Rebirth of a fishing village: starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 351 One of Zhao Dahai’s thoughts on sea fishing boats


"Another one!"

"It's really going to explode at this point tonight!"


"The ship boss is so awesome!"


The sounds of joy echoed on the deck of the fishing boat. Fish were caught at every fishing position and everyone was very happy.

Zhao Dahai was busy fishing without saying a word, concentrating on his fishing rod and pulling up long-tailed birds one after another.

Shi Jiehua left the cab and walked onto the deck.

"Captain Stone!"

"This is a great time tonight!"

"They are all valuable long-tailed birds!"


“Maybe I’ll make back my boat fare tonight!”

Shi Jiehua had a smile on his face and a pack of cigarettes in his hand. He stopped at each fishing position to say a few words and give out a cigarette. He was very happy to see these people catching fish, and he was equally happy. The boss of a sea fishing boat has the obligation to find where the fish is. If he can't catch any fish when he goes out to sea every day, no one will follow him out to sea.

Shi Jiehua turned around and walked to Zhao Dahai's fishing position. He glanced at the long-tailed bird in the basket and was stunned for a moment.

So many? Why is it so big?

Shi Jiehua bent down and picked up the long-tailed birds in the basket. He counted them and found that there were twelve in total. He picked up one and weighed it. It weighed about twenty pounds.

Shi Jiehua walked to the side of the fishing boat and looked down. Two long-tailed birds, each weighing about 20 pounds, were emerging from the water. He immediately used a fishing net to help fish.

"Zhao Dahai!"

"No matter what kind of fish you catch, you are the best!"

Shi Jiehua carries the net off the deck of the fishing boat. Just after making a circle, there were more than 20 fishermen on the fishing boat, and everyone caught a long-tailed bird. The least one caught two, the most caught five, the small ones were two or three kilograms, and the big ones were seven or eight kilograms. . Zhao Dahai just caught two fish, and together with the twelve fish in the basket, there are fourteen fish in total, each weighing about twenty kilograms.


"Maybe it's my position, there are more fish down there, and they're bigger!"

As Zhao Dahai spoke, he unhooked the hook with pliers and checked that the fishing rig was OK. Antarctic shrimp was stuffed in the bait cage and shrimp meat was hanging on the hook. He immediately put it down.

Shi Jiehua quickly made a calculation. Zhao Dahai caught fourteen long-tailed birds, each weighing about twenty kilograms, adding up to two hundred and eighty kilograms. The purchase price for a bird weighing about twenty kilograms was no less than two hundred yuan. .

Over fifty thousand yuan!

Zhao Dahai has already made 50,000 yuan. It is very early tonight. The fish mouth is so good now. No one knows how many fish can be caught.

Shi Jiehua heard the sound of the electric winch turning, and looked up to see Zhao Dahai reeling in the line. After waiting for a while, the fish came out of the water, and there were two more long-tailed birds weighing about 20 pounds.

Shi Jiehua helped pick up the fish and watched Zhao Dahai unhooking the fish with pliers. He didn't know what to say. He couldn't catch the fish so fast.

Shi Jiehua didn't speak. He stood and watched for a full hour before returning to the cab. Standing next to Shi Zhongwei, he picked up the thermos cup, unscrewed the lid, took a sip, and pointed at Zhao Dahai on the nail plate.


“Isn’t it crazy to fish like this?”

"If the bite lasts a little longer here tonight."

"Zhao Dahai can earn a hundred or eighty thousand!"

Shi Zhongwei had been watching Zhao Dahai fishing, pulling long-tailed birds weighing more than 20 kilograms out of the sea one after another.


"Zhao Dahai is closing the line again!"


"Two more!"

Shi Zhongwei shouted a few words loudly. In the short time it took him to return from the deck to the cab, Zhao Dahai caught another two twenty-pound long-tailed birds.

"What do you think? How about fishing in Zhao Dahai?"

Shi Jiehua pointed at Zhao Dahai on the nail plate.


"Do I need to say this? I am really amazing. I can catch faster than others, catch more fish than others, and catch bigger fish than others!"

"The twenty or so people on the boat together can't make as much money from catching long-tailed birds as Zhao Dahai alone!"

Shi Zhong became more and more excited as he talked.

Shi Jiehua was silent for a while and nodded. Zhao Dahai fished really fast and in large numbers.

"Why!? Why does Zhao Dahai catch more fish faster than others and catch bigger fish?"

Shi Jiehua pointed at Zhao Dahai, this was the third time.

Shi Zhongwei was stunned.

