, I can catch flying fish weighing fifty, sixty or even one hundred kilograms!"

“Who would have thought that this spot for catching black sea bream would produce so many flying fish?!”

"What a big loss!"

"This is really a big loss!"

"We suffered a big loss! But someone made a big profit!"

Zhao Dahai started to close up his pole. At about five o'clock in the morning, the sky began to light up, and the schools of flying fish on the sea slowly dispersed. In the past five or six minutes, he could not catch a single fish.

Zhao Dahai looked at the plastic baskets at his feet. Five of them were full and one was a little more than half filled.

Zhao Dahai shook his hands and rubbed his legs. He fished all night. He was a little tired, but it was very worth it. He caught at least five hundred gold flying fish.

Zhao Dahai looked at other fishing positions around him.

Some people got up at around four or five o'clock and saw themselves fishing for flying fish, and immediately followed them. Those who came earlier caught more fish, weighing forty or fifty pounds, while those who came late caught very little. Only three to five kilograms were caught, and some people didn’t even catch any.

Shi Jiehua went on the deck.

"Captain Stone."

"Why didn't you ask us to get up and fish when there were flying fish on the sea?"

"Yes! Yes!"

"I missed a good opportunity to make money fishing!"

"We paid money to go out to sea. When we encounter a school of fish, shouldn't we be called out to you?"

Shi Jiehua glanced at several people who were quite unhappy.


"There are rules in business!"

"If I discover this school of fish, I can call you, it's okay."

"I can't call you if other fishermen find it."

"Is it possible that if you find a school of fish on a certain day and where it is, I will use a loudspeaker and everyone on the boat will shout?"

"Are you really happy with me doing this?"

Shi Jiehua was not polite at all, he just shouted back, and the few people who spoke honestly shut their mouths.


"If you see a black sea bream in the sea that doesn't bite, just go back and take a nap."

"He's been on the deck all the time. He deserves to be rich."

"Is there any good thing in this world where you can make money just by lying in the cabin and sleeping? Or is it possible that while you are sleeping, others are watching over you with the sea breeze blowing, and calling you when there is a fish caught and a chance to make money?"

Shi Jiehua doesn't care at all what these people are thinking. Don't go fishing with your own fishing boat on the next trip. There are many people waiting in line. If you break the rules, you will suffer huge losses.

"Pack it under the scale and put it in the cold storage?"

Shi Jiehua walked quickly to Zhao Dahai and looked at the six large baskets. Five of them were full of flying fish, and the remaining one was half full.

Zhao Dahai nodded. The fish caught on the sea fishing boat will be simply weighed and then packaged and put into the cold storage, and then taken away when returning to the dock, or sold directly to Shi Jiehua.

Shi Jiehua pushed onto the stage.

"One hundred and fifteen pounds."

"One hundred and eight pounds and seven taels!"

"One hundred and twenty-one pounds and one tael!"

"One hundred and five pounds and nine taels!"

"One hundred and twenty-three pounds!"

"Seventy-nine pounds and three ounces!"

Shi Jiehua weighed the baskets one by one while keeping accounts. After the scales were completed, he took another special plastic basket, rearranged them neatly one by one and got into the baskets. The lids of the installed baskets were tied with red ties.

"When you catch small fish, pack them in the same way as flying fish."

"If you catch a big fish, put the red tie through the fish's gills."

"Put it all in cold storage."

"When we return to the dock, we will do an inventory. All the fish with red ties are your fish."

While handling the fish, Shi Jiehua reminded Zhao Dahai that all the fish caught next were wearing red cable ties. When he returned to the dock, it was clear at a glance that as long as they were tied with red cable ties, they were all Zhao Dahai's.


"I remember!"

Zhao Dahai yawned. He had been fishing all night and was very sleepy. The fish had already passed the scale. He recorded the account, packed up his things, and turned back to the cabin.

The sleeping environment on a fishing boat is very ordinary, and the boat space is relatively narrow.

Zhao Dahai fell asleep immediately after lying down.

Shi Jiehua packed up all Zhao Dahai's flying fish and sent them to the cold storage, washed his hands and returned to the cab.

Shi Zhongwei immediately asked Zhao Dahai how many fish he had caught, six hundred kilograms a day, and he was shocked.

"How can you catch so many fish? You can't catch so many fish with fishing nets, right?"

Shi Zhongwei couldn't believe it.

Shi Jiehua said that Zhao Dahai fished very fast. One was picking up the hook and hanging the bait, and the other was catching the fish very quickly.

"Does the fish take the bait very quickly? What does this mean?"

Shi Zhongwei didn't quite understand.

"Most people use a float with two string hooks when fishing for flying fish. When Zhao Dahai catches flying fish, he also uses a spherical Awa float, but with five string hooks."

Shi Jiehua saw Zhao Dahai fishing with a flying fishing rig that was different from others last night.

Shi Zhongwei thought about it and it was really like this.

"Why do other people only use string hooks with double and double hooks? That means using more string hooks is of no use, and you can't catch so many flying fish in one trip."

"Zhao Dahai uses five string hooks. He can catch four or five fish and at least three flying fish in each trip."

"The key is to throw the fishing rig out and not just wait for it after it hits the water. There is a special technique to attract the attention of the flying fish to bite the hook."

Shi Jiehua has been watching Zhao Dahai fishing since he took over the fishing boat. With his rich experience, he immediately realized that Zhao Dahai's fishing was different from others.


"You mean, even if several people are fishing in one place, Zhao Dahai can catch more fish than others?"

Shi Zhongwei's eyes suddenly widened.

"That's right!"

"That's what it means! Looking at Zhao Dahai fishing is the same as others, but in fact it is very different."

"Flying fish requires five string hooks. The key is that you can catch four or five flying fish almost every time. This is not something ordinary people can do."

"Without such ability, how could you possibly catch six hundred kilograms of flying fish in one night!?"

Shi Jiehua could see clearly, how did Zhao Dahai catch these fish?

"Six hundred pounds of flying fish."

"I remember it was quite big. Even if it was sold to us, the price would be no less than fifty yuan per catty."

"Thirty thousand yuan in hand."

"Did Zhao Dahai earn 10,000 yuan on the first day he went overseas?"

Shi Zhong's eyes suddenly widened in order to settle the score.



"Zhao Dahai has made ten thousand yuan!"

Shi Jiehua laughed loudly.

There were a total of fifteen fishermen who went out to sea with their fishing boat this time. Zhao Dahai earned 10,000 yuan on the first day.

To check that the time was almost up, Shi Jiehua and Shi Zhong used loudspeakers to notify everyone on the deck to put away their fishing rods and change to another fishing spot.

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