How did Zhao Dahai do this?

On the same fishing boat at the same fishing spot, why did Zhao Dahai catch more and bigger fish than others?

Shi Zhongwei immediately stared at Zhao Dahai for half an hour.


"I always feel that Zhao Dahai is different from others when he fishes, but I can't tell what is different!"

Shi Zhongwei scratched the back of his head hard, and Zhao Dahai caught four more twenty-pound long-tailed birds in this half hour. The whole fishing process looks the same as others, but it feels a little different.

"Didn't you notice that the Antarctic shrimps in Zhao Dahai's bait cage are different from others? Pay attention to his techniques!"

Shi Jiehua sighed softly. Shi Zhongweizhen was not a person with any talent for fishing, so he couldn't tell the difference between Zhao Dahai and others.

"Zhao Dahai squeezed the Antarctic shrimps in every bait cage very tightly and stuffed them very full."

"The advantage of this is that the Antarctic shrimp will not spread out too much before reaching the desired water layer. In other words, Zhao Dahai can control which water layer the Antarctic shrimp will spread out at!"

"The method is very simple. Once you reach the desired water layer, you can do it by gently shaking or tapping the pole."

Standing next to Zhao Dahai, Shi Jiehua could tell that for an hour, he didn't pay too much attention at first. After watching more, he realized that Zhao Dahai's approach was different from others.

Shi Zhongwei immediately stared at Zhao Dahai who was stuffing Antarctic shrimp.


"You're right!"

"Zhao Dahai's technique is really different from others, it's very tight."

Shi Zhongwei watched for a while, and Zhao Dahai squeezed them all tightly with his hands. The people in other fishing positions around him only stuffed the Antarctic shrimps in and pressed them a little.

"It's not difficult, right? It's just a matter of tightening your grip! Will you be able to catch more fish than others and catch bigger fish than others?"

Shi Zhongwei saw what Zhao Dahai did, but he didn't think it was difficult.

Shi Jiehua raised his hand and slapped Shi Zhongwei on the back of the head. This is really incredible!

"If you squeeze it too tightly, the Antarctic shrimp will not be able to escape from the bait cage, and it will be of no use at all. If you squeeze it too loosely, the water layer you want will not be reached, and all the shrimp will have been scattered!"

"Can you tell me now, if you squeezed it, how tight would it be?"

Shi Jiehua pointed to the other fishing spots on the nail plate. They were all experienced fishermen who had been fishing for more than five years or even more than ten years. None of them had Zhao Dahai's ability.

Shi Zhongwei covered the back of his head and opened his mouth to speak but couldn't.

"Zhao Dahai can catch more than others, especially larger long-tailed birds. The most important thing is not the Antarctic shrimp in the bait cage, but the water layer that Zhao Dahai catches is different from others."

"These other people are all fishing for long-tailed birds at a depth of about 120 meters!"

"Zhao Dahai is not fishing in this water layer."

Shi Jiehua looked at Zhao Dahai on the deck and wondered how he could find the water layer where he could catch the big long-tailed bird.

Shi Zhongwei immediately asked Shi Jiehua how many meters deep Zhao Dahai was fishing.

Shi Jiehua shook his head. There is a digital display on the electric winch wheel, but you should not look at it. This is the key to the fact that the long-tailed birds caught by Zhao Dahai are bigger than those of the people around him.

Shi Zhongwei looked at Zhao Dahai who was standing next to the fishing position on the deck and caught two other long-tailed birds. He didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Our fishing positions have stopped, so why are we still catching fish at this fishing position?"

"It's weird!"

"Isn't this possible?"

"The distance between the two fishing positions on the left and right is only three meters."

"Why is it that this fishing position keeps catching fish, but the two fishing positions on the left and right cannot catch fish?"

"Did all these fish come here?"

"What the hell!"

"Why do we only catch three to five kilograms or seven or eight kilograms? At this point, all the fish caught here are more than twenty kilograms?"

"The long-tailed birds caught by the whole boat combined are not as good as the long-tailed birds caught by this fishing position, right?"

“Is it possible to say that the place under this fishing position is the nest of the long-tailed bird?”

It's twelve o'clock at night.

The other fishing positions slowly stopped, and no long-tailed birds bit the hook. At first, I didn’t pay attention to Zhao Dahai, thinking I could just fish for a while longer. What I didn’t expect was that this time it took more than an hour, and it seemed that I could fish again. Fish for a while.

Zhao Dahai caught long-tailed birds one after another. People around him couldn't help but gathered around and were dumbfounded when they saw the big long-tailed birds in several large baskets.

Wang Degao and Chen Zhiyong stood in the crowd. You looked at me and I looked at you. They were very shocked.

"How many are there? Are there thirty?"

"Five or six hundred catties of fish?"

Wang Degao pointed to the following large long-tailed birds in large baskets.

"There must be some! If it costs two hundred yuan per pound, that's one hundred thousand yuan!"

"Is this fishing? This is money grabbing!"

Chen Zhiyong was extremely envious. Long-tailed birds are very valuable fish. I have never caught so many long-tailed birds at one time in more than ten years of fishing.

"What the hell!"

"Why is this fishing position so evil?"

"Everyone else on the boat has stopped talking. How come Zhao Dahai is still fishing?"


"The other two weigh more than 20 pounds!"

Wang Degao looked at the two long-tailed birds that the net stretched out into the sea and picked up, with mixed feelings.

Zhao Dahai kept fishing until one o'clock in the morning when no fish bit the hook. He pushed the switch to reel in the line, looked at the people watching the excitement around him, and then looked at the several hundred kilograms of long-tailed birds in several large baskets. It was very strange. Happy.

"Zhao Dahai!"

"You are really amazing!"

Shi Jiehua walked over, and Shi Zhongwei followed behind, pushing a scale and a large basket.


"Uncle Shi!"

“This is the right fishing spot for you!”

"I just have better luck. I happen to be at a fishing position with more fish."

Zhao Dahai smiled. I really caught a lot of long-tailed birds today.

"One hundred and thirty-five pounds and one tael!"

"One hundred and eleven pounds and seven taels!"

"One hundred and twenty-three pounds!"

"One hundred and nineteen pounds and three taels!"

"One hundred and fifty-four pounds and nine taels!"

"One hundred and eight pounds!"

Shi Jiehua shouted out loudly as he passed the car and kept accounts. After passing the scale, all the fish beaks of the long-tailed bird were tied with red ties, put in a large basket, and sent to the cold storage of the fishing boat.

Three o'clock in the morning.

Zhao Dahai stood by the fishing position and watched the waves on the sea getting bigger and bigger.

One of the biggest characteristics of the deep sea is that the weather changes much faster than in the inland sea than in the open sea.

When I was fishing for long-tailed birds in the first half of the night, the weather was very good. There were not many waves on the sea, but some running water. The sea water was very clear. However, in the second half of the night, not only did the waves rise, the running water disappeared, and the sea water suddenly became very turbid. .

Zhao Dahai looked around, everyone was waiting for the tide in the middle of the night to see if he could catch another wave-tailed bird and make more money. It looked like there was no hope now.

Zhao Dahai thought for a while, pushed the take-up switch, pulled up the fishing group and tidied it up. He stopped fishing today and turned back to the cabin to sleep.

Zhao Dahai was lying on his bunk.

It took me two days to officially start fishing. On the first day, I caught a flying fish weighing about 600 kilograms. On the second day just now, I caught a long-tailed bird weighing over 700 kilograms. In addition, I caught a lot of smokers in the evening.

The value of these fish exceeds 150,000!

After catching so many fish and making so much money, it is one thing to know how to fish, especially tonight to make a nest and find a suitable water layer. What is more important is resources.

Make bricks without straw. If there were no fish in the sea, I wouldn't be able to catch so many fish even if I had great abilities.

When I drove a speedboat out to sea, I caught less flying fish, but I once caught a long-tailed bird, but the total weight only weighed about two hundred kilograms.

Shi Jiehua's sea fishing boat found long-tailed birds at the bottom of the fishing spots. There were more than twenty fishermen on the entire fishing boat, and everyone was fishing. More than a thousand and five long-tailed birds were caught in just such a place. One hundred pounds. This is incomparable to the fishing spots you go out to sea, not to mention that if you can't catch fish now, it doesn't mean there are no fish, it's just that the fish don't open their mouths.

Are these secret fishing spots? One hundred percent definitely not a secret fishing spot but a fishing spot that everyone knows.

The deep sea is wider, the water is deeper, and the structure of the seabed is more complex. All these together create an amazing number of fish, shrimps and crabs at fishing spots. This is a fishing spot in the open sea that cannot be compared at all.

"It seems like sea fishing boats are really making money, and a lot of it."

Zhao Dahai fished for two days and felt more and more deeply.

The fishing boat kept rocking.

Zhao Dahai closed his eyes and fell asleep slowly. He worked hard when he was working at sea, and took the time to sleep when he was not working. He had to eat and sleep well to have physical strength.

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